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tv   Sports Life  Deutsche Welle  March 17, 2024 3:02am-3:16am CET

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present india internationally. what i see my name is complaining about my running. my name is mary just 15 and the mother at 19 tends and has found freedom in running out for morrison's high in northern india's himalayas. she does it without any institutional support funds or training. this means a difficult balancing act between providing for her family in a rural village and reaching her athletic potential all while racing against social expectations for women and mothers. invest my want to send a message to all the goals out the if i can run, why can't you the somebody in my hometown go so i'm not encouraged to run, get any good. i need to train by myself and there is no one to guide me. anyone.
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i'm often told either i should do this or i shouldn't do that. so yeah, we were to some people tuned to me asking me, why is the woman i run for them? women on the run and the only the man put on i do a little the household shows from my cache. and on top of that consistency train and participate in some of india's most competitive races tends in his father passed away when she was a child to 2 months i've struggled ever since childhood, damascus. at 15, i was married off to a stranger to and i didn't live a normal life. i don't remember my father's face the but i didn't experience things i should if in my childhood
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the remember it's one of the reasons i started running. i wanted to prove to myself the students so that i could have the common challenges sick. if i didn't work, i paused to limit me. my days i usually spend during choose my life comp, just be the american dream of the 2 things for myself. once i'm, the parent of the tendon is one of india is most active outcome marathon runners. she runs a small cafe in the himalayas and just have families. main breadwinner though, she only began running, assess the 2. she's one titles in 12 of the 18 races. she's taken pontoon,
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made up my goal is to participate in international races and represent india. that wouldn't be easy, given tends, in reality, money under time, i have to tell them to participate. and when i do the necessary training again, just because i'm financially weak, i fall behind the a note from harrison in the neighboring village of mentally would give tends, in another chance to prove myself the 100 kilometer matter. as soon as being organized in my home town, it's called the right time challenge. i'm excited to run on my home to i don't think it will rain today. the tenzing is self coached, embarking on grueling. so t now on mountain medicine runs without any official training. this is meant to state planning process. on the high tide risk of injury,
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the and then she's consistently proven hard talent with strong showing tens in still struggles to raise funds for races. i think another challenge to an already difficult suppose the somebody off if we don't have a running community around me, so i have to train it or not we guide there's no one to guide me or let me know what i should have void or provide way to do things, so you have is um the for help send in iowa. and when tenzing came to the hospital, she was experiencing a slight pain in her right hip pain. what's called the england overreach, and they need go on to obtain use to get was when charlie guitar like, well trained training guys, obviously, since she had no one that's going to she was doing random exercises which close to
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injury. everything can do daily any. do you want to go back but even off the guessing and, and she kept training didn't message. and this lesson to condition all of us will get when get audio to basic, a korea which is basic not running. that could just be an effective standard, but still she and just performed well performance. what are the besides for challenge and hoping to rep, present india internationally despite to economic prosperity tends and is also confronted with the daily social pressure of women hoping to succeed in male dominated sports. yeah, this is only compounded in rural india where women rarely have the opportunity to pursue sports in the 1st place. tends in, stands out to me on her neighbors. she should run travel and
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see places educate herself and excel in a pass. and i have asked if i'm not, she shouldn't live like we bro, no, we've done nothing like that. even though not the notes everyone is suppose it's not just, you know, this new generation. they won't follow traditional. so i'm not seeing the look. i'm working a single job isn't sufficient to raise a family file which. busy tends in, was raised by how single mazda tends, is running. it's hard to understand for an older generation
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to leave people keep complaining about you running. they ask, how do you have time for it and what you gain from it. i just sit quietly and don't tell me so i think if i really a man of me, i was married on such a young age and the wife i was and i could have had a better life. yeah. than i did. what else could i do? your father died dudley. my other kids went their separate ways. everyone left the village in there. i was left behind with you to look often. i thought the only way to survive was mary you off. if you doing something do it by yourself. don't listen to these people how they can assist me with i was doing every race that comes of moment when you ask yourself, why am i doing this to you? there was a way to remind myself that i'm extremely passionate about this account. quit health ways of the this was my dream was renewals like the mind variables are cool,
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this is in the back of my mind during the race. why did i choose such a difficult problem? because running in the rain, i know what of mine does. i choose this funds because i stays me here. he came to now i've come to the conclusion that you suffer. if you choose the club lay myself finch in the future problems ends in his problems on just has on mind. there are many women like us who share option, but kind of run with me good by the, the jump in the engine whenever tends in and i train most people we pasta are tough. one side of they took about to ask, who are these 2 goals running, going to be done? even acquaintances, say things like, where are you guys running off to honda? you go back to the trends and stuff is more than i do because she is a bit. tulsa is like, she has been repeatedly discouraged and asked why she was running this age limit. people tell how to do her, choose not in within me, but the well, i can't explain how inspirational she is for
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a whole stage and for the world at large even of to being married and living in a patriarchal society and associates 14 her own identity despite societal pressure continuously bought the national get one side me, i know what she motivates, goes around to have a niche. she's not just running for herself and not was involved in it because she has a different energy, which is right now. women have high rates usage and make is a one that's impressive because her family is conservative fan movie and that's why i appreciate how nice me i appreciate the slowly but surely tends and helped change opinions of those around town. madam, i run challenging race as because i like choosing the difficult pulse. i know what i'm capable of and that i have the potential for even more the the main challenges coming up the
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. ringback the training media and i couldn't really train for this race. you may not have pulled a muscle 3 months ago, the mentor, but it was the same story with another recent mattress on that. i couldn't properly prepare for safety and security so that will be enough. it's just the 10s in sponsored racing as an outlet for her self. her running has become a challenge and an inspiration to many around the course me. i get some people are happy with me. i knew they were inspired by my story and think i'm doing something meaningfully. the negative love is
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a critical asking me what i'm busting my next for. some people even say to my face, what happened to you running isn't know, move forth and cool me crazy. so they say all i do is run into, into golf, to my family and me with the same i may make messages, but i want to send a message to all the goals out there. if i can run my con, you were going to be, i will always mind telling you that women have their own passion, which they should proceed. they shouldn't be live to. the jewels will be suppressed by expectations, and that's why don't give up even when things get rough. i want to give up on my passion. i do, nobody informed me. it is totally a thoughts winning by doing the event we say
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