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tv   On the Mekong Through Laos  Deutsche Welle  March 15, 2024 10:15am-11:01am CET

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a hope that the u. s. continues to support and stands by its ro side by side. tony and thank you so much as always, that was our correspond to tony kramer in jerusalem. you watching dw news coming up next. go to document, read for you with the look at the tool of asia to me called rick terry morris. the we are all set. we are watching close to the, to bring you the story behind the new, the will on about come by as information for free might say, do to me in the of the meek home is the longest river in south east asia.
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the boast rich by diversity and breathtaking wilderness. the river originates in the 2 beds and plan to induce over 4300 kilometers long. the, the space of the river is ever changing at points that flow slowly through tropical landscapes at others it plunges through steep. gorgeous, meet home is the lifeline of south east asia. it's a transport route for millions of people bringing work and food to many countries. it flows from china threw me on my louse thailand, to cambodia and vietnam to the south china sea. it's one of the longest rivers in the wells. the we're on
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a journey through northern allows us to explore the landscapes and experience the laid back laotian way of life. the time in a small village on the meek, on river lives 50 year old 2nd. twice a day. he takes his whole fishing boat out onto the river of a 1200 different species of fish live in the me call, making it one of the most species rich imminent walters on the us. so i've been fishing here for over 20 years now. i moved to the village as a young man to live with my wife. i learned how to fish from the old man in the village, how long the fishing is, know my main source of income loss. i also work as a teacher at the elementary school in the village. it's like an item publishing is what i like to do the most. so i lost the rif awesome. i can always add
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a little extra. yeah. so, but just have to keep quarterly. recently soccer has needed lots of patients. a big catch is read these days, but he's still in high spirits. thought, well, i know it's the most efficient and unfortunately this is no time comment because of dams signed mining and climate change. fish populations have been declining in the me call the for as you can see, where i'm moving to movies like it's been more difficult to catch fish lazy because the river and the weather. i've changed a lot how you can come by the fish somehow seem to move different even they used to
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come over here. i don't understand what's happened with that. how that, how like the how they didn't put well, but now i'm gonna keep that on. the big soccer has another fishing net that he put out this morning. he attached the net to plastic bottles, so it doesn't sink and he can easily find it again. the fishing was that it's such a gray feeling when you catch a big fish feeling of my home, the carlisle thing out of the night. it was a night or anything. and if it doesn't mean the money own from selling the fish and the market is important to begin to pay, even if it's not much to pump. so me was, it was the is nothing begun this natalia to bod? he's called a few small fish,
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which will be enough to feed his family tonight. the shy 12345. they've all prepared this fish come to me and my family will bring them an ethan with sticky rice. and so hancock will have some rice whiskey as well, that goes perfectly with the fish. okay. and then like a like a kind of like in this soccer lives with his wife not far from the river like the majority of lotions he lives in the countryside and is self sufficient so that the country's population is under 15 years old. sucka also has 2 daughters, the
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land, blah, blah, hit 1st, the slice to finish my time and they have and then put them on, skews and verify from the the fisheries then left to dry a little in the sun before he fries it in the oil. it's a traditional, inexpensive loud dish. fresh from them he called the house is located in the heart of southeast asia, a relatively small country about hoff this size upfront is compared to it's more develop neighbors,
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thailand and vietnam. now is more rustic unless touristy. it's a country state in ancient tradition and known for its relaxed, meditative way of life. in the mountain is north of flowers, lines the tranquil city of lou on prevent many call it the most beautiful city in asia. the new one per bang is the former seat at the royal family and now a eunice go wild heritage sites. the city has a population of about 70000. that historical town is known for its unique tom and architecture. the as the evening falls from 9 small k to blow wine providing stuff to life. and it's
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not any popular with the local the, there's a huge variety of food on all that. it's a piece for the census the, for the equivalent to $0.50. joyce, the laotian soups and meets people. phenomena leaves me most the most popular thing we sell is dave, how do you see weed from the me call? i've been working here for 10 years now in the 2nd generation. my parents also. so the puddle and a storm neva, the lie pond has also been working at the night market for many years. a
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parcel water, buffalo, meat, pork with garlic or copper line. sometimes it's eaten with sesame. we fried a water buffalo with bamboo and serve it with sticky rice, meat, taste, sweet, and salty. during the pandemic bin, i pound had to get creative ways that was an easy during the corona virus pandemic. i tried selling online instead of luckily i was able to sell a lot on facebook during that time. so it worked out quite well. a little further on co not make soups, to order from a selection of vegetables, mushrooms, sausage, and toughest. i've only been selling here for 5 weeks. well, i also sell online from home to the loan, but i wanted to test the market to see if it would work here to 36
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year old kona is now the market every night from 5 to 11 pm. she's happy so far and fresh soups. ascending well, the, the monkey just bouncing late into the night. if you stay up late enough, that's something completely different to see. come early morning, the, the long for a bang. religion determines the rhythm, the city at 4 am amongst begin the morning, pray. the concert more than men,
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the monks and the temple chunk every day to honor the t to the buddha. like a shawn thing is a form of meditation for the mind and body and teaches the monks to become better. people try so hard to get into by the i didn't go on there. why, how many parents won't last summer to try and become monkeys? what made up the many old them in the whole someone's for experience divided among the who civic come, how soon would it be? based off to the pratt, somebody and hundreds of other monks walked silently to the old town for the skating site or many cold tact, but an ancient buddhist ritual. as
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a buddhist monk working for money, but they didn't. so the monks receive food donations from devout bodies every morning. for them it's an honor to night. it increases the chance of a better reincarnation. traditionally old monks was baffled in the summer when it sometimes reaches over 40 degrees celsius during the day are allowed to wear sandals. i've done to america to when we come here every day to give them some food except one more 2nd. uh huh. um, what a man the country's traditional spirituality is becoming increasing. the entwined with tourism and the ritual of the monks has at times become a tourist spectacle. hello. everyone wants to sophie with
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recently we've had some problems with the terrorists because they don't behave respectfully in the to risk sometimes get to know why they take lots of photos. and that's the last with the flash one month, which really disturbs the home ceremony. what type of deal what's going up? the donations they received during the arms giving include rice skews pumpkin soup sausages, lamb stained violets and stained fish in phenomenally months remain silent. even during breakfast, a particular challenge for the children, the boys can join the mountain straight at the age of 10. many families from the region enter that children into the monastery so they can learn from the months
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and the song about couldn't come aboard for i've gotten 6 uh, phone man, you got some children wants in education, but the families come to for the school feeling comes on here i think at the time which each subjects like english and math, this is a great opportunity for young people to put those older people who have no family will feel lonely. coming to us to find peace more clear and i see with 15, but do by the time i did as i know by while the young monks go off to school. so i'm that takes care of public relations. digitize ation even has a place at the buddhist monastery these days. the monk regularly live streams is brands and meditations on his facebook page. if some people don't come here with the saw, the pick you all load is interesting. i want to participate this and i want to be
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to happy life. and then they can come, it is looking to picture. so we have to use multiple by 4. that's why there's no cell phone band in the temple. the flow on prevent the there are more than 7000000 people in laos who belong to lots of different ethnic groups. the government divides the inhabitants into 3 regional groups. the highlands allow sions who live in the mountains to help people to move on the mountain slopes. the lowlands allow sions to make up the knowledge is chance of the population. almost 2 thirds of all nations live from
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agriculture. many from rice conservation to staple food and lotion cuisine. but that's still the only reason. fama den tang grows rice. the 23 year old also gives rise sweatshops for taurus to prepare the ground for rice conservation, then must take out the muddy soil. and he's helped by susan the water buffalo rice panos have been doing this for 100. so if you use the. ready ready sound find my last day to some place, very 5 a. they have no money to buy the machine thing or track the they they used to own buffalo because normally one family that if i'm barely though for the family to eat, so they don't need the machine. the price is one of the world's most important and food crumbs and tours. so keen to learn about
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a t. a den welcomes gases from all over the world. today from new zealand, single poll from germany, and the see the form. last how this last crop. so we want to plan the seat today. any one you ready? mm hm. normally i was born in the assembly of the family. so when i was young, i followed my parents to to feel this. and then they just learned by looking or see how they do a den started working on the som, at age 14. he also went to school here but completed his high school diploma in the city. now his back on the farm growing rice and showing torres surround aerobic if you jim and, and lets see the road very long road when the math and it but it grew very easily. yeah. you can see for additional rice conservation involves
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a lot of manual labor when the rice ponds. so one month old that move to the fields where they have more space to grow and help to prevent weeds. the tories help to redone them the see only 3 finger. so if you put the whole hand through because so you have to put only 3 finger, stick it to do much. that is, yeah, just make sure you arises standing nicely. to grow, right? the traditional way, you have to put your back into it the this, the quite lucky this, the under the waterfall. they can go right on the route. but normally for
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a local farmer, they do only 2 times a year, each a single loose and as you hold it is it takes 4 to 5 months for the rice pounds. the rankin harvesting the stage is also hard work. the tiny rice cranes all hayton at the top of the stokes and need to be removed from the panels. traditional farmers thrash their rice by hand. they look different and conduce upside down. put it forward, the bunch. grab it around it's not easy as the tourists quickly find out the, you know, week for
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a family of 4 or 5 people about 20 to 30 kilograms. if you want to cope sticker, right? that's one bag of rice per week. the loud sions use it to make that sticky right before you called it, you will have to sell your rice in the water 1st. so you have to soak, you just have a rice, you put it to the normal water. clean and threatened to water out, put new water in and leave the rise there for one day or one night. so that is maximum. but minimum is 2 hours. the grains of sticky rice glue together and separate again when they come into contact with a song. a tough job for, for a bill of rights the uh, the. ready the,
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the me calling with a storms 800 kilometers of the border between thailand and louse. and there are physical differences between the 2 sides. while on the ty site, there are lots of mountain buildings. on the laotian side, there is more traditional villages surrounded by nature. there are also a few tories by sailing on the me called the kalonde is the captain of a small crew ship. the 72 year old is often on the river for many weeks. but all the people don't mind calling this my life. my been working on the me calling since i was 17 years old and you get a name and this is the bridge where i work hung up. then i have for 10 rice. so i
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don't have to leave the bridge during the journey close to like on the bad and i've been and this is my buddhist train, the guards me and blesses me with good fortune. when i travel i hold on, hold on for them. and this is where i sleep for of a sleep here, equal to captains mechanic. i had a method, tronics engineer. i mean, they go sometimes on board. no, no, the tax on holding my parents. she's doing a cargo, but with the transported goods. are you my father? showed me every rock and every rapid to watch. i mean, that's why i'm an expert to data. like top down, give me put you juan still has to take tons with another captain, the pots of the river. he doesn't know that well, that go, how would it be here? they would learn the route from right from back to the mtm for my father, and i bought the alaska. if you want to seal here, you'd have to study the route for 5 to 10 years. so you can try, but it takes time,
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but i don't have it. i like the business don't plan today for the taurus to both. the me come some for this. go on. must kathy moore, his ship on the on page charles klein also now this difficult maneuver from his father. the chef. the noise is responsible for the catering of the $28.00 tourists on board for 33 year old wants to use the trip a show to go shopping at the market. for the thinking to me to me sit tight. i've been working on the ship for 17. yeah. someone who i'm now the head shack of a 3 member kitchen tea like i've had with a lot of i thought on that you have a lot video. okay. the,
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the noise off and on the boat for several weeks. he really sees these little doors at them. but it's a sacrifice he's learned to live with. being a chef was his dream job. since he was 10 years old. being 5, i always likes to cook. being guy, especially talking fixtures, like i told i don't mind whole a daily noise menu features a traditional laotian soup. and for this he needs lots of fresh vegetables, plus some salad and fruit. everything is fresh and local. even the contains on the grill, which li noise enjoys has a mid day snack. the currency here is allow kemp. 10 euros is the equivalent of over 180000 kemp. you can know if i'm paying dollars all the time bond in dallas as well as i said before,
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the private and will take some beam waving to us. can i get 3 bundles for 10000 lumina, but no, but i'll give you 2 for 10000. comes on the do you still have, i mean, dependent, but yes, i have some back here, especially harvested yesterday. okay, then i'll take some more thoughtful coolant $10000.00 to together. okay, fine. i'm not gonna be able to get good to go through the same time. so i'm just kind of you have to handle with this templates in the house. you always have to haggle, it's just part of shopping. otherwise you will have to pay and you won't get a good price. it goes to close to the little. how about the hold up in the else now, he's just missing one final, very special ingredient, but his su,
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the. com the, the now i should have everything for tonight so you should be in the accounting. i'm quite happy with the price is i have well, get them through the motions of quite expensive really to yours for a 100 crimes evening. that's quite a long time, 600. it's just a short ride on allows taxi back to the ship where he starts preparing the evening meals the law. the kitchen team basically gets on with the cooking campaign juan,
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so it's relaxed at the wheel. he knows these routes inside out. he doesn't need a navigation system, but at some point he may need to use satellite technology because the river is changing rapidly. the water levels fluctuate more because of the dams in china and thailand, which has a huge impact, villages have to be relocated. there are a few a nutrients and the water and fish a dying they've run into some difficulties today. the water level is quite low, endangered, assigned banks are forming in the river. one has to concentrate again. well yeah, no, i'm not scared. i know my sham well, and i knew what it can do high that he and there on the last trip blind mocked particularly shawna response with stakes, which now floats in the river like boys. the captain asked,
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so team member to check the depth of the one to just in case one hasn't run a ground on assigned to banking over 50 years. adoni a few captains on the me come can claim that the eventually that out of danger. and to me, comb, son has plenty of water on the hook key again the and while it's calm again in the bridge down in the kitchen, it's full steam ahead. the team is busy cooking the suit, the by the most important ingredients. officials and spices it gets cold in the cramped county. and
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sometimes it gets up to 40 degrees down the so can we move fully put so i'll have to cook for over 28 people who are at home. and now for the last, the noise wouldn't trade his jump on the ship with anyone on land to mount the west leave for a place to work is on the ship. people. yeah. and you see son much great nature, the small villages and all the people in the bank see why he's the one. it's very special. i wouldn't want to give it tom. good, perfect, good, really delicious, about really good laotian food. so i'd have just have to be careful with the teenage needed for the allow sions i put in 10 or 15 with on from the tourists, maybe one and one. anyway, they've given me once the food is,
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instead of jonathan given to the guests, which has consumed coordinator day the evening, my philosophy because i love cooking very much. it's all through a day like today. i'm most of pretty time in the guests enjoyed the soup. even if it is a bit spicy than usual today, the someone who also knows about good taste is 67 year old, some chum. she makes a own whiskey from rice, but she's feeling worried about the future of our business. the news slave is good for us here in the village. we have everything we need here. the food we
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eat is a gift from nature. but we have big problems because of the dams that are being built here by the investors. that keep buying up our field and our villagers don't have bills to grow rice, which i also need for my wispy in some children's village. 5 families alone may have from the side of rice whiskey governing method. the whiskey recipe is a family tradition. that's very old. okay. so i'm jumping 1000 like alcohol himself . but there are plenty of people who do lots of locals by and drink the spin rate. it's cheap and doesn't require many ingredients. a name and co sign, just dicky rice and use powder and name and then it's mixed well together so that i came from at
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the left in the barrels for a week. then some chum taste the liquid and sometimes and so little want to a week later that the mental liquid is boiled. so until the boiling phase is always exciting, that's what determines the alcohol level. we need some chum measures the temperature 70 degrees below the that the boat, right. let's do some shopping produces of of 500 liters a month. she then sells the bottles to trade is on the market model. cost is 30000 k, but about one euro 60 but the profits on to enough to do everything she'd like
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in the living room. and i would like to repair my house and help the poor people in the village so they can send their children to school along the meek, home river. many people live in poverty, and many houses are in poor condition. the loss is a full country, and the corona virus crisis has compounded the struggles of allow economy even further. but with the easing of the time demick in china is new silk road lotions, hope the economic situation will improve slowly things of picking up again. at least in the villages, people benefit from the free natural building material that surrounds them. some people's, like,
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call me even built that house is completely by themselves from bamboo. uh well. today we have to repair a wall in our house because the old phone broke and it rained in the nice for our daughter football that happens all the time. hopefully get it done today. but then in my apartment from when i didn't even have here. this is the old well and all these holes are where the mice eaten to it. the mice are a big problem. tony, let me go. i'll pull up a 28 year old call me inherited the house from his parents. he now lives here with his brother, his wife and dad. daughter called me as a pharma and gross cassava, the edible root of a tropical tree. they have to renew the bamboo poles roughly every 10 years,
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which call me now knows how to do very well. about what a visit the bamboo from the forest is free. how when they hit and i think you know they are and just take as much as we need allow hang up. i don't have to pay anything for it and i don't have to go to the city. i remember. so you're going to be saying that it is good. i can work with what's already growing around. i hang out the satellite. so we still have to process the process into stripling slides in, right, because otherwise it won't bend under the heat of the sun, a crumbled. so have a loss of work to do the coupon code the heck out of the the who is an important result was for many people across asia. it's a fast growing natural material that can be used, natalie to build houses and furniture. many also use it as firewood,
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even as food call me and his wife a building the new wall. once it's finished it will be water proof and relatively stone proof. yeah you, my leg was a lot and i prefer village life to city lights and i might have given you the city you need a lot of money to cover all the expense and i in the village you don't need so much money factor black um that link, i mean when you buy that, i'm willing to give you in the future. i'm hoping to save some money to buy a small truck. that's what i buy. it's no easy. what about but it would help us on the well, because it, i had a truck, i could take microsoft at the city. so they are, it's a higher price and they will come in and everything will be good. and then 2 months or then quarter tone by kind of little neva helps calling me to install the new band. a few nails here and that in the house is fine and the roof out to
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the long glove with that i couldn't sleep before because of all the holes i need, but tonight i'll sleep. secondly, again, the, the 10 family also has their own house with a got a grow chinese ginger, also called fingered the applause is related to ginger, but the taste is inclined to spicy. the root is used as a spice and tie carry, added china as i'm additional to use if can give card. it's good for ikea, arms and legs, bad headaches and things. and i already have a few of the plans of granting just behind the 10 families house that's how. busy we pick them up with all the route,
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so the we also use the leaks ok. how many we cut the roots into slices and drive them in the sun. the chinese ginger originally comes from the mountainous regions of china, but today it's growing across most of south east asia. once a year, the time the families sounds almost veteran tile hobbies to china because that's where they on the most money. and they can live well from it. this also saves the time, find me the trip to the market in the capital, which lies if you kilometers about the south along the river, the v n t on is located directly on the bank. so to me, come river, it's a charming city with its many temples bustling markets and historic buildings.
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traditions are preserved alongside them old mountain way of life. the fashion design of va income lives in that city passed on sounds top quality was ensconced, closing, and bags made of silk or idea to combine the old with a new as being a great success. no, i used to, we have traditional patterns, but then i realized that everyone does that. so i wanted to design patterns that would be interesting for tourist lackland. now i make modern design that incorporate traditional loud patterns and motif for the kid they she designed the items on display here south. the income is one of the most successful business women in the capital pat, this is a traditional allow pattern that lies pretty at the top. it's traditional,
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but i've combined it with a new modern style at the bottom. and the patterns on the soak still go together and uh say, uh my customers liked the style and it sells well. look inside my organs and know how many boom, nice to a need the va income sounds please? typo scott, for the equivalent of about 200 us on affordable to most lounge ships that have popular susan here with tourist customers and my store comfortable all over the world. but most of the scarves i explored are to japan and america and the produced right in the backyard. a dozen women sit that at that lose. it takes one person about 2 weeks to make fun of the expensive. so scotts,
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when i come from the ethnic group, red tide in northern loud in the past, women were taught to prepare themselves to leave home and become good wives. they had to learn to weave and cook, since women to receive no schooling, finding a good husband always depended on how well they could bring them in some hole in cork, in the va income takes good care of uh, weavers, and make sure they have everything they need i've been working on this car for 6 days so far. i love working with via income is a member of the allow handicraft association. it's important to have that pool of female workers as a bolted under that work is paid valley fund via income expects good work in real
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time. she always overseas the production of the scouts herself. what catherine up have to do, you have to do the quality control very carefully. reading is not that easy for me to sell the scarves. well, every centimeter needs to be correct. the income has been recognized internationally for the quality of work. and she's always got new ideas in the pipeline. and i would like to open many more stores with young people who are creative and motivate the despite the setbacks of the panda make laos has made good strides to comp, poverty and hunger. over the last 20 years, the, it's also a country of great beauty, rich culture and serenity. the,
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there's an old long process that says the whys do know terry. and those who hurry, filter wise, the into the conflict. so with jim sebastian presidential elections in russia of the usual full gun conclusion was nothing left to charles, not even the desk in jail as the leading opposition figure. i'll explain about me. my guest is the russian commentator andre collect the recall. for tommy, he, russian, and your agent center in moscow was nevada, is such a serious, correct? that it has to be too complex. and in 30 minutes, the z w to the points strong opinions,
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international perspectives. mutual leaders say they don't want to be drawn into a rush, but ask the latest cases of espionage against germany show russia is already at war with the craze. allies on to the point we ask russians hybrid warfare, the real threat to the west, to the cooling in 90 minutes on the w, the get ready for an exciting. i've been trying to look surprised. i wish up. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to you. have you have a window quote on that. we've got a response and the i'm expected sides of the
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. this is dw news coming to live from berlin, from us proposes conditions for a lasting cease fire in gaza. the militant is on his group says it will return some hostages in exchange for palestinian prisoners and tells mediators the 1st stage exchange could lead to a permanent ceasefire. and another term from vladimir protein is all but certain as russians head to the poles to elect their next president. there's little doubt to over the result says composition is silenced and speaking out against the war and the pray.


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