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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 12, 2024 9:00am-9:30am CET

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the, the, you're watching, you know, the news coming to live from berlin of gang violence threatens to over whelmed haiti is prime minister, has agreed to resign, arial on re husband under pressure to relinquish power by gangs who receives control of parts of the capital. the announcement comes as regional leaders, discuss a possible intervention. we will bring you the very latest. also coming up on our show today on his way to gauze at a ship packed full of food, finally leaves port and cypress. it is the 1st to use a new maritime age groups and then gauze. i know ceasefire for the whole. the month
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of ramadan muslims break their fast among bombed out ruins and pray for a break in the fight in the empire. richardson welcome to the program. have these prime minister has agreed to resign after weeks of increasing a gang violence. this fall is crisis talks between caribbean leaders and us secretary of state antony blank and aimed at halting the surging unrest has been described as being at a tipping point as armed criminal gangs over whelmed parts of the capital. r e o. re has held the rules of prime minister and acting president since 2021. following the assassination of president he drove, and at least he has made this statement in the last few hours. but not the a week was a nice, i swear. last night i see the council of ministers accepted to put
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a transitional presidential council in place. of course i owe, rather, the members of this council will be picked after agreement with different sectors of the national life. with the government i am running will the move itself immediately after the establishment of this council armed criminal gangs had been demanding on res resignation for weeks while i'm leasing what some experts have called a low scale civil war. inside haiti, scores of people have been killed and thousands have been left homeless. thousands of families in height, you have been forced to free that homes as gains take control of much of the capital. i worked for the ministry of social affairs for over 20 years and was able to build my own house. but now here i am homeless. i'm fleeing without knowing
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where to go. it is discussing a proposal to introduce urgent political the phones with the academy and community . and i, each in conversations us and the you are paying union have event to i did that diplomatic style for my duty due to the surgeon violence and with no prime minister and violent gang is not really control. only international invention is likely to me is still order. journalist harold isaac is in the haitian capital port au prince. here's his assessment of the security situation on the ground as well after the wave of violence that swept through the city. last week we had a bit of a reprieve for the past over 36 hours where folks were able to resupply and some fuel was allowed to come out of the terminals. so um, it is a very fragile situation honestly here. um and we don't know how to gains will
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react to nearly 2 elements. the new uh, the news of the resignation apartments are already and then use of the new presidential council that will leave the country. tell us more about this new presidential council. uh, is there already, are there already indications of how things might respond to this? well, the formula that was presented in adopted both by the carry com country, the international community and the haitian stakeholders was a 7 member presidential council that would lead to 2 elections in the near future. and the gang side themselves had, i demanded resignation of aria already, but it's on clear how they will react to that, that council that doesn't include directly. members,
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that wouldn't be affiliated to them. hm. where does all this leave the possibility of an international security force a potentially led by kenya? do you think as it's still in the plans? i mean, it's one of the key points discussed by the various stakeholders and the international community yesterday at the meeting and kingston, jamaica. but that being said, the timeline and also the funding as yet to be clarified. there's a lot of funds that have been pledged, but in terms of effective money that is available for the emission that has been a point of contention between the various countries involved journalist harold isaac. thank you so much from providing your insights on this developing story. it was very much appreciate your time. thanks for having me. a ship carrying 200 tons of food is on its way from cypress to gaza. the open arms will be the 1st ship
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to use a new maritime pork or set off to bring humanitarian supplies. to garza, it had been waiting in the porch of monica for the green light to set sail. let's get more for our correspondence. that rosy bird shirt in cyprus, rosy, be open arms now on its way. can you tell us what the holdup was and how long it is now going to take for it to arrive? so i'm here at lorna and behind me is the port that is where the ship set sail from its being described by the secret precedent as a journey of hope. know that journey will not be an easy one. it's likely not a good day. the sale would take at least $50.00, but because they ship is towing behind it. plenty of food, a tons of food aid that slightly dirty will let me go into the day. so it's not a simple or easy crossing, and it was in simple to get here. negotiations to open this in our time cards or in
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the political level have been going on for months. there was a green light, politically last week. and then in terms of actually getting the 8 there, that's even more complicated because there is no permanent port infrastructure in gaza after years of industry. life was located now under the steel is really officials overseas checks by secrete. officials here in florida, the cost of 8 can go directly to gas. so where the n g o in volts has been building a, make shift, jackie, to be able to offload that age, which we know is much neat. is with you and warning of risk of famine and gas i currently have. this is the 1st delivery along with this new and maritime cemetery and core door. yep. and you and others, monetary and agencies have been saying that trucking would be a much more effective and simply the best option for bringing a to gaza. can you give us a sense of, of how much a this roots can actually provide? so currently base for ship is providing $200.00 tons worth of data. not certainly
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is more than a truck can carry, but make no mistake. this is not the simplest or the quickest way to get 88 in the u. n saying, make sure there's no replacement for traditional lands route, so road crossings into casa and before october 7th. so if i lost her attacks, there were about 500 trucks of a today going into guys. so the latest figures i have from the european union is that not started down to $100.00. and of course, since then the need for that age has increased grad drastically given the ongoing, bombardments. so really what officials are saying is yes, this will bring some relief, some desperately needed food, but it is not a replacement and it cannot be an alternative to increase the 2 out of terry access that some of the united nations has been calling for israel for its part welcomes please 8 cards or size. it's committed to guessing 8 the gases, but it's also been heavily criticized, given just how difficult it has been to get through data on other supplies across those traditional lines crossing. it's also being accused of blocking
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a through those traditional lens routes. are some of that our viewers know that we are looking at live footage of their, of the open arms on its way. or is it keeps us a little bit more about exactly what kind of aid is on board on this trip? yeah, i've been in touch with 2 of the charities that are operating this maiden voyage. and what they've told me is that those $200.00 tons include things like slower rice, but also can thing what canned vegetables can proteins like teams to note, those are supplies which we are know will be very much welcomed in gaza. we know that they've been sending the final destination of a ship is just enormous so. well, it's been welcomed, as i said, described by the european commission. i also as a sign of hope and of course very dark times this conflict reaching on. it's something which will overall, given the enormous need, there just be a drop in the ocean. so this maiden voyage, but there is hope, according to the separate foreign ministry that these maritime corps or will not be
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wrapped up. and the more ships kindly we don't have any figures on how many ships could be crossing this or when the next one will go. the focus very much until now has been on guessing may ship to set sail from here and learn a call that has not happened, of course plan rosie furnitures reporting some learning. so thank you so much. i as, as muslims around the world, welcome to the start of ramadan. on monday, garlands face continued, his riley bombardments and a spiraling humanitarian crisis. as we've heard, efforts to get israel and tomas to agree a cease fire before the start of the holy month have failed. and the territory is on the brink of famine. this year's ramadan celebrations in gaza has been stolen by fighting the traditional sunset and you will call if dar, it's hard to arrange with the little food available, but many are trying to keep tradition alive. some remember the ramadan of the past,
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a joyce occasion dealt with flowers and family. now thousands, dine and mid rubble. oh, well, hold on my bone and hum the 1st day of ramadan. thank god, we have this. if tar here on the ruins, we have no homes, no furniture left for us, nothing is left for us. and we couldn't even get anything from our homes. what? uh, we came to rosco from con eunice on foot. you know, the most of the guys, this population has been displaced by the war. many was been ramadan hiding from bombs and encampments like these. the un secretary general is calling for a stop to the fighting during the holy month. or the highs of the world are watching. the highs of the city are watching. we cannot look away. we must provide more preventable death. international humanitarian law lives in texas.
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and the set up and these rarely assault on the rough uh, woods plummet, the people of gaza into an even deeper circle of hell. as ramadan piers began, there's little hope for a truce between the mice which launch the worst here attack and israel's history on october 7th. and israel, which is laid waste and much of gaza and response with negotiation stalled ordinary guys and can only continue to pray for a little more food and a chance to survive. let's get the view from jerusalem with ease of use reporter. i feel like tom suit you joining us now. i'd like to look 1st at the security situation on ramadan. normally you see hundreds of thousands of muslims coming to pray at. i'll ox a month, which has really been a flash point for years in this conflicts. can you give us a sense of how things are looking this year as well? these really, authorities are on edge. we can say that police, the army,
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or the government, everyone's been talking about the preparations that the security preparation for almost done um, at the same time, it needs to be said that so far the situation has been come that have been some singular incidents. most of them is one thing to pray and clashing with is really police. but generally speaking of the situation is in. com. everyone's eyes will be on fridays prayers were tens of thousands of muslims are expected to uh, to get to elect from us to pray. and this will be a big test for these early security authorities when it comes to is there a security preparations ahead of ramadan? and let's look again now at the situation in gaza. how has ramadan started there? well we, we mentioned in the story before that that the, the traditional installed in our as our or something which, which is considered
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a sense of having lots of photos and table that hasn't been the case in the, in the past few days of food. it's cars, there's lots of humanitarian aid missing. and this is the still seems to be the case. and with these radio operation in raw file where more than 1000000 pounds of stadiums are sheltering looming, this situation is not likely to get better in the coming days. have we seen any developments on the diplomatic front van? i mean there had been hopes at some point that a new ceasefire agreement might even be reached before ramadan. but clearly there has been no breakthrough. that is indeed the case, despite discussions taking place in the past few days and weights, no agreement has been reached. so far, we're talking about a situation where both sides is right and homeless, sticking through their positions, and resulting in no agreement being rich and the fighting. continuing it onto the
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holy month of ramadan reports here. and these are other say that these ready to government believes a cease fire agreement or an agreement generally waste from us. uh, during the month of ramadan is unlikely, but still possible. but at the same time, i think the, i think what's clear is that the, the, the group that's, that has been suffering the most as a result, if the secret population guys are and given the reports on the failure, the only failure of the legal she ations on reaching the ceasefire, this isn't bound to get better in the coming days. i think we can say that. well, thank you very much for reporting that is alex time suited for us in jerusalem in new zealand authorities to say they're investigating a boeing flight after the aircraft experienced a sudden dropped mid air, enjoying thousands of people. last am airlines,
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which was operating the flights that there had been a technical event during its flight from australia to new zealand. around 50 people were treated for injuries after landing in auckland, including one person to believe to be in serious condition. it passenger who was on the flight, described what he saw, a massive jolt happened and i, i was awake and then i looked up to see the gentleman that was sitting next to me on the roof of the plain. i'm looking at him fully stretched with his back on the roof of the plane. and then he came crashing down to the floor. it was inside and i was like, i thought i was dreaming. and then the pilot came to the back. and i said to myself, what happened? and he said, i just my instruments, i just lost up. are you goes i just for a few seconds they went blank, lorraine,
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be bringing you more on that story as we got further developments in for now though . let's take a look at some other stories making headlines. a former boeing employee of the play maker turned a whistle blower has been found dead in the united states corners a john barnett died from his self inflicted gunshot wound. he had previously raised concerns about problems with boeing, 787 dream liners, including quality control issues and failed test. boeing is under scrutiny after a door blew out of a $737.00 at max 9 mid air in january. poland is president, is urging follow nato members to make a major increase in defense spending. andre data says that with russia's economy on a war footing, nato nations should spend at least 3 percent of their gdp on defense from the 2 percent. they're currently expected to spend and a new study says the krona virus pandemic lowered global life expectancy by 1.6 years. just according to research published by the lancet term,
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the authors of the pen demick reversed gains in life expectancy more than any other event, including wars and natural disasters. in half a century. in germany, a court has to decide whether the far right opposition party alternative for germany or the f d can officially be classified as a so called suspected case of right wing extremism. that would mean germany's domestic intelligence surface would have the right to put the party and its members under regular surveillance and would be allowed to use secret methods. in january, millions of people who cross gemini took to the streets to protest against the rise of the far right and its biggest political vehicle. the alternative for germany over a, if the chance low left charts was among those speaking out, saying germany was under threat from extremist and smells. so i guess i'd, i'd like to if i'm saying it clearly and bluntly,
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i stick with this rightly extreme is our attacking our democracy to them. they want to destroy, okay. he's in the protests westbrook by reports that inferentially, if the members have participated in the meeting of right wing extremists, who discuss plans to master potations of people of foreign origin including jem and citizens, the meeting code races, policies of germany's nazi past. the a if the rejects any formal involvement, but the suck is deep. that's elements in a policy that has made it into the federal and all 16 regional parliaments appeared to be found to sizing about removing whole sections of society. currently the ac is at 19 percent in national polls, but in germany's east it is about 30 percent and could become the strongest political force and regional elections. they see if it's bigger than never. and according to germany's domestic intelligence service, it's also more radical than ever. in fact,
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the parties use wing has already been classified as right wing extremist, which means it's the subject of regular surveillance. is elise vital is current and co leader is the modern face of the a if the policy and central to its positioning and the political landscape on the one hand, she rails against the government impala meant the, the government hates germany. on the other hand, she's on take talk, doing a call dance together with a female partner using social media the a if the has given itself a friend the face and built up a significant young the following. but there is a dock aside to the policy the boss unit this month, young hucker can be described as a nazi a court ruled on that last year. he is seen as the most influential ideological force within the ac and he has pushed the policy ever further to the rise. now it's
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up to the quotes to decide if the, if the has gone so far that it meets the definition of being suspected of being right wing extremists with all the consequences that would bring us get across to our political correspondent assignment young at that court. and once they're covering the story for us assignment, tell us what is at stake here for the far right. a f t party, or yeah, clear if the administrative code here and most of the sides, that the domestic intelligence services have done the job properly and that they have got good reason to declare the a f d a at least potentially at extreme missed organization. then i think that will make it easier for the domestic intelligence agency to use all the tools and it's tool box as well. that is to say, they can put the party on the observation under surveillance. they can listen into
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telephone conversations. they can put agents within the organization and so in a whole range of things, really allowing them to collect even more information and increase political pressure. i think that's ultimately what this is about on the alternative to germany party because there are plenty of politicians from the mainstream parties here in germany who's think, yeah, you know, this policy doesn't really belong to jim in politics. it's not a democratic party, and it's time to do something about that and put that into a bigger perspective for us. if this chord does decide that the a f, the meet the definition of being suspected of being extreme us. do you think that that would damage as popularity for voters as well? and that's an interesting question for those people who are sort of how it co supporters of the a f d a perhaps not. perhaps they will say that this is a, this is positive narrative, but the uh,
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alternative for germany has often told that to, you know, the gym and stay to somehow out to get them is out to sort of marginalize what they say. a perfectly normal views for, for instance, the views on the migration of the views on the, on how german society should be made up. they say used to be mainstream in germany . and it's only because everyone's moved to the left that they now seem to be on the extreme right. so that will be those who would portray any decision here as a further sort of victim, a narrative for the f d a. but i think the wider society would take this is an opportunity to look again . i really look more deeply at some of the frankly hateful things that the f d sometimes says, or at least individual members of it. thank you very much for that update. that is our political correspondent, simon young. now the arrival of spring
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means cherry blossom season in japan, and that's normally a huge or draw for tourist. but next month, visitors won't be able to enter the famous geisha districts in kyoto. mass tourism has become a nuisance for the city and day shows have even complained of harassment. cherry blossoms, blooming yet again in japan. and the frenzied rush of tourists has begun. in kyoto presidency, visitors have become a headache. they behave poorly and they harass the game, shows. the district council say he's a doesn't know what else to do, but then visitors from these private alleys and block people from taking photographs. i think it's very source suzanne to take pictures. you're in the area. you know, progress, you have to do this of the women. not all tutors agree with that. i
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wonder why it's being forced to me. this is a unique visitors to japan, often confuse geisha book, prostitute with geishas, are in fact highly skilled performance of japanese stones and music. apologies, hope the new band recreate to say for space, for them devoid of photo nodes acting like that. but let's see just before we go, we're going to leave you with recaps of our top stories today. to haiti's prime minister are on v, has resigned. he has held the rules of prime minister and acting president since 2021. following the assassination of president juvenile maurice, the decision follows a meeting between regional leaders and us secretary of state antony blinking on stopping arms gangs. i control much of the country and a ship carrying 200 tons of food for gauze that has now set sail from cypress as
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follows. delays relating to issues with unloading and distributing. the 8. the open arms will be the 1st shift to use a new maritime cord or set up to bring to mandatory supplies to gums. and that is your use up to date. i'm sorry. richardson in berlin for me in the whole team. thank you so much for watching the
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