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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 13, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news, live different berlin history made today. here in europe, the european parliament approving the artificial intelligence act, the 1st of its kind in the world for legislation designed to protect people from the risk of a technology developing at break neck speed. also coming up tonight is time running out for tech talking to united states, while makers have approved a bill that could be on the social media platform. if it refuses to sever all ties with the chinese government and efforts to get 8 into gaza picking up for variations or underway for a 2nd age, you have to depart from cyprus with much needed supply. the
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breakup is good to have you with this lawmakers here in the european union have just approved the world's 1st legal framework on artificial intelligence. it aims to balance the safety and reliability of a i use for people across europe at the same time. fostering a honest development in industry. this act has been 5 years in the making and it could be president said that he for countries struggling to control e eyes rapid advance. daniel pivots era is the executive director at the curious center for a i risk. i asked him, does europe's artificial intelligence fact tackled the biggest risk posed by a i to people thanks for having me. yeah, i think so. it, it tackles the rest that we're facing today, at least when it comes to a i, i'm not sure it will get us all the way to a i safety forever. i think more will need to solve it. but it's definitely in
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a historical day to day. this is as a set, the world's 1st comprehensive se aggregation. and i think it turned out surprisingly well. it's not perfect, but do you did a pretty good job here? i think it at a big reconciling, defend needs and requirements that different stakeholder groups had. so there was a need for innovation. we need to stay competitive as, as europeans. but we also one safety and we don't want to compromise on that. and i think a lot of that does a good job with that. well, what talk me through this and help us understand exactly how are people being pre texted now by what was past today are right, so, um, originally the, this law, the act was conceived of as a purely sort of a user focused r r. i use specific law, so there are a lot of different rules for a i in medicine, a i, in law and a,
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i know all these very different specific sectors. and you know, you can argue about whether in some cases it's a bit of older regulation or on the regulation. but i think overall it's a clear commitment to protecting users and the you. and then i think we've been very clever as your kids to also add later on rules for general purpose models. and so these are the g p t, detached, if he's of this world. this is how i have been taking the world by storm, and we added rules for these general models that don't really fit in any of these use categories because they're so general and so broad. they are very potent and that means they can also lead to a lot of risks because they're so strong and putting, and i think it's great that the act has binding requirements for the developers of these general models as what you used to speak of over regulation. i'm sure you would be suspicious of anyone who is out right now saying that this is over
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regulation, because this is actually the 1st attempt at any regulation of a i. and i'm wondering because of this is, is big tech in your opinion, likely to comply with these regulations, or do you use for see big tech trying to find loopholes in ways to circumvent the regulations or oh, i mean, i certainly think i expect them to, to try and look for ways to, you know, keep the compliance costs as much as possible for them. but they're going to have a hard time because this, as you said, is binding it's, it's hard law now. and if it's companies are not going to comply with it, they will have to pay signs. so yes, i expect so both overall efforts to compliance. but also the big tech and companies in general has this kind of natural for them to, to look for a new pulse. a lot will come down now to the implementation phase. that is basically beginning now. so that means translating a fairly high level language of the law as it's been passed into very concrete and
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detailed standards to tell companies exactly what they have to comply with. and i think we need to make sure that the standard setting face as implementation face. that's coming now, goes well, so only on the 1st half of the, of the homework that we've done. and there's more to come. yeah, it's definitely new territory for, for everyone. daniel permits here with the kira center for a iris and impacts talking with us about this groundbreaking, the artificial intelligence act here into european union, the 1st of its kind in the world. daniel, thank you. thank you. across the atlantic, us lawmakers today also took action at what some are saying is an attempt to tame high tech us house of representatives overwhelmingly passed a bill that could lead to a band of the social media platform, tick tock, lawmakers have long had concerns about the abs, chinese owner, the company bite, dance in the chinese government's ability to demand user data,
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claiming tick tock could pose a threat to national security. the tick tock future in the united states is in jeopardy. the us house of representatives has given its owner bite, dance and ultimatum divest from the app within 6 months, or risk of ban across all us devices approved by the house. the bill now goes to the senate where its fate is. i'm certain, it's a rare occasion where a piece of legislation has strong bi partisan support as well as opposition. any been on the tip top is not just banning the freedom of expression. you're literally causing huge harm to our national economy. we have small business owners that are here as small business owners from across the country. they used to talk an estimated 170000000, tick tock users are based in the us. it's reach is part of the reason why intelligence officials are concerned. the head of the f, b i n c,
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i a have warn the china could use it to influence us public opinion and that it could compel by chance to hand over data on its use or is it you're getting? there have been no reports of beijing having done this, but the possibility of it happening has prompted law makers to take action by dance denies any connection to the chinese government. china is warning the us that the band will come back to bite it. president biden, who join the app last month. he says he will sign the band if it passes a senate and ends up on his desk for i ass our washington correspondent benjamin alvarez gruber. what the reaction has been in the us staff in mixed reactions. and one of them, something that we've heard many times is surprised over how quickly this went, not just the by parties and support a super majority that both democrats and republicans supported. but also this bill was introduced only a little bit more than a week ago. and passed a committee 50 to 0,
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so everyone there was on this panel of the committee and the house of representatives said, yes, we will move this to the floor. and it from the reactions to there are also different words that are being used. the critics call this a ben already, but those was supporting it. say, this is nadia. the bottom, this is a for sale. it has to pass the senate 1st, then it needs to be signed by president biden. he said that he would do it and then the, the clock would be taking for the parent company off off tick tock. that's right, president bind. so he would sign the legislation if it makes it to his desk, but of course it has to be passed by the us senate 1st that what do we know about the chances of that happening? there's stuff in the a lot of pressure because so many in the house of representatives supported to that and we will see until they spelt that. they will definitely be more lobbying, also from tech to who have been a on one side, sending a push notifications for use us towing to call congress people has been flying into sol. so that means when source and that has been here has been pressing. that's also quite interesting that they send implants as a not,
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as he owes or high management, elf tick tock, to present, to say that that's important. and that's also tick. tock reacted to it. that's. we just heard that in the report of the small businesses, how many people are actually using the up here. it took to quickly tweet it out and they sat and sent it to hopefully we'll consider the facts, listen to the constituents and realize the impact of the economy. 7000000 small businesses and 170000000 americans who use this us. yeah, and this legislation, benjamin originally was pushed endorsed by former us president donald trump. he has since changed his stance. what, what do we know about that? absolutely. that it was in 2020. we also signed an executive order giving the parent company only a few days that will also some legal challenges, legal battles on both sides and but now he said that it would not be the right sign to bend. take talk. that's been me to report that he changed his mind after meeting
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a mega donor for the trump campaign. will also have stakes on textbook. but it's interesting it to see how different the approach from joe biden and from donald trump is and something. and we also just heard the report, the bite and competing joint take took only a months, a go less than a month ago. and he said that he would sign it if it passes the senate and then it would be what take the next step, putting more pressure on the parent company. i will take a interesting point there, the, the use benjamin alvarez group at the latest in washington. benjamin, thank you for to the gauzy conflict now in the international efforts to get humana, terry, at 8 into the enclave there, wrapping up a 2nd ship is preparing to sail from cypress headed to the territory loaded with supplies. a 1st ship hearing about $200.00 tons of food is just hours away from landing large parts of gauze that have been left devastated since israel watched its military offensive in response to home offices october 7th terror attacks the aftermath of months long fighting in hon. eunice,
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palestinians are slowly returning to this residential complex now in ruins. as is really ground forces withdrew from the area. most of them have lost their homes and have loved ones missing the keys. i ran to bring food and water for my children to feed them and my husband is not here. you was taken by the army. unfortunately, i found the whole tower gone and on fire and you can see things further south and rough up. the un agency had been palestinian refugees said their aid facility was hit by is really forces the must run. garza health ministry sees. several people were killed and dozens wounded. panama city, though this is forbidden. we're an international institution. all of us, all of this is for people on the we stopped returning to our homes. we work day and night to serve refugees. it's forbidden. oh, no. what is this?
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we take all of this to the elderly and children. what is this? the attack has confounded the despair of many gardens who are already suffering and severe shortages of food and basic supplies. people came here to get aid to get food to get that daily meals. it's run the done. how can they bought us during the month of ramadan? is there it is facing criticism for allegedly blocking humanitarian aid deliveries into the gaza strip. claim is really a tar. these have repeatedly denied. the un is warning of the imminent risk of famine, which is not lithuania is blaming the kremlin for an attack on a close ally of the late russian opposition leader alexis of all new activists leading the bulk of was attacked outside his home in vilnius by end of sailing with a meet, hammer,
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the 43 year old as the former chief of staff to the election of all that he now lives in exile and let the weighty defiant leona devolve golf described the moment he was attacked with a hammer outside his home. this is me on since it is do it to the person that back to me with the meantime. we're right outside my house in the yard with you, my leg. i don't 15 times, but somehow the leg of the main impact if you chose to walk, but this is there is no fracture, but my arm is broken when, when you remove those that will heat with time. but the main thing is we would walk and we was not give up with it's the incident is fox and approved from the community and government. it's intelligence services. it is highly likely that russia is behind the attack. they know they often lock up, but there's no doubt that these things are planned and the others look at the recent increase in this, the creation of the lift, whitening and flags, and incidents with monuments. all of this adds up to a common set of questions,
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incidents where it's clearly seen that such things are planned or we should not be surprised to you. but i want to make it very clear that the authorities will assess, investigate, and hopefully find the guilty person. and i can only say one thing that there's nobody here is afraid if you don't like the on the near press will switch and that'd be the 43 year old wall golf is among the rush. she has the most prominent opens, the config goes, he served as nevada, these chief office staff who died suddenly in a rush in prison last month. while golf left russia in 2019 under pressure from the authorities office is discharged from the hospital. he evolved to continue his struggle against the russian president. yes to. are you watching the w news and break off for all of us here in berlin? thanks for the company. i will see you tomorrow. the
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