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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 11, 2024 5:00am-5:15am CET

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the, the you're watching the news lar, from london, portable swings to this item, the general election center. and i just came in rick for you ahead of the socialist, bought a search for the far right. faulty could make it the king maker in a new quarter. listen, also coming off not much to celebrate a spot of citizens preferred for the most of them, for the month of ramadan, with even basic necessities, out of reach for many dismissed families. just want to the to i'm to the on home and open. i'm afraid that's all for awards at the office. christopher, no, not last boss though. been 7 awards, including best picture on best side. victo and kent in law fee also picks up the
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award for best actor. the numbers such as welcome with the pro from portugal is the latest you open country to see a shift of the item fall of entry elections, the leader of the center of item of traffic alliance. luis montenegro has claimed victory. often a neck a deck finish with the governing socialist, but it doesn't kill if he'd be able to put together a majority cordless symptom. montenegro has said his democratic alliance will not negotiate with the portrait. a slight shake of oddity would solve the show of the water, sewage and sunday selection, or dw is gone. philip souls was in the spring covering the election for us. i also, molly, of what impact the thought i'd strong showing could have on the next couple. and
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for the 1st of all, it will probably be a highly unstable government under the venture. i has said he is ready to farm acquire this and he is ready to be a sort of a king maker. but most of the sent our right petitions have said they don't want to have any deal with the file arrives. and, but of course, this could indeed be the only option uh if uh, nobody wants to have for fresh evictions here. so if that will be a right wing government, this will certainly mean events that will be much strict up products uh, policies regarding your regular migration that has been one of the hutch topics here in the election campaign. and also uh, the cost of living at forever. it's part of us has been a big topic here and, and the right wing parties have already
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a non significant tax cuts associate up as young phillips phones and less than that's done now to some other stories making headlines around the world or ukraine's president with all the music lensky has his backed up comments from full promises, calling for peace negotiations with russia. the landscape set the books shouldn't try to media from thousands of kilometers over. in an interview with swift tv, the pool said that ukraine should have cost of the cottage of the white flag and negotiate nato has begun its biggest exercises since the cold water in the fields of northern norway of the alliance wants to send a message to the service member states already to defend each other. more than $20000.00 troops from poaching nations by taking fault in the trip. the netherlands has opened a national holocaust museum, the dog king that the end of the ceremony along with his rows president icebox had some. the museum and i'm so them tells the stories of jewels who were deported and
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loaded in nazi concentration camps now is ship loaded with humanitarian aid has been given the all k o to sets sail from cypress to god. so the open on supply russell is expected to leave the port of florida, the car incoming. i was getting the 200 tons of rice flour and told to you and stuff. got that the shots you will essentially the kitchen is providing the food it . it will take the vessel an estimated 60 hours to reach casa, once it says the same, using the newly established amount of time each quarter. now most lives around the was the value for mcdonald done, which will start on monday, but efforts to secure to cease fire. and also before the start of the dawn, have started board and hunger overshadowing the 40 months. this you agency see international efforts to ramp up to the place of your manhood and supplies to boswell by s and now also by see are not effective enough in
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parts of gaza. ramadan decorations and food are still available. the not the prices most people can afford it will give you that there are no jobs left. no loss or no electricity. people are selling their belongings to live. right? sounds good to me. i don't run into is very hard on us. what i'm going to have just done, i mess with it. for most palestinians food to break rama downs daily, fast. it will be hard to come by. my well, wow. yeah, i mean, we have rarely each and is whether it is rama done or not. yeah, i mean it's a hyundai, you always remain hungry. it's amazing that i quoted i couldn't mr. bell as well as eve. and ross parents are getting creative to help children celebrate. and i'm about to send around. the don is very different this year. we're not in our homes
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were intense, but we insisted on putting up decorations and celebrating. we just pray that by the end of ramadan will be in our homes and give them a bunch of you others from the fighting between a mouse and is really forces too much to bear. children reportedly injured him in his really bombing or rushed to the hospital and this central gaza strip. the ongoing is really air strikes are also taking a psychological tool of all of us. we are tired, i swear, please feel for us, please. we want a ceasefire and an end to this. what do we have to say? we thank god for anything or a lower level without a ceasefire in time for ramadan. and then these really ground assault into rough, a. still a possibility. the suffering of ordinary palestinians continues without leaf insight. now gaza isn't the only walked on place where families are struggling
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during this is done with them. people in government can barely afford basic necessities, those prices sort and we have to drop. the government says there's literally the can do to bring down the cost of living. so mirror invest a lot of time looking at goods and their prices at this store. as a mother of 11 children purchasing these goods as a bird and she lives in the city of ties and e and her husband works as a daily wage. labor earning $30.00 a day, securing basic goods before the month of ramadan has become a challenge for young men and women and understand yeah, and then we by what we can afford. light passed a necessity on december 5th of this. now we cannot afford to buy expensive items. we buy whichever is cheap, no dates, for example, because they cost a lot. a lot of times how does the warranty um and, and the conflict in the red sea has sent the me in the currency,
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the re l plunging. this has resulted in a 15 percent increase in food prices. a leader of oil costs $2.00 and a kilogram of flower more than $1.00 in a country where the average monthly income is $60.00. as ramadan approaches young men, these are trying to secure necessities for their families. either of them to so far we have not bought anything before ramadan, but we will resort to securing our needs when the visit the markets and see the reduced prices. will then proceed to purchase donaldson and we have reached a point that no one can afford to buy a kilogram of flour from asian falafel or oak. you know, where i'm off. broad was initially by $500.00 or 600 grams each day. go to some of the flags here, specifically prices to come in saying that the poor people are those with moderate incomes can only afford the necessities that we're not looking for luxuries. only the essentials authorities and ties cannot control the rising prices. but
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officials say they're doing everything in their power to alleviate the crisis for citizens. what else of the heading is i just got an instability in exchange rates prevents us from setting fixed prices for you. how many law mandates, price declarations extruding items like flour and gas with fix prices around the flow of ramadan will be different for samira and most of them. and these, this year, the struggle to secure necessities may lead many to for get the extra touches that usually accompany the fasting month and give it a special flavor. now what's on most or is making use right now in, hey to you officials from the u. s. and you have been evacuated to safety as on gangs continue to categorize the streets of photo prints, thousands of haitian families of trying to sleep the violence. many have suffered gunshot wounds or have been killed in the cat because as gang members cash with the
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police authorities in bolivia have declared a state of emergency of the heavy rain struck the capitol up as rivers broke the banks over the weekend. and on dating several neighborhoods, the president has attached to send $3000.00 troops to prevent further damage. on to some entertainment there was on the oscar certainly has contributed in los angeles and hollywood. biggest night of the you with open high will winning the best, the price for bestbuy, which is next. the 3, our historical drama was the big winner, the seo with 7 awards. it also took the best director price for christopher nolan and best sector for killing must be the price for best actress. went to my store for her performance in 14. i think it happened during on just can and left and back those as us with the inventory of the strong se. if i'm beto, who joins to sell from washington dc, it's good to see you are on say,
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what is your 1st reaction? do you think they will all deserve and when us, the absolutely, i thought the all the winners. i think the movies are the no big surprise this year . i think we all knew what was going to happen as far as oppenheimer of being the big winner. if there were any surprises, maybe it was m a stone, but you know, she won the bafta and she did when i one of the critics, the trips choice word for it for drama to leave. and so it was, it, it was, it actually was you on the golden globe for drama. and so it was a very surprising. so let me start the part here. if i last one was a surprise was that domini you taught was now to was more does over i don't think it was like more deserved for say, i think people started really gladstone was going away because she had one of the most of the most of the awards for that category and the awards season. but you know, like i said, m a stone was able to weigh the piece as a drama. she,
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when the comedy where is the golden globes and she also won the baptist. so they responded that she could possibly ink out a window of the academy awards and she did. now you're said that a lot of these rooms were expected. there was a movie that was not expected to have winds and already had nomination, smelt some talking. of course about bobby and as we expected that a lot of losses was looking for us. highest grossing feeling for you that the oscar i think people kind of have it wrong. barbie is not your typical oscar movie. the b a, b tends go a little bit more dramatic, and this kind of achieve fair is just not your standard oscar movie. i think a lot of the nominations were seen to be courtesy nominations because it made so much money. but it was not like an oscar your typical oscar movie, and i think it did what most people watch these words were expected as
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well. just talked about the oscars going for the dramatic movies, but this also ends up being a platform for a walk, a c, a at these awards. we saw actors joining bins and support of a c spy. and so we also saw both the gods and ukraine wars mentioned info for speeches. what do you make of these kind of vulcan? so your terms and do you think they have some kind of an impact? you know, i think the, the oscars will be lost as if there was some kind of political statement during the show. and yes, it is such a big platform. and so these people, if you have an opportunity, reach a lot of people with their uh, political statements or advocacy as you describe it. the big most pronounced statement, i think came from jonathan glaser, who won for best or national feature. and he explicitly referenced the conflict in the gaza region. and so that was the big moment actually outside of the auditorium . there were contests for calling for
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a ceasefire. as the reason why the show started 6 minutes late because the protesters blocked the pathway to the venue. and so the have to start the show 6 me is minutes later than planned. so that i think is the biggest political activity of the night. and also for a bit of liberty, donald trump did up ashton beecham, woodville show and got back really goodwill. that was great. funny. why was that was quite a comic actually and good to end that interview on a lighter note. thank you so much for that for your take on that one for your son radio. and here's the reminder of adult story. leo, the has been a shift to the rise in portugal selection of the center light democratic alliance as the most types, various sports players with the incumbent socialist party. a search and support for the popular populace followed i'd shake off faulty means they could be the king makers informing them next to us. and with that showed up to date box
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up next global us fix a look at the head and go toward that's off the break and them such as well for me and the entire new student behind the scenes. thank you so much for being with us. the i, she's got any issues with a lot say what the comment about why does that mean? because now i'm leaving the new host of.


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