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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 16, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CET

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the, the, this is data, but the news live from building a new last line. so the people have cost to take shape the 1st ship to arrive a new maritime. i'd cardo as unloaded all the cost and cost, but how will the i to be distributed? meanwhile, is ralph prime minister benjamin netanyahu approves a plan to attack rafa in the southern gaza strip. us as the plan must protect the 1000000 plus palestinian sheltering and but the outcome old but certain in russia's presidential election. we looked at the media push to get out the vote for letting me put the
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i'm anthony, how the program was done in jobs and with a magic, if it to get food to millions of people, threatened by famine is route says and i ship an i'd ship brother carrying $200.00 tons of food has been offloaded off the coast of gaza. the ship set off from cypress days ago, and is the 1st to arrive via a new maritime. i'd cargile and the unlimited amount of valued has been reaching people and gas to buy land as these rel prices on. with this military campaign, again, some us tons of aid have finally arrived in northern garza, a spanish cherokee ship spent 3 days tying, a bulge packwood supplies from cyprus on board was enough food for nearly half a 1000000 meals all collected by the n g o wealth central kitchen, the dogs are resident said,
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the food was desperately needed and i don't think that i want the aid for my children. i want them to live and not die of hunger. all they're eating is one of the plants. there's no bread. there's nothing to eat and does that mean it's ramadan and there's nothing about brothers how good, according to the un, hundreds of thousands of gardens on the brink of finding, with the situation in the north. the district, especially dia, here people are eating what ever they can find to stave off hunger. these common roadside weeds have become a staple. as i meant to say for you as you can see you today, we are breaking our i'm of the on fost wouldn't be a little while we eat it every day. well i have 4 children crying from honda. we're trying to comfort them by giving them whatever we can get our hands on it so many others have headed south in search of food. this family said there was
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nothing left to them. no one christina says now was no food, nothing to drink. we are eating plants and that's why we started eating pigeon food don't do food. we are living like animals. according to these really minute tree, the contents of the a bunch of now being loaded onto 12 and g o trucks. the distribution in northern gulf, the back in cyprus, another vessel is already being loaded with more supplies and prepared for departure to the strip while they're all high hopes of the new maritime cargo will help relieve suffering and gaza. the when the you and the west have old stated that israel needs to open more land routes for aid as well. it is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu has rejected. i see 5 proposal put forward by him us this rarely premier called it quite unrealistic. the proposal would have seen the release of women, children, elderly and sick hostages taken by him us in the october 7 terror attacks and
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exchange for palestinian prisoners. netanyahu's office also said he is approved plans for a military operation in rafa in the southern gaza strip. it's the last major city in gaza, that is where the ground forces have not invited more than a 1000000 displaced palestinians. and now sheltering and wrap up us official site, they want to know more about the plan and we haven't seen it. we certainly would welcome the opportunity to see it. and as we said, kelly, we can't support a major offensive, and rasa that doesn't also include a credible to achieve level executed, will plan to take care and to, for the safety and security of that. the more than a 1000000 dozens that are seeking references in rasa to move in right now and a major way without a proper accounting for all those people would as we said the be
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a disaster. so earlier i talked to d, w correspondent, benjamin alvarez alvarez group in washington, dc. to get more on this, he told us what the chances are that the white house is actually going to be briefed on these brows planned for a raffle operation. we can imagine that there are several talks going on between officials off the us and also for me as well. but the message that we just heard there from the white house was also what secretary blinking said in bna where he is currently in austria. he said, it's not just that they want to have information about the plan, but it needs to be credible. it's needs to be implementable and implementable passed to protect civilians. and as we just had more than 1000000 people in a place in a city that was deemed safe, and it's not just whether people are right now. but also that that's the point where 8 could get into the country. well, many are saying is familiarity for the us to need to add food into the need to build this peer where they also want to ship
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a to gaza without getting it's close ela israel to open the gates. will this truck it to enter the much needed h to the people in gauze, video and button just back to space from the majority later in the us senate, chuck schumer, because netanyahu an obstacle for pace, wasting a shift at the moment, is the us pursuing a tough a stance on his round right now. and what's interesting that today president barton also endorsed this message said, was a very good speech without going into details. and he said that it was indeed a good speech. and that it's a concern that many in this country have yesterday when talk to him or i should those words in the state department for us that those are his personal views. he does not speak for the by not ministration. that's also what the white house said, but it's not the 1st time that the board and administration has criticized a new ton yahoo! showing a growing frustration here in washington over. how is the government opinion minutes and y'all was handling the war in gaza. let's just remember a few words from the president biden,
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where he sat and accused that have you ever heard of israel more than helping is real. the thing is now if they will just be worse, or they will actually be actions if following that many have said that the u. s. has no red lines clear red lines. it when dealing with is reliant. that's a big question. now if it is really, really goes ahead with this conversation that was approved and that a prime minister nathan jo also announced what will be the consequences will the us stop is sending weapons to israel. you what many happened? demanding? 4 weeks, if not 4 months, is that these arms exports to be as needs to be conditioned as to us does with any of the ally around the world. just briefly, before i let you go, ben, how healthy do you think the relationship between the us and israel is right now? so it is not in great shape, and it's also considering what we're seeing here in the us with an upcoming presidential election. it is indeed a topic. well, we'll look at the past elections, the number of people who voted and committed,
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criticizing president, find for his handling a news with that is a major topic here with many saying why are we still is supporting? why are we still sending the weapons so is indeed, when we hear chuck schumer, when we hear joe biden sending messages, they're not just sending them to israel, but also sending them here to people in the us who have voice, growing concerns over how the us is still is supporting as well and criticizing also how the government defend you to ben. you mean that then? yeah, was handling the war and goes the the believe washington correspondent benjamin alvarez gruber. i know you've got a plan to catch. we'll let you go and we'll talk soon. voting in the russian presidential election doesn't close until sunday, but the results appear a formality. one place we have lot of may put in is expected to post strongly, even bodies on lock. the standards of the regions in occupied you crime. moscow is working hard to get the vote out. they are backed by and enthusiastic state media campaign to a song and dance to get more people to vote in the occupied ukrainian territories.
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oh, as the russian state owned media call them, then you regions draft where the coverage spots a ferocious betrayal of his presidential election. hostem officials say mtv, that the newly acquired citizens are grateful to rush and pull that to the boat. the way in which the people are writing the verde duff deep and talked to the low cost and they asked, what are your needs 1st and foremost, bridge. there is a shortage of fred. secondly, which is for you, give us the opportunity to vote that 2 bedrooms for the sound of the bottle full screen, the show of use that costs in the bell. it has never been this easy. you don't even have to go to poland station as this john noticed, explains, said that i have, but what i'm able to see, and these are the menus of the election commissions walk from building to building with the, by the boxes visa, where the from they sing songs cheerfully and loudly people hear this,
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come out to me, please join the queues with the cost of vote again, but it easier when they wish you, you, in by the officials taught of the election on friday most residents of the occupied here. so i'm going to ask region, had reportedly voted early. there is no doubt that's loved in their posts and will claim a landslide victory here many ukrainians, but forced to leave the homes. but new residents came, civil servants loyal to the kremlin booth to work here with huge salaries from all i'm doing now by day depth of the report as the on up more i show, i'm going to say you and some rosy pictures the i wanted to how much influence does tv have in rush, or especially when it comes to agitating people to get out and but well, anthony, it really depends on who you ask again, the old or the voters, the likely they going to say, well, we watched tv is our main source of information, and in that case, according to the polls, people costs 65 year old, an old uh, the other ones will say with wish to be on
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a daily basis. and this is the demographic that's very close to the russian president as well. he is himself $71.00, and out of those people the box was supposed the russian president, the most a man most a man of course of non conscript of age. and they are the ones who support the one ukraine the most as well. so this is basically the portion of the population that is really into watching tv. now, when the talk about the younger populations, they say that they most do rely on telegram channel, telegram use channel. but in general, again, according to the data, more than half of the russian populations to watch tv. and of course, the programs that we just saw in the report, they still have the of us. so we hear a lot about putting, enjoying overwhelming support in russia. they'll be no, no, this white died for results in the election. not right. i want to know. will these inevitable results? do they actually reflect any sort of reality about the pick up about the white people actually feel about please?
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yes, it's very tricky here because again, 1st and foremost we have through a lot of the polls even though in the tendon fonts. and then they say that puts them in joyce, a to 6 percent of support. all of the whole population has quite a high number, but that again, one was think about it, those people who actually agreed to take part of this polls. they're the ones likely going to say yes that we support the president just for the sake of, you know, not being us, any more additional questions to be on the safe side. but then when you look at the reality of the situation on the ground, we should remember that such petitions such a position for the patients like for example. but it's not just and who's on table jimenez to garner support of hundreds of thousands of russians. punters to thousands of signatures in his support. so he was still banned from, you know, running for president, but still it is very, it's, it's a very of this find that the population is not that model like when it comes to supporting the russian president. and for example, when the, remember the cues of people who were waiting to say this so, well,
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that's to say that good bye to the bottom the, the russian position positions who died of the lots of people of old age as well. so in that case, it might be a situation like there is a tip of the iceberg, but people say what the government expects them to say. they say what the government wants them to say. and then the rest is the real thoughts and actions and their real opinions on the situation that they're most likely various categories for some of this reason. thanks for looking into it for state. definitely reporter of the on the shoulder. thank you. thank you. now to the mexican capital, before we go, we hundreds gather with matt's blankets and travel pillows to mock a weld, sleep die with the public net or the mass us to event was also i meant as a probably just full sleep to be considered an essential part of health and wellness organize a site, they wouldn't public policies that promote risk makes it goes working hours are
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among the longest in the world and nearly half of mexicans. i reported to have trouble sleep. all right, let's take a look at our top stories for this out before we got some 200 tons of humanitarian, i'd have been unloaded from a shift on the coast of gas vessel, but set off from cyprus days ago is the 1st to use a new maritime i'd card as ready, prime minister benjamin netanyahu has approved a plan to attack rafa in the southern gas. a straight. it's way more than a 1000000 displaced palestinians. and now sheltering uses, it wants to see the broad that's all the news for now. shift is coming up after a short break here on the date of the news. i'm anthony house in berlin, mariana evans long, shortly in with moonies. and don't forget,
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you can always catch up with the latest on our website goes to be down to date of the dot com for socials, like instagram at dw news is the handle, you know, it's by the old friends mean friends. can nature defend itself in case of an emergency? we cannot guarantee that we could protect munich. franklin, berlin sandwich faced with rushes. war against duke was great military alliance spaces, new threats. would it really close ranks if it were a few years.


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