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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 17, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CET

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin. germany carries out as 1st era dropped to gaza. military playing delivers tons of food, aid to bypass is really restrictions on the ground bud with the un warning of a hunger catastrophe. german chancellor, all of scholes is in the region to urge a ceasefire, also coming up prussia and go through the motions of voting on the final day of their presidential election, which is set to extend vladimir putin. it's almost quarter century and power the
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mariana evans team that welcomes german chancellor. all of schultz is making a 2 day trip to the middle east where he's due to hold talks with the leaders of jordan. and israel schultz has called on israel and to allow for wide scale 8 access to goss. i'm. the one is warning of widespread malnutrition there, and germany has dumped up its efforts to bring and food and supplies. germany has joined a handful of countries including the u. s and friends, power shooting, aid into gaza. germany's air force drops nearly 4 tons of relief goods into the territory. on saturday, the foreign ministry in berlin says every package counts. it also says these efforts are just a drop in the ocean when it comes to what is actually needed. sort of all
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the situations awful. we can eat or drink and eat is very scarce. so at the, to help a lot of the international community has also started delivering relief supplies to gaza by sea, via and usually operational maritime core door agencies have criticized these efforts as inefficient and insufficient. and they accuse israel of deliberately delaying the entry of trucks carrying a into gaza. israel says it's carrying out the necessary inspections. i'm going to send none of the we keep waiting for kate. this is not a solution that's kind of what the by ship or by plane on is of no salt plane was dropping aid and people fighting over a ball multi yeah, there are some children who drowned in the sea trying to get the a wide scale aid access to gaza will be top of the agenda here in german chancellor without shots this trip to the middle east. so will
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efforts to secure a ceasefire. we are not going to argue with good advice. we are concerned about the further advancement of ministry developments. in particular, there is a danger of that a full scale offensive him of alpha for result in many terrible civilian casualties . this must be avoided at all costs. i'm come supplementing for meeting that most. this is a so this is also something that will have to be discussed. i think that we will have to talk about the long term solution. the question of how a peaceful coexistence between the palestinian state and israel can succeed. schultz as meetings with the leaders of jordan and israel come as protesters once again take to the streets of tel aviv demanding early elections and a deal to free. the remaining hostages being held by him most in gaza, schultz is scheduled to meet with the families of some of those hostages.
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earlier i asked the w as tanya kramer in jerusalem to tell us more about what chances are schultz is hoping to achieve through his talks in jordan and the as well. well i think you have to see this is the 2nd visit to the region since uh, october 7 and uh, the war. he came shortly after october 7 to is uh, an showing and um, uh, his full support for israel also in its uh war efforts. but no, of course, were in a different phase of this for going into the 6 months. and with the 31000 over 31000 people killed in garza, according to the local housing authorities there. and the, and warning of hunger instead of ation the humanitarian crisis in the garza. so this is of course also when we're hearing more of the other was leaders also being more critical offers as well as for conduct, including you as president joe biden,
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as well as close as the i. so of course it will be watched what chancellor of shoals is saying here to his is really counterparts. one of the main concerns as and we heard that is a are, is, was preparations for a potential military offensive. and we've also where over 1000000 public statements have shouted, why the boy is going on, why they're also as strikes in the area. another concern is the return of the remaining is really hostages in garza. we understand that the chance that we also meet some relatives uh, also those families. and also of course more you might determine a that needs to go into a gaza. this is a demand so many in the international community. and that is also why germany is now taking part in those 8 drops. and that is part of course of the discussions in, in jordan. this is the 1st like of his very, very short trips. he arrived last night in jordan,
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and we'll meet king abdullah during the morning hours. that was the w, as tanya cramer reporting from jerusalem. all right, let's get a check now. some of the other stories making news. this our, the indian navy has taken control of a ship, hijacked bonds to molly pirates in the indian ocean. nearly 3 months ago, all 17 crew members were freed unharmed. the navy said the $35.00 pirates of board the vessel surrendered. the ship was hijacked, back in december, raising fears of piracy was resuming after a long of so for several years. von guessing has become the new leader of wales and the 1st black leader of the country. guessing one of the leadership contests for the welsh labor party after his predecessor announced plans to step down, he'll have some control over education health and they can nominate policy. but as part of the united kingdom, u. k. lawmakers decide on many other policies affecting the country of ok. anyone
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iceland has a rough id for the 4th time since december lava has been spewing from a new fisher that opened up on the re kind of peninsula and just south of the capital. reaching big authorities have declared a state of emergency in the area. well, the 3rd and final day of voting and of russia's stage, managed presidential election is in progress. with a steady trickle of people entering, pulling stations across the vast country. authorities have tried to encourage a high turn out, but opponents of president vladimir putin have called for people to queue. it pulls at mid day. in the past 2 days, they've been isolated disruptions such as polling booth being set on fire and died poured into ballad boxes. but there is little doubt of the result who tina is said to extend his almost quarter century in power. a convoy of slaves crosses the frozen tundra of russia's remote ne,
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they have travelled hundreds of kilometers to cost their votes in russia's presidential election. we came from the distant 100 to make our choice. every voice of every person in our great country from east to west as important. after a brutal track down on political opposition, president vladimir putin is almost certain to extend his rule by another 6 years in moscow. thousands of kilometers to the west. many say they are voting for stability and prosperity. as of times, we expect the one and only the best of luck to me, of not the middle of which put them to continue this policy with the stability but only going with the person who smell him because he didn't make these changes. we did deal with bjc and we've many of pollutants, most powerful opponents, either in prison, exile or did the election offers no meaningful alternatives to the machine. it's
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a propaganda machine designed to make people think is directed to do a good job. and we're seeing the results, despite the gremlins crack down on the descent, some have risk of imprisonment to make their true feelings known. who rushes opposition movement has also support us together at polling stations at noon on sunday as a form of mass protest. but regardless of how many heat the cold, the outcome of this year's election is old, but such a need double use your a shadow has been based and read a long for you. since russian authorities closed down d w 's moscow bureau, i asked him a short time ago what we can expect from today's opposition events throughout the country. as we come to see how many people will come in there. yeah, and russia is a huge country and as a bizarre senior, both of these protest action is actually that is nothing extra old in the end. it's
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actually exactly what is the candle ones, namely, for russians to come to the polling stations, i'm off to all high turn out is examines goal. and depending on who is commenting on the cues in front of the paulding stations of the state, the media is saying, great people are finally coming to the polls to possibly vote for to, to add to the position media is saying people are protest. however, we will sort of just have issued the warnings. anyone who prevents of election procedure procedure they say is to be punished. many residents of moscow or receive such a warnings on their cell phones yesterday. well, we also have to be clear that these pro tests are not likely to change the outcome of the election. so can they have any kind of impact at all? well, if it was coming over the election, the all right, is certain a certain as the protest action today can no longer change that. but it's too important for the positions they say to show some kind of protest they don't want
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to give up. uh, we saw similar to use a few weeks ago when as a potential presidential candidate bodies and that desdun was collecting signatures . and she was the only anti war candidate because the own, your real position. so you got and she wasn't officially registered. never the less is the russian so many like minded people and it was important for them to know that they were not alone. and i think that positions once the same effect today that was dw 0. we're chateau enrica. well to india now where a date has been announced for the start of voting and parliamentary elections, it will begin on april 19th and last 6 weeks. surveys predict a comfortable victory for the ruling hendo nationalist beach, a party of prime minister moody in the eyes undertaking a democratic exercise that is unmatched in skin around 1000000000 eligible voters. because the board's beginning on april 19th, we have $97.00 cut,
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all the registered goddess, more than the combined border. so for a few continents put together, i mean, because you most certainly are many put together. well what? 10.5 less willing solutions. 1.5 could or pulling or if he showed since a good deal of reasons conduct goes on, it's indeed more tests elect more than 540 on the goes to the look about the lower house of parliament for be for just 5 minutes turned it in the mood, the enjoys overbuilding support would be, and his body has been and gone. been what for months? you know, create a new projects and thinking thoughts, and really just events. many of his support to see, he has brought to nomic prosperity. and if i can do some your murder, i am working hard to win your hearts and i am confident that i am moving in the right direction. my efforts to continue winning your hearts will continue. critics
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content moody has the breast, the rights of minorities, especially muslims. but that has not made a dent in his popularity is in the upcoming elections will the will be challenged by an alliance of from 2000 opposition parties. led by the main opposition, the indian national congress party, but the alliance has been struggling to stay united since more disreputable, but in 2014. the congress party, which do with india for 54 to 676 years, has been struggling to define it. since going to split it up, we've gone the, has drawn large crowds along across india walk, suggesting the opposition can still challenge the power from prime minister. the reason why mister movies has been, you know, successful really scary movies. do you know what it takes a moment and i think most of those on this is the only political leader the
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correspond usually pretty be body that's really taking the b u b. i don't the back to the soon take place at the ballot box. when indians decide who will lead the world's largest democracy. people of irish heritage are celebrating saint patrick's day. remembering the main patron saint of ireland, and traditionally marked by wearing green in many places, revelers have been getting a head start. in new york city, marching bands and community grooves paraded through the streets. the lightning onlookers with spectators dressing up to donning plus traditional costumes. and of course anything colored emerald green and thousands turned out in chicago to watch the city di it's a river green. it's an annual tradition going back some 70 years. the local plumber is union claims to use an environmental. we friendly powder that last about 5 hours
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of the happy saint patrick's day. to all of our viewers who are a celebrating you're up to date on the w news. i married a evans team from the entire team here in berlin. thanks for the company. the world in progress. that's tough calls to everyone who wants to know more about this topic that concern us about this story is beyond the headlines world in progress. the w cost cost and i wish i could have done more the same. you just click away, find out basic documentary on youtube.


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