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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 13, 2024 10:00am-10:16am CET

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the, the, this is date of the news lied from the the us announce is a new emergency weapons package to ukraine. president job, i have not filed the 300000000 dollar emergency military aid fund while i'm making your payment allies for 1000 pounds and made concerns that russia could be dining the office. and so head protests on the streets of statements of capital opposing external influence in the countries politics. as a leader resigned to mid rolling part the
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i'm anthony handbook into the program. the one house is sending $300000000.00 worth of weapons to ukraine. the assistance is the 1st in months from the us and was announced by pressing a button while he was hosting polish. latest in washington is decision side steps of the us congress, which is still stalling over an even bigger package for keep hungary and the us president says time is running out to help you try and on the battlefield. today, united states is announcing that emergency package for your crane using cost savings from previously approved printed on contracts. packaging, close munitions in rounds to help you cry and hold the line against russia is brutal tax for the next couple weeks. but it's not nearly enough. what we're, i'm announcing today the congress must pass the by personal security bill now, which includes urgent funding to your crane. we must act before it literally is too
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late before it's too late. which one now by deputy correspondent abraham from the ukrainian capital kids house this heating in the capital. have they bring any reactions in ukraine sofa? well, we haven't heard any official reactions from senior officials here in ukrainian, but we're likely to hear messages of gratitude and being thankful for this a package. at the same time, we're likely to hear that even though this is a much appreciated package, it is still a drop in the bucket from what you crean a needs a to to, to defend itself in this. more of just this morning, president's lensky home at region was struck. a civilian building was struck and we have been hearing at him to the on his telegram channel. you know, talking about that attack and emphasizing the threat that ukrainian civilians are
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still uh under. and the importance of, uh, you know, them being able to defend their country. so it's likely going to be a message of gratitude. but also a reminder that much more is needed for you create that before coming to you to a button said more action needs to be taken before it's too light. does that language need to be reading to that? the crime is very much on the back foot in the funding here. well, that's certainly not the impression that the ukrainians want to give off. recently presidency lensky in an interview with a french radio has said that ukraine's forces are in the best position when it comes to russian forces in the past 3 months. this is after the eastern town i've discussed was taken by russian troops recently. at the same time, there is of course disappointment here in ukraine, but also among allies like the united states to the last counter offensive velocity
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premium counter offensive was not able to make the gains that were expected largely due to the strength of russian fortifications. a, in the, in the eastern, in the south east. specifically, you talk about zalinski walking that line between gratitude and, and that right need, where does this leave you? cranes, you are paying partners. now, savanski had been pressuring them for more. does this package cover that me it certainly doesn't cover that need and this is certainly, i mean, it is of course more 8. but at the same time, the bigger picture is that the much larger a, a package that the president of the united states president wants for ukraine is still stuck in that republican controlled congress. the leaders of that a, of the house of the republican controlled house will not bring that package to a vote. and that package is, is at around 60000000000. so that gives you
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a context between what the united states president wants to give to you cream and what this package is, it's at 300000000 this. i think it's us, it's comforting for the time being. but for european leaders, we are in and us election year where there's growing republican opposition to american support for you cream. there's, uh, there's, you know, at least some fear for what a donald trump presidency would look like. so certainly, this wrangling in the united states should be and is alarming for european allies and you cream for what the results of the us election to be, which will take place later this year, of course. in ki, thanks so much. i is. all right, here's a look now at some of the stories making headlines around the world, the cell russian president vladimir put and says he will deployed troops and weapons on the board with finland now that the country has joined nicer. it
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described in last night the membership as a quick meeting with state for the country security previously neutral, finland joining knighthood last year in the wake of russia's invasion of the trial was present and dr. barton has locked in the democratic nomination for the 2024 presidential election. donald trump also picked up enough delegates in cheese dies state primaries to secure the republican nomination. it confirms that trump and body will face off in i've been doing the defense minister bars, but story, it says, approved the use of military aircraft to join a number of nations dropping humanitarian. ivan casa, german participation is expected to stop within days. now, using transport a cross station in front, german government has stressed repeatedly that international i deliveries to gaza. need to be wrapped up by a decision from germany follows confirmation of the 1st to ground, a delivery in weeks into northern ga,
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so which has become increasingly oscillated. since the start of his roused military offensive program says it has dispatched enough food for 25000 people to cause a convoy of 6 u. n. a trucks was allowed to enter the strip by a new road crossing into the northern part of the territory agency. says it's the 1st time they've delivered it to the north end of it's very early. i step correspondent, 10. you claim a how significant this delivery to the northern gaza strip it's, i was think it is important right now because we're seeing that there might be potentially another. and then route being opened. we're talking here about a road that has been built by the it's really military and the cooling this gate uh, 96. uh, this is where this 8 conway of the board footboard program. uh, went in 6 trucks that went in. and uh,
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so this road actually divides to goes a street between the north and the south is goes from uh, the area of to keep boots a busy uh, to the mediterranean, as seen. so this could potentially open up another lender, which is really needed as we are hearing from over humanitarian act as the operating and dogs are from the united nations that they need to get this 8 to the people is particularly in northern garza where they have one or 4 days that the risk of starvation and that this mind nutrition, especially among children in this area, a talk about what this could be. this is a pilot project, obviously, and by these riley me. what hope saw that this could be the 1st of many deliveries by this route as well. this is still to see from what we understand in the statement this agency, a d, a coordinator for government activities in the territories of it's called,
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that's part of the defense ministry that said they're making the assessment. now if this is a workable and whether more of those 8 convoys with go in a, you have to understand that would be another crossing as well. in the north, it could be a open fi. israel that has been a lot of pressure by the international community to open these lend crossings or to create more base to go into cause of ireland. because they said this is the, the best and the most effective way to get into a northern garza and in many countries have resorted to ad drops of aid. also. now there's a shift on the way that expect it sometime soon this week to dark as somewhere in gauze, but again, it's in the hands of israel to, to let in more 8 and also the older technicalities, because we understand this condo, it also needs to be checked, of course, and that is done. so the south in the, at the current are so long crossing so, so all of this, of course also takes a lot of time and you claim it in jerusalem. thank you.
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alright, let's do the hazy now. we're 1st protest broken out of our plan by caribbean nations, to reinvent the country's leadership. demonstrate as have tried to block busy streets in the capital puerto prints, they say they are opposed to foreigners interfering in the countries politics. us and caribbean officials want to appoint a new transitional government while heidi's prime minister has promised to resign. heidi is the caravans stood lodges to countries, and you can see there is boarded to the east by the dominican republic. it's no stranger to one wrist, but with gains now in control of much of the capital there are fees the nation could spiral into a wide a civil to this mine is increasing the calling the shots in hazy. gang lita jimmy shed is a nickname. bob. a key, a former police officer, he's a brutal,
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i'm upstairs who was voiced admiration for haiti's format dictatorship. he heads up an alliance of guns cooled, the g. 9 gun violence has killed thousands in haiti. he says he's fighting for the pool and against government corruption. but in reality, gunter fools have forced hundreds of thousands from that homes. cutoff, food supplies, and fuels a humanitarian crisis. pacey is desperately pool. many still living and make shift accommodation, puts you off off the devastating of quake in 2010. that quake killed more than 200000 people according to government triggers. at the time hated and you've been a democracy for 20 years, unlocked to stable government. a hurricane followed, destroying more homes with a lack of lower and older guns begun to flourish. in 2017 shaven alamo lease was
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elected president. his government is said to have support each it is it on the g 9 gains, so the wild with guns, with growing stronger. but 4 years later, in 2021, president lease was assassinated, triggering haiti's descent into chaos. that was when aria on read. okay. the as acting prime minister, he promised to hold the presidential elections but repeatedly postponing the ballot . in the power came gun violence increased and on res government steadily lost control. pro justice cooled for henri to step down. then in september, last year, she exit sees the initiative on us about that we are launching a fight to overton all of these government in any way possible. at the end of february, the g 9 gang seize control of haiti's international efforts. one of them read was
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a broad, effectively thought, his be 10. it's not clear if any, see as his own on patients for power. the want is clear. any new government in haiti would have to deal with the guns. you are a force to be reckoned with. so the question is, is the announcement of ariel embrace resignation likely to calm the situation in heidi? that's a question i put to latin american express good to mild it's a necessary step. so it has been off by the can be does, as well as a politician so of haiti. but now he is conditioning his resignation to the installation of the transitional council. and i think he's not in the position to condition his reassignment. and therefore, it's of a difficult situation with was the international community because it has a connected to as
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a person of only yes on britain has made it conditional. i wonder what, what do you think of the id, or at least of a transitional presidential counsel that we need some sort of in presence of the international community because we have no state authorities in the country in the mall state cross validity. paola has been broken down by is a good and you need us and save for them needs to be establish some sort of a proxy protector in order to reestablish a all the to permit of frame the for political discussion. and at the end of the day, as well as the realization of democratic elections, latin america expect good to my hope that all right, before we go, a reminder about top story. whitehouse has announced the new 300000000 dollar emergency weapons package for you. crime that decision side steps us congress wave
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republicans have been stolen not to be guy package. the assistance will be the 1st 3 months from the us and was announced as president bud posted. polish late in motion. that's all for now. coming up after the breakout documentary, same full as twin sisters from seawright, the leon. and the search for a bit of water is coming up. so the floating away when it's 40 degrees celsius in the shade, can be deadly during times of climate change. how do rising temperatures change our reports? the internal heat, march 15th on dw, the.


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