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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 11, 2024 10:00am-10:16am CET

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the, the, i do want you to know the names coming to live from berlin, bolstering at the north, at atlantic alliance, how sweden's military capabilities and know how it will strengthen nato, now that it has officially become a member. so coming up on our system today, i was sitting and speaking in the muslim, fully month of ramadan, i'm in a dire humanitarian crisis where basic necessities are out of reach for many the inquiry. richardson, welcome to the show. we begin in brussels, where sweden's flag is being raised outside natives headquarters after it
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officially joined as the 30 seconds member of the transatlantic military alliance. sweden's session ends, decades of post world war 2, neutrality has concerns about russian aggression in europe. continue to grow fellow nordic nation. finland joined in april 2023 with nato members, claiming the expansion to be a major blow to the kremlin. sweden becomes the 2nd know dick nation in the past year to join nato and its membership brings with its a number of advantages for the airlines. firstly, by following finland in a band and in utility, sweden, they sending an important message to those nations still on the fence about russia's invasion of ukraine. it's time to pick a side. so the reason is now leaving 200 years of neutrality, a non alignment behind, and it's a big steps to see. we must take that seriously more. but it's also
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a very natural step that we are taking the car. so the more the kremlin can no longer claim finland's, a session was an isolated incidents has made. so seeks to develop defense plans for eastern members aimed at the tearing rushes advance suite and brings considerable experience in understanding health accounts so that threats sweetens military capability. also makes it a powerful new member. the nation boasts cutting edge at croft and anti aircraft missiles as well as states of the tanks and submarines under considerable fleets of ships even brings a 500 year old navy in the navy that is among the largest in the baltic sea, which you'd remember nathan doesn't have very many large mavis sweden's geographical position also makes it useful. firstly, as
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a land transit routes to reinforce the members no way in finland. and secondly, by allowing nato to take control of the baltic sea in any conflicts with russia, via sweden's enormous coastline. in return, sweden now has security guarantees from nato and member states, should it come under attack from russia or anyone else in the future? the message from russia is opponents, is clear, both nights. so i'm sweden, a far stronger as a result of this agreement camera for 8 seconds. let's get across the nato headquarters in brussels and bring in data these correspondents, terry schultz for more. terry, i tell us what we can expect to happen there this morning as well. the pomp and circumstance is just being rehearsed in front of us now. soon as we defined minister of christopher sent a nato secretary general young stalls in brook will come, they'll say some words to the press. they will add a swedish flag behind me now,
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where, which is where you can see a space between turkey and spain. they are also practicing raising the sweetest leg outside, integrating it with the 31 other allies. this is a lot of symbolism because as you mentioned, sweden is already a member technically. but this is still going to be a very emotional moment for suite, and it is really when you see your flag rising. there you hear your national anthem that you really feel like you are now in your place here at nato. and so it's great news for sweden. what about for nato is sweden succession here. now a cause for a need, a victory? well, certainly there's a lot of relief here. i've heard people expressing that here this morning as they're milling around everybody like shoot, we made it. but you know, the fact that it took sweden 2 years to get into the alliance. the fact that 2 allies held out until there were, you know, basically some transactions made in the end, it took the unit, the united states guarantee, guaranteeing jet fighters to turkey. and it took,
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took a new deal with hungry for, for groupings from suite in itself. those kinds of things sort of have brought up some ugly corners of how the alliance works. but in the end, as victor or bon agreed in the end, this means when they are altogether than it is all for one and one for all in the end. they are ready to fight and die for each other, which is what? joining nato really requires of every country and terry for looking at the potential of a russian military. right. what do sweden and finland bring to the table for nato? so these are definitely 2 of the best trained, best equipped militaries in nato. you know, sweden brings as, as you heard in that piece, just incredible military technology. it has a huge weapons manufacturing program in it, it on its own. and, and remember that these 2 countries had planned to stay on their own. and so they were ready to be self sufficient, and so now they're bringing all those capabilities to the alliance,
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and their geo political position cannot be overstated. you've now got the nordics lake sealed across the top right there in the arctic where russia keeps the crown jewels of his own weaponry and its own military. so this is certainly something that the kremlin is not going to be happy about. and we have heard the russian foreign ministry say that it's going to see how sweden behaves in practice and then decide if it's going to retaliate. terry, thank you very much for that is our brussel correspondent, terry schultz. saudi arabia's king has used his ramadan message to highlight the suffering and gaza calling on the international community to bring an end to what he described as the brutal crimes taking place in the territory efforts to secure a cease fire before the start of the muslim holy month have stalled and a bit acute hunger agency say international efforts to ramp up deliveries of humanitarian supplies by air and now also by sea are not enough in
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parts of gaza. ramadan decorations and food are still available, but not prices. most people can afford motivated uh there are no jobs left, no walls or no electricity. the people are selling their belongings to live as well . sounds good, but to me i don't run into is very hard on us. what i'm going to have just done on this for most palestinians food break rama downs daily fast will be hard to come by. my well, wow. yeah, and we have rarely each and is whether it is rama done or not. yeah, i mean it's a hyundai, you always remain hungry. it's amazing that i quoted, i couldn't miss that as well as eve. and rafa parents are getting creative to help children celebrate the sun. ramadan is very different. this year we're not in our homes were in tents,
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but we insisted on putting up decorations and celebrating. we just pray that by the end of ramadan will be in our homes and give them a bunch of you others from the fighting between a mouse and is really forces too much to bear. children reportedly injured admins rarely bombing or rushed to the hospital. and this central gaza strip ongoing is really air strikes, are also taking a psychological tool of all of us. we are tired, i swear, please feel for us, please. we want a ceasefire and an end to this. what do we have to say? we thank god for anything or a lower level without a ceasefire in time for ramadan. and it is really ground of salt into rough, a still a possibility, the suffering of ordinary palestinians continues without leaf insight. earlier i spoke with so i'm all teen from the n g o team. humanity has folks to us
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from rafa and gaza and he's told me what he has been seeing there as people begin the holy month of ramadan. a little experience that day. there's like a change, like i'm everything like people need sleeping, no diapers, to hygiene stuff. and it's really hard to help because there's so many people i think they're older, one point to lean on and off on. and your organization is delivering donations to those in need. if i understand correctly, how many people are you able to provide food data to their um, so its an influx from egypt until all we have said 140 trucks over 140 trucks inside lesson. and i can't even give me a net number because we just be legal in schools. refugee camps uh, tends everywhere, so it can thousands and thousands of calls. like tell me more about the arrival of
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this 8 on these trucks from egypt. can you describe for me what kind of, what kind of checks are going on at the board or how difficult it is to get the aide in into the gaza? and then what your distribution challenges are, once it arrives, please basically sending trucks from egypt with packing and everything and we're sending out. i know there's rumors that as a lot of trucks the border there is. but sometimes people sending things that it's not useful garza and that's the also big issue. and when we send truck we know exactly because we have partners here. you guys are sending water flowers, blankets, and 2 packages. and when we so we send them it arrives deposit, we just the read like last week. so as we opened the trucks, we got to 8 and we've started packing anything or buys anything and go
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to the places where people are reading of this was just all of the procedures going . so it's difficult for us to do a while. you have your cost with the bottom to you constantly and jones flies and people that far and last was you mentioned that some of this aid is more useful than other kinds of 8. what. what is most badly needed there at this point and what is not worth what is not worth sending? they need everything. i see 70 percent of children don't a she's 70 percent babies because they ran out of the house. and pictures don't actually will need to close water through the process of medication. that is, is everything. imagine the whole 50 whole district
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is gone. they need every thing to think they can, they can supply. i wanna thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us on the date of your names. that is salon all teen from teams. humanity many thanks. let's turn to portugal now where the central right democratic alliance has claimed to victory in a tightly contested general election. the vote took place 2 years ahead of ease of schedule. after a long time socialist incumbent prime minister antonio cost us up, down to mid corruption investigations. the results have left no party with the majority while a search and support for the far right. we have the country facing on, on certain political future. a v for victory, supporters of the democratic alliance celebrate as the leader of their center right party luis montenegro takes to the stage to claim victory. we'll go,
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but at least my commitment is to respect for will freely and democratically expressed by the portuguese people to bring about change. that change will be achieved with a new prime minister high school with a new government to move pretty much. and we have new policies, schools available, it go novice, lead montenegro ran on a platform that promised tax cuts for companies and the middle class and a voice to united portable after 8 years empower the socialist party is conceding defeat candidates. petra nuno santos already stepped up to congratulate the victors, even before the count was complete. believe the good joseph everything indicates the surplus polity will not get the most votes. get a police. so i want to congratulate ag for its victory but it's
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unclear if the democratic alliance is montenegro will be able to form a majority. coalition, montenegro has said his democratic alliance will not negotiate with the far right to the party, which solved their share of the vote. search and sundays election. j goes headed by ex football commentator entre ventura. he ran on an anti immigration platform focused on stamping up corruption and easing some taxes the and still misquote because i've been to the 4 years of socialism in portugal. at this time the people have said what they want. you like to think. they set the right wing must go better or whatnot. and that's the right wing to govern uses to put the goods nussum and off monday it is the given portugal for the next 4 years of the rising popularity of tega indicates a right wing shift in the country. the social is one the last election in a landslide victory. but after corruption scandal and rising inflation,
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voters seemed to be turning toward new parties and a new direction that is in use at that at this hour. i'm clear. richardson, berlin, many thanks for watching the floating away when it's 40 degrees celsius in the shade, can be deadly during times of climate change. how do rising temperatures change every towards the internal heat? march 15th on dw, the .


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