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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 12, 2024 7:00pm-7:15pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news line from the ship carrying hundreds of tons of a need for gaza, fine, and they leave cypress. the open arms is the 1st special to use a new maritime. a drug to stop is to deliver more monetary and i enter the besieged 10. also on the program, on demand cross from ukraine into russia to count about cross border rates fights us or say that russian citizens, i say they took control of a village, which must go denies the phil guy. welcome to the program. the 1st chip carrying aids to gaza through
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a new c, colorado from cyprus, has departed. the open arms is expected to take a couple of days to reach the territory and has been hailed by the european union as a signal of hope. maritime cars. over the setup by cyprus, united arab emirates, the european union, united states, and others, the o round of applause as the ship set sail. it's the much needed to maiden voyage on a new maritime sea car door operated by charities from this new hall in the secrete, city of learning code listed a logical court today i'll ship is leaving on what is the historic commission to the coast of gauze? this ship is loaded almost $200.00 tons of food and that'd be distributed immediately to the people of gauze. i think that they got that getting here was an easy, it took months of political talks to agree applied under, which is really officials overseas cypriot security checks. so the precious cargo can go straight to gaza. but the journey ahead is complex to the crossing is some
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400 kilometers and the age group operating the ship has been building a, make shift, jackie, to offload the aid of the gauze and coast. most of the crossing we tracked from this coordination help in learn to call. these are the eyes and ears of the secret government from the through officials can monitor the port on the maritime colors or so they can deploy rescue vessels. shoot a chips get into distress. it's a lot of painstaking work for one shipment. but the plan is to ramp up deliveries in the coming weeks. very small aid in cyprus and of course ships that will stay daily for low lease a fast shipment. but the we have to be cautious. we have to be to have the patient patients that the, the situation needs. this is by no means the simplest way to get food to gardens.
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israel says it's committed to facilitating 8 access, but it's faced accusations of blocking crucial supplies for civilians through land border crossings. so while they see card or bring some relief, united nation says 8 cannot replace traditional age roots. a saw me lose where this journey and what was it, the child the for file that report. i know i asked rosie what happens when the ship breaches guys are as well. that really is the most complicated part of this entire operation because there is no permanent port infrastructure in gaza. and not, of course comes in the context of a years long. it's really they will book and so according to the end use that are operating this mission that i've been speaking to. they are been busy constructing a, a temporary make. she's just in order to offload it by crane, and then they say they food should go directly to the people of northern casa, which is the part of the deceased territory over which there is most concerned. of
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course we do. new united nation is currently morning of 8 family in gaza. so really this age kind of get there soon enough. it's being held as a historic moment. you saw there, there were tears that were run into the close when the ship departed. it's not an easy journey, it's been cold by the european, at least a signal of hope. still, there's lots of crushed marks ahead if i just respect to this new root can be, especially when it comes to just the dire situation at that ships final destination . right, so that's happening, but of course it is not without controlling as a big ass cold, so talk us through how much each ship can carry on how that compares with a much easier method of a delivery by road. so base search ship carries $200.00 tons obeyed on the groups that i spoke to that are operating. it told me that includes things like rice like slower, but also tons vegetables kind protein like to know. but that $200.00 tons is of
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course, just a drop in the ocean despite the fact there is like the plot is to run up these deliveries. it's not the simplest way. it's not the quickest way to get into that would be by the traditional land roots before the october, 7th from us terror attacks. and he ensued is really bombarding of casa around $500.00 trucks of age. a day. we're going to the street know, according to the european union that states that by 100 and of course, in the meantime, the need has really increased by israel, broken this maritime corridor. its claims is committed to getting a 2000 civilians, but it's also spaced. accusations of locking crucial aid for those civilians in need, especially that supposed to be the case for the european union, for example has been calling for unrestricted to monitoring access. and therefore, we purchase from the un saying that this new maritime cords are simply cannot replace those traditional loved roots. it had been hope that the open arms,
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which set sale at the we can, rosie, i don't know why it was daylight, or it's been a bit of a missed good thing here, tracking it for a few days. now i should say, firstly to get to this position it too many lots of negotiations. we were reporting on the funds for this course are already bought in november. then there was a 9 spent on friday that it was the ship was expect to set sail on saturday or sunday. that did not happen. we heard that on sunday nights and secrete officials that we'd be happy within the coming hours. my understanding is that you said it was dying to technicalities, especially on the guys inside of course, building with jackie to try and receive this aid is no need to speak, not just the sub a signal, perhaps of some of the difficulties that lie head expedia, complex operation we saw there, those secrete officials cannot control room, try to monitor each step. where is this ship will go across these 4 on the tour journey. it won't be easy, but it has been healdsburg know, as
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a regular pope to try and get some much needed desperately needed food into the territory. okay, thank you for that, rosie rosie butch odd in cyprus. we'll take a look at some most towards making headlines around the world. let's do it. and these ami has made significant gains and it's 11 months. a civil war against rebels calling themselves the rockford support forces. the army recaptured parts of the 2nd city on tillman, just across the nile from the capitol. how to, including the symbolically important headquarters of saddam's national broadcasting corporation. it is 5 minutes i'll only as agreed to resign as to weeks of chaos file and gangs of attack the apple to police stations and prisons, demanding his removal is management follows crises, tools for you, and kind of being lead to this on the us and us washington that expects the transitional transition council to be appointed within the next 2 days. before the end, romania has approved the purchase request to expedite the social media info to advertise
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as his brother on challenges including sexual depression. the court suspend removing the men from whom i knew it until the end of the trial proceedings that they charged with right human traffic and informing a criminal gun. exploit many in the u. s. a. format. boeing employee tons whistle blow has been found dead. calling to say a john bonnet died from his self inflicted gunshot wound it previously bryce concerns about problems present. boeing, 787 dream liners, including quality control issues and file tests is on the scripts. and the after adult, blew out to the 737, max, 9, mid day in january. and it's double trouble for travelers in germany today as trained drivers and loved tons. a covering crew went on stripe. most of the country's rail service canceled in a continuing dispute of a shorter working hours and higher paid for drivers. was like a major disruption at travel as cabin crew went on strike professor
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and russian anti government. fine to say they've cut it out across the board. to attacks from ukraine into western russia, the freedom of russia at legion and 2 other groups release for territories. i say. shows that fighters and brushes belgrade, and core school regions groups and they crossed with tang sound of types in the controls of the board attempts. moscow denied the claim, saying it's ministry had repel the attacks as well on this from dr. marina need on. she's a ministry expert and post doctoral research and will studies department kings college london. and welcome back to dw marina, who are these russian anti government power ministry groups? good evening till well, the main one here is a free russia legion. so these groups are operating from the ukranian territory and especially the free russia legion. and they have
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obviously a former russian prison. those are for who was a claim, have switch sides in order to fight against a put in regime however, or is this groups also cleans that. they have a contract soldiers from that ukrainian international legion fighting for them as well, and that they fight in court. the nation was the ukrainian armed forces and it is to assume that they will be receiving military support as well. not just coordinating 0 activities. so these groups are seeking obviously to fight against the put in the regime. and they have made some incursions. and the past year, and now we're seeing this this year obviously before the elections in russia, they have increased their activities in the board of regents again. okay, so sorry about that, coordinating with new kind. what does new crime site? because the reports i've read site, but the credits as well that nothing to do with us,
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they're acting independently. but that of course raises the question of where that guessing these advanced weapons and vehicles from to hold. this is an interesting question because the fact that the core, the meeting wasn't ukrainian forces is claimed by the members of the group. this is the information that has been provided by as the bbc. however, we don't really know toward extend and was what units they are coordinating their activities. and where are they getting their support from. however, given the fact that they are operating on the ukrainian territory, it would suggest that perhaps maybe that you creating a military intelligence could be supporting such groups because that might be in ukraine's interest. but publicly, of course, you would have to distance yourself from any support. then we have seen similar scenario in 2014, when the russians were also supporting the, the nets people's republics, militias, without actually seeing that,
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that they were doing that. and so how active and effective have these groups be to i think the effect of these groups is mostly in the informational domain because it will look at the size of the groups and their activities. they haven't been very active. it is the 1st attack this year that came to our attention. the previous attack was last year, so they don't seem to be doing very much, however, is the timing of this incursion coupled? we'll see. drones strikes reported on the russian territory and hitting an oil refinery. and that makes a lot of sense that before the election, the risk is attempt to unsettles the population, to maybe sways the population away from port in and to show them that port in and his special military operation that is harming russia. and this is why is these
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people are fighting for a different russia? so it's more about the information of psychological effect rather than any sort of military effect. because these groups just don't have some military capabilities in order to challenge the russian armed forces. because if it becomes a threat to national security, of course, the russian government will make sure to mobilize, move forces and send them to the board or the region. so from that perspective, i don't think that they posed a serious challenge. it's more of a distraction. i would say under the phone, sorry about that. okay, so that's my number in the middle from king's college london. thank you for having me to it. that is nev. i've talked to it just been enough time to be knocked out in the 3rd round of indian wells, $210.00 california. well, number one, last through 20 year old tale and lou cannot be seen here at the bottom of your
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screen. he's run a $120.00 in the world that maybe have been eliminated and qualifying but reach the main drill after another fire full that defeats the adjuster which 3 steps to one to become the lowest event player ever to be. the tennis is reminded about top story this as i said, carrying 200 tons of food. the gaza has left the 4th and cypress asked being denied for hours. it's the 1st vessel to use a new mattress on colorado setup to bring the amount of canyon supplies up to the time. so if you got, you can always get d w news on the go. just download the app from google file from the apple app store, gives you access to the nice news from around wells, as well as a postcard indications. any price coming up on dw, and just about average documentary about training systems from cnn. the editor decided to go in search of the tax software. we'll use the top of the,
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