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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 16, 2024 10:00am-10:16am CET

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the the dw news line from berlin, a new lifeline for the people of gauze and takes shape the 1st shift to arrive via and you maritime. a quarter is unloaded off the gauze and coast. but the food on board is only a tiny fraction of what's needed. meanwhile, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu approves a plan for an army operation and rough off in the southern guns and stripped the west as the plan must protect the 1000000 plus palestinians who are sheltering there. and the 2nd day of voting is under way in russia's presidential election, but the outcome is not in doubt the
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marion and steam welcome. we begin in gaza with a major effort to get food to millions of people threatened by famine. israel says an age of carrying 200 tons of food has been unloaded off the coast of gauze of the ship set off from cypress days ago, and is the 1st to arrive via a new maritime a quarter. only a limited amount of aid has been reaching people in gaza by land as israel prizes on with his military campaign against him. off. tons of aid have finally arrived in northern gauze. the spanish china to ship spent 3 days tying, a bulge pack with supplies from cyprus on board was enough food for nearly half a 1000000 meals all collected by the n g o wells central kitchen. the dogs are
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resident said, the food was desperately needed and i never want the aid for my children. i want them to live and not die of hunger. all they're eating is one of the plants. there's no bread, there's nothing to eat. and does that mean it's ramadan? and there's nothing about brothers how just according to the un, hundreds of thousands of gardens on the brink of finding, with the situation in the north of the street, especially dia, here people are eating what ever they can find to stave off hunger. these common roadside weeds have become a staple as i meant to say for you as you can see you today. we are breaking our amazon fost with mellow. we eat it every day. well i have 4 children crying from honda. we're trying to confront them by giving them whatever we can get our hands on some of that. yeah, it says and many others have headed south in search of food. this
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family said there was nothing left to them. no one could see that there is no one, no food, nothing to drink. we are eating plants and that's we started eating. pigeon food don't do food. we are living like animals. according to these ready minute tree, the contents of the a bunch of now being loaded onto 12 and g o trucks, the distribution in northern gulf, the back in cyprus. another vessel is already being loaded with more supplies and prepared for departure to the strip while they are all high hopes of the new maritime cargo will help relieve suffering and gaza. the when the you and the west have old stated that israel needs to open more land routes for aid, as well. meanwhile, is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has rejected a ceasefire proposal. put forward by hum us these really premier called it's unrealistic. the proposal would have seen the release of women, children,
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elderly and sick hostages taken by him off and the october 7th terror attacks in exchange for palestinian prisoners from the 10. yeah. whose office also said he's approved plans for a military operation in rafa. in the southern gaza strip is the last major city and gaza that is really ground forces have not invaded more than a 1000000 displays. palestinians are now sheltering their israel's decision came despite widespread warnings from the international community to avoid more incursions into russell. i think the consequences of a ground operation in rough uh, in the current circumstances, will be catastrophic. uh, for the people as of gaza, for the palestinians. it would be catastrophic for the humanitarian situation. it would be catastrophic all around. we very much hope that all of this can be avoided. we understand there's negotiations are still going on,
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and we continue to hope that we will find that the parties will find a way to a cease fire. i suppose, is w's tanya kramer in jerusalem. and i asked her if a ground operation and rough off was imminent. well, actually we don't know about the how and when this will happen, the statement was put out by the prime minister's office after the war coming then met a on a friday to discuss this new proposal that was submitted by hum us to the many a to is about to pretend to a new agreement to release the remaining hostages and goals, and also for potential temporary a ceasefire. you know, some of the service you have said this might be because now it was linked to those uh, uh, tools. uh, also a pressure tool in those talks uh to talk about the basically the potential operation in rough have to put more pressure on how much as you said,
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it probably needs to be any minute, you know, as cold as you propose about how much unrealistic never the less is ro booths, and a new delegation to a cut out to don't want to continue those talks. i know we've heard also from the international community are criticizing those plans to invade russell a for an operation in a rough. but you also heard time and time again, the prime minister. been, you mean to, to know his saying that this operation is needed, therefore battalions as he put it off from us in rough and an operation that is needed to win the war and to achieve the israel? small goals. alright, well we also know that washington is saying it wants to see this plan to invade or off off, and there's also a warning that israel must protect civilians in the process. but tanya, what are the chances for an evacuation of civilians?
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well, that is exactly the question that many a has no need to know has said that he also asked the army to prepare and so to evacuate the population now of then estimated up to 4.1.4000000 people show dream in russell. it doesn't mean they're also a strikes in the area. there's also bombardment in the area occurring g. but these old people that have been displaced multiple times. they've been told to go a so so now they're shuddering. then the southern moans, most city of the gaza strip know they have would have to be moved. uh, so in the us present to buy. and it said in recent days that this is a red line for the us. if a is where it goes ahead with this operation, they need to take precaution to protect the civilians. now that has been told by military officials to grid, some sort of protected zones, potentially in the center of the gaza strip. but nothing really is yet clear how
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so many people would be moved in an active avoid zone. that was the w correspondence, tanya kramer speaking to us from jerusalem. let's get a check now. some of the other stories making headlines around the world. in hong kong 12 people have been handed a long prison sentences for storming the territories legislature at the height of anti government protest. back in 2019 hundreds of thousands had participated in pro democracy marches at the time since then. the chinese government has cracked down on descent with hundreds of active is being jailed. one of senegal is leading opposition. figures has made his 1st public appearance after being released from prison response. uncle said his team will win the presidential election in march 24th, even though he's borrowed from the vote. sancho has endorsed his deputy to replace them on the pallets. the leaders of germany, france,
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and poland have agreed on the need to keep ukraine supplied with military hardware, ukraine's been facing shortages and his fight against russia's invasion. germany's all of shaw said. profits from seized, russian asses would be used to help pay for the purchases the 2nd day of voting is underway and russians presidential election holes don't close until sunday box. the outcome appears to be a formality. one place where moscow is especially concerned about generating a show of support for vladimir putin are the russian occupied regions of ukraine, parts of the desk, lu, hans separation and her son, regions, as well as crime in moscow hopes the election will appear to legitimize this rule. there, and it's backed by a vigorous state media campaign. so let us, let us do a song and dance to get more people to vote in the occupied ukrainian territories. oh, as the russian state owned media call them,
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then you regions draft where the coverage she just bought the freshest betrayal. office presidential election, hostile officials say on tv that the newly acquired citizens are grateful to rush and pull that to the boat with the way in which the people are writing the very dusk deep. and talked to the low cost. and they asked, what are your needs 1st and foremost bridge, there is a shortage of threats. secondly, which is for you, give us the opportunity to vote that 2 bedrooms for the sellers, the borrower phone screen, the show of use that costs in a valid has never been this easy. you don't even have to go to a poland station as this done, the list explains said that i have, but what i'm able to see, and these are the menus of the election commissions walk from building to building with the by the boxes visa, where the from they sing songs cheerfully and loudly, the people hear this, come out and join the cues with the cost of vote again, but it easier when they wish it. and you mean by the officials taught of the
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election on friday most residents of the occupied here. so i'm going to ask region, had reportedly voted early. there is no doubt that's left in their points and will claim a landslide victory here. many ukrainians were forced to leave the homes, but new residents came. civil servants loyal to the kremlin, relieved to work here with huge salaries dw theory, rossetto is following the story for us from riga where he's been base and the russian authorities close down to w moscow bureau. i asked him how much support routine enjoys in the occupied ukrainian regions. a lot of money on the easy as a high voltage to an alton gong boss. so they saw colton, you regions and including crimea, by the way, is very important for the kremlin as it comes and wants to show the people of russia. look, our new russian world is perfect, is there. i can imagine that the, there are a lot of people there who indeed got to the polls. why firstly money. so cold be
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jake nikki, from russia, move into these areas. these are teachers, employees of state owned companies, police officers who are all financially dependent on that austin state. secondly, an article in ross and laura was used to this time. it allows the election to take place 20 days before the extra ballot in the areas that are difficult to excess. normally these regions in the fall north oil platforms and to see moscow has declared to be stands the occupied territories hots to reach area. and so the election has been going on there weeks for jerry, if we know that the outcome of the vote is clear, we can assume that vladimir putin will be re elected. why is the kremlin going to such lengths to encourage people to go to the polls and also in russia proper? well, 1st let's put instead viruses, the stuff we need a high turn out for the grand with leader. they've wants to prove that they have
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done everything right. and for the nice to the election perfectly. and it's important for protein because she needs maximum power over the next 6 years. perhaps more than ever. his country is at war and police of all of wants. and any time soon bought the boys expensive, the state needs the staying power and above all money for the army, the army industry. that is why put in a non announced tax increases, for example, in his speech to the nation, a few weeks ago with 40 not only needs more money, she also needs most soldiers and, and you mobilize ation to be ever even more unpopular in order to realize all this time live leader needs maximum support from the people in your area. what about those russians who oppose protein? is there any chance for them to be heard in this election? well, if you look at some of the ends incidents, let's put it that way. that happens yesterday on the 1st day at all is as an
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expression of protest as then you can say that the ssl position is showing itself in one place. a file that was set in the paulding station. another place and will of cocktail was thrown elsewhere as the ballot. the papers were painted all the intimate illegal. but that is where the voice of protest ends up is the sad thing about russian democracy is that many people no longer believe it are reported for moscow as a correspondent for a d, as in constantly heard from russians. why should i go to this election at all? this is not an election. there is not a single, the real, a position candid that all the reduce the candidates are loyal to the kremlin. this year i'm hearing from even more people in russia that the i'm not going to vote at all. that was d. w 0 ever shadow speaking to us from riga, your re thank you, is always to and that's the latest on data will use this hour of next sports flights meets an indian ultra marathon runner who's challenging
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preconceptions about women in sports. i married a evans team. i'll be back with more headlines for you in about 45 minutes, but in the meantime, don't forget, you can get lots more news and information on our website. just go to the d, w dot com or follow us on social media. the handle is at dw needs. thanks for watching the old friends mean friends, and nature defend itself in case of an emergency. we cannot guarantee that we could protect meaning frankfurt. berlin, sandwich faced with russia, is for or against ukraine. graces ministry line shows we can nato offer its members suspicion protection p. repeal security basic kinds depends on 90 percent on the.


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