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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 17, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CET

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the, the, this is the deputy news live from the german chancellor heads to the middle east for across towards all of shelves that you to meet with. these were our latest. after a stop in jordan, he expects to press these routes will allow more humanitarian eyes and as to avoid civilian casualties. will say coming of a german military plane in drop several tons of food to gaza, to bypass israel some restrictions on the ground when one's emergency a decent enough to stop nutrition. and after another day, advising in a rush of presidential election, the criminal is doing all it can to falls to turn out of service points to evidence
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of fraud and manipulation. the imagining outlook into the program, german johnson, the old f schultz, is making a 2 day trip to the middle east, where he's due to how talks with the latest of jordan and israel. before departing he repeated these cold for a swift safe spot, and he outlined that of arching agenda for his journey lead time of the city. yeah . how much really is a to to we have a difficult situation. it's necessary for a to reach cause a on a larger scale. now that will be an issue that i also have to talk about the we're also concerned about the further progress of military development. it's in vic loan . it's because on the particulars, there is a danger that a full scale offensive and rough uh, hopefully will result in
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a great many civilian casualties for which must be avoided at all costs. meaning for getting that most to have a salt speaking before he departed, not the deputies julius identity joined us earlier in the studio and gave us more details about what chancellor sholtes, he's hoping to achieve. his middle east trip. the german government has been in close contact with a lot of partners in the region because it wants to bring them on board and sort of have one kind of a common approach to, to the crisis there. a it has been spare headed by i'm in a bad book. the for administer was travel to the region of quite a lot. and on the one hand, it is the issue of humanitarian aid they wants to push for more to get in. for example, there has been a concrete proposal coming from germany for israel to allow the 4th of i started to take in a to then be delivered to gaza. but one other issue is that germany and charles has said he wants to push for a humanitarian pause in the strip to allow more humanitarian aid to come in, but also to possibly release the is really hostages that are being held by hum us
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in the strip but he also wants to have a broader conversation about the future of the region and wants to push the 2 state solution, which is what germany thinks is the only way forward for a lasting peace in the region. but so far we haven't really seen much of progress. the deputies, julia so daily, that mean, well, international efforts to get into guys are expanding, gemini, has joined an emergency, a lift, dropping food, of a district for the 1st time, a new maritime. i'd cardo between cyprus and gaza is also taking shape relief groups and the people of casa site. it's nowhere near enough as the us air force pair shooting aid into gaza. they are dropping food supplied by jordan to help hundreds of thousands of people facing starvation. throughout the night, the situation is awful. we can eat or drink and eat is very scarce. so at the
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bottom, israel has imposed a long running blockade on garza and has been accused by 8 agencies of delaying the entry of trucks. israel says it is carrying out necessary security measures. we. busy to ensure no weapons are stuck in and while trucks wait for inspection, the price of food in the territory is skyrocketing. amid all the shortages, many can no longer afford to shop for groceries. if everything's expensive in the market, the prices are very high. i've been checking the market for an hour, but i have 10 struggles, and i can't buy anything. and recent days, more donor countries have turned to the air. and sea to overcome is rarely restrictions. the ship carrying $200.00 tons of food reached gaza. and the 1st such delivery made by a new maritime eat court or an more or on the way
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with gods. and say the measures are only a temporary fix of the number. and then to send the, we keep waiting for this is not the solution that kind of what the by ship or by plane on is, you know, saw planes dropping age and people fighting over on beaumont. yeah. there are some children who drowned tennessee trying to get the aide with this group of 25 leading human rights. organizations have also criticized the air and see deliveries the say a permanent ceasefire and unhindered access to aid through land crossings are the only way to leave a down folding humanitarian crisis. right, here's a look now, some of the other stories making headlines around the world. police in israel have, he's bought a cannon to the best part testers, demanding a hostage to demonstrate is included as family members of hostages. still held in
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garza by the military, but most protest this also demanded early elections and held signs criticizing. is why the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu phone guessing, has become the new leader of wales and the 1st black leader of the country. if he won the leadership contest for the welsh labor party, after his predecessor announced plans to step down to get it will have some control of education, health and economic policy by this part of the united kingdom. you cable, make us decide on many other policies affecting the country. he's running and president vladimir soleski has denounced a russian attack on the port city of a desa as a despicable act of cowardice rescue as had rushed to the scene of an attack. when the 2nd ms, all struck, hitting paramedics and doctors at least 21 people died in the deadliest attack city in which to the russian city of belgrade. meanwhile,
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has ordered shopping centers and schools to close temporarily in response to another barrow shilling from ukraine. just 40 kilometers from the boat to delegate route has repeatedly come under attack. in the past months, the regions govern aside. 2 people were killed and saturdays miss all attacked. moscow accuses you kind of stepping off. of course, terrorist attacked ex, activities intended to disrupt the russians election. the defense ministry says it prevented an attempt by ukrainian militants to carry out across the board right elsewhere in the region. rushes pushed on with the date 2 of its 3 the election on saturday. the i, mr. kate president vladimir took me in power. any real opposition is excluded. some opponent side, they've been receiving, threatening messages. and the zip is a point to manipulation. there are also reports of state employees being edge to vote on this. a convoy of slays crosses the frozen tundra of rushes,
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remote ne, they have travelled hundreds of kilometers to cost their votes in rushes, presidential election. we came from producing a 100 to make our choice. every voice of every person in our great country from east to west as important. after a brutal track down on political opposition, president vladimir putin is almost certain to extend his rule by another 6 years in moscow. thousands of kilometers to the west. many say they a voting for stability and prosperity, the times, the expect, the one and only the best of luck to me, of not the middle of which put them to continue his thoughts. would you step in the tv only come with the person who roots now because he would make these changes? would it be always be and with many of pollutants, most powerful opponents, either in prison,
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exile or did the election offers no meaningful alternatives to the machine. it's a propaganda machine designed to make people think is directed to do a good job and we're seeing the results despite the gremlins crack down on the descent, some have risk of imprisonment to make that true feelings known. who rushes opposition movement has also support us together, polling stations at noon on sunday as a form of mass protest. but regardless of how many heat the cold, the outcome of this year's election is old, but such in latin america is dealing with its west outbreak of dingey since records. but again, the virus is transmitted by mosquitoes. and brazil is one of the westgate countries, according to public health data, over a 1000000 presidents have been infected in january and february, and at least 300 people of dos as it's hoped these fish can help stop den gave
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being spread by infected mosquitoes. that being released into a pool filled with rain bottle in rio de janeiro. it's the perfect breeding ground for the insects. but the fish eat the mosquito loudly, but i think i hear guides. the fish will multiply and stop the mosquitoes hatching too. we will have a lot of fish and a few mosquitoes. the fish don't tom any one by combining it. as cases of den get sullivan. brazil officials are trying to target the sites, but mosquitoes leave them eggs. they have also ramped up testing capacities and open specialized health centers to deal with the fluids and infections, which can cause high fever and severe pain. this my headaches, my eyes and my entire body hurt. i feel sick when i eat, i have development. so even when i drink water, i visit, they have taught at the say the outbreak is being fuels by rice and global temperatures and increased brain phone brock by the new feather phenomena. i'm
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actually imagining the radio. we have won a severe case every day that leads to hospitalization or prison has launched a vaccination campaign, but because of supply shortages, it's only being given to children aged under $12.00 and $1.00 of the gym and these best non media assets is back with a new installation in berlin, it takes videos on a personal journey set in an electrifying location against the backdrop of 50 license, a company of costs by some like from easy the moments and time brought back to life. the, at this old power plant in berlin,
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viewers are taken into the mind in memories of german artist christopher bauder. the announced able to not even on an emotional level. it's very personal work. i look back at what i've done so far, and on my life stages for my life that time from a village and i used to live on an island. these are places i miss aka. and i tried to illustrate that in various scenes. so it looks to be on the it's voters, 3rd and largest installation at craft fair berlin. the plant was built in the 19 sixty's to power former east berlin. it's now a popular venue for the arts and culture. see the vector memories enlightened sound, runs until april 7th,
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the some sport before we go and buy music have a for now close the gap at the top of the bonus league. it to 7 points for the big win a why it starts running bundles like a champion, started the road for a road trip. pain points behind by that isn't that soon? said about putting this game beyond doubt. that's jamal. and let's see all of it on the left, scoring the 1st, the goal of the guy. now the 2nd came from the legs leading score. a hairy kind is in the box. they just gonna wait for the cross to come in. and not that $100.00 and that was not like, oh, okay, the end result was a big win. 5 to 4 blind live accusing play probably big on sunday. now people of ours heritage celebrate some patrick style on sunday. in many places, rebel as a, getting a head start to of the new york marching bands and community groups provided through the straits, delighting on lucas with spect,
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that's pressing up to dining, less traditional cost games and anything counted in the way in thousands turned out in chicago to watch the city di it's river green. it's an annual tradition dining back some 70 news. local planners. kline, i use environmentally friendly. how to that last? about 5 now not the volcanic eruption in iceland has fullest residents to again evacuate a nearby town less than a month off the valuable clay to retain after a previous rupture. as eva best views the lights cracking surface can be seen. not this of option is from the new volcanic fisa on islands rec janice, initially about an hour drive from the capitol, reykjavik. it's the 4th of option to hit the areas since december. it looks impressive, viewed from the sky at night, but would still travel for the towns you can print the vic ends $4000.00 rather
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than 2 again on the move itself and sports life is coming up next and they'll have more news headlines for you in about 45 minutes statements, the conflicts of crises. every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality. the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, this shadows of jumping color. these pod costs and video shed light on the donkey street. devastating colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed a score farms and destroyed lights. what is the name.


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