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tv   Global Us  Deutsche Welle  March 11, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm CET

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shane jones from 4 different parts of the world in february, march 15 on dw, the eco enemy, how dangerous this was for the climate. the explosive legacy now says still suffering the after effects. if the indo china was and quick, a clearance, a swiss company disposes of land mines the the 52 boma has been the united states main nuclear deterrent since the 1950s. it's
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a real threat to the claimant. one hour a flight requires around 15000 liters of fuel and release is huge amounts of c, o 2, the defense is an expensive undertaking. in 2020 to $2.00 trillion dollars was spent on the military worldwide. the war and ukraine has accelerated, the global arms race, and new conflicts like to maureen goza will continue to intensify world wide military spending of the production of tanks. ships come back to croft and munition is rump top. this is bad news for us and for the climate talking about greenhouse gas emissions when it comes to war and the military may sound weird. walk rates, all sorts of destruction. people get killed, forced burn down an entire seat is destroyed. and all that is horrible beyond
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imagination, but here i want to focus on the emissions the military. so to footprint is a mess of blind spot, partially because the data is really sparse. look at this map, it shows the quantity of the data that governments submit to the you when, when it comes to their military emissions. the reporting of the 5 countries with the biggest military budgets this also cedric to a very poor india, the 2nd largest military. but troop size doesn't give any admission figures at all . you can't begin to think about managing effectively, your greenhouse gas emissions. you don't know what they are on the 1st place. clinical trial works at the conflict and environmental observatory. we've got at the moment, very limited knowledge. really. we've been trying to map this and assess it, but because it science sit tight inside of the united nations frameworks, comments on climate change, and there's too many holes. and we need governments to recognize that this is the importance of this. the origin of this problem dates back to the kyoto protocol
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climate agreement adopted in 1997 back then after strong lobby from the united states, the world's means that rewards attempted from declaring their emissions. then came the periods agreement to 2015. they lifted up to golf in minutes to decide how and where to cut their emissions. and the military reporting was again, not made mandatory. this fight today we have no clue how much the world's arm is limits. but we do know the problem is getting bigger. military spending worldwide grow 3.7 percent, on average in 2022 in eastern europe, triggered by russia's invasion of ukraine. you'd wind up by 58 percent in a row. part of these is going to modernize into fight a jet fleet. some countries are replacing their old f sixteens which are being sent to ukraine with this new f 35. right now in europe alone, there are around a $120.00 if the funds incorporation. so talk is march and it's producer expects
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this number to rise to 62030 the last splints to buy some 2500 new units. such long term commitments are called locked in. the f 35 that are being bought now will flight and burn fuel up until the 2070 according to one analysis for each 100 nautical miles long. that's around a 185 kilometers, one single f $35.00 inmates as much as you to as an average u. k. gasoline car grieving for one year. so what did the volts armed forces have to say for themselves for reached out to the big for us, china, russia and india for comments. but none of them got back to us. military officials seem to see climate change mainly as a security risk. only a field such as nato c installed them, their call out their own emissions as part of the problem. but we also need to ensure that our armed forces do their part when it comes to reducing emissions.
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there's no way we can get to the next 0 without also reducing emissions from the military sector. but it's hard to know how much of a reduction is needed if nobody knows how much the military actually admits. that's why scientists started calculating. we estimated it was somewhere between $3.07 of global emissions with a best estimate of 5.5 percent. this is towards parking, so he co wrote a study that's calculated the global footprint of the military, the number of military personnel and was extreme back to spending was significant. military activity was significant. the number of large pieces of hardware. but a lot of this data is very how long to find or to attach directly to emissions. so we just have to piece together from, from what we could most countries don't publish that data on the military, greenhouse gas emissions, claiming it would be a risk to their national security. but they do like to talk about the size of their
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military with the types of about their aircraft. fleet troops, size and so on. the research just use data like this, when estimating the emissions of concerts that withheld specific data. one thing we do now about india rusher and china rate is a good estimate of the size of military policy. intensive number s now and then you looked at the relationships between number of tests and now the size of emissions in western countries. and you say ok, well roughly, is going to that those ratios are going to apply and nice countries united depending on how many extra bands have the various other factors. a just make a few assumptions. the us armed forces represent 39 percent of all the military spending on the planet and all that money causes and unbelievable amount of nations . as an institution, the pentagon is the biggest single greenhouse gas. i'm either in the world so big
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that it didn't meet small greenhouse gas sustain entire countries such as sweden or finland. and let's be clear. we're only talking about the emissions it takes to beaut, up and sustain a military. if the worst case happens, and that's me to, to be actually goes to war, emissions go up immensely. look at this graph that shows you asked me to tell of greenhouse gas emissions from 1975 to 2018. in 1991 there's a spike right when the 1st go for happens, then it goes down as cold war tensions east. and you asked me to 3rd bases abroad, close down. then another spike from 2001 after 911 and things agents of against 10 . and you're ranked with the conflict in ukraine, took measuring thing, fundamental impact of war to a whole new level. it is a conflict in the big data era where we can fold the fed up to satellite images and
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the ukraine government even publishes what the environmental impact the military reactions have, including the units of the equipment destroyed and the cost of emissions. disparity funded by insurance from ukraine and you were estimated that during the 1st a year and a half after the russian invasion, ukraine, 150000000 metric tons of c o 2 were admitted. this is equivalent to belgium emissions in the same periods. the war fighting of generates quite a lot of emissions. lena, the clerk is a climate scientist and the lead, the author of this study to use it, show a fossil fuels for tanks by chance. but also the whole logistics behind, you know, the bullet from the lines to bring a new and munition rotates solias, provide food, etc, etc. what i sort of initially expected that, and that would be the biggest source of the me,
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sions. but that's actually the notifications. the biggest source of emissions comes from having to rebuild. ukraine does accounts for 36 percent of the nation's warfare comes 2nd with 25 percent. then you have fires with 15 percent because in many cases, 5 fighters cannot access to the territory. so the fires burn up huge areas, then civilian slides have to be diverted which adds another chunk of emissions. the air space over ukraine is of course, closed in russia has closed its air space to western airlines. as a response, we cannot extensions to a flight, for example, from london to tokyo, now takes around 15 hours instead of the previous 11th century, routing splits an extra $18000000.00 tons of c o 2 into the atmosphere in the 1st year and a half of the conflict were also requires few to keep both arms running, but the russian army hippe use 3 and a half times most seals into ukrainians. according to the research,
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as this is because the russian supply lines are much longer than the green ones, the other recent study has measured the impact of warring causes. it calculated that in the 1st 60 days of the conflicts, the fighting generated more than $281000.00 metric tons of su, to as much as $62500.00 gasoline powered cars and meet in one year. and that doesn't include future emissions for rebuilding garza. most of it sets reduce it to this riley air bombardment and invasion of the posting in territory. as we publish this veto, this study has not yet been peer reviewed. so it needs to be taken with caution. still some more evidence that points to the enormous impact that war has on climate change. so where does that leave us? military forces that are massive drivers, climate change, war makes it worse a lot worse. so what can we do about it? there is a tension of pause between unitary capabilities and climate change and the missions
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and it's up to, you know, the politicians, to make, you know, the right decision, where the balance should be, what you can only make and sort of transparency decision. if you have some numbers that have been some baby steps in the right direction, the wind has recognized the problem is pushing for much greater transparency. some countries already declaring their military emissions and how much was apparent weight, such as the u. k, norway, in germany, nato has been encouraging its members to deal with this issue. they released the methodology providing guidelines and tools to calculate greenhouse gas emissions in the military. experts say it has its flaws, but it might influence colder armed forces. industry found that the defense industry manufacturers are also changing, setting net 0 targets and reporting their emissions. this could put pressure on the military to do the same. but reporting emissions of loan is not enough. the
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military also needs to be willing to reduce them. and when the military officials are pushed on this, they know their priorities. if we have to choose between something which is green or calm, but the effective, we have to choose the company effective solutions. so the challenge is to ensure that in the future to come, but the effective solutions are agreements, reducing fossil fuel dependencies away from military to reduce their vulnerability . this could mean among all the things replacing jet slides by drones using electric vehicles and installing renewable energy generation on mandatory basis. as well as using nuclear power. that is most clearly shown by the 11 aircraft carriers up the united states, which are all nuclear propelled. while these creates issues like nuclear waste reduces the problem of greenhouse gas emissions. to the proposals are they coming out of the military establishment? are all about more military, all about the fighting,
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all about preparing some will probably take, but this is completely the wrong direction in which we need to be going. we need to keep it or we need to find ways to build trust. we need to find common ground isn't much broad conversation to be had about minute tre, stretched to date and diplomacy and gray to piece building and preventing, obviously conflict from the 1st place. from an environmental perspective, the best solution would obviously be to reduce the military forces everywhere. within 2024. the opposite is happening with military spending accelerating the secretive sectors, particularly the hard to clean up a 1st step would be to least avail on its role in forcing climate change. the cluster homes and a single bomb release is hundreds of explosive devices which can destroy
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a vast areas upon impact. often those old, the devices explode and continue to pose a threat to decades off the woods. that's because they remain life and conduct tonight at the slightest touch with terrible consequences. she moves forward step by step centimeter by centimeter, until the metal detector sounds that money has found something, a small part of a bomb lower than this one isn't dangerous anymore. but we never know what we'll find next to me. i know because of course, as they are d mining 14 heck, there is of land. the mind detection team has only covered one 3rd of the area so far. a lot can still happen is up comes yes, and i am afraid that every step is dangerous to be, but we do have safety protocols which we follow closely. so everything should be
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fine. but nothings for sure. so it's important to keep focused and take regular breaks. this area is supposed to become agricultural land, but before it can be farmed, it needs to be safe. every find is checked by the section commander. that's that money's husband. got somebody, but i know i do worry about my wife. she's well trained and knows what she's doing that. but generally it's difficult to do this job is a couple because it's dangerous for both of us and like a problem. according to the mission leader of the 8 organization handicap international constantly reminds them of it. they are in good money way above the average, and the work never runs out. but this is not something they celebrate. we get the government. it's sad to see that today. bombs are raining down on other countries
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like ukraine. but a lot of what about the civilians that hold on the top we hear and allow us are still suffering from a war that took place many years ago is okay. and yet continues to be a danger to our lives. so when we talk, this is what awaits people in today's wars zones to come on getting out. of course, by the indo china conflict wasn't fucked in vietnam. only did also saw communist forces and to us supported army face off and allows between 1963 and 74. the us dropped more than 2000000 tons of munitions on the country. incendiary and cluster bombs, shells in mines. it's estimated that every 4th village in louse still has unexploded ordnance. this is what they're searching for and finding every day they market with a sandbag stepping on it means it will explode. even heat caused by sun showed and
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can make it go off. provide me with finding one means that there are more towards the load noise one dropped, the bomb container contains $600.00 to $700.00 explosive devices. would it be in this area is hailey, and if the munition is dropped from an altitude that was not high enough and then it doesn't explode. what am i thought? we estimate that 30 percent of the explosive devices didn't go off of the end are still here, that they are experts they know when to touch and when not to touch a piece of munition. this motor shell is being placed in a hole in the ground to minimize tract when it explodes. destination is the only way to remove the threat. but 1st, people in the area are warned to stay away. from the the,
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the blast like that change chief for his life. he was 17 when he last part of his arm. every year, dozens of people experienced a similar fate. farmers who dig children who play, they lose arms, legs, sometimes their lives. and even then i have the mcconnell, we were playing a game with my bowl disappeared into the bushes. mabel, i didn't find it there, but i found something else. i didn't know when it was round and made of metal metal, the theme you doing. and then i thought i could play with it to my name, the key. it was a bomb. the member's name was cheap for us as he became suicidal and thought he'd never find a wife and start a family. but he did. there for children, bring them much joy, but also concern watkins has we constantly worry about the children. i tell them that they have to be very careful when they play, that they can't touch anything. well, look at your dad. i say that could happen to you. you've tried
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life with one arm has its challenges, but she for meets them. and one of the world's least developed countries. there isn't much opportunity to make a living except in agriculture. she for says, he's lucky to have one healthy arm he can use to provide for his family. but here too, he's taking a risk of what i mean. i do get scared. but before me, another farmer worked this field and nothing happened to him. so i assume that it's safe for the bible and that there aren't any unexploded bombs here that many people here in los live with the trauma of war. mine clearance workers likes that money in front of them are trying to remove that after
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a hard day's work. it's dinner time. today there's enough food for everyone now. so let's element outside the home that we are safe by and the everyone is okay, and we are relieved or when to help it. tomorrow is another day and we'll face new, dangerous move info. you will go for the house. that is our job. when i dealt with them, so it gets better than the it's been almost 50 years since the war in laos ended. but in a way, it hasn't living here comes with model dangers every day. the
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switches made mine sweep by is being tested by the ukranian company and they blown one of the launches grain produces in the country. it wants to clear the region around the city of nikolai f as mines, so that green can be cultivated here again, up to 30 percent of the companies. phone land is strewn with unexploded ordnance really was. so in new credit, a lot of land to i had called to land to reach the need to do mining and to machine . so help us to, to do this process more quickly. this is how it works. the remote control clearing machine breaks the landline into small pieces or explodes it. this footage is from as about john. the vehicle being used in ukraine costs around 1000000 swiss francs over
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a 1000000 years. the green company nibble on pace health. the other half is covered by funds from germany, swiss company, global clearance solutions. so g c s has its production facility and still cognate constance. as the c e o explains the machine can conduct a range of clearance tasks. yeah, i'm here and is it went on to means this is a mine clear which works with an open cage concept does. so it moves in a forward movement when the chisel starting to ground and hit a mine, and it says the pressure wave escapes through this open cage. it can efficiently clear landmines onto personnel mines onto temp mines to a depth of 30 centimeters and looks to machine such as minimal damage shot on, clear along the size of one and a half football fields a day. but the one in these metal detect is at the most common instruments used in mind. clarence, the manually controlled, uncovered ground, send to me to by send to me to the switch. the mining machine by contrast is
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unmanned and remote controls making the work less dangerous. before the war and ukraine, only around 50 of these machines was sold worldwide. in the last 2 years, demand has risen significantly. g. c. s alone will deliver around 70 units to ukraine by mid 2020, the full force of green produce and nipple loan, and the rest of the state is often management will 30 must be in the, in this even where you've been surprised by the demand you're responding expanding capacities, though, of course, we know that the current demand won't last forever, and that we have to be flexible to fix it on passing can. in addition to g, c, s, there are 2 other companies worldwide, but manufacture of similar machines, commercially, the company del king in croatia, and on track limited in britain a there also some smaller scale suppliers, such as the dig a foundation. and this was canceling a fun it manufacturers
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a maximum of 2 machines a year that is currently ramping up production ukraine. one reason for the limited number of supplies is that the job also involves training operations and setting up infrastructure the most people sometimes think it's like a loan mode that you just order and drive across the field for them to do it. but it's not like that was that, and you kind of for example, and besides widespread contamination from land mines and also other weapon, it's gonna be some, you often know what kind of technology you need and how best to use it as well. if that requires a lot of training on monitoring to ensure the machine is used correctly, it's easy because this is all that's why g c s also offers on site training. a team from the green company and they belong, for example, book to 7. we cost that was carried out in ukraine boulevard. this comes with the seasonal to abundance. i of the machines most working with a good team. that's why for this moment we show that try and increase the j. c. s a
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. our team nibbled on has been awarded a permit from the ukrainian government to use this with the mining machine the green produce. and also he wants to de mine its own fields. but to accept mine clear and it's contracts from other farms depending on how long the will last it could be a long term project. would you like more insights and solutions from around the world? if you want to meet the people fighting climate change, visit us on facebook. if you up the story behind the headlines, follow us on instagram. and if you want green life text, what you all take, talk news,
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1:00 pm
the visits dw news line from ballad nato's chief says the alliance is now bigger and strong. got off to sweden's accession, the swedish flag is raised of nato's brussels headquarters in a special server. they installed the hips out. it's ross as president vladimir putin claiming he has failed and it was a night of few surprises. this is oscar christopher know


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