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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 18, 2024 12:00am-12:16am CET

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the, the business date of the news life from berlin. vladimir 3rd in winds, rushes presidential election by land slot. he says he's big, free will make russia strong. foreign governments emphasis develop wasn't free. will say coming up. germany's johnson the goes to the middle east to push for a safe spot in johnson, full of shouts, chelsea's ready, counter prophet lasting security, replies the 2 state solution. field photo pages, more humanitarian i to reach post spinning instability the
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i'm anthony held. welcome to the program, letting me put and this claimed a landslide victory in russia's presidential election. speaking to his supporters put and said he's, when would make russia stronger? the reston laya, has been in palace since 1999, and this when will expand his presidency by another 6, he's look up to 2030, make partial results showing him receiving around 88 percent of the device. the governments around the world side, the election was not free for fed, given the absence of any real political mariana cuts it over is the un special or output. so on human rights in russia, we have to, if she feed the rights situation could was, i guess i think so, and most of the human rights and civil society activists in rhetoric, human rights defenders are quite concerned that possibly after this election the
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situation is going to, to become even more repressive in russia, with just so uh, several days ago that you had that from alex saying the bonus organization known each bulk of was a jack in dealing use in a way that said, you know, who was beaten up with a cam or over the key scans and legs, which clearly was a threats many belief and the values organization believe of course, this wasn't by chance. um, because of how vote co validates organization which has been in the past weeks after she's death only quarter. loved the noble rights winning leader of memory. i was just sentenced to 2 years and 6 months for opposing peacefully the war against you brain. so yes, the situation is getting aids going to type them and get even more repressive. this
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is, well, most human rights defenders fear that we'll see you in special rapids, iowa on human rights and massive marietta cuts of okay, there was little doubt who would win rushes presidential election but but as opposed to letting me put and he did a cold by the russian opposition movement to flood polling stations at noon on sunday and spoil the ballots. thousands turned out the voice made the st. russian embassies around the world. lines stretched into the distance outside rushes. embassies in england, turkey. catholics done. all has come to costs the vote for russia's next president, but so many, it's an active protest. yup. as well, i didn't come to vote for anyone. i came to vote against every one. thousands
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turned out in response to a cold from the russian opposition movement to line up at midday on the last day of russia's tightly controlled presidential election. the noun against the boots and rallies were championed by you leo, nevada knew the wife of kremlin critic alexi novelle name, who died under suspicious circumstances. last month that i found the volunteer joined over 2000 the russians, lining up outside the country's embassy in berlin. 6 hours later, she costs to vote for president. of course i wrote and involved the son name because it just comedy, so that a month before the election and during the presidential campaign, persians, main opponent, already imprisoned, was mode it with all of flooded me and pollutants, major rivals in prison, exiled or dead. the outcome of this election was never in doubt,
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but even in russia, thousands still turned out at noon on the final day of voting. showing each other end of the world. there are still many who oppose putin's rule. now the deputies chief international, it's the rich and bulk of was that today's protest outside the embassy in berlin. he filed his thoughts was really quite an extraordinary day here in berlin. when you think about it, thousands and thousands of people. let's take a look, lining up outside the russian embassy in a very hard to a violin. and that's the entrance, just the and the line. if you follow it, it goes down to the end of the road, round the corner, round the next corner, and then they kind of goes back and forth like a snake along the roads behind too. but behind the embassy. so thousands of people here. and you do get the impression that most of them have come out to make us have implicit protests against vladimir putin. and there was quite
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a positive mood among many people weaving. so people, there was a group of 5 people playing cards as they waited in the line that a lot of people waiting a long time, many people saying for plus hours to come out and show their faces against vladimir putin and the war. so. so a very interesting day here in berlin, but it wasn't just opponents of vladimir putin that was supporters of his he had to . and some of them are quite hostile, both towards the, the opponents of the pretend regime and also to some of us in the west in price. so, so there was some moments of tension here. but of course, the major event was the arrival of you really. and of all now uh i'm standing herself in the line also for hours isn't a show of solidarity with her supporters. some 5 supporters showing quite a bit of emotion also given everything that she's being through in recent weeks. so
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of course, everyone here acknowledging also is that even though they've come here to vote, it's not necessarily a vote that will change and the thing in russia, but they steal, still felt that they wanted to cost it so that they don't just leave it to the fruits and res, seem to do what it once with that democratic rights was cheese international, the richard working here in berlin and from a has a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. so latest from the european union and egypt have signed a deal to boost ties about 7 and a half given us go to egypt for standing. the regular float of migrants and increasing sales of energy to your view is part of the u efforts to move further away from reliance on russian natural gas. hundreds of pharmacy have driven the tractors into a central madrid to protest against agricultural policies by demanding better european laws to protect farmers from rising cost of production and help them receive prices for the goods. similar protests have been held else way in spain,
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poland, and other european countries since january. most of brazil is paying for it on the high, low jude with his wife. it's millions the end of summer season. but in rio de janeiro, temperatures are as high as 40 degrees celsius. make urologist say feels pot hotter than that because of high humidity kentucky. a container ship miscalculated the dumping the new but, and crashed into duck. so i'd cranes sending them toppling down onto the ship and stacks of containers. the incident place in a port around a 100 to a made is, is to be stand. a committee report that no one is each to magenta level that shelter. so towards with is riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu, in jerusalem charities concerns about the hon. number of civilian casualties in gaza, and in sufficient i reaching the territory, but netanyahu double down on extending the ground defensive in rapid sign.
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meanwhile, moore is entering garza where conditions remain extremely di drops into gaza, continue jordan, germany and the us dropped goods in an attempt to relieve the humanitarian situation on the ground. as they are growing fee is that israel will soon extend its ground offensive to rough are hundreds of thousands of displays. palestinians have sold refuge agencies, war and the pots of gaza, all ready face famine. meanwhile, after a visit to jordan, to him and chancellor old f shows arrived in his room. there he once most dressed germany support for israel well urging to keep civilians in colorado safe from the main ground defensive. we cannot stand by and watch palestinians risk of starvation that some of us that is not what we stand for.
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much more you mean to turn the age as needed? continue as the reliably. i said my concerns, but the prime minister, the provision of aid from this world into gaza and the conditions for distribution must be thirdly and mess with the improve a saturday and sunday is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu double down that the ground defensive will soon be extended to offer our goal in eliminating the remaining of toe his battalions and of goes hand in hand with enabling the part of the civilian population to leave off. it's not something that we will do while keeping the population locked in place. in fact, will do the very opposite. play able them to leave because our consideration for reducing and minimizing civilian casualties has guided us and will continue to guide us in the future. thank you very much. thank you. it's estimated that $1500000.00 people are currenty in rough uh,
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which is more than half of cause us population. but that's on yahoo and shows didn't specify that all these people should go before israel's ground offensive expands into the over crowded city. now one, the major disagreement between yahoo and his allies is what happens after the will and then making shouts code for a 2 state solution. the w middle east analyst on a bus on is explained why these woods that netanyahu doesn't want to. he, he doesn't like to hear from charles, he doesn't like to hear from the americans. and this is partially part of the criticism that he's getting from the national community, but also slowly growing a criticism from within him. what is the plan? what is the political long term plan? what's the strategic goal for the end? what we're seeing, because we're approaching over almost a, you know, a 5 and a half months, almost in this terrible war. and there's no sing, doesn't seem to be any end inside the goal of elimination of how mazda is also far
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from being reached. so if you don't want to bring in the 1000 your theory, which is also something the child's clearly said, know the need for a form posting and authority that will have gauze the end. westbank is the only way out. and the to know is not willing to even discuss that. and this is exactly what we're seeing now, the, the going tension between it to now and the rest of the world on the plan for the day after and who's taking over the chaos that we're seeing in the gaza strip. it's something that it's very clear is not sustainable. a shiny resolved is there a little kind of went off, land has a rump that for the full time in the last few months, stealing rivers of lava, a state of emergency has been declared in the area. it's fullest of the evacuation of one of us lands top tourist attractions, the blue book in whose he bought a new deal time. a bull turned into an alarming woman at sign and sounded to one of the long can you get an option nearby? i've never experienced anything like that before. i'll be honest. i wasn't scared
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or anything. i hope everybody got out. okay. but it really was the experience that i like and i'm like at the same time. wow. how could this happen? i couldn't wait to come here for the port time since december law has been spewing for roman interrupting plugin. oh, it has to be flowing south towards dikes been to protect the fishing village, good, endemic evacuating, all right. love is coming. hundreds of people have been evicted to gain, including many to it is 15 near the affected area. this was definitely expected that had already been uh, several um, statements issued from the athletic iceland mets office, about an imminent eruption in the area. but of course, the exact time of it, uh, starting is not. uh,
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it's not possible to predict iceland as a home to 33 active volcano systems, the highest number in europe. geophysicist see this latest interruption is one of the most powerful so far the people of irish heritage had been celebrating some patrick's day all over the will. it's a moment to remember the main patron science of alignment in dublin. more than 5000 people took part in parades featuring flights and john carpets. and what else i can memorize since abroad in the united states. president joe bought and held a brunch. the catholic latest us president has irish ancestry and strong ties with the country. they with more boisterous celebrations in the us, city of boston, by precautions, community groups and marching bands gather, filling the straits. that sounds like thoughts the
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right from beg puts to pollings political divisions. that's coming up next on the deputy news. i'm anthony. how to stay with us, and i'll have more updates for you in 45 and the 7 small thing in the decide things this award winning offer is available world wide for every language learning gem and has never been sent to to go on 6 times to please come and see more people than ever on the move worldwide in such a.


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