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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 15, 2024 2:00am-2:15am CET

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the, the, this is, these are the news sign from the, and, and the top democrats in the us senate schools for political change and israel. this critical juncture, i believe a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy, open decision making process about the future of this. we'll talk soon. i'm. it takes a mess, israel's prime minister, calling him an obstacle for peace, and as more violence in hazy ending days or relative calm. the prime minister says he'll sit down when a transitional counsel is 10 top, but there are questions over his formation the
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memorandum homage. thanks for joining us. we thought in the united states with tough talk on israel from the us senate top democrats, and the highest ranking, jewish official in the country. senate majority that chuck schumer has cool for new elections in israel. he criticized prime minister benjamin netanyahu as an obstacle to peace. he has a son into speaking. hi leah. 5 months into this conflict. it is clear that is riley's need to take stock of the situation and ask, must we change course? at this critical juncture, i believe a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decision making process about the future of israel. at a time when so many israelis have lost their confidence in the vision and direction
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of their government. all the deputies benjamin alvarez group i is in washington dc and i asked him why we're hearing such a strong was from the us senate data towards israel. and why now? strong words. a note from someone who's, who's not only the highest ranking, jewish official in the us, but also some supporter of israel, who has been in doing pressure and making pressure on congress to get additional 8 a for you as well. there might be several reasons for that. it shows definitely growing frustration here in washington, although the government of india, i mean it's on your own with handling and the war and gaza. and that's also something that we see impulsive, more democrats, republicans in for the democrats. it was a recent poll in january and that sat that 86 percent of democrats are against the way that nathan yeah, was handling the war. so it's definitely a message not only to as well, but also here in the us. and what is the white house is position on israel's war
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against him off 5 months off to the or to the so the tax or so they react to it pretty quickly. also to the, to the comments that we heard there from chuck schumer, on one side, the state department saying that he speaks only for himself and not for the biden and administration. and also we heard something from a don't copy, the national security spokesperson that side, that he informed the white house before that he would give this comment, but did not ask for approval or disapproval. but of course it's not easy for the white house. don't buy it, joe biden, the president of the us, as also said that they would be red line if the is really government continues with this ground defensive and rough. i have as many as been asking in telling also they bought an administration that they need to have read real. it read lines when dealing with a government opinion minister and joe in israel. and how much influence does the united states have on israel? it is not just the implants that it has, but also the influence that the conflict is having on you as politics that we see
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her, not just in conversations between democrats and republicans. what if they will send additional 8 with many often, and that's what tech schumer also said earlier today that you asked should condition additional military aid to israel is adults with other allies too. but here we see a growing criticism on the administration of to abide with many. for example, into primaries in michigan, we're more than 100000 people voted and committed 12 percent. it criticizing what the us is doing with the support to israel, not telling them to take another strategy that what the us is doing. and that's also something that we heard earlier today was an announcement by the us treasury announcing additional sanctions. not just an illegal outposts, but also on some settlers, something that the why tools also did in february. so there is some pressure we can imagine that behind closed doors, there's also a rather different tone to what we see and when they speak openly, it but for the us of course they as they keep supporting israel,
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the voices here in the us a criticizing the way that the by no ministration is dealing with it and criticizing also the way that the government of man you mean it on your own as well is going forward in gaza. has definitely at least also increase the dialogue here that concerns. but also the criticism that the us is not tough enough on it is rarely allies. okay, that is dw benjamin alvarez group are in washington dc. thank you ben. meanwhile, the united nations is wanting all of this front of simon and gaza on this move supplies arrive much of the food. entering garza comes on trucks that offers inspect tobias, where the officials at border crossings. israel says that they all that thing enough in the un is failing to distribute it. of these trucks of causes lifeline care. i'm
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shalom is one of 2 crossings, whereas really officials check the items they say could be used by him. us, which is widely regarded as a terrorist organization. then the supplies are driven back to enter caused by the rafa crossing with egypt. agencies sites this system is acting as a buffer next and helping push palestinians toward starvation. israel is facing increase pressure and this national criticism for blocking a into the strip. this is really officials insist. this isn't the case and say that the real problem is that the un and other international organizations aren't capable of distributing the supplies. once they get to garza, the problem is nothing these really side or the routes for humanity. renee, to gone into guys the problem who was a collective and distributed. and this is the main gap because the un haven't adjusted themselves to this humanitarian operation hearing guys. but un officials
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say that's not true, and the number of trucks entering is far too low to meet the population of needs. before the prices and the war started in the 7th of october, it was $500.00 or $600.00 trucks coming in a day. and since that time, people has a mass of catastrophic humanitarian disaster, it upon them. so we need more entry points, one in the north, and many other places for foot to come into rob of and just the one crossing point of the moment. even once food does arrive, there's no guarantee it'll end up in the hands of hungry people. guards as a mass run health ministries that on thursday, that is a distribution center and central garza had been hit by his riley attack, killing 8 people, and destroying desperately needed supplies. to spend more or less drawn. we get paid and we distributed the people, the people needed to come to get their ramadan meals today they hit the warehouse
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and burned all the 8, including the dates or how to go. it's the 2nd time and as many days as an aide site has been attacked. and a reminder that even is countries scrambled to transport supplies because the light at and see getting them that is only part of the struggle to hey t, now with a capital portable apprenticing and uptake in violence off the days of brothers has come, a fire broke out in size and national prison, well, a powerful gang lead to fractions. politicians was scrambling to form a new leadership haiti's political crisis. spirals out of control, often the gang launched a rebellion against the government. they rated prisons releasing thousands of inmates and permit us to our long re has agreed to step down once the new transitional counsel is full. well, meanwhile, the united nations has an else that it will. we organize that stuff in haiti as the
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crisis deepens, that it is similar to reduction of the footprint, the more importantly it's a re jiggle ring of the configuration of people. so some people who don't need to be physically in haiti are being moved to the dominican republic to work remotely. others who have a specialized ations that are more needed, notably on uh, on the medicare and crisis. and, and coordination are coming in. 20 mean now from 4th to print is john. this harold is that it's good to have you with us here in dw news. if you could just 1st bring us up to speed on the security situation around where you are. well, it's a bit of a tense night as several neighborhoods are reporting acts of violence that are resuming after an intense 2 weeks and a little bit of a reprieve in the beginning of the week. i certainly thought clear how the night
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will unfold as the political situation remains complicated and that there is no clear path for it. especially with regards to the counsel of presidents that we're expecting to have any time soon. i want to touch on the situation on the trends as will counseling the moment, but there's also being some movement on the diplomatic front who has left and who's still that. so various diplomatic representations have decided to curtail their presence in haiti reduce the their footprint as they can be stated. and that includes the, the canadian representation of the french i have reported um, uh, reducing activities. um the last time i've, i've transferred the person now in the dream and the representation has left uh, yesterday uh to the, to the dominican republic where there's gonna be a hub of sorts for operations stores 80. so. so what is currently happening,
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and what's the status on this transitional council that's supposed to be moving the situation forward? well, that's what it's expected from them. but the reality is more complicated because the there has been 6 names out of 7 that have been submitted to the carrier con. um, uh for them, for the people that will be a part of that council. but there's 2 names. there's still few between representatives that want to also integrate it and you have other voices in the country that are against this formula that will be experimented with on, on the country and the coming coming coming days. and how does the people of hate see feel about this transition process as well? it's unclear, really at this point because it is, it has been a very comp,
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the candid situation since the assassination of presidential families in july of 2021 and a replacement of, of his not only role in his persona. but the renewal of the institution has been very, very challenging and hating ever since now that we are the height of the crisis, we've never reached such a low, it seems even more daunting to have such a solution implemented in such a short time. so people really are not having the highest hopes with regards to, to that structure. so what is this? oh me now for the daily lives of haitians is paint a picture for us in terms of how desperate the humanitarian situation is at the present. well, we did have a little bit of a reprieve at the beginning of the week for the 1st few days of the week. but now as at least 3 of us, main you and agencies have warned haiti is in
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a very dire situation. you have the i lab, for instance, the international office of migration that said that over 15000, people have been displaced by violence only in the last 2 weeks. and you have the w p. m unit set for warning that nearly a good, a good part of the population of the metropolitan area of puerto prints are facing famine y conditions. in addition to about half of the population of havi being in a dire situation in terms of, of hunger. all right, that is harold on his act, speaking to us from puerto prince. thank you very much. indeed. thanks for having now. new york has regained a land lock that was gone for months for renovations. the retired concord jet retired to his home on a mat, had some pear offered jenny by boat. it really will be the very last to any of these concord aircraft. after months of restoration,
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it's headed back to peer $8.00 to $6.00. and the and trippy to see air and space museum on the banks of the hudson river in new york. a museum where a whole range of extraordinary means of transport around display. and this concludes not just any conclude jet will take pride of place that this airplane has, the wells russell. it's flying from new york to london, and i was the captain of that air. so the 2 hours 50 to 59 seconds 50 to 59 seconds was um we did it together. back in 1996 me and mike for the concord, the only supersonic jet ever to fly commercially will be returned to public display at the start of april. the former operators and friends and purchase a waste, retired the i crafted 2003 due to high operating costs and a tragic accident in the year. 2000. when an engine court fired during takeoff,
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resulting in the death of old $109.00 passengers on board and full people on the ground. that's a job to dates. talk from is optics, the 1000000 people in what it's in just a 100 days. my power is going to be much of my family. what killed, how was this age? i'm on a journey to find out about the roots of the 19 are to put you on the side produce for to see through. rhonda. my name is some way to ship me here. i'm afraid it makes sleep shaming history out documents. rain stops april 6th on dw.


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