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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  March 13, 2024 6:02am-6:31am CET

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the presidential council will go when only has gone, but what about the gangs? they call for him to go and now he's gone. so a gun leaders like the infamous barbecue political stakeholders who should be consulted throughout the country's future? or are they just criminals who need to be tried and sent to jail? i'm feel go invalid, and this is the day. the more, hey, sense of the day. and these 4 months of 2024 dining award and you print the fear of the situation in haiti, worst things to become a civil war is no a real hate. he needs to pay the pay tinita sustainable, defend hate, and need to rebuild its democrat cic institution. if the international community
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continues on the road, it's on now, it will plunge hygiene simone tail also on the day, nearly 3 years since that's how the boundary took power and i've got his time, there's been a rapid increase in the number of african refugees trying to across the us border and excuse me, trying to reach the us process border with mexico and i've done this done. there is no stability of governments. so that's difficult for the future. um the, the, you, it's part of the, for example, for my children as well. that they do not have any bright future. dia, us, that is with more difficulties. the welcome to the day it is private, as i don't know already has agreed to resign. after weeks of increasing gang violence, as announcement follows, crises talks which we can kind of being leaves and us secretary of state antony blink of the country has been described as being at
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a tipping point. as the criminal guns overwhelmed the capital, the guys have been demanding all of these resignation for weeks assemblies to watch some of the cold and low scale civil war leaving school stat and thousands homeless . hey, t is rapidly defending into anarchy. violence in the capital of pots and pans continues to escalate. and um, the gang does not control large slights of the city, the alliance of gainesville, and the civil war in 5 minutes that we had only did not step down. and with the international airport close to all flights, he's being stranded in puerto rico. unable to a ton at emergency summit up the group of caribbean nations known as catacomb concluded, that the trouble of the nation needed new leadership. a multinational secuity for some had found the money. the prime minister apparently got the message and made this statement might not be yeah. last night with the council of
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ministers. agreed to put the transitional presidential counsel in place to the members of the account. so will be selected in agreement with different sectors of the national life update on the the governments i am running with the move itself immediately after the establishment of set counsel. i'm up the yeah, it came shortly after us secretary of state antony blinking, said washington to a double aid to haiti, including another $100000000.00 put into a national security for us to restore order. we support the plan to create a broad based, inclusive, independent presidential college. second, enabled the swift deployment of the multi national security support mission. and 3rd, for that deployment, through a reinforce patient national police,
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create the security conditions that are necessary to whole free and fair elections . to haitians stuck in the middle of gang violence, so weeks, these kind of come back to promises. meetings every little label is a solution driven by haitians. come cannot do anything for us. it's like when you run for the rain and ends up folding and the much, the only thing i can say is the abby along we is out forever. they can't do anything for his anymore hates. he has not towels in election since 2016. as probably to scramble to find a solution, the question loons, who could be up to the task of governing haiti. and rosa should, as i freelance during this to jones, as from potato and veil, a sub of hastings couple of ports of france. well d, w, and what is it being a like fat this week,
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as well as was the last 34 days. they are not so bad that i have to say before it was a special. it was a lot of gun violence, especially downtown, in other areas like to bar. i mean except the picture on the 2 of us still around the. com but everything else was calles, total kills. and when you talk about dung violence, these i had the guns fighting with who well, he had always problems with games since this independence in 18 o 4. but the we have right now, so many veterans in the country and we have so many games they fight against each other for the supremacy the fight for the different places. i mean, if you control, let's say, one of the big 3, it's leaving the come the copy talk, then you make money without issue control of the harbor. you make money,
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the stuff. so the king size basically was introduced against each other in order to have the most uh, profitable places that they can extort and it keeps not and yeah, kill and great, i'm not, i'm not. so what's going on here because, you know, obviously your, that i'm, i'm watching this so again, controls the road. and then what is it extracts, tolls and bribes for people to go through it to go along the road. and the last day i to load up just the best to the scenario. this can happen. who they can do that can take the women and the to them, the female children often treat them. and some of the parents, i mean it is very scary to lease to own because you have a lot of growth blocks. and even when you pay, you can still be killed or still your car can be taken away from you. so my case for example, i have been to use it cannot go because my place is in gain can see like i call it
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and yeah, i cannot go back. so how you say it has been unstable, full, wilford for years, but. but when did you feel it get was what, what pushed it over the edge? do you think? well i think um then we have the last 70 zation mission in 2004 and then the government of putting it through our game. it was a search and stability, but the then the have government that started to make deals with gains and then more deals to make was against and more powerful the gangs becomes and yeah, indian, the president was killed in 2021 and the them everything the wire and the last a. yeah, i would see the last 2 years. are right, so now we have
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a sky carry come promises of a transitional presidential council. are you a told, reassured by those promises the 1st of all, i think. oh yeah, emily has to resign and he has not yet. that's one step this negative, but before that they have to be names, they have to be put on discounts. so let's see how long that will take in order to get together and find these 7 people that will be the account. so and boot against disappear, no, little the kids not being stuck. no. will the violence stop? no, i mean, it's the all hope that there is the multinational force that will come in as fast as possible because i don't see another solution. it sounds like it's been horrible that for some time i'm buying this. i think you and your, your job and what i am a. why do you still there? oh my god, i mean,
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i came to he 1980. i fell in love. this country is most beautiful. it was to take your breath away. i educated my children to love to come to you as much as i love it and they want to stay. and of course i stay with my children and at my age on this thing, i don't think i would go back to germany. so this wasn't tardy, said tom, recover from this when the will is the air? yes, but um it needs a little wheel and uh it will be a very roku road and i, i hope i want to be optimistic for my children. but it's really not the most important thing. the country has to start to educate its population, and if that's not happening, it's been nothing happens where she will stay. so thank you so much for joining us there during this on a rose show in hygiene. thank you too. thanks. i to the right, it says the violence in haiti has displaced thousands of people from the homes
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leading to figure is not only for the safety, but also for how they will be fed, looked after jamaica's prime minister has warrant of civil war. the. when's world food program is calling for a robust humanitarian response? we we need security in order to provide assistance in the country. i'm not great at reading political dynamics and 80, but we certainly hope that there will be an improvement in certain security. it's necessary for us your job and to get the assistance of the population. the main roads to order prints are controlled by arm groups or was disrupted by on groups last week and still not operational. i mean to come into 4 points by road or by c and a forced air service. flights to border prince has been disrupted. they've also been disruptive to the rest of the talk about fighting junior ac julia a cooper professor of government and foreign affairs in the department of politics at the university of virginia. is many publications include hate is predatory
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publicly on ending transition to democracy and hazy, trumped in the auto periphery. a welcome back to d. w. professor. so we have this announcement from carry. com saying that hating needs, new leadership, a multinational police force on monday. have they got that about right as well? it looks more than the clues this situation is christy. calling to concrete. the 1st thing is we just need to have some sort of government in haiti and the all talking about a bridge is that the presidential college but so far know is it composition of the presidential college? we do know that the prime minister are, you know, he has resigned or at least he says that you will resign if one of the presidential college in a d is established. we do know also. ready the secretary of state bank and as
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promised, an additional $100000000.00 that we've just heard. now that the kidney and the government has declared that it will not employed the 1000 offices that it does progress unless there. ready is a government are clearly establishing hazy and that we don't have now. so we'll have to wait and see whether this is going to arrived soon. and if it does arrive soon, whether in fact they can use we arrive and then you have to deal with that. the games are not going to disappear. and in fact, yesterday the leader of the invented as the clear very clearly the, the, you will essentially create chaos in the whole republic. if is not part of distribution. and so far it doesn't seem that you will be part of the solution, but is a huge problem. with these weapons,
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it is difficult to see. all you can install the new governors. a new government were called out of the brochure piece. i did so, so the whole thing sounds like it's fully a pod even before it gets started. and i did want to ask you about the role of these gangs. and these, the base based criminal later this, this barbecue index because one of his principal objectives, he says, was the removal of the day, the prime minister. well, now he's gone, he's got was, he wants it. so do we, we got him as a criminal or as one of the interested parties in the eighty's political future as well. this is the problem that you use inside the criminal, but is as part of the political structure that exist. now you have it is nothing also that's correct. yes. what,
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but really controls 80 percent of both west. so someone that has to deal with them whether it's going to. ready press if you choose the option against him and he just doesn't see that this edition, but he says the capacity or you will need to enter into nicholas solutions, offering something that is acceptable. and that in turn is not something that the most ation for these become forces that prepared to lose the international community. because international community, united states, canada, and friends of sanction, he mutual easy a barbecue because he is a criminal and because is involved in criminal activities. so it's difficult to see all the international community good function, the government that we didn't include the benefits on the other hand, the. ready reality, so something has to be done and it's not clear what can be done at the moment.
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because the 1st thing that but has to be done as i understand it, is to establish order on the streets. and as you say, i can here is not to say we won't allow soldiers in unless as a government and you kind of get a government until batteries. oh, that's so where do you think we go from here? what is the likely next step as well? i think you could get to govern that because the main actors while negotiating with the car government, the states and the major powers are in the haiti, so it wouldn't be impossible to restore, but it should govern legend. hey, the, the moment the problem is that the government may be completely incapable of dealing with the gang. so you, without, you really call kind of government. but to resolve the capacity to enforce order. it would need at that point to have some sort of media to read intervention and
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that will use the, the canyon and the community and seem to have extra that the idea that if the government is in place the wheel goals. so this is not an impossible situation, but it's an extremely difficult situation. and it's difficult to see all forms with the canyon officers can review, re establish any type of on. busy the when is the mature easier, has declared that 84 improve on who you do so is totally unacceptable. so we have all the fitness. we don't, i beg your pardon, please continue. so i was saying that this is, this seems to be the crisis, were the result clear solution at the moment, we only have a announcement about the new government. we don't do the composition. we don't excited you. ready where the canyons are standing because if you can remember initially it was a 1000 officers. now we know that only about $400.00 prepared to be deployed. so we
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have additional problems to the equation. and for from the beginning there were critical issues that were not the address because any government, as i stated before, we'll need to deal with the gains and we don't know how the. ready going to be able to do so, and they don't have the capacity media to reach out by city to really control the control container to thank you so much for joining us, professor robert, to fasten a junior from the university of virginia and the run up to this year as us presidential election, much is being made of, of thousands of migrants crossing the country. southern border. many of those strong events of the us come from half way around the world, including places like half gummy stopped feeling for their lives on the tale bound rule. now some flights of south america, where i then make their way to mexico and then on to the us border. dw has been
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speaking with one family who faced people, traffic has mountains and jungles in the hope of starting a new life. with disguise that faces to protect their identities in doing cells in california. here more than 12000 kilometers away from the home country. as guy has done, they can go for a walk in and pod without feeling for the safety. mohammedan his father in law abuse mila are out of harm's way now. but the hardest they went through before fleeing afghanistan, a so present. for more than 30 years. this made a work for international organizations, making him a target for the tale button. with a totally been take over the situation, got even worse, or the mom then things started. one of my 11 year old daughters went missing, then they stress and my sons in law. they said they would targeting kill someone
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they loved the most. i told them to take care of that was i'm sorry, when there's paid in your hot tears of the onset, the whole family flight of gun is sending go to many terry and visas for brazil. but when they were approached by human traffic has to sell one of the boys, they panicked and decided to leave. so they involved in a dangerous journey through central america in that area and get to reach the us. bottom line is very difficult when you're walking good, maybe the or can be the deficiency of, uh, like a food to water. lots more rain. and we celebrate the doctor with each other because we were $24.00 people. now they live in a shelter in cells in california, awaiting a decision on whether they can stay in the united states. and then search and t shift by many of the raf guns they as in like the organizers or can be volunteers.
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marcel was for an end, joe called atkins for a better tomorrow. they provide help when you come, as like a mom jointed today to protest sandwiches for newly arrived migrants. she says the political debate over board the conditions ignores the root problem. the us policy helped create the conditions. many of the migrants i know running from don't think about the 20 years of a war. you know, they just think about people that they perceive that shouldn't be allowed to come to united states. and these are folks who, again stood by the side of american values and principles and all that is and then gets offended. and so you're worried about this type of issue as you're creating a domestic policy issue. but i think it's a foreign policy issue for the family. one thing is clear going back to a dentist and is not an option, and i've got it done. there is no stability of governments. so that's difficult for the future. um the, the you, it's part of the, for example,
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for my children as well. they do not have any bright future dear. after this with more difficulties, a bright future. the children enough again, is then a currently denied, as well for us to apache is a visa and the asia division of human rights. while she's been documenting human rights abuses in afghanistan for more than a decade of welcome to the w. does it surprise you to say ask guns apparently willing to go to rest such extraordinary lands to escape off? got his stuff? no at all. um i think, i mean, it was very sad to sir. it was it. it was a very tragic story. and this very much very well explains the situation of a 100 p, jeez, outside up one of us, one of the situation inside the country. i mean to, to tell you more about what is happening right now in f. one is on, on the ground, more than half of the population is facing, put in security, the un humanitarian response plan for 2024 is pretty much on the funded. and there
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was a lot of human rights violations happening in the country during the last human rights activation, the women started activated, so can be changed and tortured. so i mean, i'm trying to, to show you the picture and the image of what is happening on the ground and why these people are compelled to escape uninstall. understood, and high coming to is it for people to take these routes? uh, uh, through lots of america into the united states. i don't think if it's a very known routes for outcomes or right now because it's been a very way, geographically far away from the country. most of the, uh, actually scott funds have been able to cross the border to some neighboring kind of countries including practiced on an iran. because you see, i mean i some sort of cuts are all around the roads and you can see that now they're costing to go there. so the us, all right, i'm just picking up from one of the points that we had in the report. a bad day was
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like, the us has a responsibility to the sling of guns. or, of course, i mean 1st of all, up on the sun, what happens now? list 2021 is a collective failure. and the us, as i mean the, as the one of the, i mean the countries that was pretty mean it pretty much engaged in the past when years enough on his son has more responsibility to, to make sure that those who sold by the us are safe right now in the country, most of these outcomes were leaving are one isn't right. that was not safe because they stood for democracy. they stood for women's rights. they stood for democratic body. ready and now they're being seen as, as those were promoting best bodies in the country. i mean, i'm 100 percent sure that the us and including the international community, they all have responsibility to make sure that these people reach safety and to feel it will focus on the us. but i, i appreciate that that better better other countries who may publish this as well. and this do feel that the us is fulfilling the promises ability made to protect the
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off guns. is it providing a safe and legitimate ways of a seeking refuge and asylum in the country? now i would say that a beginning from the 15th of august 2021 from the date a 2 days after we made by question and started from the global air airport. it has been a failure from the us side as well. there was settlement process for the us is very slow and that's why people are seeking different ways to cross the border and to reach the us. i mean, uh the us government who has a responsibility to make sure that these people are safe, needs to introduce and efficient and on time process is to make sure that those who deserve to interview many today and diesel to the us receive it on time. that's very clear. thank you so much for allowing that for us, that for us to a basic from human rights watch of the of the how the city of this is that you have is and song contest maldonado in sweden is conducting
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a major campaign against its rats. 6 so these fast moving start to being deployed to chase the rat out of the ground. hundreds of scots have been selected. thoughts of dams of pacific, especially trade dogs, through a set of joining the campaign. approaches have each better project to play with the rest of the modem, default on influx of visitors for the some conference in may. and that was the day you can follow on to him on social media at cdw at news, out of the
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private companies all ready to go off the move in 50 years. the gone again, but this time it's not just about so sure. with everything the moon has to offer. big money at stake, made in germany. next, on d, w. are in good shape. it's impossible to overlook. sometime striking times
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in the haze mode to noses, then just find out what the different functions are and what how found is, is stay healthy in good shape. in 60 minutes on d, w, the people in trucks injured when trying to feed a city center and more refugees are being turned away and support families on the tanks in syria. the credit on entering this way to against administrator. if he explained to her son around the world more than $100.00 and special seeking rest, we should have to
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the neil armstrong, the 1st man in the moon after him and buzz aldrin in 1969, but only 10 others have since that put there. but the 2 men certainly revelled in their pioneering achievements. nasa will soon be sending a new crew to them is. although this time the space trips will just be the proverbial leap forward for human kind. they'll also involve major business opportunities for commercial contractors also, and this addition of made the w's business magazine picks will fly. we investigate the use of pork fat and jet fuel oil.


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