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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 15, 2024 7:00pm-7:15pm CET

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the, the, the cdw news, why, but from berlin, a new lifeline for the people of garza taking shape. the 1st ship with food is arrived off the coast of gauze of $200.00 tons of anymore are expected to follow. and also coming up to nice russians casting balance and the countries presidential election. the outcome is not in doubt with those who would oppose vladimir putin. either bards running, locked up in prison or dead. the brit golf is good to have you with us on this friday, a ship,
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caring humanitarian aid for palestinians, threatened with bannon as arrived off the coast of gossip. it's being offloaded on a purpose bill getting the best will operated by a spanish charity left cypress on tuesday, towing a barge leaving with 200 tons of food. the ship is the 1st to use a new maritime core door slow. earlier seeing a low with the norwegian refugee council jerusalem spoke with me and she told me that she what she's hearing from her colleagues on the ground and got this situation continues to be desperate and, and growing more and more desperate the by day as, as not enough data is getting in and not enough aid is an in the that is getting in isn't reaching all the people who are in desperate need. that situation is particularly dire in northern gaza, which has been effectively cut off from southern gaza since october. now 5 months
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in to this war, we're, we're already hearing reports of, of people dying of malnutrition, starvation. we only anticipate that as, as a, a continues to be delayed, getting in and not enough need is reaching people in need that the numbers of, of people dying from starvation, dehydration, and preventable diseases that they are unable to find off because their bodies are too weak. will continue to grow and those figures could even surpassed the 31000 palestinians killed as a result of direct hostilities. and this, this for ship that's bringing in food. can you tell us to night if you will get that food? who's going to get the 1st meals as well. there's not a lot of clarity in terms of who, how the distribution will actually work. it's still, i think it's unclear whether this, this jenny, that was created to um, to,
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to offload the aid will work. and it's, and it's unclear to us who the world central kitchen is coordinating with in terms of, of distributions and also how with trucks. another essential material needed to, to have distributions will be able to access that part of gaza and, and conduct the distributions. and what do you say when we, we've done an attempt to deliver aid? now by water we've, we've had an air drops drawer in the united states, for example of our these and an acceptable alternative to deliveries by land. as there is no alternatives to delivery by land. of course, any aid and during garza, by whatever means is essential at this point as we have people quite literally starving to death. but we know that the most efficient cost effective and i feel proof way of distributing ease through is to bring that be in through the
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crossings by land into gaza and then, and that, and then having those distributed by trucks that there are hundreds and hundreds of trucks waiting outside of the gaza and, and on the junction side of the border just waiting to enter. and this is life saving aid that is, that is being essentially blocked from entry. we know that there that it's there and that it's officiant. and while we see these creative alternatives being opposed and executed, it's frustrating to see that the easiest way to get in is not being pursued by a bias roll top allies. and instead they're resorting to measures drastic measures like air drops, where we've seen people even be killed by. i buy in drops, that fails and, and, and other complications that we're shooting along with the norwegian refugee council. speaking with me earlier,
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here's always known some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has rejected a ceasefire proposal put forward by whom aust, calling it unrealistic. a moss proposed releasing the women and children an elderly hostages, taken during its october 7th terror attacks and exchange. israel would release palestinian prisoners, the police in somalia and say 3 soldiers have been killed and dozens of civilians wounded after our ship. our militants stormed a hotel near the presidential palace in bergen issue. it took security forces, 13 hours to end this ease, which began later on thursday. they shot dead all 5 attackers. the hotel was popular with government officials and diplomat. a jury in michigan has found the father of a shooter who killed 4 fellow high school students in 2021 guilty of involuntary manslaughter. they said the man failed to secure a gun at home and did not address his sons mental illness. the shooters mother was
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convicted on the same charge last month. officials into ukrainian fort city of odessa say to russian missile strikes of killed at least 16 people in with the dozens more. the 2nd attack targeted paramedics attending the scene of the 1st attack. the regional governor has declared the of morning on saturday. are the leaders of france, germany and poland have held talks here in berlin to discuss the war in ukraine. german transfer all of schultz french president emanuel mack wrong and published prime minister donald task agreed to provide long distance artillery to help ukraine defend itself against rush up there. continuing to look at other ways to improve support for key visit grapples with a shortage of military supplies. but the 3 leaders also want to avoid any escalation with moscow. last and german trans or watch olds at wind held the 3
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countries with the boosting, their support for ukraine. take a listen to me. i'm going to supply more weapons for ukraine on the whole world. market that's an improvement in a 2nd, production of its own military equipment is going to increase, working together with partners inside the cranes. and thirdly, we are going to use vendor off of her, and there's more of tillery with in the light agreement, and we have goals. she's also going to increase the commitment it was in the us. and we're also going to use winful profits from russian assets that are frozen in europe and use them for purchasing width. and in order to help you train earlier, i spoke with you, i'll be able to know scheme from the german marshall fund, east and warsaw. and i asked him, can europe,
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will it be able to fill the void created by american inaction? and this to the countries will spur the whole of you to action. it's already happening. you has already agreed to finance the shells, 150 feet, 5 millimeters cells found by to check government. it will be soon transferred to ukrainian forces to push back on the russian forces. but it's only a beginning uh, look at the fact is that we are in the critical moment of, of the war. if your brain doesn't get the right weapons, we'll see a breakdown in the front, in the worst case scenario. and this is, today's meeting is a beginning of a robust response from the you, with the weimar trying to with paul in germany, france leading the way. so that's, that's the political message. that's the complete message coming out of this summit
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. that was because there are not either a speaking with me earlier. well, voters have begun testing balance in rushes presidential election with any real opposition. figure, either banned from running, living in exile, walked up in prison or dead. this is why the mere poor jim's election to lose. he looks set to win the boat. will he also look like a winner? the bottom must go, slipped punting stations in the country's fall eastern region of kind of chapter opens the doors. full names appear on the bottom paper, 3 of them, a barely known inside russia. like to learn anywhere else. this, ma'am us 3 die election is really all about vladimir putin is need some more legitimacy on his long click on power. some of us just politically have
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a very cost efforts such as foreign minister said, guy level of defense minister said guy showing a as well as the results may be a full blown conclusion. this selection does shawn, some lights on to the hopes of often overlooked ordinary russians from false long regions like come chapter which it is very important to participate now, especially when the country is in this situation. you definitely need to vote to the capital must go. what do i expect, that everything will be fine? the demand i voted for will make our country better, and that we will only move forward not backwards to places under russian occupation such as done, it was trying to pretend to paying us pensions for tranquility that we now haven't done that. everything as well to everywhere in between, such an inside barrier at one pulling station. yeah. could simon perform the ritual
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calling on the spirits to help people make that choice? and well that choice appears to have already been made. these elections act as a reminder that, that assign more to russia than just to me. putin on join male by my colleague jury, we should of he's in re go where he has been based ever since the russian authorities shut down dw, use moscow bureau some 2 years ago. your is good to see you. why is voter turnout important for vladimir putin? i mean, it doesn't seem like you can lose the election. but if voter turnout were to be weak, could put in, looks like a loser. a while of branch turn out is very important to put in not to the election itself. you are right because booting of course knows very well that he will win. so this election winds this election in order to achieve this high to an all does the election, will be held over 3 days for the federal stein, by the way,
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in addition to the or for this underlying on electronic voting as a figure is a basic off 80 percent is what pretends political advisor sees a circle and to the presidential administration have come up with, put in a suppose to get a 2 percent of the volts in order to increase his power to the maximum one hand. yeah, he's circle. they can say, hey, we've done our job well and this is this, the guy is reached and on the other hand, put in can then more easily realize these policies. and this is not just about the election gifts, the problem is to the nation. and he's the reason speech such as the pension increase, and so why the raw is that it's about unpopular measures such as the tax increase, some suspects to this highest texas out to support pollutants, expensive. what policy bought is it also feeds off and you may often, but as ation extremely unpopular in russia at high volt, a turn out could legitimize this. it's
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a long election. we can begin with reports of possible malta cocktail. it's accurate or pulling station in st. petersburg, what more do we know about that? it's yes, you're right on the 1st day already of the selections is there are already plenty of report that, that something is not the right way for the selection. and several are awesome. see, does inside pick those book ya, most of caulked and was thrown into the police station by a young woman, apparently in protest. um, his ends at all of the cases where green pigeon met pigment was thrown into the ballad books, for example, to make the ballad papers illegal electronic voting system didn't work properly at times, allegedly because too many people wanted to vote at the same time. and a certain ukrainian traces off repeatedly suspected of being behind to this. it's a fact of it to the young one you mentioned who are through the bullets of cocktail that was paid for by ukraine. we don't know whether this is really true. you're up
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in about 30 seconds less. don't just want to ask you, you've covered many elections in rush. what does this election symbolized for you? what i think for me is these election, certain like the previous ones, are not as a free nor democratic and from many conversations with people in russia, from many reports from colleagues, friends, and experts. i have 2 impressions, brent and one is that nothing has changed in russia for us. and most people say, hey, why should they go and vote at all companies putting to move in as the 2nd thing is that this country has, has never been so divided. never before has to move to being so uncertain about the future. about the next 6 years. we'd love to be put in w. your instead of your is always we appreciate your report. thank. are
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you watching you the news? i'll be back at the top of the hour with more world news. i hope you can join us then. the 1000000 people in what it's in just a 100 days. my power is going to be bunch of my family. what cute. how is this age drive to i'm on a journey to find out about the russo the 19 there to put you on the site, but they expect to see through, under my name is some way to shimmer. i'm afraid it makes sweet shaming history documentary stuffs. april 6th on dw.


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