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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 12, 2024 8:00am-8:30am CET

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the, the, you're watching the, the, the news coming to live from berlin. as gang violence threatens to overwhelm haiti, its prime minister has agreed to resign. arial on re, has been under pressure to relinquish power by gangs would cease control of parts of the capital. announcement comes as regional leaders discuss a possible intervention. we will bring you the very latest. also coming up on the show today, no cease fire for the holy month of ramadan. and garza muslims break their fast among bombed out ruins and pray for a break in the fight. plus we meet the india
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and farmers talking of a revolution as their protest intensifies ahead of the upcoming election. and a treasure trove of news bases are discovered by scientists off the coast of new zealand in largely unexplored waters, the employer richardson, welcome to the sho, haiti's prime minister has agreed to resign. after weeks of increasing gang violence, as follows, crisis talks between caribbean leaders and us secretary of state anthony blinking aimed at halting the surgeon. unrest. hazy has been described as b at a tipping point. as armed criminal gangs overwhelmed parts of the capital, or are you only has held the rules of prime minister and acting president since 2021? following the assassination of president drove and as maurice, he made this statement in the last few hours. my mom,
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these yeah. i break was a nice i swear. last night i see the council of ministers accepted to put a transitional presidential council in place. was i oh, well, the members of this council will be picked after agreement with different sectors of the national life. with the government, i am running the move itself immediately after the establishment of this council armed criminal gangs had been demanding one brief resignation for weeks while unleashing what some experts have called a low scale. the civil war inside haiti, scores of people have been killed and a thousands have been left homeless. thousands of nation families have been forced to flee their homes as um, gags, the control of much else capital. what time works for the ministry of social
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affairs for over 20 years and was able to build my own house. but now here i am homeless. i'm fleeing without knowing where to go. it's an abuse divided into the ramped up once again in pato, prince over the weekend, gang a tech police stations and said spot of the indeed, emily street on fire. many haitians have stuff like gunshot wounds or be killed. it's a matter of life and death, and there's no question of public or private ownership of state property. imagine if we were all killed in puerto friends, what use would this building be? what are we going to do with it? i'm groups and the skills in lead february, in an effort to aust prime minister audio audrey who was visiting candiotti, we sign the a he lobbied for the you and big deployment of police force from the east african
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country to fight gangs. he could not return home after his blaine was refused permission to land. the calls for peace are amplifying. washington is discussing a proposal to introduce urgent political funds, but the category and community and haitian politicians. the proposal that is on the table that care com has developed over the past several days in consultation with haitian stakeholders and consultation with united states. with expedite the political transition to the creation of a broad base independent presidential college to steer the country towards the deployment of a multi national security support mission and free and fair elections. and that's what i expect the secretary will be discussing. the us end, the utah opinion type of a could to deploy to good stuff from haiti due to the search in violence with no problem is to invite them getting smaller and controlled. only international intervention is likely to restore order journal is harold isaac is in the haitian
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capital port au prince. i asked him whether the news of the resignation will help to restore order within haiti. well, it's still early to, to say me, it's um, uh right after 2 o'clock in the morning here. and the news got here rather late, although it was expected that it would happen sometime tonight. so we're still expecting reactions, but it's, it is unclear. and what is the security situation like in the immediate hours after this announcement of his resignation as well after the wave of violence that swept through the city last week, we had a bit of a reprieve for the past over 36 hours where folks were able to resupply and some fuel was allowed to come out of the terminals. so um, it is a very fragile situation, honestly here,
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and we don't know how to gains will react to nearly 2 elements. the new uh, the new as of the the resignation apartment. sorry. and the news of the new presidential council that will leave the country. tell us more about this new presidential council a is there already are there are the indications of how games might respond to this . well, the formula that was presented in adopted both by the carry com country, the international community and the patient stakeholders was a 7 member presidential council that would lead to 2 elections in the near future. and the gang side themselves had demanded the resignation of aria already, but it's on clear how they will react to that, that council, that doesn't include directly. members that would be affiliated to that me. where
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does all this leave the possibility of an international security force a potentially led by kenya? do you think as it's still in the plan? so, i mean, it's one of the key points discussed by the various stakeholders and the international community yesterday at the meeting and kingston, jamaica. but that being said, the timeline and also the funding as yet to be clarified. there's a lot of funds that have been pledged, but in terms of effective money that is available for admission that has been a point of contention between the various countries involved journalist harold issac. thank you so much from providing your insights on this developing story. we're very much appreciate your time. thanks for having me. as muslims around the world, welcome to the start of ramadan. on monday, garzon faced continued his rarely bombardment and
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a spiraling humanitarian crisis. efforts to get israel and moss to agree a cease fire before the start of the holy month have failed and the tower 3 is on the brink of famine. this year's ramadan celebrations and gaza has been stolen by fighting the traditional sunset and you will call if dar, it's hard to arrange with the little food available, but many are trying to keep traditional live some. remember the rama. tons of the past. the joyce occasion dealt with flowers and family. now thousands dine amid rubble. oh, well, hold on, hold on and have the 1st day of ramadan. thank god we have this. if tar here on the ruins. we have no homes, no furniture left for us. nothing is left for us. one of them uh, we couldn't even get anything from our homes. what? uh, we came to rosco from con eunice on foot. you know, the problem actually most of guys,
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this population has been displaced by the war. many will spend ramadan hiding from bombs and encampments like these. the un secretary general is calling for a stop to the fighting during the holy month. the highs of the world are watching. the highs of the city are watching. we cannot look away. we must provide more presentable death. international humanitarian law lives in texas and the set up and these rarely assaults on the rasa. woods plummet the people of gaza into an even deeper circle of hell. as ramadan piers began, there's little hope for a truce between the moss, which launch the worst here attack and israel's history on october 7th. and israel, which is laid waste to much of gaza and response with negotiation stalled ordinary guys and can only continue to pray for a little more food and
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a chance to survive. let's bring in database report or felix time suit in jerusalem. i feel like drawing on has started this year. i made no let up in the fighting in gaza. could you please tell us the latest? yes. uh, were you talking about a situation in which uh, the, uh, sorry, things here and these are the security with all these are on edge. i as run with them begins so far the prayers have been going relatively comedy. it needs to be said there have been some clashes between police and was there is one thing to pray or the like some also but so far is, are in your forty's. see the situation relatively calmly. i think everyone will be looking towards friday, where an estimate, tens of thousands of muslims were ones who pre own temple moans. at the same time. it tends to be said that in the most of the sort of situation, the 10 situation has been a seems to be escalating more than a 100 rockets have been shots from the north of labor known by his ballade towards
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israel. as a result of it is rarely a talking labor on, on both sides say that they aren't interested in an all out conflict. but at the same time it needs to be said that the situation has been escalating. and it doesn't seem to be coming down anytime soon. so 10 security situation um, can you give us the latest on, on what is happening in gaza currently? yes, absolutely. the situation in gaza is currently very problematic in terms of humanitarian aid, in terms of food pressure has been mounting on his right and to increase the amount of of, of age available towards the palestinians. we have a ship uh waiting to sail from cypress towards the quotes of guys, but even with some $200.00 tons of aid, reportedly um, supplied by the ship. this is just a, just a drop its just the dropping the seat does much more
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a that's needed. and as we're almost done begins, we're talking about a situation that many guys ons, um, are still having a hard time um, basically having food and celebrating uh rama done. um, just as the war has been going on, there had been at some point, some hopes that mediators might be able to secure a new truce before ramadan. clearly there has been no breakthrough. there. could you also give us an update, please, on what has been happening on the diplomatic front? yes, efforts have been ongoing, but at the same time, as you said, there's a, there's no success so far. the reports here, it is right to say that the government here believes in agreement during ramadan is unlikely, but still possible. at the same time, it needs to be said that with the ongoing or talking guys uh, with the escalating situation up or orange and with the looming offer. is there any operation in russel where more than 1000000 palestinians are currently sheltering?
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the situation doesn't seem it isn't, i tend to get better anytime soon. the discussions are ongoing between both sides. both both seem to be holding their positions as of now. um and reports here say that's not likely to change in the coming days. well thank you so much for that update that is felix at time suit in jerusalem. will that ship he mentioned to they are carrying $200.00 tons of food for gaza. has now just set sail from cypress a following delays related to issues with unloading and distributing the 8. as you're looking here at live footage of the open arms, it will be the 1st ship to use a new maritime cord or set up to bring to mandatory and supplies in to garza and there we can see it on its way. we now have this report from the, the user,
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rosie bird shirt, from the port of atlantica in cyprus, where that vessel had been waiting for the green lights to leaf. we're flying into learned con, disagreed city. that's become the new gateway to go. so the 1st, if it's kind see delivery is part of a new maritime age card or a deal carefully brokerage by the supreme government. alongside the european union, the united arab emirates, the united states and others, secrete officials check the goods we face really oversight. and monitor the passage from this coordination center to try and ensure they get to gauze safely. the 1st thing in where we focus currently is to have a successful fest the journey. and then of course, we already have stowed more quantities. so if you want to tie in a, in cyprus, we hope to establish the quoted or to really be in a position to deal with the dire situation on the ground. this is not a swift or simple root of fatalities. and bolt is building a, make shift,
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jackie to receive 8 and separately the us plants to build a bigger temporary peer the united nations. there's no warning. garza is on the brink of 5 minutes, some 400 kilometers from here in cyprus. and the road trip takes days. there is a quicker and easier way to get a in through road crossings. israel says 8, welcome to the c corner door on thought. it's committed to getting food to josten's . but it's also faced heavy criticism and accusations of blocking age entry bi line, and then you see chord or will bring some relief. but given the enormous need, it's final destination. it's just a drop in the ocean. we do have time to bring you up to speed with some other world news headlines at this hour. at least 50 people have been injured after a boeing may have let and plane bound for new zealand. suddenly lost altitude, mid flights. for people remain in hospital evasion, authorities have launched an investigation. it is the latest in
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a spring of safety incidents plaguing us plan maker. boeing new studies as the krona virus pandemic lowered a global life expectancy by 1.6 years. that is, according to research published by the lancet journal. the authors at the pandemic reverse the gains in life expectancy more than any other event, including wars and natural disasters. in half a century. colin's president is urging follow nato members to make a major increase in defense spending. andre dude says that with russia's economy on a war footing, nato nations should spend at least 3 percent of their g. d, p on defense, up from the 2 percent. they are currently expected to spend farmers in india are set to resume their march to the capital debt lee part of a ongoing protest around securing guaranteed prices for their crops. farmers for one of the most influential voting blocks in india and their process are a challenge for prime minister and
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a render moody ahead of upcoming elections. date of these corresponded immersion. many are a child dri, went to one of the protest, counts in the north of the country to get a sense of farmers frustrations. long live the use because with national elections just around the corner, such dining and cries from india almost should make any government novas. we'll see that on the really intensive fight the movement because i think there is no way we'll go back now without the government agreeing to our demands and open the dictator. he wouldn't listen. we will sit here as long as we have to. i have told my wife and children that either i'll come back successful. oh my dead body. well, you know, muddy the body. the farm was mean to mind is a guaranteed minimum price for all they produce. they also want to bet dimensions and their loans. we fuck negotiations with government representative have so far
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not let any that because of the election, the pressure on the government is increasing as more farmers are joining again every day. the timing of the protests is not lost on anyone. india is set to void national election soon and a big protest now would be a challenge for the names. the movie was seeking event, taught them as prime minister. this is not his 1st brush, but protesting. foremost in 2021, the farmer, the witch, lost it over the prime minister. moody to go back on to watch. so advertise a noise, which according to farmer, would have met the guy vision of the farm in 6 to 3 years on mcgee thing is one of the leaders of this book to scan at some blue border in india, sped bus, good state up. and he says that angel movie also made strong promises to the
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families when he was in the opposition, including fixing the guaranteed minimum price is the crux. but did nothing of to coming into problem at all, because this moody is considered such a strong lead to someone who does know back down. then we should remind everyone that he is strong because of the people of the country. he should look for the people, we have no problem with who runs the government. we are just saying that the phone number is to all the bank component of the country should at least be happy with government data showing more than 50 percent of india, almost in that the economist out of the life points to a growing despite of di, between urban and rural india, he says that if not addressed this in balance of development, good for the political challenge for us to come. the reason is that you see 85 percent of the foremost a small and modular farmers. the income that they're getting from farming is roughly at, on the poverty line. ok. or even below the forward because they have very low
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income to kind of new funding. they have to bought it. so that in that for now, heavy security forces and bob wires are stopping monday and the other formulas from marching to the capital city. but they are determined to stay put miles away from their homes and families. but then they see it as a matter of somebody that speak to a journalist, a shelter yet of in delhi for more so farmers planning to march your direction to the capital. could you please give us a sense of where things stand now and what might be stopping them for making their journey a list of all what's stopping them or what's detouring them is the heavy hand of the government. as soon as the government got the width of the 2nd round at the protest or last month, well, the night, the capital city of denny was turned into a fortress. it was barricaded with bogged wiles, with cemented blocks and fencing. came up overnight, you know, on,
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on 3 sides of the city to prevent these farmers from entering the city and holding the o and mocking their protest. now this was a reminder of the 2021 comma was to test when the government use the similar tactics to prevent them from entering the city. and in fact, it, it proved to be some say to, to be gone to productive because these followers then decided to uh, quote, a citizen focused on the highways for over a year uh, blocking denny's access to the 3 neighboring states. and it brought the city to a to a standstill, really. and in the end the government had to have to blink 1st and, and they review the deductible sheets on the lowest back then. but some of the demands are still on match. uh, by the uh, by the government. and so these farmers that back on, on the highways again, they'll be stopping the same. i know, i mean this time of this time around the, during the food test, the security forces have used, jones do sprayed to a guess to dispelled the protest. and in fact,
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it turned violent at one point and led to the death of a 2020, a 20 year old, a farmer. but the farm was still say that they are a good to continue their products, and they're understood, understood over the months. so how likely do you think it is that we will see something similar emerge here as in 2021, whereas you say the farmers were able to exact some concessions from the government . we know the india is going into general elections that we are expecting to take place by may. yes, that's right. as money that zip code said earlier that these visuals of these farmers coming up in huge numbers and sitting outside of delhi shouldn't make any government numbers. you know, especially because india is due to go for elections in the coming few months. and a farming community is a big and influential voting block in india. but that said, uh, you know, the government is, is using a heavy force of them as it did in 2021. so it doesn't seem like it's,
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it's very nervous with the protests. so far of these follows, let me remind you become from the politically crucial states of punjab, ariano and with the for these. and so the, the government cannot ignored the private and still cannot ignore this building block, especially as he's seeking a sort of an office in the coming few months. and so exploits say that he might have to concede to a few to months if not, oh, i heard of the feel ahead of the upcoming elections. but thank you so much for that update that is a shallow out of joining us today from deli let's go to new zealand now where by all address have found a wealth of new species after exploring a rift some 5 kilometers beneath. see, the organisms include something that scientists can't even identify as well as a strange creature called a see peg. bishop had one mission to find new species in the sea before the last forever, and assigned to the field into the nets. they found about
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a 100. all seen for the 1st time in new zealand bounty truss. the 1st thing i saw was that had very solid seems to cover about the same thing. so uh that was very nice. pay now strikes why i'm sending a sweet sale through the net. we found a very large specimen of quarter st. pete's portrait seemed to come by as by a small blackboard, a friend of strangers. the crew of 21. scientists based on the cameras to the sea floor and found some known species living at unexpected death. among them was attending g on don is quit an animal that's over metre. long's got the largest light organs in the animal kingdom and clicks on all of the arms instead of suckers . and so this large specimen swim through the frame, had a little look at
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a flash of light organs once and then disappeared off into the darkness. and that was a hard stopping moment. in less than a month, the group has found this species of guilt pout. that's never been described the whole dispute of dakota. and we've even go at least one creature which way don't reason show what it is, the bounty trust with long considered and i'm to explode region. but now find to, to show only be coming back to it again and again. and the arrival of spring means cherry blossoms season in japan. normally a huge draw for tourists. but next month, the visitors will no longer be able to enter the famous engagement districts in kyoto. mass tourism has become a nuisance for the city. indications have complained of harassment. chevy blossoms, blooming. yep. again in japan and the frenzied rush of tourists has begun in kyoto
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presidency, visitors have become a headache. they behave poorly and they harass the geishas. the district council sees it doesn't know what else to do, but then visitors from these private alleys and block people from taking photographs. i think it's very for them to take pictures. you're in the area this of the women? not all tutors agree with that. i wonder why it's being forced to me. this is a unique charity, jerry argues. joy visitors to japan often confused geisha book prostitute spencer wood geishas offering fact highly skilled performance of japanese stones and music. apologies. hope the new
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band recreate the safest space for them. devoid of photos acting like by proxy. that's that's news update coming up next our documentary asked ken out, you'd save the world, say to and, and find out the
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green is hope safe. the world without the outcome can take his waste materials and waste to extract nutrients with very light that can also produce oxygen goals. i can find the c o 2 weeks, how you create 2 oxygen to the same time. on d w, pico africa, carbon offsetting projects are sprouting up all over 10 years. underneath the
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lady's ear to that is a predictor and i'm going to the single think i left satisfied photo rather see exactly the story. but can these efforts really make a difference in 60 minutes on dw, the how many platforms can you handle single tenuously without having the feeling that it's just too much you might see me. how much can we do simultaneously? multitasking diesel, modern methods? because if we do too much, we paid it all wrong. we messed things up,
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risking brain damage. so let's stop this self sabotage, humans and multitasking watch. now on youtube, v. w documentary, the whole has a color and it's green. one german research team is convinced that algy can help solve some of humanities greatest problems around the globe. biologists are hunting for micro organisms with extraordinary abilities, like limes to creating energy, which might one day generate climate neutral cement. from 10 to 5 percent of blood black as far as c o 2 come some construction to different concrete production. now here's a possible concrete substitute. that's the.


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