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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 13, 2024 8:00am-8:31am CET

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the, the, this is data between use live from the, the us announces a new weapons package for ukraine. we must act before it literally is too late before it's too late. president joe biden on file be 300000000 dollar emergency fund while making your opinions. allies asked the winehouse accounts and concerns that russia could be getting the upper hand and the also coming up fighters from rod across the world have gone to fight fee. finding the tool with russia itself will make to columbia and sell just enough. tell us why they went to
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the front. it's also a hit protest on the streets of heidi's capital opposing external influence in the countries politics assets latest, resigns made growing violence and kicked off in the fun of its life as the us congress can see it as a bad president biden says he facts the measure which would force the chinese honor to sell or else lose over a 100000000 americans use the m anthony how it welcome to the program. the white house is sending $300000000.00 worth of weapons to ukraine. the assistance is the 1st and months from the us and was announced by president biden while he was hosting polish. latest in washington is deficient sidestepped the us congress, which is still strolling of an even bigger package fee for keith and us. kaiser
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says time is running out is healthy crane on the battlefield. the dream of today, united states is announcing an emergency package for your crane using cost savings from previously approved pentagon contracts packaging clothes, munitions, and rounds, help ukraine hold. the line against russia is brutal tax for the next couple weeks, but it's not nearly enough. what we're, i'm announcing today congress most passed the by personal security bill now, which includes urgent funding for ukraine. we must act before it literally is too late before it's too late. now, speaking of to his white house meeting, poland, prime minister don't twist city hope the us congress would pass the store a package for kids to ask said ukraine site depended on us lomax. despite the problem in the house, and i still hope this mr. jonathan will, will feed dismissal somebody to fall for thousands of lives and you know,
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quite and because in fact she's responsible for the future of, of also of a lot of people are the only message we should send 2 months ago. is that the with, if you might, that is the more than ever before when comes to ukraine. the deputies benjamin alvarez group is following this story for us in washington and told us how us domestic precious playing into the device of a funding fee cry. the elections are coming up and we see how both a democrats and republicans continue arguing over this bill. what should be said, what should not be signed, because there's so much in this package that has been sold in congress for a long time. now that's something that president biden has been pushing for. he pushed it on his speech, april the state of the union and also when he speaks to our allies and we hear, and we also see a us officials when they talk to your p and l. i saying that the us will continue ukraine as long as needed. that's something that the white house has repeatedly set,
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but that's why today, when they set that they would census $300000000.00 this emergency fund. they said this is only a part, this will give ukraine munition for a few weeks, but for them to be able to defend themselves in long term, they need most important that for pressing. and also not just in the republicans, but also their own democrats to say that they should not be sending so much more weapons to get this bill through as quickly as possible for me will help for you. was benjamin over his group there in washington for us. will you crime as might have absolutely clear in recent months, but it is running out of weapons with growing concerns about racing russian advances on the front lines day after months of a parent style night to try and withdrew its trips from the key eastern town of f d in mid february. moscow says as it has since taken control of several villages around that city. okay. this trying to reinforce its front lines with soldiers from
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at least 13 different countries. joining the 5 deputies, caroline achumba, i recently met 2 soldiers in the town of comma trucks in the next region who have traveled all the way from south america to help defend the country against russia. this is what a site looks like just after i'm miss. i was right. it was this man, so he's son ex wife and grandmother. old died. he moved out just a week ago. the only things left to do is try to find in tax belongings. this is the place where the mist tile head yesterday at night. at least 3 people died and 9 are one that the impacts could be felt around 9 kilometers away from here. we were just a couple of kilometers away, hiding in
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a basement. most people here don't often seek shelter anymore. well, the rate of which is, you know, when the silence, it's even scarier, how much are we? the people have come to a score, a custom to them on something is comes to me flying over a head. it's very difficult or frightening. these men have traveled halfway around the world to be in the violence. they are colombians today, they are on a resi. but when on duty they fight side by side for the ukrainians in the trent. yes, we're face to face for fietta be we're fighting against them constantly bands and they see us. we see them, they go out. these are strategies to get us out as well, so that they're members of ukraine's international legion,
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even though they don't speak, ukrainian, or english military experience and a will to fight is enough. they came to do what they know best fight at war. the. i'm the say is when i heard president so lensky asking for foreign soldiers to join the battle and defend this country. i did everything possible to come here. the ukrainian government welcomed us. they gave us the opportunity to be here, to belong to the training armed forces. what was your life also with great pride and a sports that's out of mind? you could, i knew what to do after 18 months. have you ever decided to extend his contract? you know, to, but how long does he want to stay away from home? and yeah, especially now that i get in till the end of the war. when you got to tell ukraine marches the victory. and i hope that god gives me the opportunity to be inquisitive on that day in the victory parade that is with that giant flag they have here in the frame that he got tickets in. and i can continue. and 3 good says that for him,
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the site has become personally on me, but i think i'm in the ukraine is all ready won my heart. ukrainians have won my heart. i have you cranny and friends. now i know many stories of ukrainian families that has really made an impression on me, and that's why i decided to stay much longer. war is not good, but my duty now is to help and protect to ukraine. or you are to protect you crane from attacks like this one on a school, things like this and few raid fighters from around the world as well as low coats just looking for their targeting civilians structures. so when you, what do you think this is? what, you know, get some kind of military facility, which, which is what's going on, what do you mean use, excuse me, we need a lot more help or excuse me, if we just get a bit by bit of
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a book with down the war will drag on but for a very long time, for the help that civilians and soldiers and ukraine are desperately waiting for a caroline that you might also have that report in your crime and joins me now in the studio to talk more about it. first hand experience covering this story. good to say. um, you've spent a lot of time in south america before that posting in, in you try. and i wonder, what was it that you most wanted to asked to colombians? finding the russians next to me for. yeah, exactly. i mean, i mean the question is pretty obvious, right? the 1st question that pop into my mind was like, what are you guys from columbia beautiful country? i mean, not that ukraine is not a beautiful country. it's also a beautiful country, but i mean, their families are in columbia, they're risking their lives in ukraine, in the trenches. they're fighting a fight that is not their, their, their own country. far away, cold weather, all of that. what are you doing here?
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and of course, the 1st thing they told me was like ukraine is not them war. that is only for ukrainians. this is a war that the whole world has to fight because it's about democracy's like end of talk receive. so it's also a political ideology. they told me they have fought in columbia again, socialism, communism, and they were ready to do the same, not only ukraine, but in any other country that would need their help. but then they also asked me the same question you for i've in germany and he left in america. what are you doing in ukraine in the middle of eastern ukraine? i'm asking me these questions and of course they had a pines, i was doing my job. i was covering and i am covering the war and ukraine and so are they. so there's also a financial component to all of these. they're getting money for their work. they are military or retired from the columbia, an army. and that is also a way to work abroad to, to get some extra money. good money. i mean, we know that they didn't confirmed this because they're not allowed to, but we know that they get up to $3000.00
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a month for being there in the trenches and, and fighting the russians. so they are these 2 components like the political ideology, but also the financial part of it right? from the ukraine. point of view, have great is been needs the crying to saw soldiers from other places wise. they this demand for what seems that a dramatic and somewhat exhausting solution. hm. well, you mentioned it at the beginning. ukraine is running out of weapons. of course f. i'm addition, that's what everyone is talking about. but also manpower, they need soldiers. soldiers are dying very fast at the front. we've had already 2 years of where we're in the 3rd year. um, the ukranian soldiers are tired and they're trying to get soldiers from, from all over everyone who wants to join the fight is allowed to join the fight. now of the international league where this, colombian soldiers are met or are joining our fighting. and they're even doing some publicity for it in different languages. there, for example, saying if you only speak spanish, even if you don't speak ukrainian or english,
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we want your help. we want you to work here. we're looking for you. and they translated their whole homepage into english. so they're, they're really doing that kind of advertisement for international soldiers to join them in this fight. and it seems to work out it's not only columbia, and they're also a people comfortable from brazil, but also from from different parts of the world dining this site. and he prayed for it to be in the studio. a good tomato. thanks so much for sharing and we'll talk soon. thank you. all right tom, to take a look now. some of the other stories making headlines around the world. rosabelle deployed troops and weapons on the board with finland now that the country has joined nature. president, platinum, it wouldn't have saved. it describes and lends night to a membership as a meaningless state for that country security. previously neutral, finland joins, night or last year in the wake of russia's invasion, if you can. of course,
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the ally of the life a russian opposition later like signed yvonne, the has been attacked outside each time in this when it falls costs. i was reportedly assaulted in his car with gas and how the police said he was admitted to a hospital. and by investigating the attack you as president you i bought and has locked in the democratic nomination for the 2024 presidential election. donald trump also, i picked up enough delegates in cheese dice state primaries to secure the republican nomination. it confirms the trump and body will face off in november. b let's to, to facing now with 1st protests are broken out over a plan by caribbean nations, to revamp the country's leadership. demonstrate to subtract the block, busy streets in the capital port of prince. i saw you, they are opposed to foreigners interfering in the countries politics. us and caribbean officials want to appoint
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a new transitional government while heidi's prime minister has promised to resign games now control most of the capital, the fee is that the country could spiral into civil war. thousands of people have been displaced during weeks of daily violence and many running out now is the announcement of aerial own res resignation. likely to come the situation in heidi? that's the question i put to latin america expert going to miles a it's a necessary step. so it has been us by the can lead us as well as a politician so of haiti. but now he is conditioning his resignation to the installation. also transitional counsel, and i think he's not in the position to condition his reassignment. and therefore, it's of a difficult situation for the international community because it has
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a connected to as a person of only yes, the onboarding has made it conditional. i wonder what, what do you think of the id or at least of a transitional presidential council? we need some sort of in presence of the international community because we have no state authorities in the country and the more state across political power has been broken down by is a k. and he does. and so for them needs to be establish some sort of a proxy protectorate in order to re establish all the permits of framing the political discussion. and at the end of the day, as well as the realization of democratic connections. just one of his big problems has been internal division and factionalism kind of transitional counsel be effective, given that context it is
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a very difficult come constellation because they know about supposedly religion was in the haitian politics. and therefore, i think it's indispensable that the united nations security council on our other bodies will corporate in order to establish a framework that's a national process can go on without the pressure of the gang leaders. and therefore, we need the robust answer to the security is it, is it to ation, which must be better. not only for humanitarian reasons by this well, in order to establish a new political it could lead to in the country. so not just needed to achieve a stability going to i wanted to can the long term stability actually be achieved in heidi with all that's needed to achieve it. and that's the question of the
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1000000. then we have a bad error, codes of the international activities and from the un, from the us. and to be has a disposition of the he t a for pure lation which is very critical of external intervention. but to be, must find some way out of these a difficult situation because we all know that the game to lead us and the drug economy and the strait of the real dangerous, which could be the, the future of haiti if there is no, was, is illusion of the situation right now, going to miles cried to get your thoughts. thank you. now that you use foreign policy chief, i say that stop violation has been used as a weapon of war and gaza. speaking of the un security council use a rail says the reason not enough food is getting into the territory is because roads up being deliberately blocked. comments come as the world think program says
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a convoy of 6, you in a trucks has entered gaza via a new road crossing into the northern part of the street. the agency says it's the 1st time they've delivered the i to the more oscillated, know, you know, the 3 which claims for the conflict contains enough food to feed 25000 people of more i'm joined by the deputy correspondent tenure claim. a in jerusalem. jenny, we just heard it's the 1st i have delivery in many weeks to, to the north. how significant is the delivery for the northern part of the gaza strip to well, i think it is important right now because we're seeing that there might be potentially another. and then route being opened, we're talking here about a road that has been built by the it's really military and the cooling the skate 96 . this is where this 8 conway of the board footboard program went in 6 trucks
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that went in. and so this a route actually divides to goes a street between the north and the south is goes from the area of to keep boots busy uh, to the mediterranean, as seen. so this could potentially open up another lender, which is really needed as we are hearing from over humanitarian act as uh, the operating and gaza from the united nations that they need to get this 8 to the people is particularly in northern garza where they have one or 4 days that that risk of starvation and that this mind nutrition, especially among children in this area. they talk about what this could be. this is a pilot project i've seen by these, by the me. what hopes are they that this could be the 1st of many deliveries by this route as well? this is still to see from what we understand in the statement this agency on the
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coordinator for government activities from the territories of it's called, that's part of the defense ministry that said they're making the assessment. now if this is a workable and uh whether more of those 8 convoys with go in a, we have to understand that would be another crossing as well. in the north, it could be open by israel. that has been a lot of pressure by the international community to open these lend crossings, or to create more ways to go into goals of island. because they said this is the, the best and the most effective way to get into northern garza and in many countries have resorted to add drops of aid. also. now there's a ship on the way that expect it. sometime soon, this week, a to duck somewhere in garza. but again, it's in the hands of israel to, to let in more 8 and also the older technicalities. because we understand this hunger also needs to be checked, of course, and that is done further south in the, at the current, so long crossing so. so all of this, of course also takes
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a lot of time and you claim it in jerusalem. thank you. all right, now for simple stories making news today, the commercial rocket has exploded after its launch from west in japan. the space one japanese style was trying to become japan's 1st company to successfully put the satellite into old. but the kind of rocket and his pilot burst into flames. just seconds after it intense ryan's and flooded the streets of odds and tina's capital. the storm led to flash flooding which caused flood cancellations, power outages, and lifting time neighborhoods in one aside, the submerge. urologist predict at least 48 more hours of rain is coming for government as cold as tillman. i'm president of natural disaster government in brazil is into 2 people that we addition the rows. 9 bus station after he up and 5
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on a bus and to 16 passengers postage. we held them for 3 hours till and a leak police force convinced him to spring. officials have a rest of them and by his motive remains unclear. a woman as the director of roman polanski alleging that he write to and he's home for decades. the lawyer said she was a minor when this happened. polanski pleaded guilty in the 1970s to sexually assaulting a 13 year old before he fled from the us to your us little make, as i said to but later on with the band chick talk across the entire country. if the bill passes, it would require the chinese own as to why the sell it or lose it's $150000000.00 uses in the us. of the last, in many countries have restricted access to take talk, citing concerns of the security and china's potential influence on the platform.
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the doubly reported genuine maturity as more from washington, a disease. some that might influence how americans consume their digital contents. us low make us our voting on the legislation to find tick tock def busting to low. the b would require the video ups on the bite them to send each state or risk of being pulled down from all the apps. those in the us, the video piece, hugely popular according to tape talk. it has 150000000 active monthly uses into us, and everyone has, i'm opinion, and i get all of my information from takes out to be honest like this stuff that i didn't know it, it that i could use or to place the travel or the find that cheap travels that had, i would impact me as a musician because that's a place where i enjoy posting and sharing my music. and it gives me a sense of community. so it would impact my reach to the people that i want to be
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engaged with. yeah, i don't use to so it wouldn't really affect me because i find it to be very addictive, and i have an addictive personality. but i do feel strongly about free speech, so i don't love the idea of it not being on the high stakes effort to rate in tick tock, stems from coincidence in washington. the chinese communist party also see the blood pressure. i take the b gene based department company, bike guns to turnover data from american uses, and perhaps even influenced by elections. i resent the senate intelligence committee or in feature this exchange, isn't it true that under chinese law, the chinese communist party says that data that you're gaining access to in order to make your algorithm work, we want a copy of that data. if they said that to bite dance and the future by dance would have to give it to me. that's my understanding. and if they went to them and said, we want you to change your algorithm so that americans start seeing videos that hurt this candidate or help that candidate in the upcoming election by the answer have to do that under chinese law. that's my understanding. but the opponents of
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the but i do the this legislative bush to but it took so you could infringe on free speech rights, you know, letter to congress, several organizations dedicated to civil liberties, the utah rights, and on places that she put in a zation feed. if passed by congress and enacted into law a nation wide bound on tick tock would have serious ramifications for free expression in the digital sphere infringing on americans 1st amendment rights and setting a potent and worrying precedent in a time of increased censorship of internet users around the world, the center for democracy and technology was one of the significant results back. let them those 150000000 people would be banned from access to a global conversation in which they have been participated. and it would harm not just their free expression but their access to information globally. so he's but president joe biden, a new to use a himself said he would sign the lease lease on if passed by congress. i'd think
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they'd be the one i should in consequences for national security, electro politics and social media expression. right before we go, the host of this is your vision song, contest. mel not in sweden, is conducting a major campaign against its rats. 6 these fast moving ferrets of being deployed to chase the wrench out of the ground behind the staff had been selected parks in areas of the city, and specifically trained dogs. also joining the campaign authorities hope the experimental project will clear. now, not of rats before an influx of visitors for the some contest in my all right, before we go, he's a reminder about top story this out. so the white house has announced the new $300000000.00 emergency weapons package for the price. the decision side steps, the us congress squared republicans have been storing a much bigger impact. assistance will be the 1st and months from the us and was
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announced as president, blog posts, polish leaders dropped tonight. then coming up after the break have a hot around the quantum computing is inspiring numerous industries. i think it's quite something next. twenty's the
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best faster, fastest, quantum computers. it takes them seconds to calculate what used to take years. but how does it work? and why could quantum computers replace animal tests? let's explore the wonders what the computer says on the w b. so because we're not spoken about eco,
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india celebrating women who make a difference. why are we insured in the big, you know, financial is to come by kind of change or environment and issues. we are ignoring the social or the underlying sources of the space. and that's what i need to do. you want eco, india, us to get off in 16 minutes on d, w, the race as long because later when we look back, we recognized at all, that's the moment when everything change. it's all about in the age of artificial intelligence. 5, you see, i mean, it was in china, the u. s. o,
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you're up to control the technology that will shape the future of humanity, the small, it's new world, the a i race start smaller 16 on dw, the the minuscule world of quantum particles might be 4 into most of us, but not for the scientists currently using them to build a super computer. i can live i, nobody knows what quantum computing really means, but it is going to change us to see a place for them to it's champions. quantum computers are a pioneering developed and, and a game changer. surface type, the quantum computer can open up an array of amazing possibilities. the scale of computer power enables us to solve problems that we are not yet even able to
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formulate formal yet. it's many application.


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