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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 17, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm CET

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the, the business dw news lived from berlin, germany's chance law, whose crisis 8 talks in the middle east. the shoulders and jo done for meeting with a king. he said to travel on to ease around where he will add a ceasefire in the face of an ever western situation for civilians in gaza. also coming up russians a line up to vote. the president said election where the outcome is not in doubt. about supporters of alexi in a body. i also joining the cute and assign a position to flooding and pushing the
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i am eddie micah junior and you are welcome to the program. german jones lot of shelves is in the middle east, in hopes of bringing about the ceasefire in a conflict between each route and a mass which many countries consider the terrace group. he's held talks with a king of jo, done and will travel to ease all late for discussions with ease when the prime minister had of the trip show what's called an easy route to allow for a wide scale 8 access to gaza. the u. n. is one of widespread malnutrition that in germany has stepped up its efforts to bring in food and supplies. germany has joined a handful of countries, including the u. s. and france. power shooting aid into gaza. germany's air force dropped for tons of released goods into the territory on saturday to the foreign
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ministry in berlin says every package counts. it also says these efforts are just a drop in the ocean when it comes to what is actually needed throughout the night. the situations awful, we can eat or drink and eat is very scarce. so i the to help a lot of the international community has also started delivering released supplies to gaza by sea, via and usually operational maritime core door agencies of criticize these efforts as inefficient and insufficient. and they accused israel of deliberately delaying the entry of trucks carrying aid into gaza. israel says it's carrying out the necessary inspections. and none of the we keep waiting for kate, this is not a solution that kind of what the by ship or by plane on there's no salt planes dropping aid and people fighting over at the bottom of the yeah,
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there are some children who drowned in the see, trying to get the a wide scale aid accesses top of the agenda during german chancellor electronics is trip to the middle east. so our efforts to secure a ceasefire deal to see how small and talking to the device. we are concerned about the further advancement of ministry developments. in particular, there is a danger that's a full scale offensive him a lot faster for result in many terrible civilian casualties. this must be avoided at all costs and calmed muscle, bidding for beating that most. this so this is also something that would have to be discussed. i think that we would have to talk about a long term solution. the question of how a peaceful coexistence between a palestinian state and israel can succeed. schultz is meetings with the leaders of jordan and israel come as protesters once again take
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to the streets of tel aviv demanding early elections and a deal to free. the remaining hostages being held by him most in gaza. schultz is scheduled to meet with the families of some of those hostages. to talk more about the shields as bid at least visit. i am now joined by gentlest hodson militia in jordan's conference on mine and date of use tanya cream are in jerusalem. hello to you both the have them. let me start with you jump on. sounds stuff. show us just met with jordan skiing now, but the fast german ad drops out stopped at taking off from jo. then how, how shows been received and what was discussed a well, this is an important visit that i made of the international and western leaders visit to the region. and then the german, i translated visit to jordan and in nature as well is, is, is coming in and in this way as well. what has been discussed is, is, is, is
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a different topics. this visit is not limited to the crisis or the war in gals. i'm the to the relationship between the 2 countries. um that they celebrate to the, the, the 70 years of diplomatic relationship between jordan and germany and the in, on the official level lake. there was of a welcome of both of german efforts. but us for more um the, the king of the lot emphasized in the press conference that the, i'm a political pressure me to be imposed on all bodies to reach the ceasefire. i am for the air drops. it's important that the there is a, it drops into garza, but it's not enough people on the ground. they believe this is not enough and it was. and so the problem desktop ration is, is it close and people need more effort and more things to be done?
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right, sandia lots discussed, tanya. let me come to you shows is due to arrive there in the east route, fast to joey, southern where you are, and then let's a wow, what is he hoping to achieve? and these are all over all or you have to say it's the 2nd time that he comes that it came here shortly after the october 7th, the terror attacks, and then the war that started. and at that time, he was here assuring israel of germany's full solidarity of it's always tried to defend itself. i think this spot in line wouldn't change right now. but his concern here is, as he said in statements before leaving is you know, to come and to support as well, to get an agreement to bring others is really hostages home that are still being held in goals. and also about that you might determine a, if you just heard a gemini, has no also is of also know taking part in those 8 drops on god. so,
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but also of course he's coming, you know, it's a totally different time. it's no 6 months into the war, and there's a high test, told him on the civilian population goes over 31000 people according to the local authorities. there have been killed during the war. and of course, the united nations and other and organizations warning of division and mountain nutrition, especially among children, especially in northern goals. we're not enough age is coming in and that has been a more and more criticism also by western leaders, especially also from is most closest ally us presidential barden over the conduct of war. another, a very important topic for mister shows here is a looming, a military operation of israel in the software over 1000000 palestinians displaced, palestinians have been sheltering while the boy is going on with strikes also in
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that area. but of course, it is also difficult to see which countries like germany or other countries could do to prevent a israel from a going into roof. right? tanya cream i any 0 and hodson felicia in jordan, thank you us. let's look at some of the stories making headlines around the world. police and these are all have used. what kind of into this fast food testers demanding a post date? steve, that demonstrate does include that family members of hostages, still held in guns by the militants group. of mass purchases also demanded any elections and held signs for the sizes. and these are the prime minister. have been the main method. yeah. the indian navy has taken control of the ship, hijacked byte, some of the pirates in the indian ocean nearly 3 months ago. all 17 crew members with feet on hand, the navy said if any 5 pirates aboard the vessel so rented the surface, hijacked in december,
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raising the fears that piracy was resuming after several years of com. now to rochester, as those are the election where the fed and the final, the voting is taking place with a steady trickle of people entering pulling stations. and that's highly controlled . event rights across the vast country authorities are trying to encourage the high turnouts. opponents of louden and pollutants, the thousands of people took pots any form of silent protest by forming long queues of pulling stations on mid day. in the past 2 days that have been isolated, disruptions such as putting booths, being set on fire, and di poured into pallets boxes that i was little doubt as to what the result will be put in. would extend his almost quarter century and pub, by an additional 60 s a convoy of slaves crosses the frozen tundra of russia's remote northeast. they have travelled hundreds of kilometers to costs to the votes in russia's presidential election. we came from producing
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a 100 to make our choice. every voice of every person in our great country from east to west is important. after a brutal track down on political opposition, president vladimir putin is almost certain to extend his rule by another 6 years in moscow. thousands of kilometers to the west. many say they a voting for stability and prosperity. as of times, we expect the one and only the best of luck to me of lot, the middle of which put into continue his thoughts the business of the stability. we only come with the person who routes mount one because he wouldn't make these changes with the dealer. and we've many of pollutants, most powerful opponents, either in prison, exile or dead. the election offers no meaningful alternatives to the machine. it's a propaganda machine designed to make people think is directed to do a good job and we're seeing the results. despite the gremlins crack down on the
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descent, some have risk of imprisonment to make their true feelings known. who rushes opposition movement has also urged supporters to gather at polling stations at noon on sunday as a form of mass protest. but regardless of how many heat the cold, the outcome of this year's election is old. but such an absence, russian authorities shut down data of use bureau in moscow average if you it was set to has been reporting from read. hello you. thanks for joining us. it looks like more people like queuing opponent stations. now, do we know if they are bad to vote or responding to the positions call a well, let me put this way. i mean, i've never seen so many young people at an election even to using up to hold on a sunday lunchtime, apart from that, the answer. the question depends on who you ask. the central election commission in
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moscow should be happy, if in case they can say, hey russians, a cleaning up to fulfill is their democratic rights and civil duty and default and advanced exactly what are the crimes and wants about of course everyone. and especially the young people know why they came to the public stations today because of the protest colton noun against the boot. and i've seen a video of a 25 year old friend from seberio and instagram where he excitedly sassik. this is the 1st time she has joined so many like minded people that he is. so people in russia and people abroad can see that there's, there are quite a few people who don't agree with the contents of policies. right? talking about the election you how would you describe it so far, especially when you compared to previous ones as well, i would say on the one hand. so this is an election like any other wash for many, many years apart from vandalism here and there. even though the fire attacks at the
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polling stations about it, we know it has long been determined if there is no waiting for it or is it for the results. on the other hand, if this is a completely different until the accident is unusual, because it's of course, dominated by, well, we've been hearing about a tax on the russia for days. all schools will, for example, close on friday in the board. the region in the belgrade where there has been heavy shadowing from your grand for the last few days with us and interest and, and all our find the exploded in some, all right. yesterday. and to join that tax for a parent, apparently preventive to me, a must go this morning. all of this doesn't really make people in russia feel hopefully and confident about the very few chat about it. the next 6 years with what he meant to do is have all state's rights did i use you ever settle in vega? thank you. it's now a novel kind of direction. the nice land has fullest precedence to again evacuate
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in nearby town. less than a month after i do actually add to return after the previous interruption. as i have the best view of the latest crack in the south is coming to see about nights this direction is from the new volcanic fisher. an ice lens via t n is an incident that's about and i was drive from the capital re cubic this the for the reps into hits the area since december. it looks impressive. you from the sky at nights, but could spell trouble for the township of glinda. and its 4000 residence was on the move again. is there a mind no about top story, demons, house level shelves is in the middle east, in hopes of bringing about the ceasefire and the conflict between each route. and i'm us, he's held talks with a king of judah and will lead time travel to israel for discussions with a prime minister next and sports life needs. india is i will try
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mouth and mom who has to balance providing for the family with training full and competing. and some of the countries will screw in the basics. i am adding my kids right now to stay with us from one use at the top of the, the, enjoying the views, and come to take a look at these l t. v highlights every week in your inbox, subscribe. now. if we speak different languages, sugar from control, some country, how do we become different? how is discrete logic? want me to pull them in just a 100 days. my power is because of my family. what killed the.


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