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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 17, 2024 9:00am-9:16am CET

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the, the dw news lives in berlin, germany carries out its 1st era, dropped a gauze on a military plane. deliver is tons of food. a to bypass is really restrictions of the ground bush with the un warning of a hunger catastrophe. german chancellor, all of shoals has to the region to urge a ceasefire. also coming up the russians go through the motions of voting on the final day of their presidential election, which is set to extend flight of air pollutants, almost a quarter of a century and power the
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mariana evans, dean. it's good to have you with us. german chancellor on schultz is making a 2 day trip to the middle east where he was due to hold talks with the leaders of jordan. and israel. shoals has called on israel to allow for wide scale aid access to gaza. the one is warning of widespread mound nutrition there, and germany has stepped up its efforts to bring in food and supplies. germany has joined a handful of countries including the us and france, power shooting aid into gaza. germany's air force and dropped nearly 40 tons of relief goods into the territory. on saturday, the foreign ministry in berlin says every package counts. it also says these efforts are just dropped in the ocean when it comes to what is actually needed. well the, the situations awful,
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we can eat or drink water and eat is very scarce. so are the, to help. a lot of the international community has also started delivering relief supplies to gaza by sea, via and usually operational maritime core door agencies have criticized these efforts as inefficient and insufficient. and they accused israel of deliberately delaying the entry of trucks carrying a into gaza. israel says it's carrying out the necessary inspections and none of the we keep waiting for kate, this is not the solution that kind of what the by ship or by plane on is, you know, saw planes dropping aid and people fighting over on beaumont. yeah. there are some children who drowned tennessee trying to get the a wide scale 8 access to gaza will be top of the agenda if you're in german, chancellor, without shots this trip to the middle east. so will efforts to secure
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a ceasefire. but we are not going to argue with good advice. we are concerned about the further advancement of ministry developments. in particular, there is a danger that's a full scale offensive and the process will result in many terrible civilian casualties. this must be avoided at all costs and come to us opening for meetings at most visible. so this is also something that will have to be discussed. i think we will have to talk about the long term solution. the question of how a peaceful coexistence between a palestinian state and israel can succeed. schultz this meeting jordan's king of dollar liter he'll travel to israel to meet with is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and the families of some of the hostages held by him us in gaza. i asked the w is tonya tonya kramer in jerusalem watts chandler schultz is hoping to achieve through his talks in jordan and israel. hello,
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thank you. i have to say this is the 2nd visit to the region since uh, october 7 and uh, the war. he came shortly after october 7 to is uh, an showing and um, uh, his full support for israel also in its uh war efforts. but no, of course, were in a different phase of this for going into the 6 months. and with the $31000.00 over $31000.00 people killed in dollars according to the local housing authorities there . and the, and warning of hunger instead of ation, humanitarian crisis in the gaza. so this is of course also when we're hearing more of the other words leaders also being more critical of it as well as for conduct including you as president joe biden, as well as close as the l. i. so of course it will be watched what chancellor of shoals is saying here to his is really a counterparts. one of the main concerns and we heard that is a are, is,
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was preparations for a potential military offensive. and we've also where over 1000000 public statements have shouted, why the boy is going on, why they're also as strikes in the area. another concern is the return of the remaining is really hostages in garza. we understand that the chance that we also meet some relatives uh, also those families. and also, of course more you might determine a that needs to go into a garza, this is a demand so many in the international community. and that is also why germany is now taking part in those 8 drops. and that is part of course of the discussions in jordan. this is the 1st black off. it's very, very short trips. he arrived last night in jordan and we'll meet king abdullah during the morning hours. yeah, and time of you mentioned these plans for military operation in ra fox, the focus of much international concern,
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but as he reported israel's work cabinet approve these plans and yet we are still hearing at the same time that there are preparations to resume cease fire talks on a possible hosted you'll with him us. what's the latest you can tell us about this? yeah, there many conflicting reports he also in the is really media. we understand the time us had submitted, it's proposal on thursday last week. then we had to a prime minister, been, you mean it's, and you know, cooling of those demons by how most unrealistic, nevertheless, the cabinet that decided to send. and it's rarely delegation to do her a, to cut to, to continue those talks and their reports. now that this delegation should be leaving any time soon, it will be headed by the head of the massage dove it, but now there's also another, a cabinet meeting scheduled for some time today to outline the is rarely positions
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. so we understand that of course, this is going on and so the talks have not completely broken down. it would be also the 1st time, and we said and is ready, dedication will take part in those in direct talks. now of course uh, this proposal we're seeing in several of phases releasing 1st about 40 of the hostages that are still in gauze as the women elderly children also hostages, that are ill for in exchange for palestinian prisoners. housing is where the tails . but i mean, the main sticking points were always the demands, but how much the full withdrawal of israeli forces also the return of residence a to northern gauze as well as a full see. so seized by so we have to wait and see. there's a lot of, of course pressure also by the is ready public to come to such an agreement. and we have to wait and see. you know, how this will unfold and to understand how wide the gap. so how narrow the gaps are between the 2 sides. that was dw tonya kramer in jerusalem. tonya,
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thanks as always for your reporting. we appreciate it. let's get a check. now some of the other stories making use this. our police in israel have used water cannon to disperse protesters, demanding a hostage steel. demonstrators included, family members of hostages, still being held in garza by militant groups. the protesters also demanded early elections and health signs for designs. it gives really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the indian navy has taken control of a ship, hijacked by somali pirates in the indian ocean. nearly 3 months ago, all 17 crew members were freed unharmed. the navy said the $35.00 pirates of board the vessel surrendered. the ship was hijacked in december, raising fears of piracy was resuming after a level of several years, or von guessing as become the new leader of wales. and the 1st black leader of the country. guessing one the leadership contests for the welsh labor party. and after
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his predecessor announced plans to step down and still have some control over education, health and economic policy. but as part of the united kingdom, u. k. lawmakers decide on many other policies affecting the country. a volcano in iceland has erupt it for the 4th time since december lava has been spewing from a new fisher that opened up another a contest. and so i'm just south of the capital ray cubic authorities have declared a state of emergency and very well, ukraine has launched a new wave of drone attacks in russian. many of them aimed at targets in the critical oil industry. explosions could be seen at a refinery in the class across nadar region near occupied crimea. and in belgrade, near the border authorities, close shopping centers and schools after a series of attacks, the latest ukrainian strikes came on the final day of russia's stage,
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managed presidential election, which is sent to extend president vladimir putin is almost quarter century and power a convoy of slaves crosses the frozen tundra of russia's remote ne, that they have traveled hundreds of kilometers to cost their votes in russia's presidential election. we came from producing a 100 to make our choice. every voice of every person in our great country from east to west is important. after a brutal track down on political opposition, president vladimir putin is almost certain to extend his rule by another 6 years in moscow, thousands of kilometers to the west. many say they a voting for stability and prosperity. as of the times, we expect the one and only the best of luck to me of not the middle of which put them to continue his policy. the business of the stability with only going with the person who roots now because he really make these changes. would it be always be
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and with many of pollutants, most powerful opponents, either in prison, exile or did the election offers no meaningful alternatives to the machine. it's a propaganda machine designed to make people think is directed to do a good job and we're seeing the results. despite the gremlins crack down on the descent, some have risk of imprisonment to make their true feelings known. who rushes opposition movement has also support us together at polling stations at noon on sunday as a form of mass protest. but regardless of how many heat the cold, the outcome of this year's election is old. but such an ever since russian authorities close down the double use bureau in moscow, our bureau chief, your shadow, has been reporting from reagan. he joins us now for more. you're in good to see you . but as we just saw in that report, there, the widow of the late opposition leader i'll explain of all me has been calling on
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his supporters to disrupt the final day of elections in russia. but are people actually going to come out and show sustain protests as well? we know from previous protest, mariano, that people follow. it's no problem. this calls everywhere from plenty of us. duncan is if i used to cutting and dropping the best. russia is a huge country stretching about 11 times that ones, but the turnout was always different most. go ahead the most participants in the countryside, much less. i think it will be the same this time if people respond. so he's cold today. uh or how cold level and the i but it's dangerous, as somebody does have tied them to the lowest of the point where any protest can be punishable. and they have issued warnings, especially for today's protest. notice of up to 5 years, author, item to they say, an ex president made video even suggested to classify election into feelings as states reason. well, and of course the also have to acknowledge the fact that it's basically certain
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that none of these protests are going to change the outcome of this election. but yury could they have any kind of impact or well look is, uh, is that even if there are thousands who they have to protest today, these protests will not change the outcome over the next few years. all right, and the big concert is already planned for tomorrow. and what's that? that's because they have to me. all right, so the 10th anniversary of the gardening station of can me and i had a few that put in is going to be there to celebrate cheese election victory. nevertheless, i think protest i important from the point of view of the position because of the show, particularly to people in russia, that's not the whole country is behind food, an event, something like expression of opinions to exist. i remember the late ninety's age is when i was to a teenage i just saw your 2 bags in the communist party had one more than 90 percent and just circles elections a few years later. so companies and collapsed. indeed, we can predict the future. you're a um,
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what i do want to ask you about are these attacks by ukraine on the russian territory that we've seen in the past couple of days? we've heard the kremlin come out to say that this was terrorist activities aimed at disrupting it's elections. but what are people saying in russia? what is the russian public make of these attacks? well, uh, look, ukraine's attacks by no means use, they have only intensive ident. the russian state propaganda is turning the latest selling on the belgrade the region of the board. the 3 grain into a terrible, any of the image of ukraine attacking russia, which in term supports putting sea or is it the rest of must defend itself? i put in safe. exactly that on friday afternoon at the security council meeting, despite does that tax use to add to the enemy has been defeated and does it russians would now be more united than evan before, but that is a kremlin view. of course, people are for it this morning, but how many attacks and moscow also over them at the end of all which is the
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biggest apple introduction cut the bill people i'm worried. yes, that was dw, as you're ever sent a reporting for us from regal launch via your a always great to speak to you. you're up to date on the w news. thanks for watching. the can you see is what old car tires have to do with the production? here's a hands on really indeed the snow on youtube, the our universe, our planet earth. and even.


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