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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 15, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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the, the, this, the dw news, why that from berlin, a new lifeline to the people of gauze it is taking shape for a ship to arrive via new maritime acorn doors has been unloaded off the gauze and cuts. many more ships are now expected default, also coming up tonight. the leaders of germany, france, and poland say that they are united in preventing russia from when he gets war against ukraine, emerged from fox and berlin today, promising more weapons and ceaseless support for key and russian forecasting balance and the countries presidential election. the outcome is not in doubt, and with those who would oppose spot them in either barred from running up in
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prison or dead. there had been isolated reports of attacks on polling stations in the brink office. good to have you with this and we begin this friday and garza with a major effort to get food to millions of people, threatened by famine. israel says that 8 ship carrying 200 tons of food has been unloaded off the coast of the territory. the ship set off from cypress 3 days ago in is, is the 1st to arrive via a new maritime aid. cory door. only a limited amount of aid has been reaching people in garza by land. as israel presses its military campaign against ha, tons of aid has finally arrived off the coast of northern casa,
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a spanish cherokee ship spend 3 days turning a barge packed with supplies from cyprus. it's carrying enough food for nearly half a 1000000 meals all collected by the n g o wealth central kitchen. picking up the golf, the residence that the food was desperately needed. and the aid for my children. i want them to live and not die of hunger. all their eating is one of the plants. there's no bread. there's nothing to eat and garza, i mean it's ramadan and there's nothing about brothers how good. according to the un, hundreds of thousands of thousands on the brink of famine, with a situation in the north at the street, especially dia, here people are eating whatever they can find to stable hunger. these common roadside weeds have become a staple. as i meant to say for you as you can see you today, we are breaking our amazon softwood mellow while we eat it every day. well i have 4
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children crying from honda. we're trying to comfort them by giving them whatever we can get our hands on it so many others have headed south in search of food. this family said there was nothing left for them and then no one cuz she lost it is now was no food, nothing to drink, we are using plants and that's why we started eating pigeon food don't do food. we are living like animals, even as gulls ends wait for the 1st shipment to be unloaded. another vessel is being packed with supplies and prepared for the punch it in cyprus. while there are high hopes that the new maritime cargo will help relieve suffering garza the, when the you and the west have old stated, the israel needs to open more land routes for aid as well. this is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has rejected a ceasefire proposal. that was put forward earlier today by him us the prime
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minister, calling it unrealistic. it would have seen the release of women children and the elderly hostages who were taken by him. austin, the october 7th terror attacks in exchange for the release of palestinian prisoners . that in yahoo's office also said that he has approved plans for a military operation in ralph on, in the southern part of the guards and strip where some one and a half 1000000 displays, palestinians are now sheltering as president joe biden praised a speech today by the senate's top democrat chuck schumer, which basically called for new elections and israel during a meeting with ireland, the prime minister, biting today said that chuck schumer, at expressed concerns shared by many americans. now, schumer is the highest ranking, jewish official in the united states, and he called for is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, where he said that he was an obstacle with
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a piece that he has lost. is way more into that is real, will not survive if it becomes a pariah sheets and then yahoo is linked to the party responded by calling on she were not to undermine is real and democratically elected governor role boss to manage carries. earlier i asked you to be used washington correspondent about reaction to the president's comment. that's right, and we can expect that the comments from joe biden was the other frustrated not on the menu minute on yahoo, but also as a government and the different parties of shopping to criticize the comments from tech, schubert. and it's also turned because after we heard those comments yesterday we had on once at the state department making clear the visa check schumer's comments . and he's not speaking for the biden administration and the why, how saying that they were informed before hand before this comments. and that's also something visual by them is set to date, but they will not ask for approval for disapproval. it is not the 1st time that joe biden criticize and spend a minute on y'all recently. he also said that he had to use that on. yeah,
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well putting is around more and then helping israel. so definitely some more words here. even though there were a little bit vague, he said that he would not go into detail, but said that the speech is that chuck schumer it gave was good. it's been over as proof of their reporting from washington. here in berlin, the leaders of germany, france, and poland, have concluded, talks on ukraine with the promise of more weapons, and what they say will be ceaseless support for keep. the trio agreed that their countries will provide long distance, or tillery to help you crane defend itself against russia. german chancellor, or what shoulds infringe. president, manuel macro on. we're also looking this news over there. difference is on how best to support you. create a signal of unity and solidarity the leaders of gemini fronts and poland showing that continuing support the ukraine, charles macro, and to ask well to boost the supply of munition to kids. laugh shouts listed, ways that can be achieved quickly. we've done them that among other things,
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we will now print to a even more weapons to ukraine on the until a global market. this is a good improvement. secondly, the production of military equipment will be expanded, including through cooperation with partners in ukraine's on my bike and 3rd, within the ramstein format. we are establishing a new capability and coalition for long range and for all kids are tailored by tyson to keep not tennessee statements of intent but little detail because we will continue to support ukraine. it is people for as long as necessary, and we will continue as we have done since day one, never to take the initiative of any escalation. that last points, perhaps a reference to shelters reluctance to provide powerful tower as missiles from jim and his thoughts, the chance of the se, sending tal risk could be seen by russia as an escalation, that the conflict background is also cold for nations to consider sending west and
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troops the ukraine, but sholtes has ruled that house as well. so there is reason to believe these 3 countries may not be as united as they claim it was the food. and then there was these comments in the book this talk this week from a cd, a member of schultz is party in this and each on that side there isn't it in time. we not only talked about how to fight a war, but also about to house up for ease of war and right to, to ended. when sped talk, all the end. who comes with that to us getting a chrome, us, the chancellor about that suggestion. we do not know, instead the public tool was only of unity about in europe and we as the volume of triangle fields are aware of our responsibility for the future of transatlantic relations. and we are also aware that we, europe pins, which bear responsibility for our own security and future, and no one who can take this responsibility away from us on the discussion of the
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best way to help ukraine will continue. and soon the 3 lead is we'll meet again next week at the european council in brussels. we're earlier, i spoke with christoph, god shock. he's a former advisor to the french prime minister. and i asked him for his thoughts on friday's talks between the 3 european leaders. i'm joined now by christoph goodshaw . he's a senior policy and strategy advisor, and a former advisor to the french prime minister is to go talk. it's good to have you with us on this friday evening. what did you make of today's meeting of these 3 leaders here in a little bit a tie. so how many? um, i think it was it 1st floor really important to have that maybe was it necessary? yes. was the turning point again change or? no. it was not the sort of meeting and message may, we would say, you know, the whole you can use adage, eyes now we have
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a new level of security or confidence, but it was important to help that meeting. and what was also very important is that to em during the press conference, also expressed as invitation to shoulds and my call to post. and so that's why i'm a triangle keeps on working. and i think these symbols are important now, but i think they could be even more confident inspiring in the future. if you could tell me what do you think this meeting was important? why did the leaders of france, germany and poland? why did they need to come together? now? i think it's really important to talk here for a 2nd about the logic of european integration and uh, what are you doing from history? so the company sees germany expands opponent. i'm very different for so many reasons. and what none from the history of you can integrate is one of the 3 countries which i read the difference, find a way to work together to define. i don't have to find a mode of functioning then. well, the other member states, it is often a compromise which is helpful,
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which can be used nothing. this is why it was not good. that's why that's fine, but was not present over the last months and years. and i think, and i was just very, very senior experienced european leader who was president of the council, i think with that is great opportunity to move forward in a very constructive way. and final point when you ask, why was it important? of course there was a lot of friction between cronsa in germany on the stage as the last days and weeks . it's so important to meet him personally greenville trust and to change the tone of course between the 2 countries. yeah. tone and the optics are one thing, but substance is another. uh, we've got the french president suggesting that maybe we should talk about sending western troops to ukraine. we've got the german chancellor, not even willing to entertain that and saying that we don't even want to st. cruise missiles, too, you crate, that's is, that's a very big divide. what you say, it's a huge divide and this is why they have to meet my floor and to come the coming
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weeks. what is important to him to understand is also the domestic side of things. so in front of coles president mclean, also yes, and the item to be sending messages domestically to the far left with me, i'll show it to the right with an append who i know to be wireless friendly with washer and dryer. many of cause salt has to have a very tricky condition, and he knows from opinion polls that the general public is not so happy with the idea of sending weapons. and this of course, explains why this, i mean, for messages, but they have to come together. now, i mean, if you of has ever waited for a moment to attempt to get that to be strong meant to send a confident message to last year. it is really now because of control. we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us tonight. excellent analysis in context and very important story. thank you. thank you so much. good evening. i, the waiters have begun testing balance in rushes, 3 day presidential election, and with any real opposition candidates either banned from running behind bars or
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dead. vladimir putin as all but certain to remain in power surveillance footage from outside the building station in saint petersburg. a woman is seen throwing a monotone clocked in and the following station set on fire and the central town as best. despite these incidents, motor turn out remains high. the countries far eastern region of come shatka was among the 1st to go to the boats. this man a 3 day election is really all about vladimir putin sneed for adding legitimacy to his long grip on power. but the election does shine some light on to the hopes of often overlooked ordinary russians from far from regions like them. shatka similar to just it is very important to participate now,
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especially when the country is in this situation. you definitely need to go to the god, but the most go what do i expect? that everything will be fine? and the man i voted for will make our country better and they will only move forward. know back some of for us just political lead, also costs their votes. here to just for administer, sir, gala grove, defense minister, so destroyed to put in himself, also voted online. although from an undisclosed location, bullying stations are even open in places under russian occupations such as don't ask, let's see what things to put in for pain of pensions, parts functionality that we now haven't done yet. so everything is well as a bowling station. and so it'd be a coach um and performed a ritual calling on the spirits to help people make their choice. and why that choice appears to have already been made. these elections act as
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a reminder that there is far more to russia than just ballade them or food. and you're watching the w news have a good weekend. everyone will see you here. the 1000000 people in what it's in just a 100 days my parents because of my family. what cute. how was this age? i'm on a journey to find out about the russo the 19 there to put you on the site to see. rhonda, my name is some way to ship me there. i'm afraid it makes sweet shaming history out documentary stuffs. april 6th on dw, the
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the meet home is the longest river in south east asia.


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