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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 17, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CET

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the, the business, the, the news lies from berlin. alexei in awhile, and these widow joins on, on people's input testing. gemini, julia, another on i out. she is outside the russian, investigating fred and saying she intends to vote in the presidential election. it's done with uh, thousands of other people cabinets it demonstrates against the russian data on the wall ukraine. meanwhile, the dresser, thousands more line up outside portland stations and the sign of a position to a vote aimed at extending black importance, hold on power. and you have a nice chance about travels to peace route to push for eastern sky garza. this
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ensemble schoultz reads the king of jordan an address. these are all noticed that popular funds the solve, the i am eddie micah junior, and you are welcome to the program. thousands of people outlining up the russian embassy here in bed and the cost the balance on the final day of russia's presidential election, as well as running against the government. the vast majority of supporting the noun against puts in protests called by the organization of a position politician alexander javante, who died in the russian prison last month as we do. yeah, another on i find that is among the processed us in atlanta. so there's also mikhail cutoff scheme for my own magnate deal with 5 put in seminar process that
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taking place on russian embassies around the world. and in russia itself are joining me now is the w. c. things and not. so i'll edit that, richard walker, who is at the protest, invalid and richard. yeah, nevada naya is taking pots and that protest in berlin. how is that going? yeah, so i mean this was a, is a big surprise for people attending a hearing by lynn today. is that the arrival of julia novell, nyah, and she has been in this line now for i think like kind of adding it up between 2 and 3 hours now. you know, patiently standing in line with everybody else here. she just recently like in the last few minutes, went around this corner. i'm waiting to cost have vote in elections up. most of the people i think is fair to say here who a gather to you, realize what really change anything. and of course, the fact that she's come here just weeks off to her husband died in suspicious comes nonsense in
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a russian jail off to multiple assassination attempts before him in the past. it really is seen is quite a remarkable thing. and i think it was something is definitely, it's definitely going down as a boost to it, to a position supporters who are here voting in berlin and every now and again this being a sort of a gathering of people around your land, usually a novel. now i have to talk with people being slapping high, i've seen some of the just now has support is getting quite emotional. i think of closer of what she's been going through in recent weeks. right? julia natal naya is expected to vote inside the russian embassy, meaning she will be on russian territory. isn't that that costs or consent? yeah, so i mean, i think you have to see this is something of a calculated risk on the behalf of you, your number on my end to our team, essentially kind of testing the rest and regime a little bit. you know, what do they do if i go in that and tell us to vote that we've spoken to
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a couple of people from a circle. one person saying that you know, that a wooden dash, you do understand, you know, what, what could they possibly do? but of course, this is a regime that has crossed all sorts of lines in the past that nobody ever saw it, that they would do so, i think as something of a calculated risk. but of course, the hope is that you'll be able to cost a balance, and then she will appear at the protest just outside the embassy here and to with our you get to see of course what she has to say. yeah, well looking forward to that, but you've been speaking to other people who are protesting. what are they telling you? yeah, so, i mean, of course, what we see here, this line is not officially a protest. this is people queueing up to vote. but of course, for many of many of the people here, they do see it as an implicit protest. we've spoken to a lot of people in the line here, sending you the majority. do come across as n t preaching people either explicitly or implicitly. people saying that they want
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to come across that vote, even though they know that it what really changing the thing, but they don't want to leave the russian regime the opportunity to do what it wants with that folks. but we've also spoken to people who evidently pro poochie and some of them have certainly been quite hostile towards us is west of media to us us, his thoughts develop. one person seemed to refuse to acknowledge that i was talking to him. another person really literally just told me to go away, so that being elements of tension among some areas of the line here. but broadly speaking, i think it's been a almost surprisingly positive mood to have a nice thing. of course, the presence of julia and of all, naya is a big part of that, given quite a moral boost to people here. coming out on this election day. did of use chief international editor richard walker. thank you. of the right size studies, trifle up, people are entering pulling stations across the country. and this tied to the
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control of the election context of a lot of inputs and gather up agreeable position. politician like say, in the body in moscow, in the past 2 days, they have been isolated disruptions such as pulling boots, being set on fire, and di forwarding to bundled foxes, but there was little doubt to bob. the final results put in will extend his almost quarter century and by an additional 60 s to the middle east. now, where gemini sounds a lot, a lot schultz is out in pressure awful. we ceased by i do between these are out and i'm us this morning and he was in jordan where he help talked with king opted out. charles is also traveling to ease or out to meet with prime minister. i mean, you mean that again is visit, comes as germany joins the handful of nations, our i sheets anybody supplies into gaza gets and these are out to allow wide skill aid access to the territory. so now that top priority on district shelves as best as comes as nothing else, vows to move forward with ease, arouse ground,
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defensive on rafa, that's despite international pressure. more than 1000000 palestinians are currenty thought, to be sheltering from the fighting. that the set of issues and all that is why i have made it very clear as has the american president, that we believe that everything must be done very, very carefully to avoid further large numbers of casualties. and that is also why i am concerned about such an operations and as spoke to dw sco respondents interviews that i'm telling you, i call you about i asked that what she makes up prime. and as i mentioned, i was comments as ourselves, that's 30 as well. we heard the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, the time and time again that she said, that is where needs to go into about us to eliminate homos and to achieve as well as goal to remove her from us from power. but she said no again,
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because the pressure is mounting as you said. and there have been many here saying this is probably also in reference to a criticism, very shop criticism, a from the u. s. administration. he approved on a friday, a depends of the is really military to go into rough. of course. there is no timeline given to the how and when this will happen, but also approve the times to evacuate the civilian population in and also off. and of course now we are having also, after this announcement on friday, now the visit of the german chancellor is here in the region. and he has been saying as well that an offensive in golf house would make it would make a regional piece of very difficult and that this is something that he would bring to the talks with mister netanyahu this afternoon. but also one more point to the timing of this announcement on friday is rather, is of there are talks going on in direct tweaks to get to a, a,
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an agreement between israel and thomas a to release hostages and come to temporary si size. so this is also seen by many here, you know, to put additional, and he said of himself military pressure on from us. so tanya, as things stand, nothing seems to be changing the mind of primaries that mean that's an yahoo. so what a shows hoping to achieve when he gets there, as well, i signed them in, he said to himself. so one of the main arguments he wants to bring here is of course, talking about this potentially offensive in the office. did german chancellor is here for the 2nd time, the 1st, some of us just the shortly in the days off to the terror attacks on october 7, a wind and also the war. a started at that time, he assured, is read off. germany's a full solidarity off is what it's right to defend itself. i think this will of
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course of no change given the german is really relationship. he also will a certainly talk about the need for more humanitarian aids that needs to go in into gaza. and germany is now taking part in those 8 drops. but also, of course, helping is road to achieve, you know, a new deal to get those remaining. uh, hostages released and get to a at least a temporary cease fire. okay. do you have used tanya cream i into is that them? thank you. let's, i've got some more stories made of headlines around the world police and these are out have use what kind of into it as fast for testers, demanding a cost dates deal that i'm going straight. testing through that family member as opposed to just still held in guys out by the many times group. i'm us with us as also demanded at elections in health science to criticize and these are the prime minister. and you mean that to go to india. navy has taken control of a ship,
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hijacked by some of the pirates in the indian ocean. nearly 3 months ago, all 17 crew members with feet and the navy said that $35.00 pirates aboard the vessel surrendered. the ship was hijacked in december, raising the fuse, the piracy was resuming after several years of com. a long guessing has become the new lead out of whales. and the fast black leader of the country doesn't want that leadership contests for the welsh. they've apache, after his pretty says that announced plans to step down the street. you will have some control over education, health and economic policy, but a sponsor, the united kingdom u. k alone because the site on many of the policies affecting the country. kentucky e content i should have passed miscalculate as a duck in maneuver and crashed into dockside trains, sending them toppling down onto the ship and stacks of containers. the incidents took place in the ports around 100 kilometers. the space stumbled local media
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reports say no one was injured in the incidence of economy in iceland has interrupted for the 4th time in 3 months, few in bright orange streams of lava into the night sky. a state of emergency has been declared in the by the affected areas, forced the recreation of one of the licensed top taurus attractions. the blue logo in the swimming area. look who's he bought in the deal time i pulled turned into an alarming moment and sign and sounded to one of the can you get an option nearby? i've never experienced anything like that before. i'll be honest. i wasn't scared or anything. i hope everybody got out. okay, but it really was an experience that i and i'm like at the same time. wow. how could this happen? i couldn't wait to come here for the port time since december law has been spewing for roman interrupting plugin. oh,
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it appears to be flowing south towards dyke's village to protect the fishing village. good, endemic back you waiting. all right, law. this coming hundreds of people have been evicted, a gain including many to it. is this thing near the effected area. and this was definitely expected that had already been uh, several um, statements issued from the athletic iceland mets office. about an imminent eruption in the area. but of course, the exact time of it uh, starting is not. it's not possible to predict heartland as a home to 33 active volcano systems, the highest number in europe as geophysicist see, this latest adoption is one of the most powerful in so far. a thousands have taken pads and the saint patrick's day parade in central tokyo to celebrate
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the irish heritage people dams and matched on the streets with japanese bands. the irish music with back typhus. the farm is down, the green alphabets, and some rocks and greet type spectators. lining the streets and waving irish flags until 258 is upon this largest st. patrick's day. celebration holiday commemorates islands, patron saints, and is famous worldwide among the irish das for the is or am i know about tough stories like say and about. and these we do has joined down until you put into a testing gemini, you'll be out of an eye out is demanding to be left into the russian embassy to vote in the presidential election to joins thousands of other people. got it in berlin to demonstrate against the russian meta and the war against the crane.
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german sounds a little of show it is due to arrive shortly and these are all where he's expected to edge prime minister benjamin netanyahu not to undertake a ground assault in southam, gatzo at assholes. and that's where the king of jo, down in hopes of stopping the conflict from escalate to bennett. and joe after dates during awesome own use until for the old friends mean friends can, may so defend itself in case of an emergency. we cannot guarantee that we could protect munich frankfurt. berlin can't do it. faced with russia is more against ukraine. the world's graces ministry lines shows weakness. can nato offer its members suspicion protection? europeans security basically depends the 90 percent on the us if it were attacked.
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what the alliance really.


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