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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  March 17, 2024 3:15pm-3:31pm CET

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edge prime minister benjamin netanyahu not too annotated ground assaults in south and gas assholes, and that's where the king of jo, down in hopes of stopping the conflict from escalate to bennett. and you are up to date, join us on mon use, and until for the old friends mean friends and nature defend itself in case of an emergency. we cannot guarantee that we could protect munich frankfurt, berlin, santa faced with russia 0 against ukraine. graces ministry lines shows we can nato offer its members suspicion protection europeans security basically depends on 90 percent on the us basic were attacked. what the alliance really close rang out to call the document
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nation starts april fools on dw, the volleyball stash. how real kind is fidgeted. clone for an advertising campaign. ads and rated fashion models can be tall, short plus size, skinny, and apps can now help you finish your home. digital marketing, it's increasingly personalized with the help of a i. this is changing the advertising industry, but how exactly? that's our topic on shift today. the ex thing has always been a competitive profession, but with the rise of artificial intelligence actors starting to feel for their careers. this is down to so called gen with a i, which is playing and then increasing the important role in the film business. the
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same goes for the advertising industry. here's an example from in the back by syria . stop. how can you imagine hollywood superstar shot root con, promoting a small shop in your city? is there any up you know, up in the past one of the session of and boy and stacy in fact, doing ads for thousands of shops all across india made it possible. but every day they live in the country to create a video ad for themselves. of like a big celebrity endorsed, thinking this shut up. this became a reality thanks to generative advertising. generative advertising means, you know, loved them is need to the card every single piece of advertising. you can use very center breakthroughs, executive ed, technology, and use people's business loans to create hundreds of thousands of video. i've created 10 a campaign for the hindu festival of lights. devali
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a. i started up rephrase. partnered with an international advertising agency and shot a short video with superstar shar root con. after training and a model with this footage, the start of created a platform where small shop owners could produce their own chart root con, advert. more than a $100000.00 entrepreneurs took advantage of the service expressions and could possibly left with collections. see, the world of advertising is changing, and thanks to ai ads can now feature of variety of people depending on the audience they're intended for. without re shooting the video. you could even see celebrities rising from the dead to star into commercials. i was interesting time, 1874. as fascinating as this new technology is,
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the risks are obvious. let's say a company has the rights to us the liberties digital clone. how do they make sure the clone won't be used for another purpose? rephrase a i a company which turns text into video checks every text input they receive. but ashery, i'm a whole truck points out that it's always the creator who's responsible for how the software is used. it's just enough to convince the liberties that they're digital reproduction is safe and won't be used in other context and could i help make adds more relevant for you? oh, well, so liberty endorsements completely lose their meaning. all the possibilities for the marketing. well, the end that's the, especially the ad industry, makes use of data harvested online. this data is then analyzed and used by i to create a perfectly tailored user experience. this is known as hypoth personalization. let's take a look a i can adjust the commercials that we are shown depending on who sees it.
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with the help of user data, they will be tailored to us experts call this hyper personalization. in the past, a single tv commercial would be produced by entire country put on social media. personalized advertising has become the standard. now the ads you see depend on your interest. with the help of a commercials will be able to target each person individually is going to be a hybrid, personalized $1.00 to $1.00 directing video. instead of using the same video ad, clear to and, and sending it to do with the ad campaign with the shell rubicon, from earlier made use of g o data. that means users got to see different versions of the clip depending on the area they lived in. but advertisers know a whole lot more about us than that. i the nation. go to the email, we don't get to promoting a movie about an undercover cop. rephrase
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a i utilized user data such as the name or the last movie ticket, purchased online the back month. they moved us through them and then we get off with ease normally with a so that seems pretty creepy if you ask me. but it could become standard practice to him because it allows celebrities to speak hundreds of different languages fluently. in the day i advertising campaign and teams to post the messy invites fans to watch soccer together. she addresses the past by name for with anyone can get a mess the message. the idea behind the campaign is simple. the more personalized advertising becomes, the more successful it will be. a process of marketing cook blanca is convinced of this. having a sales person speak of their name specifically on it, it's sort of throws, throws people in, and that's why they want to share it. they want to, uh,
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engage with that message. people want to see themselves reflected in advertising, but not everyone looks like the people we usually see. and that's, that's why modeling agencies are increasingly embracing diversity models now come in all shapes, ages, colors and size of people with disabilities. a book more and more to however, engaging so many different people for their products is expensive for companies that's pay the way for agencies that utilize a i fashion models that's cheaper and just as diverse to the amsterdam modeling agency law land once to revolutionize the fashion industry, their models are real people, you won't see them stretching down catwalks. rather they've been generated by artificial intelligence, the founder of the agency, michael and assigned to sees a gap in the market looking historically uh why the company came into inception. i'm a person of color means that i felt the pain point that you and consumers do way you
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never feel like you see a model that looks like this. so. so the best way to predict the future is to create it. and in that land, the reason that robin was born was to create more representation, more and more fashion is being sold online to give people back home a better idea of how an item will suit them. models online will be available in every size, age, and skin color. a cost effective way for brands to represent the diversity is the ai generated fashion model. but when closing brand, levi is announced a test collaboration with lola land and early 20. 23 critics spoke out when it comes to brands using a i generated models, what we might see is an illusion of diversity, where the models are diverse, but the people on the payroll controlling those identities aren't. and that's a problem. digital fashion models aren't completely
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new though. sure to graham or new nori, for example, they don't only look beautiful that can actually work several jobs. and once they to cause to stir in the fashion scene, even before the a, i boom and was a mazda abilities, are endless. i can pick them under water and have them dance on a volcano. i can even put them on a foreign planet. that's what makes it so fascinating. just one of the reasons marketing professor kirk kind or believe a i models will become popular and advertising. kennedy, i'm model tremendous potential to really talk to the consumer in a very specific and persuasive way because they can look very similar to themselves that the consumer themselves or, or a family member, a trusted friend. but the expert also warns that this new technology could make
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consumers lose trust in companies regarding the, the crisis of trust. i think very soon, if not right now we, we, as consumers feel really frustrated because we're not sure that, that, that image, that video, that the recording of a voice is it's actually authentic. it's almost impossible to discern what, what is real and what is fig. of at least for the average consumer real all fake. it's a question we're having to ask ourselves more and more often when browsing online. so why not go all the way and have a i produce a commercial on its own. a lot of them based marketing company did just that. and then by road with the results to pick those uncanny, those look at the people and the big cans. all the images were created by text inputs, so called prompts mostly with the open source. a. i modeled stable diffusion. another technology that makes online shopping easy,
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a is augmented reality. nowadays, all you need to try out a new piece of furniture for your home is a smartphone. we'll that arm chair you spotted earlier. look as good in your living room as it did in the show room. ready which pair of glasses suit you best. holographic augmented reality apps allow users to test items before buying them online. they're increasingly being used in advertising. last year spending on a our campaigns more than doubled the world wide, totaling more than 3200000000 years. the apps open the doors for a new kind of online shopping, the new number about sell you something is about you to try something and then and then july kids and you feel this is something you like and you can buy it . so it's like more like not just improve, save marketing advertisement experience, but actually kind of pre trial or something, you know,
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low cost or possibly using holographic a. our apps is simpler than you might think. all you need is a smartphone. this is because the apps work with filter, much like those on snapshot or instagram. anyone in the mood for re decorating can easily get out their smartphones and scan the room. the app and measures the space . recognize as prominent features such as windows and doors, and generates a 3 d model. the tracking technology makes it possible to precisely follow the smartphones movement in the room and place the furniture exactly where it's wanted the. this is it so you can always do it in the early stage, but in the future that will change how people feel about marketing at nevada. it's not like you see this jack's e mail, or just the phone calls, or just, you know, the, you know, text of those things right. it will be blended in the much dreaded task of lugging
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new furniture up the stairs, however, is still a reality. but you can be sure of one thing. the new arm chair will fit personalized advertising based on audio, visual intelligence and documented reality has huge potential for advertises. but when the algorithm predicts my interest to, well, i do wonder, does it know to match? what do you think? does hype a personalized advertising appeal to you? that is no by and see you next time. the flamingos, albania is not. is an internationally recognized nature.
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the public government says on the boosting tours and by building and as pushing climate get create the next on d w. which here superstition reality. they are assigned to this day. the dw reporter causing him still follows in the footsteps of her and sister who is at stake is the sound logy of which is really a thing of the past. in 16 minutes, d, w. these places in europe smashing the rank one step into a bold adventure the treasure map for martin globetrotters
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describe it as some of us wrinkled, begging sites on youtube, and also the a sanctuary full books in southern albania. each year journey comes the books in nor to lagoon. every day we can count here from 2000 up to 4000 the individuals if we put the airplane here to be completed. the disaster nearby is the government is building an international airport right in the middle of a nature preserve.


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