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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 17, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

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the the, this is the, the news live from berlin, alex, they know volunteers, we to join. sometimes he puts input testing, gemini, julia and i've on high up. he is outside the russian embassy in berlin. sayings he intends to vote in the presidential election, standing with thousands of other people. cabinets demonstrates against the russian leader and the ukraine. meanwhile, the in russia thousands more line up outside pulling stations and assign a position to have boats, and that's extending flat importance. hold on power and after meeting the king of jordan, germany's towns law as an eas, ralph, or talks off shelves,
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is pushing police sci fi and gaza and address. these are almost prime minister to not step up in such bonds. the south of the charge, the i, i'm eddie mike of junior and you are welcome to the program. thousands of people outlining up the russian embassy here in bel in the costs the ballots on the final day of russia's presidential election as well as roddy against the government. the vast majority supports in the noun against puts in protest, code by the organization of position vida, alexander vonnie, who died in a russian prison last month. as we do, usually unable naya is among the processes in berlin. let me call a kosky informa. mike needs to deal with buy puts in is also that similar process that taking place at russian embassies around the world and in russia itself.
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joining me now is that of use cheese, international edits that richard walker, who is at the protest, invalid and richard judy on the phone. i a has been getting close out to the russian embassy doors here in berlin. what more can you tell us? yeah, that's right. eddie sir, if you look behind me, we have the line that is kind of stretching all around the embassy so. so this is a line getting close to the embassy door wave where people actually go into vote. and right now if you look to, is that police find that we think that usually a nevaeh light is just behind. so she's been in this line for, for going on for 4 hours now. so, and if you just think about it, this line is really wrapping around this entire embassy building, which is giant in the center of balance. and also the road behind it and sort of sneaking around on it. so you've got thousands of people in this line. and many of them waiting, i mean the last people i spoke to said they'd been waiting for full plus hours as
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well. so it's a really high level of commitment here to be, to be taking policy and this selection. and of course, no commitment grades have been julia and of all i have self who, whose husband is. he just mentioned the course died just weeks ago. and she's come out to, to show solidarity with her supporters and to send a very strong signal here. but of course, there's an element of calculated risk bike going into the embassy compound and sheet sets with a russian. so and with the russian government in the kind of condition that it seeing no one can really trust date, not to try to pull something. so certain amount of calculated risk being taken there, i think. but we spoke to one person, then you'll get num. oh, nice cool. who said they wouldn't dare, in terms of whether the russians might try to to do something and i tried to arrest her whatever what one might imagine. so, but of course, what we'll see here in berlin, when she comes out, what she has to say about her experience in that voting rights rates. i mean,
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the results of ross's presidents that election is expected to so as to be on the sites, the president that puts in guessing under that attends in office. so what are these people gather? they're actually hoping to achieve. yeah, well i think, i mean everyone here, especially the losing opponents are standing here. they certainly know that this election is, is um, essentially, but still, i think they've made the decisions that a dispatcher to come out to show that faces. and to at least be in control of making some kind of mock, whether they spoil a pile of paper or vote for different candidates rather than completely leaving that to, to the russian government to, to, to play, to is advantage. so, so i think that's part of the calculation we spoke to a lot of people here who said that, you know, they appreciated the opportunity to, to, to meet like minded people for the, for this community to come together in one place. one time, a pretty rare thing,
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but that also puts in support to see some of them being pretty hostile to those opponents of the fruits and regime, but also to the west and media. so, so mostly a pretty peaceful and positive atmosphere here, but not unit for me. did of use chief international edits average at welcome. thank you. now for the view close out to russia, i'm joining now i did of use. so i gave a set that off ski in riga w housing base and we got since rather than a thirty's close down, i must go through say thank you for your time rations were asked by open sessions, i guess to 10 up. i put in stations at noon, what kind of response did that get? so there is only one hour left until the official and of the presidential election and russia. but my social media is still flooded with pictures and videos showing the russians who are landing up at boiling stations in large numbers, actually
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a hand across the country. as of now they saw some of them had been doing up for hours and this is something that you would have never seen that previous selection . since that is why we can say, for sure that most of this people do, decided to show up at the following statements. just to join the protest known against which and which means that the, some of them would the cost the ballots and vote for anyone other than $14.00 or they would just, uh, uh, maybe avoiding the ballots. or some of them just decided to come and to, to feel empowered by being surrounded by like minded people. and the also worth mentioning the direction of 1st aid propaganda and the some officials because they're trying to explain why so many people decided to come to bowling stations. and in some regions like novice abuse because the local administration issued
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a press release saying that the it's security some measures that are to blame for, for the crowds and the but sometimes the propaganda just mansions. this lies to prove the high involvement of russians in the selection. right? i mean, you started talking about it's area you, we know the outcome of this election. but let me ask, has there been anything different about this particular election compared to previous ones? sale of course, it is the source presidential election to be held in the russia since the russian visits ukraine to 2 years ago. and the criminal was doing his best to demonstrate that though the country is a waging of war, you'll cry, and it is your you can still feel safe though, when you are in russian when you leave in the country. but for the, the feeling is different because ukraine, these days hasn't been so far,
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it strikes inside the country. and the local authorities in belgrade was reported. a 16 year old old girl died in a, in the shelling. and also there are various reports about the drawing of tax in a, in the, in different regions. and of course, i should, i should mentioned that it is for the 1st time in the history of russian elections . that of the following stations are on the right tax. so, so some voters come on the set, the stations on fire by throwing most of cool sales. sometimes you know, the, i don't know they just for inc into a voting of voting boxes. yeah, yeah. yeah, i got this is some of the stuff here that we have never seen before. yeah. different times in the state of use said a southern of ski, n v g a. thank you. are these right now with the german chancellor. all that solves
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is due to hold talks where these are the prime minister benjamin netanyahu in jerusalem shows as it comes. i made grow in by lateral tensions. nobody's rel, school against a mouse in the gaza strip shows was just in jo done for talks with king abdulla. he's pushing for sci fi and gather to get more humanitarian aid to palestinian civilians facing widespread honk. of that. he also came out against any plan, so any invasion of ref, fucked in the strip, which and it's now who vows to go ahead with more than a 1000000 displace palestinians. uh sheltering rafa dis, a have issued canals and that is why i have made it very clear as has the american president that we believe that everything must be done very, very carefully to avoid further large numbers of casualties. and that is also why i am concerned about such an operations. joining me here in a studio is dw,
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and at least on our list, sony will sign is low sounding. welcome, straightforward. what can we expect from this meeting? well, that's a lot. i'm on the agenda, we're still waiting to see what's happening with the deal. the hostages is on the table, but for the world is concerned with in charlotte as well as the aid coming into guys of the humanitarian to so it situation cause of that the good to we know of more and more reports of the, of the verge of famine, industry, and what also connected to that, of course, is what happening in rough uh, the southern city of this trip where we have now more than 1200000 palestinians gathering and unbelievably hard conditions. this is what's on the table now is real claims and it's now himself to set on friday. he has authorized the plans for a mass invasion ground operation for the military army into off, off. and this is exactly what the international community is very much afraid of because of the potential deadliness of such a parisian, with so many civilians crammed into one space, right?
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will be coming to you for much more and that to the view. and there is on this on it. thank you very much. i us now before we get more on that, let's look at some of the out of stories making headlines around the world. police and eas route have used boards are kinda into distress, furthest as demanding a phosphate steel that demonstrate testing to that family members of hostages, and still held the guys up by the many tons crew come on board as also demanded adding elections and held signs. criticizing these, any problem is that mean nothing else being done, navy has taken control of a ship, hijacked by somebody, pirates in the indian ocean. you know, 3 months ago, all 17 crew members with we were feed on hand. the navy said that the $35.00 pirates aboard the vessels so rented the simplest, hijacked in december reason, fiesta piracy was resuming after several years of calm.
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one guessing has become the new leader whales, and the 1st black leader of the country gathering one w that ship contest for the welsh day of a party. after his previously announced plans to step down, they will have some control over education health, any kind of make policy by the spots of the united kingdom, u. k. allow me to decide on many of our policies affecting the country kentucky, a container ship has miscalculated. a document maneuver in crusting to dockside trains, sending them toppling down onto the ship and stacks of containers. the incident took place in the ports around 100. let me test the store based on both local media reports. the no one was injured in the incidence of o'connell in iceland has erupt that for the full time in 3 months. so you in brights are in streams of lava into the night sky. the state of emergency has been declared in the by the affected areas is forced to the recreation of one of iceland top tourist
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attractions. that's the blue lagoon and swimming area of the luck, whose he bought the deal time i pulled turned into an alarming woman at sign and sounded to one of the can you get an option nearby? i've never experienced anything like that before. i'll be honest. i wasn't scared or anything. i hope everybody got out. okay. but it really was the experience that i and i'm like at the same time. wow. how could this happen? i couldn't wait to come here. for the 4th time since december law has been spewing for roman interrupting plugin. oh, it appears to be flowing south towards dyke's village to protect the fishing village. good. endemic back you waiting. all right, law. this coming hundreds of people have been evicted to gain, including many to it is 15 near the effected area. this was definitely
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expected that had already been uh, several um, statements issued from the ice leather iceland. dick metz office about an imminent eruption in the area, but of course, the exact time of it, the starting is not. it's not possible to predict iceland, it's a home to 33 active volcano systems, the highest number in europe. geophysicist see this latest interruption is one of the most powerful so far i guess i might know about top stories like saying, i found these, we do have joining down onto put into a test in germany, unity, unable naya is demanding to be let into the russian embassy to vote in the presidential election to joined thousands of other people, got it invalid to demonstrate against the russian leda on the war against the train . and after meeting with a king of joe then jim and john slo schultz has continued his middle east tor with
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a stop, and he's around, he's pushing for you see spy and gas i. and that's as is route enough to step up is advanced in the south of the territory. that's it for now have next time it's 86, i look up. how may i see these around a well tackling the air pollution staging. we have more news coming up, the top of the out the, these are the news on a couple days in the note. if we speak this term language from control, some country, how do we become different? how is discrete logic? one of the people in just a 100 days my power is because of my family what killed the.


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