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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 17, 2024 1:00pm-1:15pm CET

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the, the business, the, the news live from berlin, germany sounds lot travels to ease route to push for you see sy in gaza this up that little shelves and these needs jordan skiing and just these are out not step up this advance in the south of the territory, despite the threats of civilians and international pressure, these roles, prime minister says his forces will soon launch a ground defensive. also coming up. russians line up to vote in the presidential election where the outcome is not in doubts about supports us about like saying about the house of joining the cues, any sign of a position to go out in medford? the
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i, i'm eddie mike of junior and you are welcome to the program. german chancellor will love schultz is due to arrive shortly, and he's around where he's expected to as prime minister benjamin netanyahu not to on the ticket ground assault in south and gaza. now, natalie, i showed samantha with a king of jordan in hopes of stopping the conflicts from escalate and feather in jordan shoulds. one that fed that civilian casualties would make a less than piece and the region nearly impossible. in recent days, germany has stepped up its efforts to bring food and supplies into gaza. germany has joined a handful of countries, including the u. s. and france. power shooting aid into gaza. germany's air force dropped for tons of released goods into the territory on saturday. the foreign ministry in berlin says every package counts. it also says these efforts are just
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a drop in the ocean when it comes to what is actually needed throughout the night. the situation is awful. we can eat or drink and eat is very scarce. other to happen, a lot of the international community has also started delivering relief supplies to gaza by sea, via and usually operational maritime core door agencies have criticized these efforts as inefficient and insufficient. and they accused israel of deliberately delaying the entry of trucks carrying a into gaza. israel says it's carrying out the necessary inspections. i'm going to send none of the we keep waiting for kate. this is not the solution that kind of what the by ship or by plane and there is no salt planes dropping aid and people fighting over on beaumont. yeah. there are some children who drowned in
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the see trying to get the a wide scale 8 access this top of the agenda during german chancellor left shots this trip to the middle east. so our efforts to secure a ceasefire deal to see how the one song that invite we are concerned about the further advancement of ministry developments. in particular, there is a danger that's a full scale offensive and look off result in many terrible civilian casualties. this must be avoided at all costs come supplementing for meeting that most this. so this is also something that would have to be discussed. i think that we would have to talk about a long term solution. the question of how a peaceful coexistence between a palestinian state and israel can succeed. schultz is meetings with the leaders of jordan and israel comes protesters once again take to the streets of tel aviv demanding early elections and
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a deal to free. the remaining hostages being held by him most in gaza. schultz is scheduled to meet with the families of some of those hostages. that's crossover about to date of use tonya claim out in jerusalem, where the germans hands lies, expect it to arrive shortly. tanya, use us in is that prime minister netanyahu says these are all i mean, we'll go into rough. ok, that's this fights international pressure. we also just had the german child specials going sense. what do you make of that at this point in time when shows is due to arrive in a bit a while the her to a prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, the time and time again that she said that is when needs to go into the office to eliminate him austin, to achieve as well as goal to remove her from us from power. but she said no gun because the prussia is mounting as you said. and they have been many here saying
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this populace in reference to a criticism, very shop criticism, a from the u. s, administration a he approved on a friday a. the puns of the is really military to go into rough. of course. there's no time 9 different to the how and when this will happen, but also approve the times to evacuate the civilian population in. and also for, and of course now we are having also, after this announcement on friday, now the visit of the german chancellor is here in the region. and he has been saying as well that an offensive and with off would make it would make a regional piece of very difficult and that this is something that he would bring to the talks with mister netanyahu this afternoon. but also one more point to the timing of this announcement on friday is rather is of there are talks going on in direct tweaks uh to get to a, uh, an agreement between israel and thomas
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a to release hostages and come to temporary si size. so this is also seen by many here, you know, to put additional, and he said it himself, military pressure on him us. so tanya, as things spend, nothing seems to be changing the mind of parameters that mean that then yahoo, so what is shoulds hoping to achieve when he gets there or? well, i think, i mean, he said to himself, so one of the main arguments he wants to bring here is of course, talking about this potentially offensive in the off of uh, the german chancellor is here for the 2nd time. the 1st, some of us just the shortly in the days off to the terror attacks on october 7, a wind and also the war started at that time he assured, is read off. germany's a full solidarity of, uh, it was right to defend itself. i think this will, of course of no change given the german is really relationship. he also will
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a certainly talk about the need for more humanitarian aids that needs to go in into garza and germany is now taking part in those 8 drops. but also of course, helping is road to achieve, you know, a new deal to get those remaining uh, hostages released and get to a at least a temporary cease fire. okay, and i've used tanya cream in there. was that a? thank you. let's go to rochester presidential election where the fed and find out the voting thing is taking place for that study. trickle of people entering, pulling stations and the type of a controlled event right across the vast country. critics of vladimir puts in got an advert. greeves opposition, politicians. alexandra vonnie in moscow. is optimization. say about thousands of people to pass any form of silence protests by forming long keywords that pulling stations on mid day. in the past 2 days that have been isolates that disruptions
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such as putting boots, being set on fire and die pointing to balance boxes. but i was little doubt as to what the results will be put in one, extend his almost a quarter century in power by an additional 6. yes. it's use you ever said so? it has been based. it'll be the last, the since the rest of the thirty's close down to the views most cool bureau. i asked him if people keeping up with in stations out voting for. if you're responding to a position calls well, let me put this way and i have never seen so many young people at an election even to using up to vote on a sunday lunchtime. apart from that, the answer, the question depends on who you ask the essential election commission in moscow shouldn't be happy. if in case they can say, hey russians, a cleaning up to fulfill is their democratic rights and civil duty and default and advanced exactly what the candid wants about. of course, everyone,
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and especially the young people know why they came to the public stations today because of the protest colton noun against boot. and i've seen a video of a 25 year old friend from seberio and instagram, where he excitedly sassik got to this is the 1st time she has joined so many like minded people in years. so people in russia and people abroad can see that there's, there are quite a few people who don't agree with the policies, right? talking about the election you how would you describe it so 5, especially when you compared to previous ones or well, i would say on the one hand, so this is an election like any other option for many, many years apart from vandalism, here and there. even though the fire attacks at pulling stations about it, we know it has long been determined is there is no waiting of it or is it for the results? on the other hand, as this is a completely different election,
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is unusual because it's of course dominated by well, we've been hearing about a tax on the roster for days. all schools will, for example, close on friday in the board. the region of belgrade, where there has been heavy shadowing from your grand for the last few days with us and interest and, and all our find the exploded and some, all right. yesterday and to join that tech support, a parent apparently prevented me in moscow this morning. all of this doesn't really make people in russia feel hopefully and confident about their future about it the next 6 years with what he meant to do is have all state's rights did i use you ever settle in riga? thank you. is now in a show of solidarity with a noon against boots in protest, demonstrates as i've got it outside the russian embassy here in the gym and capital telling me now is the w steep international light. it's average at walker, who is that this protest invalid and had a richard. we understand that juliet and of all night that we do of russian
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position. indeed, i'll explain a bound. he took part in the protest in berlin. tell us more. yes, sir. edu. yeah, we do understand that usually on nevada i is. he is so close to the protest. this has taken part, but just to take him place just by me here, he's been seen at the back of the line to, to vote here and organized as i've been talking through here, say that she wants to try to cost of up to you. and then they're hoping that she's going to address this protest so, so certainly a bunch of excitements about her presence here. also, michelle quoted kosky, a prominent russian, former businessman and accel in opposite opponents of lighting. my preaching has been speaking of the protest. you were just give you a sense of what we have here at a we've been talking about these long lines of process. what will check check this out here. so this is a line just going into the entrance to the embassy where people are actually going into the empty building and voting. so if we just kind of costs arise, post this line, look how many people are here. so it goes all the way down the street to it to that
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corner there. and then it goes around the corner and then run the next corner and all the way back again. and we'll wait to hear about a line that is at least to columbus along probably longer than that. and 23456 people wide. so a lot of people have come here. we've spoken to a lot of people. it's certainly i would say the majority of the people we get a sense of opponents of vladimir putin, but certainly not. oh, there are also people who say that they've come here to support him. lots of those being quite hostile to us is going to, i love we, we noted that, but all the people here a saying they want to come a vote. they want to make sure that they have vote does not get abused, have like an air pollutants purposes. and that's the reason that they've come here . so yeah, we'll be watching that the, the, the event here today and kind of close looking out for you. yeah. and have on the right, we are the, i saw some live pictures of that. the w stevens and outside service of walk. you are these protest take care and thank you richard. it's kind of like an iceland.
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how's the rob to for the full time in 3 months, few in bright orange streams of lava into the night sky. a state of emergency has been declared in the by the effect of the areas that forced the recreation of one of iceland top tourist attractions, the blue lagoon swimming area. who's the boss in a deal time, a bull turned into an alarming moment at sign and sounded to one of the long can you get an option nearby? i've never experienced anything like that before. i'll be honest. i wasn't scared or anything. i hope everybody got out. okay, but it really was the experience that i like. and i'm like at the same time. well, how could this happen? i couldn't wait to come here for the 4th time since december law has been spewing from an interrupting plugin. oh, it appears to be flowing, solved towards dyke's business to protect the fishing village, good enough to make you waiting. all right,
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love is coming. hundreds of people have been evacuated again, including many to it is listing near the affected area. this was definitely expected that had already been uh, several um, statements issued from the athletic iceland dick metz office about an imminent eruption in the area. but of course, the exact time of it uh, starting is not. it's not possible to predict heartland is a home to 33 active volcano systems, the highest number in europe. geophysicist see this latest interruption is one of the most powerful in so far. this is a reminder about the upstarts germantown is level of shows, is due to arrive shortly, and these are out where he's expect, that's as prime minister benjamin netanyahu not to on the ground. the salt in south
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and gaza area sholtes. and that's with the king of joe down in hopes of stopping the conflict from escalates in favor for 4 tires. i'm next looking at the less than the emissions in speech and from one use of the top of the out. the old friends mean friends can nature defend itself in case of an emergency? we cannot guarantee that we could protect meaning franklin, berlin, santa faced with rushes were against due to grace's military alliance faces means right.


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