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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 13, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from the land. the german trump flood comes on the fall. i as he again rolls out sending taurus mid files to you crate in a heated question. and also session in the jasmine fall of mental f sharp, said germany is fully packing, keep with weapons, but that it would be too dangerous to hand over at the end of august at long range mince tiles. without some gentlemen, besides the coming of enough food for 25000 people is the living god. that's the world. food program says it's that's the convoy to reach the area and weeks. as is ray, the forces allow 6 trunks to enter the territory using a new road crossing protests on the streets of hastings,
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capital people against external influence in the countries politics as its leader resigned amid a growing violent and a world fuss from the european parliament. as a little lake has approved a new ground for a king, all sufficient intelligence, fax, the i'm on youtube, is making them good to have you with us. the german chancellor has again ruled out sending germany's advanced tourist missiles to you train him in a heated q and a session inside the drum in parliament offshore. it said his position was clear and that no tourist miss solves would be given to keith without german oversight. because it would be too dangerous in system gemini, was doing everything it come to support ukraine, militarily it while pointing towards the public sales over an escalation in the
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world of trucking. the truck is for mr. oscar flo, some is bye. but for me, it is out of the question to deliver a long range weapons when it only makes sense to deliver them in combination with a deployment of german troops even outside of ukraine. that is a line that is jo. miss chancellor, i'm not prepared to cross. that is why i took the decision in photography. i believe it is necessary to ensure when delivering weapons. the german troops did not become involved in this war. now chief political edison, mikayla kirsten, i was following proceedings and the german parliament for us are alas to if chancellor schultz, his remarks will now put an end to the debate of a sending at torres myself to you train. you know, there's simply too much domestic, but it's cool mileage in this besides the point that yes, this is
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a very powerful weapon that ukraine would love to have. having said that, above full, the what keith is asking for is, i mean this and i munition i munition. and so that this is a very powerful weapon to towers cruise missile system. but it would not be able to really change the course of the war, and it is becoming more and more at a propaganda to also for vasa, particularly after there was a leak recording of a german defense officials discussing options to put on the table that would be below this red line. that's what i saw. it's a different concept marked over time and time again. that is involvement of german soldiers. today he was more precise. he said, even if it meant a german mil to person. now looking at the targeting specifying targets outside the territory of ukraine, this is a red line. he is not willing to cross. and he's taking just the public as well,
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telling the opposition who awesome about towers once again, that they were elected the scaring a public and that they could rely on the german child. so to keep germany out of this, well, that's certainly in sync with the polling here in germany. salts has a record low polls himself, but on that specific issue, almost 2 thirds of demons actually with them. that's right. i mean, the polls do suggest that the gym and vote to support his stones. so tell us a little bit more what germans think about this whole debate as a tourist of the well looking at the base here in germany, there still is a sense that and germans feel like they don't just want to be left out with this conflict. they feel like they can be left out of this conflict. and i think that that is really at the cool of the debate we're seeing also between the opposition
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and the 2 policies who are in favor of supplying towers within town. so salt is own coalition of both the greens and the free democrats have very prominent voices who are in save of supplying it. they are saying red lines have been crossed in the past by delivering tanks and other power for weapons. nothing really is different. this time now the thompson has decided and this is becoming more and more a test of his or for to you on his or far see something that is the target. not just of the opposition. it appears are individual voices within this very bumpy ride of a coalition of that. don't really mind. humming the sounds of the or 40 in a bit to get that policy points through over the next one, the half using this government to diabetes mikaela, cuz no thank you so much for that. the ukraine has made absolutely clear and recent
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months that it is running out of weapons with growing concerns about recent russian advances on the front lines of to months of a parent style made ukraine withdrew its 2 troops from the t eastern town of the sky in mid february, moscow says it has since taken control of several villages around the town. he is now trying to reinforce its front lines. the soldiers from at least see different countries joining the fights, the double use car lina. troy recently met 2 soldiers in the town of crime, a tourist in the don't yet region who have traveled all the way from south america to help defend the country against russia. this is what a site looks like just after and me. so strike. it was this man, so his son, ex wife and grandmother. old died. he moved out just a week ago. the only things left to do is try to find in tax belongings.
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this as a place where the mist tile had yesterday at night. at least 3 people died until 9 or one that the impacts could be felt around 9 kilometers away from here. we were just a couple of kilometers away, hiding in a basement. most people here don't often seek shelter anymore. well, the rate of which is, you know, when the silence, it's even scarier, how much are we? the people have come to a score, a custom to them home. something is, comes to me flying over a head. it's very difficult or frightening. these men have travelled half way around the world to be in the violence. they are colombians today, they are on a rusty. but when on beauty, they fight side by side for the ukrainians in the trenches.
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yes, we're face to face with the enemy. we're fighting against them constantly ran to they see us, we see them, they go out. these are strategies to get us out as well, so that they're members of ukraine's international legion, even though they don't speak, ukrainian, or english military experience and a will to fight is enough. they came to do what they know best fight at war from the say when i heard president. so lansky asking for 4 and soldiers to join the battle and defend this country. i did everything possible to come here. the ukrainian government welcomed us. they gave us the opportunity to be here, to belong to the ukranian armed forces with knife also with great pride in a sports that's out of mind. you could, i need to you after 18 months, have you ever decided to extend his contract?
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you know, to, but how long does he want to stay away from home and stuff like that until the end of the war? you got to tell ukraine marches to victory. and i hope that god gives me the opportunity to be in keith on that day in the victory parade by that's what that giant flag they have here in the frame that he doesn't think it's anything that can continue. and very good says that for him, the site has become personally on me, but i think i'm in the ukraine is already won my heart. ukrainians have won my heart. i have you cranny and friends. now i know many stories of ukrainian families that has really made an impression on me, and that's why i decided to stay much longer. war is not good, but my duty now is to help and protect to ukraine. are you are to protect you crane from attacks like this one on a school? things like this and few raid fighters from around the world as well as low coats
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looking for their targeting civilians structures. so when you, what do you think this is what you need to get some kind of military facility, which, what's the, what's going on? well, even use the excuse me, we need a lot more help or excuse me, if we just get it bit by bit of luck with denise, the war will drag on, but for a very long time for the help that civilians and soldiers in ukraine are desperately waiting for ukraine is now set to receive an emergency cache of weapons from the united states. the $300000000.00 military aid package includes munitions and rounds to help on the front lines as keep tries to hold back brushes advance. president joe biden announced the package during a meeting with both polish leaders at the white house as they celebrated the 25th
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anniversary of poland joining the nato alliance. the 2 polish lead is in the us on the mission of solidarity. those with neighboring ukraine and with nights at home, that political arrivals, the 2 in washington, postings 5 minutes the don't want to be present on president andre due to the presented a united front. that is why we that pushing for more u. s. military aid for ukraine and an end political stand off on the issue, as well as the pentagon did, announced a 5 the $300000000.00 in weapons. the key, the big package has sold us president joe biden had this to say. united states is announcing that emergency package for your crane using cost savings from previously approved printed on contract. packaging close munitions in rounds to help you cry and hold the line against russians. brutal tax for the next couple weeks, but it's not nearly enough. what we're, i'm announcing today congress must pass the by personal security bill now,
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which includes urgent funding to ukraine. we must act before it literally is too late. before it's too late, we must act before increasing the skeptical republicans abrupt king legislation containing $60000000000.00 of funding for ukraine has. the key figure is the amount on the right to the house of representative speaker mike johnson. he has so far, refused to allow the vote on that legislation, which has already been approved by the senate. he says in agreement, unrestricted immigration controls is his prize quickly. united package for ukraine . the task made an appeal to mike johnson's conscience with, if you like, that is the more than ever before when it comes to ukraine. i still hope this, mr. jonathan lou will feed, dismissed, most likely to fall for thousands of lives. and you quite and because in fact, she's responsible for the future of, of also of
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a number of people with an election in the us new mean, it's unclear if the public's push will be successful, but in keys it will certainly have be much appreciated. so let's take a look now, some of the other stories making headlines around the world. and the russian president vladimir persian says he will deployed troops and weapons on the border with finland. now that it has joined nato in response to finish, prime minister, baterri, or post said that russia appeared to be preparing for a long conflict with the west. previously neutral finland joined nato last year in the wake of russia's invasion of ukraine. you said which a close ally of the late russian opposition lead to elect, same to valley, has been attacked outside his home. in lithuania, leo need volkoff was reportedly assaulted in his call with tear gas and to how much it cooled the attack. a typical bound, it salutes by vladimir putin henchmen lisa, he's now in hospital and that they're investigating the attack a 15 year old
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palestinian was shot and killed by his rainy israel defense full of troops. often he stopped and wounded 2 security guards at an is randy chat point outside jerusalem. according to media reports, the use arrived at the check point on a bicycle and drew a knife when gullets tried to search him. to gauze and now why the world food program says it has deliberate enough food. it's the 25000 people in the north of the territory. it was dispatched in a convoy of 6 u. n. a trucks allowed to enter garza through what's cool, but 96 gates on a new road crossing, which is part of the pilot scheme put forward by is really forces you an agency says it's the 1st time they've managed to deliver aid into the north of the strip in more than 3 weeks, i asked all, correspondent tonya exceed my, his injury, slim. how important these a deliveries are for northern garza as well. i think at this point,
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at least from the point of view of the humanitarian organizations, any 8 that's going into casa is significant. and important in this way would open another a so called crossing or it gave a tree hearing from the authorities that quoted the gate 9 to 6. that would open up the rectory, 2 boards. no. then a golf so. so where this 8 conroy of 6 trucks went in to deliver this much needed 8 into northern galls and they need to cause the city, the u. n. the united nations. they have want, and other 8 organizations for weeks know of a pending division, a severe my nutrition among children. so it is of course very welcomed. but it's so to see whether this route will be used more and more, the more convoys and also convoys of commercial goods would be coming in this way. he the world food program, a full saying that much more a is needed. so is it likely that over the coming weeks more will be arriving?
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it was, it was for the program as said, you know, they need it every day and they need more entry points into the north. now the is really or forward to these have said this is a part of the project. they're in control. what goes in and out of gall. so this, so not have a consider to open a for the most northern are crossing that is the, the errors crossing. but at the moment, so they're looking know how, how this will work. they will assess this. and this is also why we've been seeing many countries now resorting to other means of sending aid in 2000 notes as to through the land crossings, but a by ad dropping a gym and he will also join. and there's also a ship on the way to open this maritime cory door. but again, we're hearing from a humanitarian organizations that the best the most quickest and most effective way
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is to the age of buy land. all right, tanya, thank so much for that. let's tanya claim that reporting from jerusalem to hayes, you know, a fresh process of broken out over a plan by caribbean nations to revamp the countries leadership demonstrates as of try to block busy streets and the capital port of costs. they say they're opposed to foreigners interfering in the countries politics. us and caribbean officials, one to a point, a new transitional government. well, he's, he's prime minister has promised to resign. your opinion meanwhile, says it will send humanitarian aid, was 20000000 euros. ac is the caravans, 3rd largest country and is boarded to the east by the dominican republic. it's no stranger to unrest, but with gains now in control of much of the counsel that all fears the nation could spiral into a wider civil war. this mind is increasing be calling the shots in haiti.
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gang leda. jimmy shed his a, a nickname, bob, a key, a full, a police officer. he's a brutal lobster who was voiced admiration for haiti's format dictatorship. he heads up an alliance of guns cooled. the g, 9 gun violence has killed thousands in haiti. he says he's fighting for the pool and against government corruption. but in reality, gunter fools have forced hundreds of thousands from that homes. cutoff food supplies, and fuels a humanitarian crisis. pacey is desperately pool. many still living and make shift accommodation, puts you off off the devastating of quake in 2010. that quake killed more than 200000 people according to government triggers. at the time hated and you've been a democracy for 20 years unlocked to stable government, a hurricane followed,
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destroying more homes. with a lack of lower and older guns begun to flourish. in 2017 shaven alamo lease was elected president. his government is said to have support each it is it on the g 9 gains. so the wild with guns with growing stronger. but 4 years later in 2021, president luis was assassinated, triggering eighty's descent into chaos. that was when aria on re took a the as acting prime minister, key problem is to hold the presidential elections but repeatedly postpone the ballot. in the power came, gun violence increased and on res government steadily lost control pro justice cooled for henri to step down. then in september, last you should see it sees the initiative on us about that we are launching
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a fight to over to in all of these government in any way possible. at the end of february, the g. 9 games cease controlled at hays these international efforts. one of them read was a broad, effectively thought history. 10. it's not clear if any, see as his own on patients for power. but want is clear. any new government in haiti would have to deal with the guns who are a force to be reckoned with. are now e lawmakers have just approved, well, 1st legal framework on also official intelligence. the acts aims to balance the safety and reliability of a i use for people across europe. most also fostering is development in various industries. now it's being 5 years in the making. and it could be seen as a precedent for countries struggling to control a i's. rapid advancement and i'm joined now by an
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r delta who's dw as chief technology correspondent. welcome ya know. and tell me what will this law change for people like you and me living here in the you? well, it won't change anything immediately, but we will see increasingly those effects over the next coming of years. now, after this vote today, there is still a few formalities left to be settled. once that's done this probably by may or june of this year. and the law is going to take effect gradually over the next 2 to 3 years. and along the lines we're going to increasingly fuel the effect of us loss. for example, for the 2 of us living here in the european union, we will have a right to know whenever we interact with in the ice system. so for example, you know, if you use a chat, bought like chat to p t online, that would have to be a disclaimer saying ok business in a system you're interacting with. the same is true for acosta, for example. um and then of course there also to just sort of like less obvious
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changes behind the scenes that we might not feel immediately, but that have, you know, a significant impact on as, as well. and that is sort of the idea. that's all the systems we're going to use will have to fulfill these requirements for what the, you know, costs trustworthy, artificial intelligence. ok, so quite comprehensive. the, this is, we have to remember, this is the 12 1st comprehensive legal framework on a, a, isn't it? so it of how easily um, successfully town this be implemented in practical terms. yeah. i mean passing loss is one thing and then enforcement the another thing. yes. so, um, you know, this is really going to be a litmus test for this the next couple of years. be you in brussels or setting up its own a i office that will monitor particularly um, you know, the big ai systems. and then each of the 27 member countries in d,
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u is naming the own a. i want stuck where people will be able to file a complaint. now, you know, this is completely new. all these offices are being set up. now, you know them, we will have to see if they get the right people that the right expertise and, you know, the big question is really, you know, will they, will they get the job done? mm hm. so kind of a work in progress, i guess. and this is a you why it isn't it, does this acts have any influence a tool outside of europe or? well, you know, that's at least what lawmakers and brussels are hoping for. so they're hoping for what they call the brussels effect. essentially, the idea that you know, you're, the last the, have been passed here will sort of inspire old will be some kind of blueprint for the rest of the world. where of a, you know, legislator, i'm now looking into similar issues. there's sort of president for that, you know, that's what happened with the deed if you are a current data protection. but we'll see you in the, in the european union, they took effect back in 2018. and then we saw that, you know, afterwards,
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countries like brazil for example, past data protection laws that very much a line for the g d, p r. and, well, you know, now the hope by many lawmakers and brussels is that history will sort of repeat itself here. okay. so leading by example, apparently not everyone's happy with some exceptions that have been made in this little for certain certain applications. can you give us a couple examples of those? yeah, yeah. and let me start by saying, you know, artificial intelligence poses significant risks to our fundamental rights and the act now really addresses a lot of them. that being said, there are, you know, what human rights activists call loopholes in this law. and the good example is the use of facial recognition technology is specifically with life facial recognition technology and public spaces. now, in general, this a, i act bands bad, but there are exceptions for um, for law enforcement, for example, you know, when they're looking for a missing child a,
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when there's even then terrorist threats. now, law enforcement says, you know, we need bad in order to do our job. but on the other hand, do you have human rights activists and, you know, people coming from that sort of privacy background for warning that, you know, this could sort of erode fundamental right. see, and that it would essentially affect everyone living here in the european union. nice thing. the w as chief technology correspondent. yeah. and i'm sure they'll co thank so much for those insights. really interesting. are now artificial intelligence, as we know promises many innovations. some of those are fed, many all seen is making a positive contribution for such as any of the australian university has now developed an a application that they hope will benefit. people with dementia include vis a character who serves as a companion for those with memory problems. davis currently being tested at
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a cat home in sydney where she comforts patients who are feeling low. now i companions like this on not meant to replace human caregivers but rather provide additional support to get food get knocked in like to a good example of a i, this is a quick reminder for you of our top story is today the javin tron slot has again, rolled out, sending germany's advanced tourist mississauga to ukraine and a he said q and a session inside the german parliament. he said, no taurus, miss alt will be given to keith without chapman control, claiming it would be too dangerous. and the well filled food program says it has deliberate enough food for 25000 people. intended wasn't all that it was dispatched in a convoy of 6 u. n. a trucks allowed to enter the territory by renew growth, crushing processing costs, and the pilot scheme put forward by is ready when we have time full. stay tuned for our series made in germany. that's going to be looking at
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a search for sustainable results is on the moon for me on the team here in ballad, thanks so much for watching. the
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the private companies are ready to go off the move in safety. he is the has the gun again. but this time it's not just about so should we everything the moon has to offer as big money at stake, made in germany next on d. w. united by a shared sense of purpose. their bond has never been stronger. the twins,
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fussy, in whose side they grew up with different families. now they want to build their future together. and to do so, they must leave their home in sierra leone. twin sisters united in the search for a better life. in 45 minutes on d, w, the fast fashion as an environmental nightmare. a closing graveyard image of land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need, and the lightest textile waste gets stranded here.
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all about the final stuff in the global fashion industry. fast fashion. watch now on youtube, the neil armstrong. the 1st man in the moon. after him and buzz aldrin and 1969, the only 10 others have since that but there are. but the 2 men certainly revelled in their pioneering achievements. nasa will soon be sending a new crew to the miss. although this time the space trips will just be the proverbial leap forward for human kind. they'll also involve major business opportunities for commercial contractors also, and this addition of made the double use business magazine, higgs will fly. we investigate the use of pork fat and jet fuel for.


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