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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 17, 2024 5:00pm-5:15pm CET

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concerns about the development of this war with the prime minister. like fighting, how much the terrorist is, what is pursuing illegitimate? go never again. and october 7, the longer the war last, the higher the number of civilian casualties rises. the more desperate the situation of the people and does have become the more this backs the question, no matter how important the goals kind of justifies, that's terribly high costs or are there other ways to achieve? you'll go take the ground to assess them safe and level military logic is one consideration, but there is who monitoring logic as was house with more than 1500000 people be protected where they go. i also spoke to the prime minister today about the need to provide the people in gaza with comprehensive humanitarian,
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8 supplies. we cannot stand by and watch palestinians risk of starvation. that's not us. that is not what we stand for. much more human determine the age as needed, continues the reliability. i set my concerns but the prime minister, the provision of aid from this world into gaza and the conditions for distribution must be thirdly and mess with the improve. and finally, we need to hosted to deal with a longer lost and sees fire. i know how difficult it is to reach an agreement with must tell us. but we understand that hostage families will say often more than 5 months time has come for a comprehensive hosted deal for saving. those who are still kept going to express my appreciation for all the mediation efforts undertaken by the government of cub tires. but it's egypt. they have our full support of what also remains,
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import them from my view, isabella, i must withdraw from the border area northeast where we are working on this on the basis of security council resolution. $1001.00 for the united states and many others are region the military escalation would have unforeseeable consequences. we need to make any effort to avoid this from us government chance. the one thing is essentially this rise secuity. it is at the center for my efforts and thoughts here. so against is really must be for consistently. but carol cannot be defeated with military means alone. we need the solution to this conflict that into a sustainable last thing security. sustainable secuity will not come from higher awards and deeper ditches that would come from a positive perspective for both people who swear
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a lease and put the students that perspective for a future work listing and kind of responsibly take care of their own f. s government them, so that's the cause of stripping westbank belonged to the administration of the police. didn't mean authority dpa needs to be reformed and strengthened both in terms of personal spectra self government interesting states with ken and must be designed to meet these routes. secuity needs, there is no contradiction here on the country, lasting security for future generations. so it's way the people lies in the solution, but the palestinians locked against them. and in the end, this means a new good way to to seat state solution. this also includes the normalization of these folks relations with its neighbors, especially with saudi arabia. this is where it strategic secuity lies in pairs of
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stimulates of government and partnership with saudi arabia and other states in the region and sustainable peace. germany stands by, as well as a partner and a flint. we support you with actions and with on this, what's the thank you transfer i a i trust, you know, it is a 6 piece and is rarely is believe all is well is pray in your own for peace because we suffer the consequences of war both as a nation is families who lost loved ones. the costs of war is well known to us. we believe that the key to piece of security many believe that the key to security is based on what piece is unsustainable without as strong as well. and if we offered a peace agreement or path to peace, that makes as well so weak and unable to defend itself, and our neighbors still,
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adhering to the goal of destroying the jewess state. then obviously we will set these backwards and not forward. we want to move piece forward and for that as well, has to have the necessary security responsibility in this tiny area. otherwise, the radicals take over. this is something that we've discussed in detail. we'll have other opportunities. i want to assure you that we value the support that germany is given us in international forms and elsewhere. we value friendship and we look forward to continue this conversation. the other thing that i would say is that i assured of transfer sholtes that our goal in eliminating the remaining of tow has battalions enough or goes hand in hand with enabling to pass the civilian population to leave off. it's not something that we will do while keeping the population locked in place. in fact,
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we'll do the very opposite. unable them to leave, because our consideration for reducing and minimizing civilian casualties has guided us and will continue to guide us in the future. thank you. johnson, thank you. thank you very much. thank you. we just had the german town style s sholtes and these are the prime minister benjamin netanyahu speaking in do something else, a press conference, that would mean a studio is dw, and at least on a list, shiny sun is shiny. lots was said, we're probably, but is going to go longer than it did, but it's not a good time is less than 2 minutes now, you know, talking about what was discussed between himself and the whole of show us what, what stood out for you that well the 2 main points that are also just taking point between israel and the world. now our aid delivery of efficient enough, you know, sufficient and efficient into gaza, mostly the northern part, right. not,
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not only this is something that we've seen germany pro actively working for joining the air drops just yesterday. so very much interested in, in making sure the more aid is coming in a better way distributed in better ways. that's one key issue and it's also concerning is just one part of the bigger humanitarian crisis that we're seeing. and also the hunger, almost the verge of famine, as many organizations in the u. n. as well as our warning and saying, and this is something that of course we see the whole international community of feeling much concerned about and, and it's now is aware of it. he knows this why he is allowing that to come. we've been seeing the last weeks in the last week of progress that we haven't seen so far in the months that of, of fighting. so that was the core 2 main issues that were discussed today. and we see that to the whole, very defiant, he's trying to show that israel is not, you know, bowing down to international community pressure without making sure that her interest or security interest are being preserved or maintained throughout the process. so the question is, what do we get from this?
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because at the end of the day it's, it's the same. you know, rhetoric from primary, subbing. i mean, it's in yahoo, who given us all a shell, see a jump on some sort of shows was what's going that did say that, well then i'm gonna basically bile down. so we need to national pressure. that's still going to go ahead and, you know, carry out your patients in rafa it has anything changed with the real quick, especially also after you had the fuel speak. well it, it's a very gentle bends that they're doing there at anyhow. and charles, basically charles was saying the only way for israel to have a long lasting security is 2 piece. and he bringing back the know the idea of the 2 state solution and idea that to now i was never a big fan of and is we know is redirected by the international community since october 7th to and it's in the out of this mate very much and then the to the, i'll respond gently but trying to push back saying there won't be peace before the security sort of trying to, you know, so what comes 1st and this is very much anyhow, send the whole the whole time. you know, he started this morning with
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a great criticism and guess the world's short memory as he called, you know, sort of like the world does not understand what we're dealing with. the kind of less trustworthy those from us is and by, you know, keep criticising us are basically helping him us and, and the shows was trying to say we are a friend. we are allies, we are partners, is real, security is very meaningful. important for us, nice specifically as the chancellor of germany. however, he says very clearly, we need to look at, are there other ways to reach the same goals that is really setting up? cuz the, the price that we've been seeing pulsing is paying. he said very clearly that price is too high, and of course, this is nothing that an attorney always happy to hear and, and was not very much looking forward to this joint statement as well. we know that we're back and forth with his people about whether this press there is a, if we're going to happen. and so you receive very generously between the lines, a lot of criticism and a lot of push back between israel and germany and germany just the one example of what we're seeing also coming from other parts, you know,
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of the international community, the americans for it 1st and foremost, right, i mean, you talked about to the sets of this, of a prime, your stuff and you mean it's in yahoo and, and, and, and basically him not to sort of moving the pen in any way. how would you describe the pasta of all i felt like you see he was also he seemed to be expecting what he got from the time. yeah. why don't see this too much warm there, but chose so i think wanted to show that that pressure that didn't, that they know it. i think that the speech we heard from shots would be something the president biden, for example, with time. it was time for with every word you know, and it's, and y'all knows this, these tunes and he's not a very happy with. i'm an easy hearing them more and more frequently recently and, and at the same time. and i think it was important for germany to show that part because it's been also under pressure from within in germany, but also understanding we're not almost facing 6 months of this war is really still far from eliminating. come off and we don't see any progress over seeing as a level of suffering and,
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and what's happening to palestinians and gaza. me and i mean i do you all agree that protective is key to it and you are likely to protect and civilians is key. providing humanitarian aid is key. of course a bit. benjamin netanyahu is very prime minister. did say that they would still want to get rid of a mass, basically, actually the time to utilize how mosse has to be eliminated. so that's still the plan to go. and he's talking about making sure that civilians are safe globally from the area back to where things went on due to care with this assignment from now the whole time. the key now is wrong and he's saying we'll evict 1200000 passing is from off, but where to get, you know, keeping it vague. and that's the biggest problem. however, these are, these are sticking to drop off because they feel it's the only place for us to have up their fees. right. did have the amenities analyst, shiny designers. thank you very much. i is moving on to
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the news. thousands of people probably align them out of the russian embassies. you haven't been in the cost of the ballots on the final day of russia's presidential election, as well as riley against the government. the vast majority of supports in the noun, against which in protest code by the organization of position data, alex in a bounty who died in a russian prison last month is widow you'd out of all naya is among the protest as i live here. you, kyle, caught a kosky for my own mug needs do by foot, and there's also that. so when i protest have been taking place at the russian embassies around the world. and in russia itself, i did of use cheese into the outside it's, i would just walk, i has been talking to people lined up at the russian embassy and barely, and i asked them what puts us that way hoping to achieve? i think, i mean everyone here, especially the opposing them hold on to understanding here. they certainly know
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that this election is, is um, essentially, um, but still i think they've made the decisions that a dispatcher to come out to show that faces. and to at least be in control of making some kind of mock, whether they spoil the ballot paper or vote for different candidates rather than completely leaving that to, to the russian government to, to, to play, to it's advantage. so i think that's part of the calculation we spoke to a lot of people here who said that, you know, they appreciated the opportunity to, to, to meet like minded people for, for this community to come together in one place a one time a pretty rare thing. but that also puts in support to see some of them being pretty hostile to those opponents of the preaching regime, but also to the west and media. so, so mostly a pretty peaceful and positive atmosphere here, but not uniformly. small stories making headlines around the world. let's look at some of them. the indian navy has taken control of the ship, hijacked by somebody,
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pirates in the indian ocean nearly 3 months ago. all 17 crew members with feet on hand, the navy said a 35 pirates aboard the vessel. so rented the ship was hijacked in december raisins . 5th, piracy was resuming after several years of con, phone gathered and has become the new lead out of wheels and the fast block lead out in the loop you in history, gap and one the lead us of contests for the well should leave a party after his food, he says that announced plans to step down, but history, you will have some control over education, health and economic policy. but as part of the united kingdom you tailor make us decide on many of the policies affecting the country. insects e content shape has miscalculated a duck in maneuver and crushed into duck site drains, sending them toppling down onto the ship and stacks of containers. incidents to place in the ports around 100 kilometers, east of east timble,
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local media reports. the new one was injured in the incident. that's it for now, i am a micah junior stage and we have more news coming up at the top of the out the c w. this is everything else is available to them and it hasn't met up in some sense the amount of is increasing every so many. i'm gonna fucking online. so suppose the only work that is holiday destination is a drowning plastic white at the cost every year of the exports of $1000000.00 tons of plastic white.


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