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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 12, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm CET

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the, the this is the, the views live from ballot and hope on the rise and soul gauze us displays population the shape of bringing hundreds of tons of food to the strip. finally leaves the ports in cyprus. it's the 1st time to use a new maritime. a rooms also coming off. hey, these prime minister agrees to resign as gun violence. sweeps the capital. the announcement comes as regional lead us discuss a possible intervention. plus the ask on refugees of cross slots in america's mountains and jungles to reach the united states now starting and facing an
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uncertain future the i'm gonna have both as well come to the program, the 1st ship to carry aids, to gaza across a new c, colorado from cyprus as deposit the journey hailed by the european union as a signal of hope is expected to take more than a day the card or was set up by cyprus, with the united arab emirates, the union, the us and other partners. oh, arriving to the cause as to ship sick, sail. it's the much needed to maiden voyage on a new maritime sea car door operated by charities from this new hall in the secrete, city of learning co invest that a lot of going today i'll ship is leaving on. what is the historic mission to the coast of gauze? this ship is low, don't waste of 200 tons of food,
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and that'd be distributed immediately to the people of gauze in that they got that of getting here was an easy. it took months of political talks to agree applied under, which is really officials overseas, separate security checks. so the precious cargo can go straight to gaza. but the journey ahead is complex to the crossing is some 400 kilometers on the age group operation. the ship has been building a make shift, jackie, to offload the aid of the golfing coast. most of the crossing we tracked from this coordination help in learn to call. these are the eyes and ears of the secret government from this room officials can monitor the port on the maritime colors or so they can deploy rescue vessels, shoot a chips, get into distress. it's a lot of painstaking work for one shipment. but the plan is to ramp up deliveries in the coming weeks. very small, 18 cypress, and of course ships that will stay daily for low, nice,
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fast shipment. but the we have to be cautious. we have to be to have the patient patients that the, the situation needs. this is by no means the simplest way to get food to gardens. israel says it's committed to facilitating 8 access, but it's faced accusations of blocking crucial supplies for civilians through land border crossings. so while they see card or bring some relief, the united nation says it cannot replace traditional age roots as family lose where this journey and i also have correspondence, rosie birch, and in the fall, the actually both how long it is now going to take for the open arms of ship to arise. yes, that much needed to maiden voyage is no under way and we're here at a coordination help in the port city of lauren to call for us to create officials
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can monitor the crossing. so over here, for example, you can see they can monitor the port and they can monitor the see route, which is some 400 kilometers from here in cyprus. this is a mot quick show is the zone in which cyprus is responsible for search and rescue. should be shipped, come into distress. so you can see there's a lot of pains take, you weren't going on. it was not easy to get here. it took months of political negotiations to agree this plan under which is really officials oversee checks by secrete officials here in cyprus. so the cargo can go straight to gaza. and after that, there were a couple of days of delays to the timeline notes by a, by the secret government. we understand due to technical details because as you can see, this is a very complex operation. but the 1st ship house on our list. now people have been saying that for delivering aid into gaza, trucking is the best option. uh how much a can this new maritime roads provide. is what we
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know on this 1st ship. there are $200.00 tons of aid, and that includes things like flour, rice, and use that are operating the boat, told me that also includes con, vegetables and kind of protein like to know. but of course, that $200.00 tons is just the drop in the ocean when it comes to the enormous need which is at the ship's final destination in gaza. and certainly there has been criticism, but this is just not nearly the simplest or easiest way to get a. it's a complex crossing, it's a complex operation out. of course, there are traditional, simpler ways and that a spike land crossings. know, israel has welcome thanks, maritime core door. it says it's committed to getting 8 to goss and civilians, but it's also faced heavy criticism for just how difficult it's been to get food aid to the besieged territory at all. so its face docking station is that it has blocked key entry to is it is crucial a to civilians across those one borders. now there's
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a aid on the ship. well go to northern, gaza with time it is actually looming. how will it be delivered and distributed? safely of the will. that is the really the most complex and most difficult part of these operations. so one of the 8 organizations that has been involved in, in this 1st shipment has actually been building a temporary floating jackie off the cause of the coast in order to receive that 8 and then go and distribute it. they say it's north because of where in the deepest is most needed to know. separately the united states is building a more, a bigger temporary p or in order to be able to receive further food deliveries moving forward. and we don't have any figures yet on how many ships are going to be able to use these chords, or the idea is to ramp up deliveries in the coming weeks. that, of course, we've only seen one so far. the certainly will be hearing from the united nations, they thought qual based will bring some relief. it certainly cannot be any replacement for more traditional land routes and there's therefore the pressure on
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israel to increasing monetary and accessible continue. was a batch of that reporting from cyprus. thank you very much, rosie. hey, these prime minister and the all the has agreed to resign of the weeks of increase in gun by that's the announcement follows crisis talks between it'd be and leaders onto a secretary of state entity blinking the tullocks. i am dead halting the surging on rest in haiti, the country it has been described as being at a tipping point as criminal guns overwhelmed the capital again. so i have been demanding all res resignations for weeks while on leasing a low scale civil war. inside haiti, the violence has left schools dead of thousands homeless hey, t is rapidly defending into anarchy, violence in the capital approach, it problems continues to escalate and um, the gangs and i have control large slides of the city. the alliance of gainesville
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in the civil war and 5 minutes that i had only did not to the step down and with the international airport close to all flights. he's being stranded in puerto rico, unable to a ton, a at emergency somebody until the group of kind of be a nation is known as kind of con, concluded that the trouble of the nation needed new leadership. a multinational secuity for something that's on the money. the prime minister apparently got the message and made this statement might not be yeah. last night with the council of ministers. agreed to put the transitional presidential council in place in the members of the accounts that will be selected in agreement with different sectors of the national life. they don't want the, the government time running with the move itself immediately after the establishment of set counsel up the yeah, it came shortly after us secretary of state anthony blinking said washington with
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double aid to 80, including another $100000000.00 for an international security force to restore order, we support the plan to create a broad base, inclusive, independent presidential college. second, enabled the swift deployment of the multi national security support mission. and 3rd, prove that deployment through a reinforced taishan, national police create the security conditions that are necessary to hold free and fair elections. to haitians stuck in the middle of gang violence, so weeks, these kind of come back promises meetings. every little label is a solution driven by haitians. come cannot do anything for us. it's like when you run for the right and end up folding and the much, the only thing i can say is that abby, alone, we is out forever. cannot do anything for his anymore hates. he has not towels and
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elections since 2016. as probably to scramble to find a solution, the question loons, who could be up to the task of governing haiti as hayes in private as of 8, announced that he would resign once a to transitional presidential council is created. i spoke to jealous how isaac invasion capital for the prompts and austin, what we know about that council so far. so the council was part of the discussions that were, i mean, part of the recommendations and resolution that came out of the king some meeting. so there was a 7 member god presidential council that has been agreed upon by the local stakeholders and the international community, including car. com and us. now you mentioned the local stakeholders of other
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games. part of this is a group of stakeholders and both they simply accept this new counsel. so they are not part of uh, besides directly part of the discussions that happened in kingston. it was more established political parties here in haiti. now whether or not they will accept this new formula and along with the resignation of argue are we as they have to be determined and we're still monitoring reactions it's, it's rather early here when susan use drop last night. now do you think this the resignation of how he could actually mitigate the situation and restore the as well, it was um, um, henri was facing uh uh, a set of problems both inherited and some of his own. and um, uh, it's clear that many actors, various actors were asking for his resignation, but the loudest demand came from the gangs. now,
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how concrete the plans for the mountain national security support mission led by 10? yeah. well, the details of, uh, the submission and the timeline has yet to be publicized or published. um, if they were also a part of the discussion uh yesterday at kingston kit, kenya has stated that they were ready to be deployed. but when that will be done, if anybody's guess, now, hey, this is a running out of food and water, and it made all this gang violence. how people actually coping well to un agencies have a warrant. uh, even in famine that the w s. b and the unicef, i've one of immune of salmon in the metropolitan area of puerto france since port facilities and the airport happy to attack by games and are disruptive. put down
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this house as a that thank you very much how you're welcome. let's have a look at some of the other stories and the headlines today. so that is army forces have made significant gains on the 11 month old civil war against rebels calling themselves the rapids support forces. the army recap, should pots of undermine the 2nd city, just across the nile, from the capitol cartoon, including the symbolically important headquarters of saddam's national broadcasting corporation. so, for the russian military, toggled plane with 15 people on board has crashed while taking off northeast of moscow. the defense ministry says an engine 5 doing take off. what's the likely cause? it didn't say was it the any survivors? ukraine is launch, mold in 2000 and drones address the overnight. small sco associated deceptive. the
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total of $25.00 drums across its territory. the attacks trigger a 5 of the major refiner, no casualties squared before 2 schools in the southern city, of course, near the border will remain closed until the end of the week. it was double trouble for travelers in germany today as both train drivers plus last lift tons of cabin for wins on spite most of the country's rail services were cancelled in a dispute of all sorts of working hours and higher pay drivers. just honestly, it's a major disruptions. his address with kevin crew striking for better pay in the run up to this is us presidential election, much is being made about the thousands of migraines crossing the countries southern border. many trying to enter the us come from halfway across the world into places like i've gone this don, fearing for their lives under the tale bon rule. they make the treacherous journey through south america and onto the us. mexican crossing dw has spoken to one family
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who faced people, traffic has mountains and jungles in the hope of starting a new life. in the us, you have disguise their faces to protect their identity. in doing cells in california. here more than 12000 kilometers away from the home country of kindness, then they can go for a walk in a pod without feeling for the safety mohammed and his father in law be simila are out of harm's way now. but the harvest they went through before fleeing afghanistan, a so present for more than 30 years, bisman to work for international organizations, making him a target for the tally button. with a tally been take over, the situation, got even worse of the ball venting style, said one of my 11 year old daughters went missing, then those threats and my sons in law. they said they would targeting kill someone
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they loved the most. i told them to take care of that was i'm sorry when there's paid in your hot pay as of the onset the whole family, flat of gun is sending go to many. terry and visa is full brazil. but when they were approached by human traffic has to sell one of the boys, they panicked and decided to leave. so they involved in a dangerous journey through central america in that area and get to reach the us. bottom line is very difficult when you're walking good, maybe the or can be the deficiency of, uh, like a food to water. lots more rain. do we help with the doctor with each other because we were 24 people. now they live in a shelter in cells in california, awaiting a decision on whether they can stay in the united states. and then search and t shift by many of the raf guns they as in like the organizers or can be volunteers.
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marcel was for an end, joe called atkins for a better tomorrow. they provide help when you come, as like a mom jointed today to protest sandwiches for newly arrived migrants. she says the political debate over board the conditions ignores the route problem. the us policy helped create the conditions. many of them live in so no running from. don't think about the 20 years of a war. you know, they just think about people that they perceive that shouldn't be allowed to come to united states. and these are folks who, again stood by the side of american values and principles and all that is and then gets offended. and so you're worried about this type of issue as you're creating a domestic policy issue. but i think it's a foreign policy issue for the family. one thing is clear, going back to afghanistan is not an option, and i've got it done. there is no stability of governments. so that's difficult for the future. um the, the you, it's for an odd the for example,
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for my children as well. they do not have any bright future dear. after this with more difficulties, a bright future. the children, enough again is the currency, denied, w's, a benjamin of ours group, a file that report gave me an update on the status of that of can finally features it's it's a very big family and therefore they will move from the boy to town where they where when they cross into the united states to another one in the northern, more northern part of california. and they said they are still afraid. and that's something that's still remarkable when we spoke to those 2 men that you just saw in the report that even though the safe, now they are afraid indeed of threats, if from the taliban and also from other family members and also to other friends. and when we spoke also to the older man, he told us that he has not been happy in the last 30 years. so it's really a terrible story. and as we heard from an other of the, of the activists of those helping if lead and g o, this is a very unreported topic,
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not just because they're not enough translators. and they come into the u. s. people who speak dari, whose big push to, but also for them to get legal advice once they make it into the us. and that's a remarkable change to something that we saw before. the beast asked on refugees of taking the road, getting this humanitarian be just getting to brazil and been taking this very dangerous and diary and got path. it's will panama to finally make it to the united states. now when they make it to the us, how are they being received that usually as we also saw with other migraines, as volunteers who have the 1st contact to give them the information to help them who say ok, you have to apply to assign if there are a lot of homepages and web pages for them to see how you can do it, but it's really difficult as this welcome allies program from the us. but for them to actually get that information to know where to apply. and for us also doing the research for this piece, it was even hard to find the information,
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how many encounters with african refugees, us and border patrol actually had over the past couple of years because you could not search for of gattis center for ask. and as a nationality on their home page, do you have to find that information with them directly? so it shows that even though there is information for them, it's quite difficult to come here and they, and that's exactly also why the community, the asking community is and even other cities on both sides of the board to play such an important role for them to get into the united states and to help them also to file their legal documents. now authorities in the you and the us and also the u . k. has made promises to protect ask, and so i've worked for the governments in afghanistan. one of those promises been kept, the best not being kept for some of them was still waiting, was still in other countries time to apply for asylum. and the problem of, of the local workers who work for international organization not just fully on
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forces. it's not just a problem that we see here in the us. it's something that i also covered in berlin a few years ago as a political correspondence for those. used to be raised concerns about problems with boeing. 787 dream line is including quality control issues and failed to test for. and that was involved in a long running legal battle with both meanwhile and new incident involving a bullying dream lineup code for the compound safety concerns about the craft of to thousands of people on the fly from australia to new zealand were injured. the dreamliner operated by the chilean airline last time suddenly plunged mid am on monday evening, causing passages to be thrown around the cabin ground in auckland, new zealand, the plain that experience what the airline is calling a technical failure. seen here wearing headphones. brian was one of the passengers on board, the boeing 787 dreamliner,
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a massive jolt happened and i, i, i was awake and then i looked up to see the gentleman that was sitting next to. ready on the roof of the plain, it was since i was like, i thought i was dreaming. the sudden movement drew many without seat belts from their seats. the plane just dropped really suddenly out of the blue, everyone started screaming, crying. people got launched out of the sea so you can think of, well no, i saw people flying, they weren't wearing the seat belt, sign in the people that were in the toilet, hit the ceiling. the same thing happened to the cabin crew show. emergency crews were quick to respond to the incident, more than a dozen ambulances headed to oakland airport to meet the incoming flight 50 people were injured. now experts are examining the black boxes to find out what caused the
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incident. the airlines says it's working with the officials to support the prob, it's only the latest in a string of safety incidents troubling the us plain maker, boeing emission into launch the unexplored waters off the coast of new zealand has revealed a trove of potential new ocean space these scientists believe they may have found up to 100 new kinds of animals after investigating a rift on the ocean floor, some 5 kilometers down. this ship had one mission to find new species in the sea before the last forever and assigned to the field into the nets. they found about a 100 the whole scene for the 1st time in new zealand bounty truss. first, i only saw woodside very low. it seemed to cover about the same thing, sir. uh, that was very nice. pay now strikes why i'm dennis. we sail through the net. we
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found a fairy law specimen of the quarter saint tate's portrait seemed to come, but as small like like a friend of strangers. the crew of 21 scientists based on the cameras to the sea floor and found some known species living at unexpected death. among them was attend injury on donna's quitting an animal that's over metre. long's got the largest light organs in the animal kingdom and clicks on all of the arms instead of suckers. and so this large specimen swim through the frame, had a little look at a flash of light oregon's once, and then disappeared off into the darkness. and that was a heart stopping moment. in less than a month, the group was found. this species of guilt pout. that's never been described the whole dispute of dakota. and we've even go at
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least one creature which we're not really sure what it is. the bounty trust with long considered, and i'm to explode region, but now find to, to shortly be coming back to it again and again to add a major upset to the weather of tennis. now, now the junk of its has been knocked out in the 3rd round of the indian wells tournament. and california, the wealth number one last 220 year old italian look on our the scene here at the bottom of the screen. he is only ranked $120.00, said in the world. now he had been eliminated and qualified, but still reach the main role after another play i have to pull out a defeated joke of it's 3 sets to one to come, lowest bind, flat ever. to beat and is i and that's it from me in the news team. phenomenal. it's so gale will have a world news update for you at the top of the hour,
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but don't go away. after the break environment, magazine decor, africa looks as fighting young rocks in an effort to boost from security across the african culture. don't just grab office for me and the new c marybelle in the,
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in the eco and africa, carbon offsetting projects are sprouting up all over 10 young ladies after that is the people attending a predictor. i'm going to the single unless i called around to see exactly what can these efforts really make a difference? next dw, the vehicles to be
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a distant memory. the stands for truss called classic. now these are calling for cleaner transportation alternatives. are this countries rose about the change forever? rev 16 of this phone, d. w. the change of info or a station in the rain forest continue. carbon dioxide emissions have risen again. the young people of the world are
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we, what impact because change doesn't happen on the make up your own mind. may the a while dismissing a host of environmental challenges and goals and women are key to testing them out every single level. so welcome to africa and especially addition to mock international women's day. i am sandra the homes that nobody coming to from complex right here in uganda. and i and chris is joining you from legal.


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