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tv   DW News Africa  Deutsche Welle  March 10, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm CET

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tillman, to review one you have you have the one, the front porch, clear and come to invest deposits on the spot. and the unexpected side to side enjoy the. this is dw news, africa coming up on the program. how should the world deal with african countries that are on the military rule? germany's development minister visits but cannot fast so despite prior condemnation of the military take over that, we have co wide this and all the countries in this a health matter to germany. also coming up and gone a few among l. g, b, t, q, people, and as a country gets even closer to adopting a new bill criminalizing their lifestyles to get a closer view from across on the implications office. long as the rising cost of living in many countries threatens to stoke social unrest, the african development bank predicts the continental economic outlook is not all
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doom and gloom. the banks president speaks to dw advocates to be able to buy a house when it comes to sold out of new energy, i think has to be 65 percent of the remaining on call too, but it's unable landed below. so after cash silsbee of the past, how's incident articles and smashing away the stress, nigerians visit the rage rooms to let out. the anger and frustration of correspondence also has a go. the other i'm told me on lady ball. welcome to the program to germany's minister for economic cooperation and development has been in book in a fossil this week as part of a trip to this a hell spaniel. schultz is the 1st european minister to visit the country since the
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latest crew took place. but can, if also is currently under its 2nd successive military regime and its departure from democracy just like its neighbors. molly and new jersey has prompted condemnation from the region and beyond. but the visit by the german minister and the delegation of the west and led don't a group called us the how the lions suggest the don't to engagement is not shot soil is dry is does not fall from what good to go. the capital of looking at fossil extreme heat, little to no rain, and many people in this country stopping. and yet, in the midst of the depleted soil, successful funding is taking place on this training farm. students learn to grow sustainable organic food. is that if we're working to rebuild the site to make it for a tire with bio, fertilize us in plants that don't meet much water on top of the project supported
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by gemini jobs and 8 against hunger for jim and development minutes the spin yesterday. it's a means to fight terror. in 2022, the military sees power. they are positioning themselves against the west, especially against the former colonial power fronts. then, new strategic partner is russia. at 35 former military captain, the brain tells he is the youngest president in the world. his goal to re gain control of the entire country, launch pots of which are in the hands of 2. you had to cover risk groups. to 1000000 people are fleeing violence and tongue. the young interim president rules with an in freezing lead. heavy head critics disappear or are sent to the front. russia is present everywhere. at the same time, an anti width and mood is being stood up on social media. this information contains
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also with support from russia. these 2 and a list, work against fake news, and one to reach young people in particular on social media with quality to and elisabeth. the door to the academy project, also funded by the gym government reliable information versus this information don't not cover what consists of contributing to an enlightened public opinion and to give citizens access to verified information because they need this to be able to fulfill their obligations within society with commitment equates the foreign minister of the military government explains the corporation with russia is a question of supply and demand. have a rush as a pop that respects all decisions and the russian also meets our needs the well,
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these are the needs of the population, which is why i believe that outputting to ship should increasingly fit into such a framework. you're talking about the one that says the best isn't size we ought to southern states. so we see some things different. see, i emphasized once again how important it is for us that there is a move towards them across the collections of the constitutional states, stops and thinks noon is preparing for the exams and a boarding school finance by weston joining us. desire lines, investing in education is another way to come, but the roots of tara, but there's still a long way to go. $6000.00 schools have had to close. and booking a fossil because of islam is tara 1000000 children have no schooling. joining us on the program now is germany's development, minnesota span. yeah. schultz. who is also president of this a how alliance and she joins us now from y. got do good. welcome to the program.
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you had a meeting with looking at fossils, military rulers. why did you choose to meet them, especially considering germany and the oppose military takeovers? hey, we would prefer to work with democracies around the world. but the fact is that most of the people lives in a top course take us up to graphic systems. so we need to deal also with them. we want to fight climate change. we want to take care that people can stay home and do not need to migrate. and with all these questions, we need to work together in the world. and that means we also need to have on exchange with the governments like that and what kind of fossil that's not easy, but that this the fact we need to deal with jimmy's corporation. we book enough so now focuses on meeting people's basic needs. how fall can that go under these
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conditions? we're talking about of the, let's not the easy. there is no black and white where we can work with, with we know if we are not in the region. so there will be space for others. we comp live the leave this region, so the russians, so we need to stay engaged. so we need to fight against the terrorist. um, to be quite honest terrorist, they don't failed water systems. they don't take care for health systems. they don't take care for education. but that is needed for the future of this country. if we want to fight against terrorist, we need a perspective for all the young people here and perspective that needs jobs. that means a government that works also on the local level. and that is something we're working on in the saw hill alliance, but also with what you and,
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and corporation. and so he's an acknowledgement that they have been problems on the military side. and you think development is sort of the better way the more effective way to go about tackling these problems. yes, we need these development corporation because there is no security without development of so we need to tackle the problems of the people why they get in contact with terrorist. why they have no other perspective. and that means investing in jobs, investing in the future of the people here. and that is what we are doing with the sidelines. 20 a 1000000000 euros are in the region. that is a clear reaction. that means we want to stay engaged. we want to be the better part and else for the regions which would ensure accountability of the long term sustainability of these projects. you know, we're talking 20000000000, that's a lot of money. but on the, the current political climate and some of these countries looking at 5 so and it's
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neighbors which i haven't challenges with democracy. yes, that is the challenge also for us because we like to invest also in democratic structures . we like to work together with the democracies about here in the region. there are a autocratic systems and there are a lot of problems that we need to deal with. i'm fighting against terrorism, fighting against climate change, of that, that full, we need to work together. so that is why we work with regional level. we work with local authorities we. we work with the ones who were able to talk to about the ones who wants to continue the work with us. that is not the easy, but i think that is the way we need to go to fight against others who want to take place in that region. and i'm just wondering, did you say all of this looking at
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a book enough also and these countries are those similar challenges? what is your biggest concern? and i think that it was more than one called so, and i think of seeing how effective these region is by climate change thing. such a lot of young people with no perspective, with no education, with the, with job perspectives. that is something that needs to change and that is something we are working on and we need to work together a list, the governments here in the region, we need to work on the local level to, to give a better perspective, more security, more education, more jobs, because that is something that affect the sole source of germany. it seems to be far away, thought the african continent as our neighbor. and what is happening here that affects all sol, so in germany that affects us in europe. a. so it is
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a good advice to work together also with lakes region. ok, so spend your show to german minute stuff, economic development. we appreciate your time. thank you very much for speaking to us. are you watching dw d as africa still to come as the economy bytes in many countries. the president of the african development bank tells us why there's still hope for the future. and we get a glimpse into the space is allowing nigerians to let house the stress, the gun as president says, he's waiting on a supreme court ruling before he acts on a new l g b t to bill dfcs is already illegal in the country. but the latest legislation would extend the band to same sex displays of affection as well as lobbying for l g b, d. 2 activities on the bill has considerable support locally and that's
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a worry for the getting them. it targets as dw, as a collegiate report from across slowly ne, real name is b, but he hasn't. he has come out in public because if he is, he will be attacked. he says, a menace of gun is o g, b t q plus community. we're already leaving with desperate a full full big vollings. and you on c o u b t q plus low water mix things even ways life has actually changed for the worse for me personally. and i am not just here to speak on my own personal behalf, because i've seen this played out in other people's lives. the level of fear has increased the level of isolation as increased. since the 16th a cost is already illegal in gun a punishable by up to 3 years in prison,
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the he must sex your rights and family values. bill would further restricted their rights of o g, b t q. passings. with your attempts for identifying as gate or promoting o g p t q activities. the time urging a lot of gun names to go and read the bill and see what this bill is because it is not a bill that is supposed to promote can a and family values. this is a bill of real hatred and vengeance. that is what the bill actually is. rights groups have condemned. the bill is a tossed implications for all gun use. it is not only do with the people, i mean the media, you can go to present the other are certainly the person for publishing news that is quasi, that to be promoted. so the idea that we have to stifled knowledge that we have to withhold the production of knowledge in a way that it's you, it's that you only have to speak in a certain way that supports discrimination against other members of the community.
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that is very, that much of the bill has the backing of religious and traditional lead is age. also supported by many good news with conservative believes in my, my opinion is a good that because everybody, we americans have the file so we have our so i think something that we call so that's we are today's most has said that when you look at our court as applicant, we have a quote that i forgot to put get through while, while i deal with you get to point to us, you know, i don't know the account was really dependent 23, but we don't spend unless, if you allow that with, if not they to want to ask everything such outside opinions. having an answer, wayne's got nice. in the midst of an economic crises, the finance ministry has wound the presidents that signing the controversial building to low good,
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close the country below as of dollars in much needed funding from the world fund. so let's say is if the bill becomes low, his future lies outside of done a i will definitely hide and i will lead. i will not choose to stay in a country that sees me as a criminal. i refused to, i refused to be gagged. i refused to be seen as a criminal. i refused to be criminalized because of who i am as a person. but for now, silly is being in the group. that is to print quotes into president, decide against gun is trying to give you. the inflation has been shooting up and several african countries. people are finding the incomes and not keeping up with the rising cost of living. this has led to some public
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protests most recently in nigeria. way inflation hit a 30 year high in january. but we offer good development bank says the continental economies are growing and will continue an upward trend over the next 2 years. the price on that will actually outpaced the global average. what does that look like in bread and butter terms? what does life really look like for the average african, we've got some opinions. as many people have lost drugs, many company have closed down as a result of the costs of baby, because you cannot afford to continue buying the do the production costs keys. how are you feeling with this whole thing? you know, you buy, talk to the people, friends and you like to buy this quite expensive. you go for your website and find yourself sort of downgrading your life, but definitely have to think about a quick while ago and 5 loc cheese and the high cost of living as it really affected me. of that i can pass on because you find a setting up a business and these are going to make things. it's very hard and costly. i'm not
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asking the government to make everything cheap, but i'm asking for the standards to be affordable to everyone. the taxes on us really and i just meant of taxes. and so i sat aside and you are not able to pay the services and come with this as to before on the bill for this no hope of so a bit to see what you they go you just for the for us, this is in to fight for a while, all right, the solution to inducing the cost of living going to be giving from us, but the lives the subsidized fertilizer and those and giving them the message that you sent. let's speak now to the president of the african development bank, delta i can will me a day, she no, thank you very much for your time. thank you for joining us. on dw news africa, these are tough economic times at the moment. how can african countries respond to these the circumstances to prevent social unrest?
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my question from us as lights on that side of things right. about the advocates, you know, that's my whole the head ways that i haven't got faces globally in terms of little by inflections, but also in terms of rice, in depth levels and the precision of conferences. and i've caused climate change advocate continues to post february resident growth, and in fact, 11 out of the 20 countries that are in the world, the fastest growing countries in the world, actually enough got so african economies applied to isn't it? but i think the major issues that we have to make sure that we do is to continue to provide a lot of construction of financing to applicant countries. because as to the typically effect of the call, the 19 situation backcountry is to company with many of the consequentialist speaking of climate change. can you go into some of these meetings with, with these a global um it leads to these global sessions. a lot of these big polluters make commitments about what they're going to do in terms of compensating and supporting the, the, the poor
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a countries. but we see these commitments. we hear these commitments, but we don't actually see them being followed through how do you make sure these countries are held accountable? love today. advert allergies between $7.00 and $15000000000.00. so yeah, because of climate change. so it gives you is to make sure that we support africa that did not cause climate change to be able to adapt to climate change. and that's what we're doing at an applicant development bank. but in addition to that, we have major programs. we're showing global leadership on this particular age appointment for applicants. we have what's called the african disaster risk each other as facilities, which essentially simply just pays for premiums of countries to be able to get companies say that i'll get to pay outs when they fix ex, looking at us and, and the best agent impacts of climate change and it was, well, what's in my we, we talked about maybe, you know, i mean as a pharmacy, but always at that phase drives. it's helped, you know, a,
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by 1000000 flaws from us. the amount of gas got that, that had that we've done it in new jersey throughout all the countries. how can african countries grow their own internal expertise and funding for development initiatives for the, you know, as we talked about climate change, but also even things like uh. ringback supporting structures against corruption, for example, how can all these be built almost independently? if i put it that way, a look, africa has the dates, the highest edition of sunlight in the world. and the apple, it has a 60, by 60 percent of the water resources in solar africa, should be a global pa house when it comes to sort of renewable energy, i think has today 65 percent of the remaining oncology, but unable land of the world. so applique, i should be a little pat. how's incident? i had a culture. if you take a look at the modern, almost $5073000.00, that's going to come in the future from the electric cause and also batteries and
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all of that. you know, advocates where you have a club, but you have to reach them, you have the cobalt, so you have any of these graphite of all the things. so i think that should be a bass. so what i'm saying is that i'd be african, develop a big, we take pride in marketing, advertising, investment destination. that's important, but you have to mobilize a lot more domestic resources. so one of the areas we, i think advocate guns is going to do better. and they need to do better. we support is how they, they get paid for their natural resources. what should i say not get paid? well for the natural resources. i really think that if we are able to get good public financial management done, make sure that we have money in the natural resources, better bills, price then very, very well mix are those that need to pay taxes up in taxes and battle you can will devise a lot more resources and mitchell you're happy instructor would change in the advocates of the select up to make sure we can actually do that. so we're going to be able to
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deal with many, many of these agents. okay, we'll have to leave at that. but thank you very much, dr. can you me a dish, you know, president of the africa development bank. thanks for your time or thank you very much. the, the stresses of life on numerous, everything from the rising cost of living to the search for a new job. so thing out one's personal life or even outrage at news events. solider, you address these issues in lagos, nigeria, dw, only. so i took them, i went to a so called rage room, which offers a space to let it all out. you need protective head gear gloves and all of our all and boots for these kind of stressed relief. i've brought some stress with me is taking me more than 2 hours to get here twice as long as it should. yeah. when it comes to leg goes drag and really makes me hungry about the
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sick. i pulled out 1st, racial inside the range room. i'm refunded ready for the kids are facing the airports. i'm ready to smash. that's go. oh, that was really exhilarates. it was, i really thought they were all emotional and it was also quite fun. sorry. no way. i wasn't in this room attract some young people as a new way of paying attention to the mental health. i feel good. i feel like some weights i've been listed or something has just come out because i find a way to creatively express and do with reach in the region. so being able to actually be in the room where you are allowed to basically break things,
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smashed things and just release your so from those on goods that you wouldn't be able to really it's honestly medicine. no, it's like taking medicine for a dix as james banjo. sets up this, the 1st raids room inmate julia in november of 2022 is a medical doctor who says he felt concerned about how people both are loved. yeah. and so people come for funding. that is one part of it just to come and try something out. you will see some people that come because they have genuine things that have budging them. maybe's was the beast family, maybes relationship wise, may be some motional now, nights and that percent of your time. we express less of the guy that we feel. james banjo says this is nothing alternative to pop up therapy. but for less than $10.00, a session smashing up stuff in a rage room might be an option for those who would like to let off some steam.
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that's all the rage for now. but before we go, we'll take you back to book enough as those capital where we came across a public off show. it's a collaboration of the to the land based office. i came bought a i can be and every 3 supported by the good to institution. enjoy, bye for now. the,
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the, the
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simple solution for the deluca problem, plastic waste, the twist company might've made a breakthrough. with chemical recycling. it allows high quality plastic to be released from the dirty plastic waste, a recycling revolution tomorrow today in 30 minutes on the w called safe in times of war by lydia and this cosca fashion design it into the ground represents the strength
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this is a video and audio production by d w. i hope the video will tune it, loading away when it's 40 degrees celsius and the shade can be deadly. during times of climate change. i asked wherever, what was the most difficult part of their job. uniformly, they spoke about, she being the most difficult part of their jobs. men described it as a feeling of drowning and seats sky was melting, and you couldn't read. how do rising temperatures change from different parts of the world? in federal stats, march 15th on dw, the,
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