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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 14, 2024 9:00am-9:31am CET

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the, the, this is the deadline use live from the, is time running out for tick tock, us house of representatives approves the bill to impose a nationwide van on the social media platform unless it comes to ties with china. so coming up the struggle to supply gaza as international efforts to get into the territory ran pop hostings accused these route of targeting the distribution plus avoiding the draft and me on not thousands of young people rushed to leave the country as the military government imposes mandatory conscription to see off rebel
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opposition the i'm anthony out. welcome to the program. the us is points to band tick tock unless the social media app cuts its ties to china. us low, mike is overwhelmingly voted for a bill which forces the chinese owner to sell the app to an owner from a country other than china, all fi. so total ban comes and made concerns, but the social media service could be used to collect american citizens, personal data, and the poses a threat to national security. john has protested saying it's unfair to use those arguments to bring down the competitive advantage of other countries. i'm innocent, showcase for goofy dances or a threat to national security. how american c take talk could shut it down in the us of the the house is given by dance. the chinese company that
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owns take talk. i know to made him sell it or face a bad connection. it comes from it growing concerns over the chinese government's ability to access use the data collected by the app. tick tock is a threat to our national security because it is owned by, by dance which does the bidding of the chinese communist party. this build therefore, forces tick tock to break up with the chinese communist party. take talk is one of the wells, the most popular apps thing i would do. it has more than a 1000000000 active users and over a 170000000 in the us alone. many or passive scroll doors, but others use the platform to earn a living and rely on it to acquire brand deals and other types of income. they are now concerned about the impact, a tick, tock, shut down, could have in their lives. i make
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a book content on pick up and it is my full time job. i mean the world's me um, the platform that i have on the income that i can crate to for myself and my family . it completely changed my life. i went from sleeping in the truck to live in a pain now. so now i'm going people who have a team of 17 people who have a staff take talks fast. it has never shared us user data with chinese authorities and won't do so. if it's asked if the bill is approved by the senate, it could disrupt the social media landscape like never before, which, unless probably encouragement is covering the story for us in badging. i asked him earlier about the reaction in china to the us take talk ultimate or yeah, the chinese government has accused the us of suppressing, take talk and has said that there is no evidence that take to poses a threat to a, to us national security. and it also said that
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a ben uptick talk. what damage is the confidence of investors. now, what is very interesting, chinese state media as the official potting newspaper, as they have done, even one step further, they accused the us of limiting and restricting for freedom of expression. now that's really very interesting, this point of view because you know, the problem of who's living in a glass house, so not a pro stones and you know, in this particular i meant to, i think the chinese government is living in a glass house. why? because it is well known that a wisdom type forms such as what's at facebook, google and so on, are bent in china, but that's not it also take, took itself is not available in china. what you can get to you is a chinese version called though it works similar, but it is different. a sofa s to that it applies of costs and confirms to chinese tens of simplest problem. what does the company, what does it does take top plan to do next from here?
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yeah, i mean take talk, um, uh, is quite confident. it wants to fight the legal battle. it is also invested a lot of money into lobbying and also initiated a social media campaigns on picked up for example. and i think the public messaging is quite smart. um, they're stating that a ban of take talk with not only endanger um us drops, but it also, you know, prevents ordinary us citizens for making a living. it's a basically take billions of us dollars out of that talk a pockets. and that is what also the ceo of tick tock has stated in a personal video that he uploaded recently. so this seems as on the us belief that there is evidence, but what does it consist of the evidence? the take talk is using this type of a spinal to control the narrative that is fade to half of the us population. and so there is no evidence that um take to actually has shared sensitive data with the chinese government. and if this was the happen, i don't think we would ever know,
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i mean whether it was a good public or not, but it points down particular access. it wouldn't never share data with the chinese government government even. so if it's asked to do so, i think that's a this honest answer because you just have to look at the loss here in china. you, especially the constitution, which basically clearly states that companies have to say a data to the communist party. if it's really a national security issue, so i think that's quite clear. so all what it comes down to. it's a matter of trust and you have to basically take a yeah. take talk by it's word and trust it or not unless pub infringement in badging. thank you. to the guy is a conflict now and international efforts to get humanitarian aid into the enclave of wrapping up. the 2nd ship is preparing to sail from cypress, with more supplies. a 1st shift carrying around $200.00 tons of food, is now just hours away from landing lodge pots of gauze i have been left devastated
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since these round launched its military offensive in response to a mazda is october 7th terror attacks the aftermath of months long fighting in hon . eunice, palestinians are slowly returning to this residential complex now in ruins. as is really ground forces withdrew from the area. most of them have lost their homes and have loved ones missing the keys. i ran to bring food and water for my children to feed them and my husband is not here. you was taken by the army. unfortunately, i found the whole tower gone in on fire and you can see things further south and rough on the un agency had been palestinian refugees said their aid facility was hit by. is there any forces? strong garza health ministry sees several people were killed and dozens wounded.
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animal assisted though this is forbidden. we're an international institution. all of us, all of this is for people on the we stopped returning to our homes. we work day and night to serve refugees. it's forbidden. oh no. what is this? we take all of this to the elderly and children. what is this? the attack has confounded the despair of many gardens who are already suffering severe shortages of food and basic supplies. look like people came here to get aid to get food to get that daily meals. so it's run the done. how can they bought us during the month of ramadan? is there it is facing criticism for allegedly, blocking humanitarian. a deliveries into the gaza strip. claim is really a tar. these have repeatedly denied the un is warning of the imminent risk of famine. earlier i spoke to jacob li correspondent, 10,
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you claim the injuries one and the as to what is well as saying about the attack on the united states, a in rascal as well. these are the military side. and the statement that the, the air strike targeted a hum us commander who provided intelligence as they said to over untruth, movements and also as a claim was involved in taking control of humanitarian aid. i'm also said in his statement that he was part of, it's a police force. no. and he's been hearing of course, from why the un agency pro palestinian refugee said they had shared the coordinates that it's usually being done with the the is really military of this. um distribution center. they said it's one of the few distribution centers in the south that is still a function. and one of the stuff members of worst killed antonia is and
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is where the army spikes mintel international media on wednesday, that is where i was trying to put flood gaza with humanitarian nights. attacking united center would seem to run counter to that goal, but it not yeah, absolutely. but we still have to see what that actually means to flood causes or with age and to see it really happening on the ground. what we're seeing right now is actually international efforts to diversify, to bring an 8 into goals of to a lot of pressure has been put on as well to open more and then crossings which has not really happened on tuesday, a isabel has opened a new gate gate 9 to 6, as they say to let in 6 trucks for the world, a food program. that's a direct way into northern garza. but 8 organizations have said they need a more of those uh, you know, land access because this is the quickest and fastest way to get into gaza. and what
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we're seeing is, of course the international efforts via the air to drop a age into garza, but also to open this maritime corey door where there's a ship now and the way expected potentially later today to come to gaza. but also the us military wants to build a floating p, a that will uh, take some time. and we also heard of course, from 8 organizations that they're calling for is these for you. so that's a people can get the age of safely because it's the distribution in golf at why the war is going on with all kinds of logistical obstacles as well. they're saying that it's so difficult to get the age, especially in to northern garza logistics. a critical at this moment, tanya has already been decided by some sense of the ship that you speak of that's already on the fly or nearly being unloaded. hasn't already been decided. how and the exactly with this i will be distributed. no,
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we don't know the details yet, so we're expecting the ship to arrive. it's a, you know, it's a towing a barge also with all this aid. so it is a slowly moving we were told might be happening today, but we don't know exactly where the ship will be. offloaded we heard from the organizations to n g o sit there, we're building a debt you to receive the ship. and then of course this, it needs to be distributed and people are really waiting for this. they should be distributed in a north and goes as far as we understand. but we have to wait and see how this will be done hopefully later today. the w correspondent, can you claim it in jerusalem? thanks so much. all right, is a look now, some of the other stories making headlines around the world. and the court in the us state of georgia, has dismissed some of the charges against the former president donald trump judge. i have seen the 2020, into an election interference case dropped 3 counts against the presumptive
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republic nominate. he left 10 of us intact. but in each state law may help remove the scandal plate prosecutor from the cus, as the international energy agency says, make that emissions from the energy sector hit a near breakout high last year. lodge. meantime, plumes from leaky fossil fuel infrastructure jumped by 50 percent compared with 2020 to make the n is responsible for around a 3rd of the rising global temperatures. since pre industrial times, north korea has released images appeared to show later came jungling driving a new battle tank. state medius as came joints troops during the training exercise and describe the tank as the world's most powerful. the release comes of the south korean and the us forces conducted 11 days of military drills, which the north views as rehearsals for an invasion southeast asia,
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now with thousands of young people are trying to get out of me. and it's not a recent trend, but an apparent new spike is being driven by the military winters. plans for amanda treats conscription in recent weeks, many have tried to flee into neighboring thailand in order to escape that military service. it comes with a time in the government is struggling to contain the rebel forces fighting the great whole autonomy in some parts of the country. hundreds of people, q outside the tie, embassy and young gone. mia most of the largest city. many here hoping to secure a visas, so they can leave the country and escape military service. you don't do them at all . it's far as an old uh, from the one to the old men aged 18 to 5 to 5 and women from 18 to 27. most of in the army for up to 2 years to the full. my members of the security
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forces also being called back to what? finally yeah, no, i'm already against the crew and i have no desire to do service for this military regime as well. but i also don't have any idea about where to go. what to do next. in the moment and i'm uncertain about my future one, which i knew we why, the way i think it is military service lives targeting youth. the young people in me in mar, have lost their dreams. and this law makes them hurt even more when they don't say god, it makes us sad and feel even more fearful. our future is already fading away. so the west lock could be the greatest mistake the military has made, and its breaking young people the media and mom minute tree stage decruz 3 years ago, over throwing the democratically elected government. pro chess followed
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the one to responding with force against its own people. move in 6000 civilians were killed in the 1st 20 months off to the february 2021 crew. according to the peace research institute also bridge revel onto groups opposed to the one to have been growing across the country. and the government has struggled to keep control with reports. some of their own soldiers have even deserted. a forcing young people into military service appears to be an attempt by the one to get you. tell me back on the front foot. but judging by seems like this of shoes for baez's, it's driving people to see me and my from all that's bringing in a trunk of the military expert at king's college in london. and a man last military is battling and increasing resistance from ethnic groups. can
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we read this man of trade can skirt this, conscription law now as a sign of a desperation from the home to that, as they try to fight these groups. it seems. does that make sense? yes, we can in that, by using this little we can see that they are engaging in concerns of resources. it's very clear that all students have resources to maintain that resources. the sanctions that come in from the us and the west are really by saying they asked me to get hold of resources and certainly to much finances is banking an oil go down as well into the sanctions? lowe's? and i'm with operation 1027. so the coordinated effort of the anti 2 forces since the type of this year, and they have a number of bases and towns and very t resources on demand. so they also going to maintain that level of control of the month, however. but i think when we of this thing, just as we look at the snow, is to understand and actually it isn't just about what's going on on the ground and
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about controlling and trying to maintain the miniatures reputation. but it was the control of the population that has been at the forefront of the enter key movement . young people have been very change this movement and so in and not to the construction, you know, they are taking control or trying to take control of the population that they are really struggling to maintain and control of right now. and really reduce the ability of the scripts to go and age the answer to movement the best we're going so hot by at this time. right? so it was all of those points in mind. will the conscription will help the military put down this resistance. i think in looking at this, i think the agents in the description or the use of force recruitment in m a is not in the texas this thing going on in the borderline flight. and we like treat for the loss in the 4, excuse me. more reported on 1st labor force pull to me, which is the use of people to the do and to my parents,
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to engage in carrying materials to minute 3, doing manual labels then. and this is the parts that we've seen in the last. it was instruments. i think 1st day the question becomes, this is not a new practice. so is this about the 6 months and something that is already happening, that it gives a legal basis to an action that the ministry already takes when it's triggering to hold resources. and when we look at what's happening in our kind of the kind of a hanging population, especially, there is report that this is exactly what this is about. the recruitment is already occurring, and this is about legitimize dr. treatment in terms of whether they can actually train and protect this population. i think the really big questions here, the ministry of, or struggled with resources and manpower, the presence of so. so i think it's a big question is do, if they get hold of this population of people go into conscription, what will happen then? will they get any training? will they get any school? will they have any resources or are we going to see pups is what we did before. what the minutes should come on in the field at least, except to the front lines of very little training. and then ended the mountains,
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right spaces, because they didn't have any resources and they didn't have a seat out of pocket correct to get your insights. thank you so much. well, there are almost 240000 russian citizens living in germany. and that number is believed to have grown since the invasion of ukraine on sunday. many of them will have a chance to vote in russia's presidential election, seems by to some of the members of the russian. this bar here in berlin to learn the hopes and the fees for the future. notionally, this gilded fortress is where a barrel ends russians would come to catch their boat. since on these elections, these days, they mostly come to mourn. alexia violently flooded me approaching fish. this critic was fine day and a penal colony last month, another brutal nail in the coffin of democracy. try as we might,
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some are still hoping to keep the flame of life. to arrive in the back of the embassy routines. opponents are trying to link their right freedom for political prisoners, shut the campaign to rename the st. alexi in a volume. each dresser has gained almost 50000 signatures. the wasn't enough on the support. and i think that the fight is not over this basically stuff. sure. what am i going to do this today is a part of the fight against pollutants propaganda. we just above this a space for artists nearby. thousands of russians packed into a cosy theatre in search of inspiration, hope a therapy on stage discussion about the upcoming vote. about war, about what to do next research. i don't expect any good from the selection you by
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you. are you going to vote? no no. why not? the last time? i don't know what nobody would say. i don't know. he would probably call to do something because i don't know if i should go to the russian embassy. i will will. who will you vote for? i guess i will destroy the ballots. probably i will just vote for more than one candidates and maybe i will, right. our president is not on the right in the united states. and i think most of the people came to germany through europe. do not have much expectations from these elections because it's very clear what the outcome is going to be. e, mid that feeling of helplessness sense of guilt prevails over vladimir per teams war on ukraine. but no matter where you live in the west or in russia,
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you feel responsibility for this. 4 the demonstration no of serona ej. everyone here knows all too well type routine has deployed the bosh, the type of process to keep control and crushed the same just a minutes ago actually called somebody's a person that has spoken to me is a set high. um, meaning that she's been observing all she's been present to this action. uh and so there has been registering year things that is happening here is i'm really bad. how about just muscles? i'm afraid to go back to russia. my homeland, who could think that because i was thinking, perhaps this month, a political exile who tells me he was imprisoned in russia for fighting corruption . are fearful, and you want me to choose for us to put in use and we saw him a secret automated. and when the you create the, you created
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a daughters go to the said us in the us and people don't believe which is what you're going to see is would be with the bottle field. part of the question on the let go change of diminishing prospect. all that is left for those here are small lights of coverage and expressions of defiance and hope for a better future. all right, let's look now some of the other stories making headlines around the world. the quote in tokyo has ruled that the lack of recognition for same sex marriages in japan is unconstitutional dependency on the country. in the g 7 group of highly industrialized nations that does not allow same sex marriage as china and taiwan dispatched or rescued vessels after a chinese fishing boat capsized, the islands controlled by ty, one of one's coast guards. as 2 people were rescued, another 2, a missing and 2 bodies were also recovered. the rescue was a re, a joint operation and made high intentions between mainland and taiwan,
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which china claims as part of its directory. in alaska, the legendary dog slave rice, the i did the rock has ended up the more than 9 fooling dice of a 1600 kilometers the when it was celebrated. i suppose the animal rights activists protested after the death of several dogs in the rice. and in finding the code for the annual event to be back, nicole weeks provide a home for nearly a quarter of old moraine spaces, helped to protect coastlines and support the $1000000000.00 fishing and tourism industries. but poly due to fossil field, climate change, and the fishing, they are bleaching at an alarming rice brain. biologic biologist, brother, are coming up with new ways to stave off the destruction including using and the under board a sound system to the
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sounds of the sea, boosted by an underwater to speak of these marine biologist supplying the sounds of a healthy coral reef to release which is dying, and the hopes that it will be encouraged to regenerate. this is our little microcontroller board, and this is the amplifier for the speaker. and so all of that goes out. so this is a recording from healthy coral reef. the crackling in the background that you hear is mostly staffings trends. and every once in a while, if you hear a little from pops or grants, or goals at the lower frequencies, those are all fish costs. recent studies show that corolla v was more likely to 15, they were rece making healthy noises. scientists the hoping the idea takes off as rece around the world is struggling to survive and increasingly looses. and with
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that, your up to date up next on data between these conflicts on with teams. the best ones coming up after just to show that like i'm anthony housing violin for me and the team here. thanks for watching. stay with us. if you can, the, the,
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the, into the conflicts with tim sebastian presidential elections in russia of the usual full conclusion with nothing less to charles, not even the deaf in jail of the leading opposition figure. i'll explain about me, my guess is the russian commentator andre collapsed. we saw head for tommy, he rush and your agent center in moscow was a valley such a serious, correct? he had to be too complex. then next on d. w with join us on aspects for the onset to move
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everything to chance. it's going to get very interesting because we're going to a micro, to track down elementary parson and asking, how do they hold alley in the in 45 minutes on d, w, the shuttle, the 100 g, more people than ever on the news world volume in such a fashion life on the bus. and so jessica admitted the passport is the national. yeah, this is a mass on this lot. these are known to go out of the stuff and then that's okay.
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that's the nanda, the nation one back sitting on the find out about robina story. in some language. reliable news for migraines? wherever they may be. presidential elections in russia of the usual full gone conclusion. there's nothing left to charm, not even the death in jail as the leading opposition figure i liked saying about me, whose name postern cousins bring himself to speak. my guest is the russian commentary to andre kalashnikov, who had split kindly. he rush, are you ready just sent that in moscow? wasn't a valid me such a serious threat to put in his regime to be had to be killed either to be in prison or when it was a threat to pretend that competitor may be invisible in an information field about the same time. quite mighty. and.


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