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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 12, 2024 2:00am-2:16am CET

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the, the, this is data of news live from bill in the critical moment. the hazy us secretary of state and 3 blinking meats with caribbean meters and announced as washington is ramping up age. as concern grows over continued chaos in the gang ravaged nation. also on the program, the swedish flag is raised at nato headquarters to mock its place as the newest member of the alliance nato's chief. declare that as proof the russian president, vladimir putin has failed in his mission to destroy ukraine. as a ship carrying 200 tons of food for gaz, weights to leave the cypress,
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that open arms will use a new maritime 8. cory door for the party said the problems over unloading and distributing supplies, the am totally illogical. welcome to the program as emergency talks take place on dealing with the violence in haiti, the us, the sledge, an additional $100000000.00 for the deployment of a multinational force to the troubled country. the secretary of state, anthony lincoln joined a meeting of the leaders of caving nations and all the international diplomats in jamaica to discuss the situation. haiti's prime minister was under pressure to resign, has not attended the maintainance. dozens of people have been killed in haiti is gang violence. spirals out of control with a tax on government buildings including police stations and prisons.
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thousands of patients, families have been forced to flee, did homes as um, gangs the control of much else. katy's capital. what works for the ministry of social affairs for over 20 years and was able to build my own house. but now here i am homeless. i'm fleeing without knowing where to go. it's an abuse divided into the ramped up once again in pato prince over the weekend. um gang, a tech police stations and said, bought all the interior ministry on fire. many haitians have suffered gunshot wounds or because it's a matter of life and death, and there's no question of public or private ownership of state property. imagine if we were all killed in port a prince, what use would this building be? what are we going to do with it?
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i'm groups and the skills in lead february, in an effort to always deprive mr. audio audrey who was visiting candiotti, we sign that he did all beach florida. you in big deployment of police force from the east african country to fight gangs. he could not return home after his blaine was refused permission to land calls for peace of amplifying washington is discussing a proposal to introduce urgent father to go to problems. but the category and community and haitian politicians. the proposal that is on the table that care com has developed over the past several days in consultation with haitian stakeholders and consultation with united states would expedite the political transition to the creation of a broad base independent of presidential college to steer the country towards the deployment of a multi national security support mission and free and fair elections. and that's what i expect the secretary will be discussing. the us and the utah opinion type of
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a could to deploy to can stop from haiti due to the surgeon violence with no problem is to invite them getting smaller and con, for when the international intervention is likely to restore order of the prime minister of barbados motley, said haitian stakeholders were unanimous on the need for urgent action to pay the way for a new government. everybody agreed to the urgent need for the establishment of a presidential coming. so everybody agreed that that presidential council would be required to have identify if prime minister and they all agreed that the security situation needed to be contained as soon as possible and that the establishment of the presidential coming. so would be critical to that. any i asked dw reporter, daniel metate to you, why haiti's prime minister's turning to kenya for help and guessing?
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are you in bax police mission in his country? it's basically kenya is the only country that volunteered to lead um, the multinational uh, security team. but uh would comprised of uh, $1000.00 canyon police officers. what trained to handle the situation in haiti and they, a primary role was to support and training the haiti and police forces to basically be able to protect the strategic infrastructure and also restore norma c. so last week in they will be basically what the prime minister was doing was signing a bilateral agreement, which was missing to these 2, these whole procedure. so, but a canyon police officers can be deployed at even higher. and if you, if the, just to bring you up to speed in january in 2023,
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pardon me. amend actually approved the deployment of the, of the forces in haiti. but in january this year, the high court in kenya stopped that deployment coming in as unconstitutional and legal currently, as we are speaking, the court is uh with the casings with that the court of p. so it still remains to be seen what the proceeds from the court guess we'd be. the swedish flag is now flying at nato headquarters in brussels of sweden, as formerly welcomed into the lines as its 32nd member. the countries location military pa and experience in dealing with russia. mean it's accession is an important boost on the block. it's also a big step for sweden, which has turned its back on 2 centuries of neutrality as
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the swedish flag raised for the 1st time outside nay's. her head causes, following its neighbour of finland, sweden has become the 32nd member of the alliance. at the ceremony in brussels, sweden's prime minister laid out the nordic nations reasons for leaving behind its history of neutrality. the security situation in our region has not been this serious since the 2nd world war. and russia will stay a threats to you. atlantic security for a foreseeable future. it was in these light, sweden applied to join the native defense alliance to gain security, but also to provide security since rushes full scale invasion of ukraine. 2 years ago, nato has sought to develop defense plans. the eastern and nordic members, russia claimed to have launched the war imparts because of nature as
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a split expansion. but the threats of only pushed more countries to joining the alliance. when pressed on tooth and launched is full for scaling nation 2 years ago. he won't, the less, nate, the more control over his neighbors. he wanted to destroy ukraine, southern states. but see, fade. nato is bigger and stronger. sweden now has security guarantees from nation. remember, states shouldn't come under attack from russia or anyone else in the future. in return sweden's military capability makes it a powerful new member, boasting cutting edge aircraft, and n t a croft and these files as well as the state of the art tanks and submarines. it also has a considerable slays of ships of sweden's geographical position is another advantage. firstly, as a land transit route to reinforce feller, members, norway,
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and finland. and secondly, by allowing nato to take control of the baltic sea in any conflict with russia by sweden's enormous coastline. sweden's military has taken its 1st steps in the alliance, joining nato, whose biggest drills since the cold war. the exercises across the blocks, nordic states, aimed at sending a clear message from russia's rivals, both nature and sweden, a foss, stronger with disagreement. here's a look at some of the stories making headlines around the world. colin's president is urging fellow nasal members to make a major increase in defense spending. andre, due to says that with the russians economy on a war footing, nasal nations should spend at least 3 percent of the g. d. p. on the ministry alliance, members are kindly expected to spend 2 percent on defense. a biologist
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and new zealand have identified a 100 new species after exploring a rift some 5 kilometers below the sea. the creatures include some of the scientists con, even identified as well as a strange sea to come back office to take a ship carrying 200 tons of food for gaz. i still waiting to sail from cypress superior authorities say the vessel has been cleared to sail, but their problems over unloading and distributing the 8 the open arms will be the 1st ship to use a new maritime card or set up to brings you my terry. and supplies to gather the w's, rosie, but i tried bullets from the port, veronica in cyprus, where the vessel it was due to leave. anytime now we're flying into learn to come the sick bridge city that's become the new gateway to gaza. age groups have been busy loading a ship with much needed food for the besieged territory. we are ready with almost
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$200.00 policy of foot ready to be delivered to the will of guests that we have rise flowers, beans, 2 and a body products ready to be distributed in guests. the 1st of its kind, c delivery is part of a new not retained age card or a deal carefully brokerage by the supreme government. alongside the european union, united arab emirates, the united states and others, secret officials check the goods we face really oversight. on monday through the passage from this coordination center to try and ensure they get gone so safely. the 1st thing in where we focus currently is to have a successful fest the journey. and then of course, we already have stored more quantities. so if you want to tie in a, in cyprus, we hope to establish the quoted or to really be in a position to deal with the dire situation on the ground. this is not a swift or simple route one of fatalities involved is building and makes to jackie
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to receive 8 and separately the us plans to build a bigger temporary peer the united nations. there's no warning. garza is on the brink of 5 minutes, some 400 kilometers from here in cyprus, and the road trip takes days. there is a quicker and easier way to get a in through road crossings. israel says 8, welcome to see colored or on thought. it's committed to getting food to josten's, but it's also faced heavy criticism and accusations of blocking age entry bi line, and then you see chord or will bring some relief. but given the enormous need, it's final destination. it's just a drop in the ocean. person's princess of wales has apologized after several major news agencies withdrew a family photo saying it appears to have been manipulated. princess catherine said she tried to edit the image and was sorry for any confusion. the royal family published the picture on mother's day in the united kingdom has been weeks of
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speculation about the princesses whereabouts following surgery in january earlier dw spoke to andrew pierce all 8 professional pro photographer. also, electra is in journalism at the university of south wales and the u. k. and we often, if the manipulation actually matches. so yes, because i have these ethical codes of conduct, we have in the u. k. here we have it. so we have the b, p a's guide of conduct, we have an u j and all of these agencies across the world have to sort of abide by these regulations. we are regulated industry, you know, we are supposed to. so a tell the truth and accuracy as much as we can. and when the po press organizations trying to submit something which has been made to place it that goes against those rules. and that's, that's why it was given the, the kill older, which stands quite, you know, expands quite harsh, but some that basically means that old distribution of the image cannot go ahead
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because of those manipulations. i mean, if you look closely small, it's not difficult to see those manipulations if you, if you look at various elements of charlotte hand. and if you look just behind the louise knee, you can actually see very, very obvious manipulations which really comp go ahead in the world effect of journalism. this is a reminder of our top story. us suggested, i think lincoln is meeting caving leaders for emergency to obtain the dressing, the spiraling violence, and hate t. um games have been attacking government offices, important brands more than a week. dozens of patients have been killed in thousands of trying to flee the violence. but that's all for now. coming up next after the break doc film features twin sisters united in their search for a better life. fall from the native sierra leone. told me a lot of the
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sliding away when it's 40 degrees celsius in the shade can be deadly during times of climate change. how do rising temperatures change how the report, the internal heat, march 15th on d w the .


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