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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 16, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CET

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the the business, the, the news lived from berlin, germany carriers out as fast as drops to gather, to many cheap lanes to deliver the tons of food aid to buy a policies or any restrictions on the ground. but are you in ones that emergency aid isn't enough to stuff from all nutrition? meanwhile, these are, i was prime minister benjamin netanyahu approves military plans to attack rafa in the south and gaza strip best buy's warnings from the us and novice that the oppression could be disastrous. and the 2nd day of votes in his on the way in russia's presidential election. the outcome is not in doubt.
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the . i am eddie michael junior and you are welcome to the program. that's beginning gaza with gemini, as car without. it's fast, ad drops of fade to military transport planes flying from jordan pass. you tell me any 40 pounds of cargo into the territory. most of its rice and flock donations are increasing the tendency and see for deliveries as these are. i'll continue send them. it's rude, access to send h u n is one in that one set of children under the age of 2 in gaza. now stuff off of mount nutrition. these are all has been present on with its military come pain. again, some switch kind of it out to tear out tax. on october 7th, the gentleman ad ralph came out to a ship carrying food. arrived at the guys on coast. opening at the new aid, colorado of tons of aid has finally arrived. in northern garza,
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a spanish china to ship spent 3 days tying, a bulge packed with supplies from cyprus on board was enough food for nearly half a 1000000 meals all collected by the n g o. wells, central kitchen golf is a resident said the food was desperately needed and i don't want the aid for my children. i want them to live and not die of hunger. all they're eating is wild plants. there's no bread. there's nothing to eat and gaza. i mean, it's ramadan and there's nothing about breakfast, how? just according to the un, hundreds of thousands of gardens on the brink of standing with the situation in the north of the street, especially dia. here people are eating what ever they can find to stave off hunger . these common roadside weeds have become a staple. as i meant to say for you as you can see you today,
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we are breaking our amazon softwood mellow while we eat it every day. while i have 4 children crying from honda, we're trying to comfort them by giving them whatever we can get our hands on it so many others have headed south in search of food. this family said there was nothing left of them. no one pushing us as now was no food, nothing to drink. we are eating plants and that's we started eating pigeon food, don't the food we are living like animals according to these really minute tree, the contents of the a bunch of now being loaded onto 12 and g o trucks. the distribution in northern golf, the back in cyprus, another vessel is already being loaded with more supplies and prepared for the punch it to the strip while they're all high hopes of the new maritime cargo will help relieve suffering and gaza. the when the you and the west have old stated that
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israel needs to open more land routes for aid as well. these are the prime minister. i think. i mean that's and yeah, who has rejected the ceasefire proposal put forward by how miles these are the premier i called it quote, unrealistic proposal. what i've seen that release of women, children, elderly and sick hostages taken by her mouth in the october 7th terror attacks. and exchange for palestinian prisoners that's now whose office has also said he's approved plans for a military operation in rafa. and the south and guys a strip as the last major city in gaza. yes, to be innovative by user id ground forces more than a 1000000 displace palestinians on now sheltering that we ask deed of use turned out quite a mind to sell them if a ground operation in rafa is imminent, as well. actually, we don't know about the how and when this will happen, this statement was put out by the prime minister's office after the war coming and
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met on a friday to discuss this new proposal that was submitted by hum us to the maybe a to is about a potential, a new agreement to release the remaining hostages and goals and also for potential temporary, uh, c. so i know some of the service you have said this might be because, you know, it was linked to those uh, talks uh, also a pressure tool in those talks uh, to talk about the, basically the potential operation in rough to put more pressure on homos. uh, as you said, uh, probably needs to be any minute, you know, as cold as new proposal by how much unrealistic never the less is robles and uh, a new delegation to cut out to don't have to continue those talks. uh no, we've heard also from the international community a criticizing those plans to invade russell for an operation in a rough. but you also heard time and time again,
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the prime minister of any minute to know his saying that this operation is needed, therefore battalions as he put it off from us and off and an operation that is needed to win the war and to achieve the israelites will goals? that was all correspondence, tanya karima talking to us from jerusalem to russia. now wait a 2nd to your vote in his on the way in the countries presidential election. in most cases, the process has been uneventful sofa, but there been some instances of a parents protest would vote in stations report the least set on fire. and what a tough call to do and not the pulling station and die pointing to balance boxes. moscow is especially concerned about the generating issue of supportable vladimir putin, in the ration occupied regions of the train, which i see that on the map you see in right now moscow hoops the election will appear to legitimize it's rule that. and it's backed by a vigorous state media campaign are less and less and a few of
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a sudden dense to get more people to vote in the occupied ukrainian territories. oh, as the russian state owned media call them, then you regions the coverage spots, a ferocious betrayal of his presidential election. hostem officials say mtv, that the newly acquired citizens are grateful to russia full that some of them both the way in which the people are writing the verde. duff deep and talked to the low cost. and they asked, what are your needs 1st and foremost bridge, there is a shortage of bread. secondly, which is for you, give us the opportunity to vote that to buy homes for the sellers, the part or full screen, the show of use that costs and the bell. it has never been this easy. you don't even have to go to poland station as this john noticed, explains that i have, but what i'm going to see, and these are the menus of the election commissions walk from building to building with the, by the boxes visa, where the from they sing songs cheerfully and loudly,
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the people hear this come out to please join the queues with the cost of vote again, but it easier when they wish it was due by the officials taught of the election on friday most residents of the occupied here. so i'm going to ask region, had reportedly voted early. there is no doubt that's loved in their posts and will claim a landslide victory here many ukrainians, but forced to leave the homes. but new residents came, civil servants loyal to the kremlin booth to work here with huge salaries probably in the back of a z political scientist in russia, experts from the life science institute for east and south east european studies in riggins bank. germany asked them about the rest of the precedence level of support in the occupied ukrainian regions as well. first of all, it's very hard to say because the, the, the event that is currently taking place it's a election proper. first one,
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it's illegal both according to international law and ukrainian legislation, and it's even thoughtful according to russian legislation martial law. that'd be all part of this in the, in before we dx the territories. so they could be called sham elections at best. and even the russian doesn't really know what the electricity, so they have counted the number of the person, the, the, the full scale invasion. so, and due to method ablation transfers displaced persons strategies, importation russia, and ethnic cleansing. so as i'm sure even to address how many people they are, they have a number of tools available to force people into into take. thank you. part of the event like workplace mobilization or, or even coercion? i'm okay. i see you say arrest as war and ukraine is still raging on what impacts is that of having on the presidential election?
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you think well, i think the main i'll tell them is the next year. meaning that the mind, the fusion is going to stay on for uh for quite a number of years, meaning that for russian political regime, there is a long time long term horizon of for continue with the war. and then in that, i think is the main outcome, singling opposed to the international audience, but also to rescue that russia is in, into this more for, for as long as the area we saw pictures of reports had pro test taking place at some point in stations so it's not like there's no position to put them, but i guess the question is, are the voices of those who oppose precedent within the being had loud enough in the selection are certainly not. and these are not fed free elections. no opposition. real position candidates are allowed to complain. in fact,
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we've seen a murder of alexi them of all ages before this event. so it's absolutely impossible to claim that there is any, any kind of competition during the, during the, these, some elections and even in the territory the situations, even more peers, even systemic official park, is uh, much more pressure uh, from the, from the, from united russia. then in, in the, in the international direct, my trust. right. 5 young backup. let's go on a list and rossa experience from the live minutes institute for east and south east european studies. thank you very much. that's it. got some more stories making headlines around the world between you and president of letting mazda lansky has denounced the russian attack on the port 50 up on the desktop. ask the despicable act of cowardice. rescue is had rushed to the scene of an attack. when a 2nd miss,
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i'll struck in medics and doctors, at least between 2 people, died in the deadliest attack on the city. in weeks one of sent it goes leading the position figures has made his 1st public appearance. after being released from prison. this month, sancho said his team, when the president said election on march 24th, even though he's bought from the vote, single, has endorsed his deputy to replace him on the ballot. community that came young has started using the car he was given by russian president vladimir, put in last month states television showed him stepping out of the iris center. lots recall the russian meet when he told was to go with west unhealthy for the full scale invasion of ukraine. as one of germany's best known media opposite is back with a new installation in berlin. it takes us on a personal jenny that's against the backdrop of 15 moving lasers and especially
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composed electronic music, and it's taking place and i'm electrifying location the moments and time brought back to life the at this old power plant in berlin, viewers are taken into the mind and memories of german artist christopher bauder, the announced a what's a 9 am on an emotional level. it's very personal work. i look back at what i've done so far, and on my life stages from my life that time from a village. and i used to live on an island. these are places i miss aka. and i tried to illustrate that in various scenes. so it looks to be on the it's voters,
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3rd and largest installation at craft fech, berlin. the plant was built in the 19 sixty's to power former east berlin. it's now a popular venue for the arts and culture. see the vector memories enlightened sound runs until april 7th. the quite electrifying isn't it? there's a reminder for lots of stories. gemini has covered out as fast as ropes of i've got 2 planes across you that in nearly 40 tons of food aid, doing a nation's of increasing the tend to and see for deliveries as these are, are, continues the limits, road access to the terrace coming up how documentary series conduct fail. i'm looks
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at how climate change is affecting work that's coming out after the break. it's. i'm eddie micah julia stay with us for more use on the top for the out. the cream was like a sticking points. you know, 5 or 2 into that warranty wants to finish your studies. now you have a safe get from the train. you can choose to go back or somewhere else. currently, more people than ever on the world wide in search of a place in life. yeah. give me something that is coming very, very soon and yeah, can we learn more about or know when a story info, migraines, the
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flu, so you don't want the actual bound.


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