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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 15, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the, the, the news live from berlin, a new lifeline for the people of garza is taking shape. the 1st ship with $200.00 tons of food is arrived off the gauze and coast. many more ships are expected to follow. also coming up to the leaders of germany, france and poland say that they are united and forbidding russia from when he gets war against the brain. they met today, here in berlin for talks, promising more weapons and ceaseless backing for the country. and russians casting balance in the countries presidential election. the outcome there is not dealt with
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those who would oppose let them be approved by the barred from running, locked up in prison or dead. there been some isolated the tax on polling stations forwarded to the brit golf down review was watching on cbs in the united states and to all of you around the world. welcome, a ship carrying humanitarian aid for palestinians threatened with famine has arrived off the coast of gauntlet being off loaded on a purpose bill pier, or jedi and the vessel which is operated by of spanish charity group. left cyprus on tuesday was towing a bars laden with 200 tons and soon the ship is the 1st to use a new maritime core door to reach the territory or or earlier shayna low was the
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norwegian refugee council in jerusalem. told us of what she is hearing from her staff on the ground in godsa. the situation continues to be desperate and growing more and more desperate the by day as, as not enough eat is getting in and not enough aid is and in the end that is coming in isn't reaching all the people who are in desperate need. the situation is particularly dire in northern gaza, which has been effectively cut off from southern gaza since october. now 5 months in to this war we're, we're already hearing reports of a people dying of malnutrition, starvation. we only anticipate that as, as a, a continues to be the lead getting in and not enough need is reaching people in need. that the numbers of, of people dying from starvation, dehydration, and preventable diseases that they are unable to find off because their bodies are too weak,
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will continue to grow. and those figures could even surpassed the 31000 palestinians killed as a result of direct hostilities. and this, this for ship that's bringing in food. can you tell us to night if you will get that food, who's going to get the 1st meals as well? there's not a lot of clarity in terms of, of who, how the distribution will actually work. it's still, i think it's unclear whether this, this jenny that was created to, to, to offload the aid will work. and it's, and it's unclear to us who the world central kitchen is coordinating with in terms of, of distributions and also how would trucks, another essential material needed to have distributions will be able to access that part of gaza and, and conduct the distributions. and what do you say when we, we've done an attempt to deliver aid? now by water we've, we've had an air drops drawer in the united states,
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for example of our these and an acceptable alternative to deliveries by land. as there is no alternatives to delivery by land. of course, any aid and during garza, by whatever means is essential at this point as we have people quite literally starving to death. but we know that the most efficient cost effective and i feel proof way of distributing ease through is to bring that even in through the crossings by land into gaza. and then in that and then having those distributed by trucks that there are hundreds and hundreds of trucks waiting outside of the gaza and, and on the junction side of the border just waiting to enter. and this is life saving aid that is, that is being essentially blocked from entry. we know that there, that it's there and that it's officiant. and while we see these creative alternatives being proposed and executed,
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it's frustrating to see that the easiest way to get it in is not being pursued by a bias roll top allies. and instead they're resorting to measures drastic measures like air drops where we've seen people even be killed by at, by drugs that failed and, and, and other complications. yeah. you know, you speak of why saving. and i'm wondering how life threatening is for people, palestinians in gaza to go towards these, these loads of food. i mean, there are, these people are hungry, they're desperate. and yet we've seen this past week and they've been reports that people have been shot and killed by is really forces trying to do just that this has been a trends that we've seen over the last few weeks where desperate people seeking a life saving assistants are being shot and killed, it's not always clear who in fact the perpetrators are though in many of these
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incidents that it has been a firm is that it was israel, but it, but it's, i mean, it just shows how desperate the situation is that people are risking their lives and losing their lives, trying to get that legs needing assistance, food that is desperately needed, and that needs to reach someone because most vulnerable people, children, the elderly women, people with disabilities who are, are desperate for, for assistance. shallow with a, you know, we genet refugee council joining us tonight from jerusalem. we appreciate your time and all that you're doing. thank. thank you. you as president biden has praised the speech delivered by the sentence top democrat chuck schumer, which called for new elections to be held in israel. are you meeting today with ireland foreign minister bite and said that she more i had expressed concern shared by many americans? a shimmer is also the highest ranking, jewish official in the united states,
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and he called israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu an obstacle to peace in the middle of things doing everything. and he said that he has lost his way more than that israel given could not survive if it becomes a per why. it isn't, it isn't. yeah. who's liquid party has responded by calling on schumer not to undermine israel's elected government of terry ne, to concert. or i'm going to get more on this now from washington, or correspond to benjamin alvarez river joins me midway. this is a story that's got some long legs on this and tell us more about what the president had to say to. so that's right, and we can expect that the comments from job i was the other frustrated not on the benjamin netanyahu, but also his government and the different parties as sharply criticized the comments from tech, schubert. and it's also a term because after we heard those comments yesterday we had on once at the state department making clear the visa,
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chuck schumer as comments. and he's not speaking for the by not administration. and the white house saying that they were informed before hand before this comments. and that's also something visual binding is set to date, but they will not ask for approval or disapproval. it is not the 1st time that job i'm criticizing. spend a minute on y'all recently. he also said that he had to use that on. yeah, well putting is around more and then helping israel. so definitely some more words here. even though they were a little bit vague, he said that he would not go into detail, but said that the speech and that chuck schumer it gave was good. and i'll ask you a question we we discussed last night still pertinent to night. where does this leave the us is really relationship. so that also depends on what we will see over the next couple of days when we were just speaking about a, this new in age coming into gaza. that's something that many has called to ameliorating that the us it and cannot even get its close l. i is rolled to open
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the gates to get these trucks with age and the f one needs to have these 2 other options have many expertise less effective. so air drops something that the s has been doing a with gold and, and with other countries and now also with ships. but definitely what it, what we see are in washington and also in other parts of the us. the criticism is growing there, put joe biden, it many have been calling him to get a clear response. get real and red lines with the government of, of been, you mean aton yahoo? and they want to see him actually taking actions, not as words, but taking actions. and that goes further to not just sanctions. that's also something that we heard yesterday. one of the us, it decided to sanction settlers and legal outputs. but it to tell the government of israel, and if they want to continue it getting a u. s. weapons that they should not go ahead with is gone defensive and roughly that a prime minister netanyahu has pledged several times are washington correspondents, benjamin alvarez cooper with the latest tonight from the us. capital. benjamin, thank you. so here's
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a look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world . this our, israel's a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has rejected a ceasefire proposal that was put forward by hamas. he's called it unrealistic. i'm off proposed releasing the women children and elderly hostages that were taken during its october 7th terror attacks in exchange for the release of palestinian prisoners. police in somalia. say that 3 soldiers have been killed and dozens of civilians wounded after our should. bob militants, a storm to a hotel near the presidential palace, but with the issue, it took security forces, 13 hours to end the seas, which began late on thursday. the shot did all 5 of the attack. the hotel is popular with government officials and diplomat officials into ukrainian ford city of odessa say that to russian missile strikes. kimberly 16 people and wounded dozens more. the 2nd attack targeted paramedics,
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who were responding to the scene of the 1st strong regional governor, has declared it date of morning on saturday. we're here in berlin. the leaders of germany, france, and poland have included talks on ukraine with a promise of more weapons and ceaseless support for keep the trio agreed. their countries would provide long distance artillery to help you crane defend itself against russia. germany transfer all of schultz and the french president, manuel macro, and they were also looking to smooth over their own differences on how best to support new cri as a signal of unity and solidarity. the leaders of gemini fronts and poland showing that continuing support to ukraine, charles macro, and to ask well to boost the supply of i munition to key if i left shelves listed ways that can be achieved quickly. done them. that among other things, we will now for a few or even more weapons to ukraine on the until a global market. this is a good improvement. secondly,
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the production of military equipment will be expanded, including through cooperation with partners in ukraine's on my bike and 3rd and within the ramstein format. we are establishing a new capability coalition for the loan ran rockies al taylor. right. like i said to kate, not tennessee, statements of intent, but little detail because we will continue to support you crying that is people for as long as necessary and we will continue as we have done since day one. never to take the initiative of any escalation. that last point, perhaps a reference to sholtes, he's reluctance to provide powerful taras missiles from jim and his stocks. the chance of the se, sending tal risk could be seen by russia as an escalation. the conflict background is also cold for nations to consider sending west and troops the ukraine. but
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schoultz has ruled that house as well. so there is reason to believe these 3 countries may not be as united as they claim. because these could and then there was these comments in the book this talk this week from a cd, a member of schultz is policy in this and each under side placement in time. we not only talked about how to fight a war, but also about to house up for ease of war and right to, to ended. when sped talk, all the end. who comes with that to us getting the chrome, us, the chancellor about that suggestion. we do not know, instead the public talk was only of unity is above near up and we as the volume of triangles, fields are aware of our responsibility to the future of transatlantic relations. and we are also aware that we, europe pins, which bear responsibility for our own security and future, and no one who can take this responsibility away from us on the discussion of the
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best way to help you crane will continue and soon the 3 lead is we'll meet again next week at the european council in brussels. we need to use chief political editor, mikella, cook nurse. she has more on today's 3 way talks here in berlin as well. the main takeaway is the unity that these 3 key nations within the european union have clearly made the top line of this gathering of the so called via triangle of fronts . poland in germany for the 1st time at this highest level in use. and there clearly, there's also mold and symbolic value to a front and so many announcing that there would now be amunition and potentially all the military equipment production on ukrainian sol, together with french and german companies. we know that one company at least, is already making throwing up plans a to become active. now this would potentially be a game changer,
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but it would also of course, present a new target for us. so when it comes about, we also had applied for a new alliance. they called it for a long ranging at ms. sauls. we expect to move concrete details on that as the us hostage and meeting of sponsors if you credit is happening at the round sign at base here in germany next week, but also with the upcoming e u summit, which includes a meeting of defense ministers. so the details clearly still being worked out what all sides have in common, that they don't, would rush it to win and will increase their support for ukraine at the full front . and while those issues where they don't degree, simply not mentioned at this gathering today. that was due to the color company they are reporting. i'm joined now by christoph, god shock. he's a senior policy and strategy advisor. and a former advisor to the french prime minister is to go talk. it's good to have you with us on this friday evening. i'm what did you make of today's meeting of these 3
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leaders here in a little bit? thanks for having me. i'm. i think it was it. first of all really important to have that made it was necessary. yes. was the turning point, the game changer know it was not the sort of meeting a message may we would say, you know, the whole you can use advice now and we have a new level of security or confidence. but it was important to help that meeting and what was also very important is that to em during the press conference, also expressed as invitation to shoulds in my code to opponents. so that's why i'm a triangle keeps on working. and i think these symbols are important now, but i think they could be even more confident inspiring in the future. if you could tell me what do you think this meeting was important? why did the leaders of france, germany and poland? why did they need to come together? now? i think it's really important to talk here for a 2nd about the logic of european integration and what you're doing from history. so the countries,
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germany expands opponents every different for so many reasons and what none from the history of you can have to gracious. when i have a 3 countries which i read the difference, find a way to work together to define the common goals and to find a mode of functioning then or the other member states. it is often a compromise which is helpful which can be used and i think this is why it was not good. that's why that's fine, but was not present over the last months and years. and i think, and i was just very, very senior experienced european leader who was president of the council. i think that is great opportunity to move forward in a very constructive way. at final point when you ask why was it important? of course, there was a lot of friction between crimes and germany on open states as in our space and weeks. it's so important to meet him personally rebuilt faster and to change the tone of course, between the 2 countries. yeah. tone and the optics are one thing, but substance is another. uh, we've got the french president suggesting that maybe we should talk about sending
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western troops to ukraine. we've got the german chancellor, not even willing to entertain that and saying that we don't even want to see the cruise missiles to you. great. that's is, that's a very big divide. what you say, this is a huge device, and this is why they have to meet much more and to come the coming weeks. what is important to them to understand is also the domestic side of things. so, in front of kohls president mclean or suggested an item to be sending messages domestically to the far left with me, i'll show it to the far right with the pen, who i know to be rather friendly with washer and dryer. many of cause salt has to handle a very tricky condition, and he knows from opinion polls that the general public is not so happy with the idea of sending weapons. and this of course, explains why they have sent me some messages, but they have to come together now. i mean, if you have, has ever waited for a moment to attempt to get that to be strong enough to send a confident message to us. yeah,
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it is really now because of control. we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us tonight. excellent analysis and contacts and very important story. thank you. thank you so much. good evening. well, voters have begun the casting balance in russia's 3 day presidential election with any real opposition. figure either banned from running, living and exile, walked up in prison or dead. vladimir putin is all but certain to remain in power. the vote has not been free from disruptions with isolated attacks on polling stations. surveillance footage from outside the building station in saint petersburg, a woman is seen throwing a monotone clocked in and the bowling station set on fire and the central town as best. despite these incidents, motor turn out remains high. the country's far
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eastern region of come shatka was among the 1st to go to the boats. this man a 3 day election is really all about a lot of them are bolton's need for adding legitimacy to his long grip on power. but the election does shine some light onto the hopes of often overlooked ordinary russians from far, from regions like them. shatka, similar to just, it is very important to participate now, especially when the country is in this situation. you definitely need to go to the god, but the most go. what do i expect? that everything will be fine? and the man i voted for will make our country better, and they will only move forward know back some of for us just political lead, also gas. their votes here to just for administer, sir gala grove, defense minister, so destroyed to put in himself, also voted online. although from an undisclosed location,
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polling stations are even open in places under russian occupations, such as don't ask people for things to put in for pain of pensions, parts functionality that we now haven't done yet. so everything as well as a bowling station, insight area or yeah, cool chum. and performed a ritual calling on the spirits to help people make their choice. and one that choice appears to have already been made. these elections act as a reminder that there is far more to russia than just ballade them, or food. and it would need to be easier. even shadow is in riga where he has been based since russian authorities shut down dw, use moscow bureau 2 years ago. he told his wife, voter turnout is male, so important to buy them. your food turn out is very important to put in not for the election itself. you're right. because putting of course know it's very valid that he will win. so this election, when does this election and all the to achieve this high to an all does the
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election will be house over 3 days for the 1st time, by the way, in addition to the or thought it is underlying on electronic voting. the figure is obviously golf. 80 percent is what put it into a political advisor. sees circle and to the presidential administration to have come up with uh, putting a suppose to get 80 percent of the volts in order to increase his power. what does the maximum one hand? yeah, he's circles, they can say, hey, we've done our job well and this is this, the guy is reached and on the other hand, put in can then more easily realize these policies. and this is not just about the election gifts, the promise to the nation, and he's the reason speech such as the pension increase. and so why they're all is that it's about unpopular measures, such as the tax increase, some suspect of it to this highest taxes out to support pollutants, expensive. what policy bought? is it a also fee us often you may often, but as ation extremely unpopular in russia at high volt,
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a turn out good legitimize this are well ahead of the election during the show. they've interviewed boris now, did she and he's in opposition. politicians who garnered enough support to defy food and in the presidential election, but was barred from being put on the bel missed and that is didn't. he was the only potential presidential candidate who openly opposed to the whole in ukraine. why was this so important to you? know, yeah, i don't know if i have loan, believe the truth and it's leading russia in the completely wrong direction on a positive allstar, terry, and isn't militarization and installation show me this is completely the wrong direction on all of this. but for many centuries, russian monarchs and political leaders have fallen into this rush. it all was the end to the very badly fortune for progress shows. thousands of rations to support the to you. what did this is this to say about this? and people who took to the streets despite the frost and dispute in line to give, is there a signature for you?
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the option was nice, which showed that in reality there was no such thing as a general support for either pollutant or special ministry operation in the rush of or if you ask, do you want to continue to fight on to victory to take keys or do you want to stop all this immediately and move on to a piece of negotiation, or, you know, the majority of russians choose the 2nd answer and then to the conflict and the transition to piece talks, or what do you mean? you say that there is no vibrant support disputing smaller 6, the people who want to be less. i have a known over the on the can do i have do i talking about the 3 candid decides bluetooth center for incoming calls, while none of them criticizes avoid ukraine. engine about these candidates were nominated by the official opposition of the official opposition and the russian parliament fully support food and 100 percent success. this is by the way, one of the country's problems. so this is one of the important questions. the
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newton made a fatal mistake by launching a military operation before thus for a quarter of a century, he's been destroying the key institutions of the russian states, including the parliament. we do not have an independent parliament for the majority of people in the country are in favor of peace negotiations. but there was not a single deputy in parliaments, not a single one who would vote for this was the site to go. so no, but doesn't even make sense to hold elections in russia or is democracy over christian. i mean, of course it doesn't. chavez, who believes that it is very important that there are elections so he can see that the people support him by some of the criminal administration is trying very hard to frame the election campaign so that you can think of 80 percent of russians or wisdom. what cisco says, i've got courtney and what, what is it? how did you feel about it yesterday from an affair election? who would of course not get 80 percent. if i participation,
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i believe i would get 30 percent pollution by many. yeah, that's off the teen slightly re election and then will be tied to being called with his groups. some people are afraid of mobilization. what do you think will change in political life? what's your opinion? the nothing will change with them. the truth and as a politician who knows very well how to maintain power, he will not give the security forces too much power for washington. it's dangerous for him because and lives between local disorders, who knows the history of russia very well. surely he also knows the history of numerous publish crews of the 18th century, when the national guard decided to prove the emperor would be put into this month. this will therefore he will not hand power to the security forces, republishing the reason, the destiny. thank you very much for speaking to the top of us. that was your image of importing there. here's a reminder now our top stories, a shift, caring,
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humanitarian aid for palestinians were threatened with famine. as arrived off the coast of gauze it with $200.00 tons of food. the boat set off from cypress 3 days of. busy it is the 1st to use a new maritime a cord or to reach the territory. and the leaders of germany, france and poland have included talks on ukraine. here in berlin, german transfer, all of sholtes failing to increase weapons reductions for key. this is the w news. after a short break, i'll be back to take you through the day stick around. we'll be right back.
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the the magistrate is breathtaking. the mika lifeline for south east asia. on its banks, fertile rice patties feeding millions and splendid buddhist temples, mesmerizing tourists. witness a fascinating journey of discovery on the con, through laughs in 45 minutes on
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d w. the success can be used across different jo. this is the real challenge. it softens, needs to be incredibly scarce. waste us looming business is honest. leo, new deal and lots, just green washing. what's now on the hello guys. this is the 77 percent. the platform for advocacy issues. share id, the, you know, or the, i know we're not afraid to catch and then you get to talk to applicants. population
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is really fast. the young people clearly have the solution. the future is 77 percent. every weekend on dw, the russians began casting their ballots in the countries presidential election. today. voting goes through sunday, a long weekend that will most likely make vladimir pollutants time into kremlin even longer to say that the incumbent faces any realistic challenge from that would be more than an exaggeration through western eyes. the election looks like a soviet styles rate of sham and as well here. tonight's importance russia, it really doesn't matter. i'm pretty golf and berlin. this is the day
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