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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 18, 2024 7:00am-7:16am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the, the, the news coming july from berlin, by the way of putting, extends his quarter century we have turned election without meaningful opposition. claiming victory. he vows to step up as war against ukraine and calls the death in prison of alexa and in botany, an unfortunate incident. meanwhile, the bodies, widow juliet, and about the joins of protest at the russian embassy here in berlin. as thousands around the world gather to demonstrate the gets,
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let the beer and with new fighting near cause, as i will shoot for a hospital, germany's chancellor goes to the middle east to push for a ceasefire. well, off schultz tells us is rarely counterpart that lasting security requires a 2 state solution. you also are just more humanitarian aid to reach palestinian sybil the hello, i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. russians are set for another 6 years of vladimir putin rule following an election, widely described as a sham, routine face, no meaningful opposition. in the vote, the 3 fans picked opponents on the ballot did not campaign. in his victory speech. putting said he would now focus on ukraine the following 2 years of a war against russia's neighbor that was expected the last only
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a few days. the matching out to meet the support is vladimir putin celebrated an entirely predictable election when securing another to him is russia's president, amid a recorded vote, to turn out he claimed to the victory was due to the trust and hoped russians had in him to be a yeah, for sure, but he is just to look at the 1st of all, i want to thank the citizens of russia lexia. we are all one team has done that. i see called us citizens that came to polling stations and voted you put a good list of what you showed us once again. but i want to say, and this is very important and then you most, it's for them when the, the source of authority and the nation, which is the russian people that i knew you dates, i see skill level versus had little choice. all those who could have
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meaningfully challenged posing, or either jangled, exiled or did rushes, leading all positions to get a lake. same of all me died some the last month and then optic prison breaking his silence. oh, the end of all these days, food and cold. it an unfortunate accident the elections have been criticized as being neither free nor via by the us brushing and ukraine. sue mcdermott, or the russian victor is stimulating another election. well, everyone in the world understands that this figure, yet as often happens in history, has simply become a ticket to power and just doing everything he can to rule forever. there is no evil, he won't commit to prolong his personal power possibly as the one the election when appears to have in bold intrusions plans but his war and ukraine. in his victory speech,
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he bound to strength and rushes. miller tre. a surgeon has now been in power since 1999. if he completes his next 6 year term, he will be brushes, longest serving leader in more than 200 years now. ever since russian authorities close down dw bureau in moscow, our bureau chief, the uri rossetto, has been reporting from rico lafayette and he joins us now for more. so, putting has extended his rule for another 6 years. you're a, tell us more about reactions. so the russian leaders re election well, terry, apart from the congratulations on putting victory ends at austin state control media, many people in russia every exits as they have been reacting for almost 25 years now. natalie told how she would once react of something uh or to something that uh, what's to be expected from the beginning. putting himself how the press conference
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you mentioned it and as expect the piece of. busy about the consolidation of the russian people. she said that all goals would be achieved. she didn't talk about the war, but it was clear to everybody that of what is the most important goal was putting street. i'm successful competitors also congratulate of him. as for the direction in the western countries, neither of us a nor the use bulk or of a fear and free election is there argument was event that there is no real a position in russia. jim and president stein miles will not congratulate teaching according to his books doesn't. so in his victory speech here re, what kind of vision has preteen laid out for russia or? well, i think put this vision offer i shall for russia, is it coming here is, is best explained by one example. i put in a p, as in his election stuff, oil and things. i think he's election workers. so he said she think she's comrades
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in arms and explained with the meaning of the board comrade in arms or so that you can russian. uh, is this word. she said there is an old fashioned work the right and you can, this is in turn means a fight to a single man from a village to volunteers, to go to what did you find? he's fatherland, which and said that the history is repeating itself and the old rations and also that i think the or comrades in arms actually didn't explicitly talked about 4. but of course he meant what conclusion is put in structure over the next few years. of course is not the only but the bulk of the country that's for putting surprised many or a by actually mentioning in his press conference there the name of alexi and a bonnie, the opposition figure who recently died in prison. what do you make of that theory? well i think it's bizarre visit, it puts you that never used the volume his name when he and of only was
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a life and now is it and i've only his died at he has mentioned his name several times. um he said 2 important things. firstly is that at the volume they had died, which was of course sad, but that's life. you said that was put into in direct response to the accusations that involved they had been killed. and secondly, putting said that he was prepared to exchange him for a prisoner from another country. and this statement by the criminal lead, the cost absolute outrage among and of all these colleagues, they called at the lie, regardless of how you assess which is worth it was a signal to the rest of it, the russia wasn't ready for a nozzle present exchange. you know, thank you so much. that was the w's your shadow in real life as well. there was little doubt about who would wind rush his presidential election, but that was supposed to blow them in protein. he did a call by the russian opposition movement to flood pulling stations at noon on
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sunday and signal their discontent. thousands also turned out to protest the election at russian embassies around the world. lines stretched into the distance outside russia's embassies in england, turkey, catholics done. all has come to cost the vote for russia's next president, but for many, it's an active protest. yep. it's, well, i didn't come to vote for anyone. i came to vote against every one. thousands turned down in response to a call from the russian opposition movement to line up at midday on the last day of russia's tightly controlled presidential election. the noun against the boots and rallies were championed by uli unknown. you, the wife of kremlin critic alexi novelle name,
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who died under suspicious circumstances. last month that i found the volunteer joined over 2000 the russians, lining up outside the country's embassy in berlin. 6 hours later, she costs to vote for president. of course i wrote in the volume the son named because it just comedy, so that a month before the election and during the presidential campaign, persians, main opponent, already imprisoned, was murdered. with all the flooding men, hooton's major rivals in prison, exiled or dead. the outcome of this election was never in doubt. but even in russia, thousands still turned out at noon on the final day of voting. showing each other end of the world. there are still many who oppose putin's rule. israel's army is carrying out another operation and goes as large as hospital el
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cheapo palestinian health authorities say several people have been killed and part of the complex is on fire is real claims from us militants are using the hospital as a command center. i'll chief is one of the last remaining health facilities in the gaza strip. dozens of such shelter from the war in the hospital conflict. i'm complex after the i'm us lead terror. october 7 terror attacks. german chancellor off schultz has shared his concerns about the high number of civilian casualties and gaza in a meeting with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. more aide is now entering the gaza strip, where conditions remain extremely dollar that drops into gaza, continue jordan, germany and the us dropped goods in an attempt to relieve the humanitarian situation on the ground. they are growing fears that israel will soon extend its
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ground offensive to rough are hundreds of thousands of displaced. palestinians has sold refuge, 8 agencies war and the pots of gauze are all ready face famine. meanwhile, after a visit to jordan and chancellor old f shows arrived in his room. there he once most dressed germany support for israel well urging to keep civilians and cars are safe from the main ground defense. if we cannot stand by and watch palestinians risk of starvation, that's not us. that is not what we stand for. much more human determine the age is needed, continues the reliability. i set my concerns but the prime minister, the provision of aid from his will into gaza and the conditions for distribution must be thirdly and mess with the improve saturday and sunday is rarely prime minister. benjamin netanyahu doubled down that the ground defensive will soon be
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extended to offer our goal in eliminating the remaining of towers. battalions enough goes hand in hand with enabling the part of the civilian population to leave off. it's not something that we will do while keeping the population locked in place. in fact, we'll do the very opposite point able them to leave because our consideration for reducing and minimizing civilian casualties has guided us and will continue to guide us in the future. thank you very much. thank you. it's estimated that $1500000.00 people are currently in rough or which is more than half of cause us population. but that's on yahoo! and schultz didn't specify that all these people should go before israel's ground offensive expands into the over crowded city volcano. in iceland has a ruptured for the 4th time. in the last few months viewing a rivers of lava, the state of emergency has been declared in the area. it's force,
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the evacuation of one of ice ones pop tourist attractions. the blue lagoon whose he bought in a deal time of food turned into an alarming woman at sign and sounded to one of the can you get an option nearby? i've never experienced anything like that before. i'll be honest. i wasn't scared or anything. i hope everybody got out. okay, but it really was the experience that i and i'm like at the same time. well, how could this happen? i couldn't wait to come here for the 4th time since december law has been his billing for roman interrupting plugin. oh, it appears to be flowing south towards dyke's village to protect the fishing village, good, endemic as you waiting. all right. law. this coming hundreds of people have been evicted to gain,
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including many to it. is this thing near the effected area. this was definitely expected. there had already been a several statements issued from the athletic iceland dick metz office about an imminent eruption in the area. but of course, the exact time of it, the starting is not. it's not possible to predict iceland. it's a home to 33 active volcano systems, the highest number in europe as geophysicist see, this latest adoption is one of the most powerful so far. just reminder of the top story we're following for you this. our russians are set for another 6 years of bladder near pollutants rule following an election without any meaningful opposition. in his victory speech, she said he would now focus on ukraine and cold the death in prison. the position
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leader election divani and unfortunate tax coming up next shift takes a look at how hard official intelligence enforcements reality are changing the advertising industry, of course, and get all the latest news information anytime you want on our website. that's the w dot com on terry martin. thanks for watching. the people in trucks injured was trying to feed the city center the straight pieces the
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around the world more than 130000000 people us we


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