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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  March 14, 2024 12:30am-1:01am CET

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says document, and you really see the world as he's never seen it before. the dr. know to dw talking entry. the hello and a welcome to focus on europe is good to have you with us. europe is senior rise in populist at nationalist parties. in slovakia, the part of a coalition government that has for demonstrations across the country and the past week's tens of thousands of solutions took to the streets to protest government plans to limit the penal code. the proposed policies include reduced
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penalties for corruption as measures that wouldn't be criminal investigation. the demonstrators are raising their voice as against the government's overall nationalist course. andre debowski rarely misses an opportunity to speak out against the country's government. he's one of the locks he has most famous artist, he's ultimately gay, and he's a thorn in the side of the ruling coalition. far right. politicians have come paid against eligibility to rise with tyra's targeting minorities from the capital of back to slap in europe. se no more and more citizens are standing up as a few of their values are as stake. i'm afraid to prosecute is one of slovakia, as most successful artist these days, he's painting a lot of caterpillar. the main thing i've ever made. so he's
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also painting the lots of bees and man sometimes wearing nothing or kissing other man and boss to ship them. what we can do, i don't remember know if you could see their genitals, but i don't think that all of the painting would reach the little. i put them, they posted this on social media and said, but i look what's being shown at the slovak public sweetie. was exhibition cool holder and can see this off a little bit. this is terrible that the will that is have a total began because crash then budget back to the last until i was actually they are members of the far right. s n s. the slovak national party, in language, reminiscent of nazi germany, one member called andre, do prophecies art. d generates the problem due process. he says, is that the s n s is in document? it's unacceptable, says the claim writer, me call her rescue. he's especially critical of culture minister martinez, you could be 2 of i was the the alpha,
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our representative for culture. i'm the media or culture minister. neil is a new fascist. the is. she's a farmer, television presenter who lost her job for her research remarks on national news. media can even say sufficient. the malcolm and natalia saw this is why her etzky and other cultural figures have launched a petition calling for the ministers resignation over 190000. have signed a record in slovakia, but the minister refuses to resign. so i'll screen so discrimination attacked, so minorities and assuming deeper division to not just in the cultural see, but in the society as a whole, i mean to hide vicious attacks and minorities, especially the l g b, t. c plus community and on rule many people to on demand on ends you as in general, which calls on foreign agents and so on and so on and so forth. we reached out repeatedly for an interview but received no response from the ministry. however,
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administered shampoo, each of us declared on facebook that she does not intend to continue supporting l to be 2 to projects what she calls a return to normality. we travel to the ministry and brought slobber and tried several more times to reach someone. no answer, we were sent to a voice mail then the agent but culture is only one area affected by the radical policy shift of robotics fee. so new popular government, he wasn't power 6 years ago as well. but his government's collapse, the mid rumors of corruption, organized crime and murder. investigative journalist john kusha was researching the story at the time. on february 21st 2018,
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he and his girlfriend were murdered by hired killers on the anniversary of their debts. we met their parents at the morning. most of you think you're dealing with a company here in slovakia now is terrible. so it's appalling. how oblivious people are and they are the one with the voted for real bad fee. so as far as government aged but it just single. yeah, i don't understand why the people elected this government after everything that's happened. but let me know, i think it's a noun who ordered the murder. he just hasn't been convicted. i am new deactivated . what's the nature of the person who allegedly ordered the murder has been acquitted? twice, he has good friends in top political circles. his lawyer is now one of those advisors. they are pushing through very r sloss. uh, basically changing the justice system or the criminal system and the penal code uh ridgefield favor many of their appointees from other tasks who are now under
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investigations. so back to the country's cultural since the minister has now closed the process level art gallery because it hosted l g b t q themed events. all employees were fired. andrea to prosecute is openly gay and has been target is forced. st. molly, i need somebody who artist can survive or think about it, but what about these other platforms for queered people? oh i i and can be a little bit more that are there for people to come together on. i've left them in school today because the most important thing of our culture is meeting other people in the community and the last name spots for minute. yes, but i think that's what drives them to take to the streets along with tens of thousands of us. so across slovakia, who demonstrate weakly against the rubric, cso is government the i go to all the protests when i'm in breakfast lava. the least i can do in this situation will be fatal sutkowski. you have
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a symbol ever made of it could be i would be very happy as far as the back in society remain democratic of democrats so that it does not slip into an adult across the country. yeah, i was looking at this crystal associates rage. i feel rage and ultimately despair. it feels like there's absolutely nothing we can do about it. we try to change things like but it's like our hands are tied for now, the government seems to be firmly in charge despite the process. and slovakia is threatening to become europe's next problem. trying to will adjust experience is warm is february on record. climate change has a huge impact on the electrical issue, the largest place it and this was also some melting away at an unrelenting piece. local peter shorter has observed the effects of climate change for many years. there's not much people can do here to preserve the glaciers, beauty,
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but they can adapt windows forwards to a changing environment with swiss engineering skiffs. no snow anywhere, no use for peter's way to the regions. natural hazards officer is witnessing just how quickly climate change is accelerating. manufacture temperatures, keep rising even at high altitudes. a week ago we even had plus 5 degrees at 6 o'clock in the morning. a 3000 metre motor goodman's x sort of that i thought these the only fines knew about the 1500 meter mark. but that's not sure because the biggest worry it's this deal is the largest glass here in the homes. it's melting. setting the entire mountain in motion, which affects the area of ski resort. often times that part we're standing on now has completely eroded some of it at an astonishing speed. ultimately it started in
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the fall of 2016 in the september, september, and then we saw the fastest movements in october and november the entire mountain slope just slid away. sunset sounded like a gunshot, like a pistol going on. the store. credit is opened up of more than 40 meters, a safety risk for the ski resort to the a piece of shit. so it takes us on a tour. the dangers which is off limits to, to fuel show us where the mountain has been torn apart. the claims not too strenuous, for sure that he has claimed a 4000 years the matter. however, no louis 70 times, after 3 hours of fighting, we are right. half way up the glass here
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are the largest edge within sight of the glass, your tongue, which is retreating further and further. for you to take your and 40 years ago, i went with my father's back and they asked me where the big gorgeous light a bit further. that's where the glacier was on. we could get onto the glacier from the bela design and walk across and up here since then it's retreated more than 2 kilometers. and at the moment the tongue is down there and just he told me the the due to the rapids retreats at the lynch dimension like support. so it's been a routing ever since the trees buckle like match sticks and folders are strewn about like giant dice the
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fee resort. luckily there was in charge, saw the moving danger and built this unique cable car system, the chief technician until in front of the can adapt the stations position according to the maintenance movements to come in. adjusted to the shifts into rain. it's like a ship floating on waters with this, it's designed in such a way that it can hydraulically compensate for. so for such a movement is always always try it. and consis even come when the mountain gives way the cable car station content directed by up to 11 beaters. this huge concrete foundation was built specially for this purpose. the cable car station rests on it as a phone rails inside 15 cylinders control by
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transformers can move the huge metal construction, including the wire gun deluxe 10 chairs upward. this special technology doesn't come cheap. it costs 10000000 euros to install the cable car has had to move by almost 3 meters in 8 years. it's meant to risk and keep on enjoying their ski safely. but the scheme even have a few trickier considering the rising temperatures drinking glass here under routing mountain. this is all concerns. yeah, we keep asking ourselves the same question. it's kind of a dilemma, but skiing spawn. and that's why we're back in the huntington friends, send this over the planning the next technological patient. soon, a giant, deductible table car will be built on this summit as well. that's because here to the maintenance giving way as temperatures rise.
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but these changes have pizza, shirts are concerned, especially when he thinks about future generations development, they will be seeing a completely different world, but they will no longer see the same view. we are known for decades and center right along because it seems the melting of the electric glass here is impossible to prevent would you eat this insect shot up in italy is reading edible creek has as an a sustainable and nutritious food option. but which would tell you would consider adding creek is to one of the country's most popular dishes. pizza gavin, though that will know is a dedicated chef. new will he released creek. this can be a special addition to your diet. is this an ingenious idea? and the fight against climate change or twist i need to increase even gone terribly
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wrong. of thousands of cricket in bread on a farm to end up as a pizza topping. unlike berries prospect some might say. but carlo del bono and jose johnny, call it a promising business. what are they getting? the crickets were born today is the 1st day of their lives going on. one of the 1st 3 years of our research and development, we learned how to determine the exact number of crickets, but if it intended each plastic container what the test page you think i didn't see this page in crickets won't be moved anywhere else until the last day of their lives, and i'm gonna make this post, i think that's pretty much under the visa being. okay, so john, jose, johnny and a friend found at the startup new transact in this former warehouse in monte castiano in italy. they started by importing 10000 crickets from germany. that was
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the 1st and last time johnny had to get crickets from abroad. his farm has been steadily growing since one thing thought it can there arrive in 10000 crickets in this container enough to produce one kilogram of cricket flour. it contains over 60 percent protein. and we only need 5 liters of water per kilogram of cricket. this 10121 kilogram of b requires. 15000 liters some into the basic and kito symbol. you know, we'll be sending the ring virginia. yeah. johnny says this also helps in the fight against climate change. he produces 2 tons of crickets lower per month. only in recent months to italy allow food made from crickets for human consumption and very quickly nutrients. ex products sold out. the crickets live only about 30 days. they are placed in the machine that slowly reduces the temperature until the cold blooded insects fall asleep and die. johnnie,
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assures us the procedure is painless. a nearby company then processes the crickets into a powder that looks like this. so will this product ever have a place in the secret italian kitchen? a lot of people you mean flour made from this little insect? no. oh my god, i might try it one so they probably wouldn't be this type of flour part of my regular diet. i don't accept such flour because i don't know what it is. it's headed on because i quoted, i think it was good that we need to normalize these types of alternative flowers. i would need it. cuz i'm on today on the pizza maker carlo del bono is already experimenting with cricket pizza. it is adrie outside rome. she says no more than 15 percent of the powder should be added to the pizza dough. so 1st and then we will like to do an sprinkled cricket lever on top. i know several of the
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getting a little and we do our best to insure it mix as well with our regular flour do in the and take it out. so you go, you know, if we're making fishable pizza with a little mozzarella john, bianca will go to put him on the p as tomato sauce, mozzarella a variety of vegetables and a pinch of cricket powder on top. it's a price the ingredient a 60 year olds per kilo. then the pizza goes into the oven. the pizza pizza is ready. it looks great. on the lease, you must know will garner shit with cricket. this little john, which will make the pizza even crispy, are going to the end to include of you. go get a la delicious,
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very good, tasty cricket pizza. very low them very good pizza. where did really fun. really. if i can eat crickets any one campbells that i'm $100.00, a 100 and not everyone is as excited about cricket pizza as carlo del, bruno, even so he plans to add it to his menu soon, but nobody to the mediterranean island of cyprus is famous for his goals and shores, beautiful ancient ruins and hundreds of thousands of cats. but the number of animals has rapidly decline since the beginning of last year, indefinitely and highly infectious strain of a feline corona virus has been spreading on the island, killing thousands of cats between areas and pet owners are alarmed as there is no remedy insights or the ever the a do has been taking her caps to the vets more often than usual in her home country
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of cyprus and invisible danger has been we can have it on her beloved pets, feline and pictures, period tonight, this crap, if i p for short is a mutated feline cuz we're in a virus, one of every views can succumb to the infection and then your us suffering and death was imminent. so i, i helped him along the way. i know people have lost 50 percent of their cuts to fit in the 1st symptoms are fever and loss of appetite even what was once their favorite treats failed to attend the infected cancer, veterinarians and cypress have also noticed the animals have eye problems. and they might have no energy that's some size of you can actually see. and in
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addition to the took own shows take for a site, which means that you have shown an optimal. that's why the category of data we see a due to the to relation of fluid to the optimum. the coastal city of the muscle. here you can see why cyprus is called the island of cats. it's teeming with st. cancer. people and cypress loved these animals. and many took care of them. the cats aren't driven out of the restaurants either. most people are not afraid of infection, even after the reports of ramped ip, the no, no complaint as that would be made from customers by the gods like that they. i bought a disease or something, i mean, somebody like they've got some gate, we get it. but the rena, if the do has to be looking after the st. cats in her hometown of lima sold for years. she know,
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shares her home with 18 cat to win more and more cat still victims the f i p last year. he and other animal rights actors demanded that the state tend to over stones of corporate medication. mm hm. the government pharmacy sort of said no, this for humans, but we said yes for you're not using it is going to expire soon. just give it to us for the costs and they would refuse. and then the got of the station for the vets and the vets services we're trying to convince the government to give us the drug. because our break just kept increasing. an interesting and we were reaching cases of like types dying in, in like hundreds, thousands of cats are said to have died from the illness. now the situation is apparently under control, but experts in cyprus are receiving concern queries from abroad. could the mutation also be dangerous for humans and crew to is bring the virus back to their home
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countries? and if a lot of colorado was cost, the mutation that can be transmitted from cut to cods, to come to talk from, cut to cuts. that is a concern of if we do have an a and i'm bringing out of the country, and we haven't received that so far. and we know for sure that the cuts going all the cyprus to jack money on the other lines. other countries is in the meantime, one case of f i p has been registered in this case the rena, every via do prefer to keep her cats indoors with the time being. this is because the count population on the streets of live muscle cannot be adequately monitored the old, just like with the human coverage. there is a chance of this feline called it to also mutates and have another operate. and maybe in 5 years, let's, every via do cannot vaccinate her tests against f i p,
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because such a vaccine does not yet exist. what's more cats can be infected again and again. then yeah, all 3 of the scientists from several countries are now researching ways to combat the dead leafy line. corona virus. so cypress can continue to call it so the island of cats. now we would like to introduce you to one of madrid's trendy districts in the south of the spanish capital you 0. historically, a working class neighborhood is transforming to what someone called in edward's china town. chinese culture is celebrated on many corners. 0 is not a touristy place. yes, but it sure is on his way. the figure of the drag and takes off in style with chinese new year's celebrations. the periods, location, madrid for the city is symbolic heralding the start of something new. but
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we will invest close to $10000000.00 euros to create a pedestrian zone. nearly 2 kilometers long, big, blue cetera is set to become madrid's china town around one and 10. if it's $50000.00 residences of chinese defense. the 1st generation of immigrants move to the working class district in the 1970s. now it's their children who want to create something new, like paloma fun, who runs 9 restaurants, who will sit on it and we'll said we still have a lot to improve. if we want, it was sarah to be the china town is madrid. i want the chinese restaurant in sierra go say it, but you don't want to be the 1st one with a good design, a good atmosphere in service that we can adapt to spanish, public, or the most awful god awful. because from your adapting room, she who also runs a restaurant is showing how that to work someone knows that doesn't we are under
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lucy and i'll show you this and we have a minute. and d thought uh, we're neither spanish nor china most i'm boy for something in the middle or something, but we're very happy to embody both cultures on the end of the night, i'm not going to go on the one hand, madrid's china town is a recognition of what is bloss and here on the other hand, it's a marketing strategy that worries some new sarah today. ok, so coming back on you about i think of rental increase to on this, but if your so we, the residence of this neighborhood will have to go elsewhere because everything will get more expensive for jacob with the should on 2 sides to everything is all a technician for so the cut off rising prices due to gentrification. that wasn't the topic at the new year's celebrations and the spanish and to lucy and chinese dragon steered well clear of politics to
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that wraps up. this week's edition of focus on your hope. you enjoyed the show. thanks for watching in phoenix the the
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into the conflicts with tim sebastian presidential elections in russia of the usual full gun conclusion with nothing left to chop. not even the best in jail as the leading opposition figure. i'll explain. the problem is, my guess is the russian come and take the andre. collectively call for tommy, he, russian, you're ready. just send it in most of the valley such as serious, correct? he had to be to conflict in 30 minutes on the w gets majesty is breathtaking. the mika
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lifeline for south east asia on its banks, fertile rice, passes, feeding millions and splendid buddhist temples, mesmerizing tourists. witness a fascinating journey of discovery upon them. a call on through loss in 75 minutes on d w. the is the success can be used to christopher geographies. the real challenge itself needs to be an incredibly scarce way. what the heck us transforming business to live is on real media and was just green blushing. what's now on
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you cream was like a stepping points. you know, probably point you into that warranty wants to finish your studies. now you have a significant problem trained. you can just go back to somewhere else coverage, the more people than ever on the move world wide in search of, of best in life. so why, but i want to go back tonight. yeah. like, i don't have any reason. there's no reason, investment thing for me that yeah, do me something that is coming very, very soon on. we know when the story in for migrate reliable. nice. so migraines, wherever they may be, this shadows, these pop costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the schools,
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tactic farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread race as depression today? history, we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism, the, the, the, this is, these are the news and these are the top stories for us. house of representatives has approved a bill that could lead to a bad on the social media platform. take talk, the bill could false take talks, chinese own it to sell the platform or face having it removed from us up stools. legislation goes to the us senate, which faces an onset to the future. and you know, may because of approve the world's 1st legal framework on artificial intelligence, it aims to guarantee the safety and reliability of a i. well,
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fostering is development is seen as a precedent for countries.


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