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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 12, 2024 10:00am-10:16am CET

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the, the, you're watching the, the, the news coming to you live from berlin. as gang violence threatens to overwhelm hate, t, its prime minister has agreed to reside. ariano already has been under pressure to relinquish power by gangs of seize control of parts of the capitol. the announcement comes as regional leaders, discuss a possible intervention. we will bring you the very least also coming up on our show, a ship packed full of food finally leaves port in cyprus and head to gaza. it is the 1st to use a new maritime, a groups and a treasure trove of potential new species is discovered by scientists off the coast of new zealand in largely unexplored waters.
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the empire richardson, welcome. hey, th prime minister aria aubrey has agreed to resign after weeks of increasing gang violence. and this follows crisis talks between caribbean leaders and us secretary of state, anthony blink and aimed at halting, surging unrest. hazy has been described as being at a tipping point. as armed criminal gains overwhelmed parts of the capital, the gangs have been demanding on res resignation for weeks while unleashing what some experts have called a low scale civil war inside haiti and his left scores, dad and thousands homeless. heidi is rapidly descending into an a k, the violence in the capital impulse, it prints continues to escalate, and the gang is not controlled large slates of the city,
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the alliance of gainesville, and the civil war in 5 minutes that we had only did not step down and with the international airport close to all flights, he's being stranded in puerto rico, unable to a ton at emergency summit to the group of kind of being nation is known as kind of con, concluded that the trouble of the nation needed new leadership. a multinational secuity focused on the money. the prime minister apparently got the message and made this statement might not be yeah. last night with the council of ministers. agreed to put the transitional presidential council in place in the members of the account. so will be selected in agreement with different sectors of the national life. they don't want that the government time running with the move itself immediately after the establishment of set counsel about the yeah,
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it came shortly after us secretary of state adults and he blinked and said, washington would double 8 to 80, including another $100000000.00 for an international security for us to restore order. we support the plan to create a broad base, inclusive, independent presidential college. second, enabled the swift deployment of the multi national security support mission. and 3rd, for that deployment, through a reinforced taishan, national police create the security conditions that are necessary to whole free and fair elections. a to haitians stuck in the middle of gang violence. so weeks these kind of come back promises meetings. every little label is a solution driven by haitians. come cannot do anything for us. it's like when you run for the rain and ends up folding and the much. the only thing i can say is that abby,
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a long week is out forever. they can't do anything for his anymore hates. he has not towels in election since 2016. as probably to scramble to find a solution, the question loons, who could be up to the task of governing haiti. i spoke earlier to journalist harold's isaac in the haitian capital of port au prince. here's his assessments of the security situation on the ground. well, after the wave of violence that swept through the city last week, we had a bit of a reprieve for the past over 36 hours where folks were able to resupply and some fuel was allowed to come out of terminals. so, um, it is a very fragile situation, honestly here, and we don't know how to gainesville react to nearly 2 elements. the new uh, the news of the the resignation apartments already. and the news of the new presidential council that will leave the country. tell us more about this new
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presidential council. uh, is there already, are there already indications of how things might respond to this as well? um, the formula that was presented in adopted both by the carry com country, the international community and the patient's date of folders was a 7 member presidential council that would lead to 2 elections in the near future. and the gang side himself had demanded the resignation of aria already. but his son clear how they will react to that, that council that doesn't include directly. members that would be affiliated to me . where does all this leave the possibility of an international security force a potentially led by kenya? do you think it's still in the plans?
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i mean, it's one of the key points discussed by the various stakeholders and the international community yesterday at the meeting and kingston, jamaica. but that being said, the timeline and also the funding as yet to be clarified. there's a lot of funds that have been pledged, but in terms of effective money that is available for admission that has been a point of contention between the various countries involved journalist harold isaac. thank you so much for providing your insights on this developing story. it was very much appreciate your time. thanks for having a ship carrying 200 tons of food is on its way from cypress to gaza. the open arms will be the 1st ship to use a new maritime cord or setup to bring to manage harry and supplies to gaza. it had been waiting in the port of learning curve for the green lights. i asked our correspondent, rosy richard, earlier. she is in cyprus,
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she told us what the holdup was and how long it is now going to take for that ship to arrive. i am here at lorna and behind me is the port that is where the ship set sail from its been described by the sea fruit present as a journey of hope. now that journey will not be an easy one. it's likely like a good day. the sale will take at least 15 hours. what the cost to ship is towing behind it. plenty of food. 8 tons of food. 8. that's slightly dirty. will let me go into the day. so it's not a simple or easy crossing, and it was in simple to get here negotiations to open this in our time cards or at the political level have been going on for months. there was a green light, politically last week. and then in terms of actually getting the 8 there, that's even more complicated because there is no permanent port infrastructure in gaza after years of industry life with located now under the steel is really officials overseas checks by secrete. officials here in florida,
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the coast of 8 can go directly to casa for it, and g o n volts has been building a, make shift, jackie, to be able to offload that age, which we know is much neat, is with you and warning of risk of famine and gaza, currently and this is the 1st delivery along this new and maritime communitarian core door. and yes, and you and other to monetary and agencies have been saying that trucking would be a much more effective and simply the best option for bringing a to gaza. can you give us a sense of, of how much a this roots can actually provide? so currently this for ship is providing $200.00 tons worth of data. not certainly is more than a truck can carry, but make no mistake. this is not the simplest or the quickest way to get 88 in the you and saying, and they say snow replacement for traditional lands route. so road crossings, inc. acosta and before october 7th. so if i lost her attacks, there were about 500 trucks of
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a today going into the guys. so the latest figures i have from the european union is that not starting down to $100.00. and of course, since then the, it's about 8 has increased grad drastically given the ongoing, bombardments. so really what officials are saying is yes, this will bring some relief. some desperately needed food, but a is not a replacement and it cannot be an alternative to increase the 2 out of terry access that some of the united nations has been calling for israel for its part. welcomes is 8 card or says it's committed, suggesting 8 gases, but it's also been heavily criticized, given just how difficult it has been to get food data on other supplies across those traditional lines crossings. it's also being accused of blocking a through those traditional lens routes or some of that our viewers know that we are looking at live or footage of their, of the open arms on its way. or is it keeps us a little bit more about exactly what kind of aid is on board on this ship? yeah, i've been in touch with 2 of the charities that are operating this maiden voyage.
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and what they've told me is that those 200 tons include things like slower rice, but also can thing what kind vegetables can proteins like. teams to know. those are supplies which we are know will be very much welcomed in gaza. we know that they've been sending the final destination of a ship is just enormous so. well, it's been welcomed, as i said, described by the european commission. i also as a sign of hope and of course very dark times this conflict reaching on. it's something which will overall, given the enormous need, there just be a drop in the ocean. so this maiden voyage, but there is hope, according to a separate foreign ministry that base maritime corps or will not be wrapped up and the more ships can leave. we don't have any figures on how many ships could be crossing this or when the next one will go. the focus very much until now has been on guessing may ship to set sail from here in florida. call that has not happened. of course line rosie furnitures reporting some warnings that thank you so much.
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let's bring you up to speed now with some other world news headlines, or at least 50 people have been injured after a boeing made a lot and plane bound for new zealand. suddenly lost altitude, mid flights for people remain in hospital aviation authorities have launch and investigation. it is the latest and the spring of safety incidence plaguing us plan maker. boeing staying with boeing, a former employee of the plane maker turn whistle blower has been found dead in the us corner st. john barnett died from a self inflicted gunshot wound. he had previously raised concerns about problems with boeing, 787 dream liners, including quality control issues and failed tests. boeing is under scrutiny after a door blew out of a $737.00 max 9 meeting and electronica. well, the flight attendants, they're going on strike frankfurt airport, some 600 flights expected to be cancelled effect in 70000 passengers. they want a 12.5 percent pay rise, or at least $500.00 euros more per month. cabin crew in munich are set to strike on
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wednesday. and poland president is urging fellow nato members to make a major increase in defense spending on j. do to says that with roches economy on a war footing nato nations, they should spend at least 3 percent of their g, d, p on defense up from the 2 percent. they're currently expected to spend awesome new studies as the current of virus and demick lowered global life expectancy by 1.6 years. and as, according to research published by the journal, the lancet, the authors of the pandemic reverse the gains in life expectancy more than any other event, including wars and natural disasters. in half a century emission into largely unexplored waters off the coast of new zealand has revealed a trove of potential new ocean space. these scientists believe they may have found up to 100 new spaces after investigating a rift some 5 kilometers down of the bishop had one mission to find new
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species in the sea before the last forever and assigned dispute into the nets. they found about a 1000, seen for the 1st time in new zealand bounty to us 1st. so you i saw was a very low. it seems to cover about same thing. so that was very nice. pay now straight to why a center sweet death tree. the net we found a fairy law specimen of the quarter see pates, which are see to come best buy out small like like a friend of changes. true of 21. scientists, x underwood cameras to the sea floor and found some known species living at unexpected death. among them was the dementia don. it's quite an animal. it's over metre. long's got the largest light organs in the animal kingdom and
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clicks on all of the arms instead of suckers. and so this large specimen swim through the frame, had a little look at a flash of light oregon's ones and then disappeared off into the darkness. and that was a hard stopping moment in less than a month, the group has found this species of guilt pout. that's never been described, the whole dispute of dakota. and we've even go at least one creature which we're not really sure what it is. the bounty trust was long considered, and i'm to explode region, but now find to, to shortly be coming back to it again. and again, just before we go, a quick reminder of our top story. the pages time minister r l v has resigned, is how the roles of prime minister and acting presidents and 2021 following gives us nation of president driven that we use a decision follows a meeting between regional leaders and us secretary of state antony,
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blinking on staffing armed gangs that control much of the country and that is your news update at this hour. i'm glad richardson in it for linda. many thanks for watching. the name is the calls back. saved loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying a loud noise would have been nosy de la, good. everyone to king the healthy award winning called called the called back. the minuscule world of quantum particles might be for into most of us, but not for the scientists.


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