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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 11, 2024 4:00am-4:16am CET

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the, the, you're watching dw news life from the forcible swings to the right and the general election center i. it is claiming work for you ahead of the socialist spots. a search for the far right body could make up the king maker in a new coalition. also coming up a new c quoted or to bring desperately needed aid to because of the open supply russell, it's clear. it's a fairly guiding humanitarian supplies from cypress and not much to celebrate us palestinians for fast, for the most simple, the month of ramadan, with even basic necessities, out of reach for many displaced families. just wanted to throw on to that one. the
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other side of this while back into the program porterville is the latest you open country to see a shift to the item, fall entry elections. the lido, the center, right democratic alliance, luis montenegro has came to victory off to the neck. and next finish with the governing socialists, but it is until if he'd be able to put together a majority correlation. montenegro has said his democratic alliance with the knots negotiate with the populace followed i'd shake off party, which saw the shed of the wood serge in sunday's election. dw is on slip shows is in this been covered in the election for us. i often want, in fact, the fault i strong showing could have on the next government but 1st of all, it will probably be a highly unstable government under ventura has said he is
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ready to farm acquire this and he's ready to be sort of a king. make up, but most of the center right. petitions have said they don't want to have any deal with the file rights and but of course this could in the ends be the only option if nobody wants to have a fresh evictions here. so is there will be a right wing government. this will certainly mean events that will be much strict up products or policies regarding your regular migration. that has been one of the hutch topics here in the election campaign. and also the cost of living at forever. it's part of us has been a big topic here and, and the right wing parties have already a non significant tax cuts. sometimes the seat up is gone, slips holes and less than. let's take
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a look at how some other stories making headlines around the world. ukraine's president, with all the music lensky has hit the back of the comments from full. francis calling for peace negotiations with joshua zalinski said the full shouldn't try to meet a huge from thousands of kilometers over here in an interview with swift tv, the full fest that you create and should have caught the cottage of the white flag and negotiated will you be the same. nato has begun its biggest exercises since the cold war and the fields of northern nowhere. the guidance wants to send a message to charlotte member states have ready to defend each other. more than $20000.00 troops from putting nations are taking part in the drum. now the netherlands has opened a national holocaust museum. the docs gained at the end of the ceremony, along with it stress president, i back hurts of the museum, announced to them. does the stories of jews who were deported and murdered in nazi concentration camps now was ship loaded with humanitarian aid has been given the
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order to be able to set sail from cyprus to gaza. the open on supply restful is expected to at least 4 to florida. in the coming, i was getting 200 tons of rice flour and proteins to garza, which as he was entered kitchen is providing the food aid. it will take the rest of the, an estimated 60 hours to reach casa, once it says, failed of cost using the newly established amount of time. each quarter. correspondence will see what i showed us in lowering the cost cypress, where the shipment of 8 is expected to depart from. we are at a special monitoring center and you can see these are really the eyes and ears of the cypriot government. so they can truck what is going on in the ports here in florida, count the hub for the special new maritime car door. and also you can see there on the map, the zone in which separate authorities are possible for search and rescue. should these ships get into any sort of distress?
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no. this maiden voyage, departing from logic a very much seen as a much needed test case to try and get some of some more humanitarian aid into gaza at a time when countries are also be looking at air dropping 8. and for example, know this is something which will bring some will, can release the world. so hearing from agency saying this is just a distraction and what's really needed is greater humanitarian access via land. israel has welcomed this initiative overall says it's trying to get here monetary and 8 into but it certainly has to is real faced, plaintive criticism, particularly from humanitarian aid organizations about just how difficult it's been to get supplies into a specific territory. this is one step along the way. this journey will not be easy . it's would take even on a good day at least 15 hours. but we're hearing given the fact that it's tugging plenty of cargo not to go into the days. but what looks like the ship no one step
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closer to being able to get the life saving 8 into the people of gauze. well that's something we know that is needed update. what is being described is really a dire humanitarian situation. and that's what stores the bush out in martin, a car in cyprus. now muslims around the world of welcoming drama done, which will start on monday, but efforts to secure to cease fund garza before the start of them are done, have stored board and hunger overshadowing the holy month. this. yep, it isn't safe. international efforts to ramp up deliveries up, you might have had and supplies to guards by edge. and now also by fee and not effective enough. in parts of gaza. ramadan decorations and food are still available. the not the price is most people can afford it at all. there are no jobs left, no walls or no electricity. people are selling their belongings to live. right?
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sounds good, but to me i don't run into is very hard on us. what the subject that i'm asking for most palestinians food to break rama downs daily fast will be hard to come by. my well wow. yeah. i mean we rarely each it is whether it is rama done or not. yeah, i mean it's a hyundai, you always remain hungry. it's amazing that goes back in and mr. bell as well as eve, and ralph are parents are getting creative to help children celebrate that i'm about to send around. the don is very different this year. we're not in our homes were intense, but we insisted on putting up decorations and celebrating. we just pray that by the end of ramadan will be in our homes and leave them a bunch of you know, others from the fighting between a mouse and is really forces too much to bear. children reportedly injured him in his really bombing or rushed to the hospital and this central cause a strip. the ongoing is really air strikes, are also taking
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a psychological tool of all of us. we are tired, i swear, please feel for us please. we want a ceasefire. and an end to this, what do we have to say? we thank god for anything lower than the book without a ceasefire in time for ramadan. and it is really ground of salt into rough, a still a possibility. the suffering of ordinary palestinians continues without leaf inside outside because it's something on the wall. what on place where families are struggling during this is jonathan. people in government can barely afford basic necessities. this price of sold and reaches drop. the government says that's literally it can do to bring down living costs. so mirror invest a lot of time looking at goods and their price is at the store. as a mother of 11 children purchasing these goods is
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a burden. she lives in the city of ties and e and her husband works as a daily wage. labor earning $30.00 a day, securing basic goods before the month of ramadan has become a challenge for you have many women and then there's been yeah. and then we, by what we can afford, like passed a necessity in the face of the sound. we cannot afford to buy expensive items. we buy whichever is cheap, no dates, for example, because they cost a lot. a lot of times how does the warranty um and, and the conflict in the red sea has sent the i'm in the currency, the re l plunging. this has resulted in a 15 percent increase in food prices. a leader of oil costs $2.00 and a kilogram of flower more than $1.00 in a country where the average monthly income is $60.00. as ramadan approaches young men, these are trying to secure necessities for their families. either of them to so far
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we've not done anything before ramadan, but we will resort to securing our needs with the visit the markets and see the reduced price as well. then proceed to purchase donaldson and we have reached a point that no one can afford to buy a kilogram of flour from asian falafel or oak, you know, where i'm off. broad was initially by $500.00 or 600 grams each day. go to some of the flags here, specifically prices to come in saying that the 4 people or those with moderate incomes can only afford the necessities. we're not looking for luxuries, only the essentials authorities and ties cannot control the rising prices. but officials say they're doing everything in their power to alleviate the crisis for citizens. what else of the having is that just the garden instability in exchange rates prevents us from setting fixed prices. so you have many low mandates, price declarations, extruding items like flour and gas with fix prices around the flow of
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ramadan will be different for samira and most of them. and these, this year, the struggle to secure necessities may lead many to for get the extra touches that usually accompany the fasting month and give it a special flavor. now for some more stories making news to their and hey, to officials from the us and you have been evacuated to safety. yes, i'm guns, continue to tell it are the streets. so for the prince, house of haitians, pearson families are trying to flee the violence. many have suffered gunshot tools or have been killed in the cafeteria. as gang members clash with the police. authorities in bolivia have declared a state of emergency after heavy rain struck the capital because there was dropped the banks over the weekend and then dating several neighborhoods. the president has pledged defend sweep housing troops to prevent further damage. now burger
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scientists relieve to have recovered a piece of history. there was shocking sadness when offensive resort sycamore was mysteriously cut down law still. now, using a few surviving twigs and the technique of grafting, exports of tone, the voice fee and mystery. this as this green house and devin southwest, england, scientists say they've managed to create new life from a handful of twigs and other genetic material salvaged from the side of the field sycamore gap tree. it is a race against time because obviously once you've got a trade on is physically di and straightway. yeah, there's a lot of pressure on has to got to get and sting growing. luckily we did. the team used what it calls a frankenstein esc method known as grafting developed by ancient egyptians. and romans to splice together, binds the fresh roots with the living twigs from the sycamore. this message means that we've actually used the original material from that tree. so we've got a genetic claim. it is the same tree planted in the 1800s. the 36
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meter tall sycamore gap tree was a well known tourist attraction in northern england. and one of the most photograph trees in the u. k. in 2016 that was voted tree of the year, located in adapt next to hadrian swell an ancient roman fortification. the tree became even more famous when it was featured in the 1991 film, robin hood, prince of thieves star and kevin costner, mistletoe. but last september park rangers discovered the landmark had been felt in what police called a deliberate active vandalism. 2 men were arrested and investigations continue. well, nothing can replace the sycamore gaff tree in 3 years. scientists say they'll know if the cuttings salvage from the site will grow strong trucks and if the trees genetic all spring, so to speak, can be replanted in the original location to onto the world of clips. some grandma
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and the oscar ceremony has concluded in los angeles and hollywood, biggest side of the you for the oppenheim of winning the prize for best phone. when you know what's next, what's next? the 3 our historical drama with the big green a this here with 7 awards, it also to the best director, price for christopher nolan and best active price for kit in murphy, the prize for best actress went to m a stone for her performance in for thing during on just can see here's a reminder of adults story. lolia. there has been a shift to the right and for she goes election centered i democratic alliance as an type trees for the 1st place, but the incumbent socialist party, a search and support for the populace. followed i'd shake off party means they could be the king may cause informing some next quarter government and that's what
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the order from us produced to cut off, but supports life as of look sort of can you know, like the quote for struggling to get a visa to the qualification process number, such as faults. thank you for being with us. the name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. next, would it be nosy bay like good everyone to king you're healthy award winning called com. so hold back your updates. innovation green the green revolution.


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