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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 11, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CET

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the, the business dw news line from the bottom in the nato, a big and strong. this has its chief a suite and formerly joins their lives. the swedish flag is raised at nato headquarters in brussels as yet stults about the class of russia's president vladimir putin has failed in his mission to destroy. you'd cried also on the program. a ship carrying 200 tons of food for gaza waits to leave cyprus. the open arms will use a new matter of time, a commodore, but all foreigners say that of the problems of unloading and distributing supplies, [000:00:00;00]
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the control gal, welcome to the program. the swedish flag is now flying at nato headquarters in process of assess wiggins formerly welcomed us. the alliance is for the 2nd member, the countries, location, military power and experience in dealing with russia and meaning succession is important both for the block. it's also a big step for sweden, which has turned its back on nearly um 2 centuries of neutrality. the swedish flag raised for the 1st time outside nature headquarters following its neighbour of finland. sweden has become the 32nd member of the alliance. at the ceremony in brussels, sweden's prime minister laid out the nordic nations reasons for leaving behind it's
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history of neutrality. to the security situation in our region has not been this serious since the 2nd world war under russia would stay a threats to you. atlantic security for a foreseeable future. it was in these light, sweden applied to join the native defense alliance to gain security, but also to provide security. since rushes full scale invasion of ukraine 2 years ago, nato has sought to develop defense plans. the eastern and nordic members, russia claimed to have launch the war imparts because of nato's, a split expansion. but it's the threats of only pushed more countries to joining the alliance. when pressed on tooth and launched is full for scaling nation 2 years ago. he won't, the less, nate,
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the more control over his neighbors. he wanted to destroy ukraine, southern states. but see, fade. nate is bigger and stronger. sweden now has security guarantees from nation. remember, states shouldn't come under attack from russia or anyone else in the future. in return sweden's military capability makes it a powerful new member, boasting cutting edge aircraft and anti aircraft missiles, as well as the state of the art tanks and submarines. it also has a considerable slate of ships. sweden's geographical position is another advantage. firstly, as a land transit route to reinforce feller, members, norway, and finland. and secondly, by allowing nate her to take control of the baltic sea in any conflict with russia via sweden's enormous coastline. sweden's military has taken its best steps in the alliance, joining nato,
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whose biggest drills since the cold war. the exercises across the blocks, nordic states, aimed at sending a clear message from russia's rivals, both nature and sweet in a foss. stronger with disagreement. also brace papa is a full month nato policy director. i asked him about the benefits of sweden joining the alliance and how russia might push back to the board for the because this will be the remaining guy that nato was dealing with. this is how many years went by, you know, they may, 23rd looking at the baltic region. the have to do we, we bought basically rely ultimate because we have these all suite. so in that sense, it really helps the need to refunding about how and which forces we have available in the region and how to respond to any contingency. so in the really strengths of
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the foster in the region, our willingness to exec brochure all the see that is what we do, but also kind of a lot of people like me to ask you to do it for and how so see slides on how to basically, breach the russia, atx is area denial communities the topic to really you kind of a lot is happy just to read you. so we kind of holding, meaning we can call to, to reach you all the most, the, the, both the by being able to override for the warranty region. and i think that's really because of the complex somebody's bosses will take a look at some of the doors making headlines around the world. ukraine's president of all the music landscape has rejected a call from pope francis for peace talks with russia. the pope said,
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you crane should have the courage to raise the white flag and negotiate presents. that is because of the folks and not just try to mediate from thousands of columbus as a way. of course, in germany has sentenced that american man to life in presence. imagining an american tourist. last june he attached to women and pushed them into a gordon, a noise punched on castle in bavaria, killing one of the un secretary general antonio gutierrez's israel unto the mass to mount the beginning of ramadan with a cease fire. the cold for the release of old hostages taken during the october 7 tara attacks. we simply enter the 6 month c as the settled effects he needs radio and the catastrophic isabel on slots in gaza. because my strongest, the bill today is to honor the spirits of from, of the, by silencing the guns and removing all obstacles to ensure the delivery of even
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live saving aids at the speeds and massive scale required at the same time. and then the spirits of compression, i call for the media 3 leaves of all last which is a ship carrying 200 tons of food, full, gaza is still waiting to sail from cypress. the open arms will be the 1st specimen to use a new maritime cargo setup to bring humanitarian supplies into the territory. a super, so far as inside the vessel has been clear to sale, but there are problems of unloading and distributing. right. the w is rosie bush and reports from cypress, that we're flying into learned con, disagreed city. that's become the new gateway to go. so age groups have been busy loading a ship with much needed food for the besieged territory. we had read it with almost $200.00 policy of foot ready to be delivered to people of guests that we have rise flowers,
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beans soon or the products rate to be distributed in guests. the 1st of its kind see delivery is part of a new not retain age card or a deal carefully brokerage by the supreme government. alongside the european union, the united arab emirates, the united states and others, secrete officials check the goods we face really oversight. on monday, through the passage from this coordination center to try and ensure they get to gauze safely. the 1st thing in where we focus currently is to have a successful fest the journey. and then of course, we already have stowed more quantities. so if you want to tie in a, in cyprus, we hope to establish the quoted or to really be in a position to deal with the dire situation on the ground. this is not a swift or simple route. one of the charities involved is building a make shift, jackie to receive 8 and separately the us plans to build a bigger temporary peer the united nations. there's no warning. garza is on the
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brink of 5 minutes, some 400 kilometers from here in cyprus, and the road trip takes days. there is a quicker and easier way to get a in through road crossings. israel says 8, welcome to the c corner door on thought. it's committed to getting food to josten's, but it's also faced heavy criticism and accusations of blocking age entry bi line, and then you see chord or will bring some relief. but given the enormous need, it's final destination. it's just a drop in the ocean. so that's good. excuse me. let's get the ball from our report to felix tom's up in jerusalem. welcome, felix. so as i ship awaits the steps, the sale i bring this up to dates with the situation in gaza at the moment. well the situation seems to be ever worsening when it comes to the lack of food and other necessary products. hunger seems to be becoming an ever growing problem. and at the same time,
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we have to bear in mind that the is rarely talked in the southern city of rough uh, uh, looming over um, on the one hand we have is really prime minister benjamin its on y'all saying that such a not talk is essential for ease where uh for reason we're reaching its target of eliminating come us rough axis, where more than 1000000 palestinians our constituents are on the other hand, there are also reports that such an attack is not imminent. one thing is clear, the eyes of the world are watching, and this is gonna remain the case in the coming days and weeks. okay. so as the most imposing month of ramadan begins, what is the atmosphere like that in this room or well, i would say that is where it is currently on age. when it comes to what the security aspect of rama done the,
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the security arrangements in around jerusalem in the holy sites. and it's currently being widely reported in use here. and everyone seems to be talking about whether there will be a certain restrictions as the month of ramadan keeps on going on at the moment. it seems like the situation is relatively calm. there have been some classes between is there any police and was wanting to pray? but at the same time, i think, i think everyone's eyes are towards friday. this is when things could get tricky for these early security services. and everyone is here. we're talking about whether that's going to be the case this coming friday. and what can you tell us about these reports of israel has killed a high ranking, homeless official, who is believed to have been directly involved in the october 7 tara attacks. that's what we are talking about. my one is very,
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is higher ranking some us official. so those reports are currently wide ending in his role is really believes that he had been killed in the attack. this hasn't been confirmed as of yet. if confirmed this would be the highest ranking, how much the official do because by each row since october 7th, and is ready to official according to reports here. and these were all believe that this would be a significant step towards achieving the wards goals. but at the same time, it needs to be said that no official confirmation has been received so far. so such and such a confirmation could be received in the coming days, sometimes even weeks. and we're gonna stay on top of those reports and should this information be confirmed? this is a big step and a big step. and so we've been in this war. absolutely. thank you for that. felix, of felix terms of injurious great,
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and the good of hollywood have had the red carpet for the biggest show his 9th of big yeah, the oscar u. k. blockbuster, oppenheimer dominated criminal used to know what's next. what's next? christopher buildings, ethic, historical drama, scoop 7 awards, including best film and best director in stock county. and they also took the best after the best actress award. went to m a stone to poor fitz. that's the film expert scott rocks breath. i his take on this year's highlights, are you, how can i follow that i a follow ryan gosling doing. i just can, i mean that obviously was so the engine team and highlight of the evening for me and i think for most people watching uh the oscars. um, but if i had to look at the actual films that one and what i think it means a for the industry, i'm the fact that oppenheimer did so well that really basically cleaned up the oscars issue. i think that's a sign that this was
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a return to sort of the oscars of old because oppenheimer is one of those big old hollywood historical epics. the kind of used to always win at the oscars, but have sort of been replaced in the last number of years by smaller, independent international uh films. don't some streamers. you've had films like code a nomad, land, moonlight, parasite winning the best picture. but here you had another, an old big, big studio of film, oppenheimer winning even beating out it's, um, it's more sort of mainstream commercial live a barbie. i'm. and i think it's interesting because, um these are the kind of movies at holy hollywood used to really try her and, and warner at the oscars. but they sort of fall in, out of favor in the last couple of decades. really. it was the sort of rise of superhero movies and, and franchise movies. so, so this uh, oscars i think, was returned to that sort of old school hollywood celebration of these type of big epic,
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a films that really only only with only the steel system can really do proper. it's got box, right. that's it. you're up to date. i'll have a well news of the top of the power of next on dw, close up reports on a new super computer. it can revolutionize medicine and perhaps even cure cancer. i'm good. sliding away when it's 40 degrees celsius in the shade can be deadly during times of climate change. how do rising temperatures change how the report from the in fennel heat, march 15th on d. w. the minuscule world of quantum particles might be for into most of us,


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