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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 18, 2024 10:00am-10:15am CET

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the, the, this is dw news coming to line from berlin. vladimir put in, extends his quarter century rule after an election without meaningful opposition. claiming victory pitching bows to step up his war against the ukraine, and calls the death to imprison and opposition leader election devonte. an unfortunate tax. this comes on the 10th anniversary of russia's illegal panic section of crime meal position is tar say, russia's prolonged occupation of ukrainian potential. it could eliminate them as of people. also coming up is real launches a raid on one of causes largest hospitals. the military says it's conducting
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a precise operation against a mouse at the el cheapo hospital. hello city and health authorities say several people have already been killed. and part of the complex is on file, the hello, i'm terry morris and thanks for joining us. russians are set for another 6 years of vladimir putin rule following an election widely described as a sham putting face no meaningful opposition. in the vote, the 3 hand picked opponents on the ballot did not campaign in his victory speech. putting said he would now focus on ukraine 2 years after a full scale invasion of russia's neighbour that was expected last only a few days of marching out to meet supporters. platinum at 210 celebrated an entirely predictable election went off to securing yet another time as russia's
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president he claimed the victory was due to the trust and hope russians had placed in him and usually cbm. yeah, for sure, but he is disabled. i'm looking at the 1st of all, i want to thank the citizens of russia, lexia. we are all one team. and that i see called us citizens that came to polling stations and voted you put a good list of what you showed us. once again that you want to say, and this is a very important and then you look at the bottom one the, the source of authority in the nation, which is the russian people that i knew you would dates. i see scheme that all voters had little choice. all those who could have meaningfully challenged putin are either jailed, exiled or dead. rushes, leading opposition state. alexei, novelle. ne, died suddenly last month in optic prison,
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breaking his silence of an invalid. these death boots encoded an unfortunate incident. the elections have been criticized as being neither a free nor fat by the us gemini, and ukraine. sue mcdermott or the russian victor is simulating another election with everyone in the world understands that this figure, yet as often happens in history or simply become a ticket to power and just doing everything he can to rule forever. there is no evil, he won't commit to prolong his personal power with somebody's blonde. the election when appears to have been bolton clinton's plans for his war and ukraine. in his victory speech, he vowed to strength and rushes military. one to 10 has now been in power since 1999. if he completes his next 6 years and he'll be rushed as long as subbing lead to in more than 200 years. ever
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since russian authorities closed down dw is 0 in moscow. our bureau chief, there you are, your shadow has been reporting from re good last the he told us more about reactions to the russian leaders re election. well, terry, apart from the congratulations on putting victory ends at austin state control media, many people in the russian army exits as they have been reacting for almost 25 years now. natalie. not the tall house with one react of something or do something that uh, what's to be expected from the beginning. putting himself how the press conference you mentioned it. and as expected, he spoke about, does he consolidation of the russian people? she said that all goals would be achieved. she didn't talk about the war, but it was clear to everybody that of what does the most important goal was putting street on successful competitors. also congratulate of him. as for the direction in
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the western countries, nice of us a nor the use bulk or of a fair and free election is there argument was event that there is no real a position in russia. jim and president stein maya will not convert to late teaching the, according to his books. darcy, so in his victory speech here, re, what kind of vision has preteen laid out for russia? i was like, put this vision offer i saw for russia. is it coming years is best explained by one example i put in a p as in his election stuff or, and things. i think he's election workers the he said he think she's comrades in arms and explained with the meaning of the board comrade in arms or so that you can russian. and this is what you said that is in the old russians work the right you can do this is in turn means a fighter, a simple man from a village who volunteers to go to what did you find? he's fatherland, which and said that the history is repeating itself and the old rations i know so
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that i can make it or comrades in arms actually didn't explicitly talked about 4, but of course he meant what conclusion is putting thrush it over the next few years . of course is not only but the bulk of the country at for putting surprised many or a by actually mentioning in his press conference there the name of alexi and a bonnie, the opposition figure who recently died in prison. what do you make of that to you? right, well i think it's bizarre that it puts in the never used the volume his name when he and i've only was a life and now if it and i've only has died, he has mentioned his name several times. um he said 2 important things. firstly is that that the volume they have died, which was of course sad, but that's life. you said that was put into indirect response to the accusations that and i've only had been killed. i've secondly put in said that's the voice path
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to exchange him for a prisoner from another country. and this statement by the criminal lead that caused absolute outrage among and of all these colleagues as they called the lights . regardless of how you assess boots in sports, it was a signal to the west with russia wasn't ready for a nozzle present exchange. you know, thank you so much, that was dw, use your shadow in real life. it it's been 10 years now since moscow illegally annexed crimea, following an invasion, using troops without russian insignia. it was the beginning of a decade long war with ukraine, culminating in the full scale invasion. 2 years ago. its position on the black sea makes cry me a cig strategically important asset. the peninsula serves as a key base for naval fleets and is used to safeguard security interests in the region. crimea is home to both ethnic russians and ukrainians, as well as indigenous crime in tarza and others. for centuries,
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the tough hours have been fighting to preserve their identity as crimea was invaded by various powers. our next report follows towers in exile, who dream of returning to their homeland its ramadan and keys. many of those praying here are far from home, such as these my of course the 33 year old has taught an ethnic group, native to crimea, yada new york. i was born an independent ukraine. i grew up in crimea in independent ukraine. i don't see crimea as different. i do not see it as part of some other state or a little while ago, so that he's my list from you after russia occupied the peninsula and 24 to the senior join to you create an armed forces, a nell performs, and a military ensemble. here singing a song in his native language and owed to premier
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going home even to visit has become impossible. a budget that has to go the 2014, the people were free and cry me of that is if you cream didn't really help us. there at least it didn't interfere. and no one told us what holidays to celebrate. what days of remembrance we should celebrate or not, what language we should speak and who to vote for, who not to vote for someone who to praise or not to praise. nobody told us this will install them. yeah, godaddy or powers have been living in crimea for hundreds of years. understanding they were persecuted and deported. the collapse of the soviet union allowed them to return that freedom didn't last. since russia's occupation in 2014 papers are again being persecuted, making up the largest group of political prisoners around 50000 torres are reported
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to have left crimea since 2014. while the premium government estimates more than 500000 russians were brought in. when russian president vladimir putin annex crimea, she promised the lives of ordinary people would improve. instead, sanctions have compact with the economy and democratic rights have been lost by cham, wasn't we, should we see the destruction of culture and heritage, the impossibility of using one's native language and educational institutions order public space. so therefore, these are very important things going to be, describe how people live and cry me on that as it's the territory of feel. but that's a better thought as to who for me let us ever says when put in invaded crimea, the world looked away. the occupation is seen to have paved the way for the full scale invasion of 2022. as we have for all today, liberating crime yet seems like a daunting challenge. but for ukraine's government, it's not up for debate,
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extraneous, almost fractional, or best, no doubt that only liberation of absolutely all territories will bring us peace. this probably will protect this phrase mail. there will be no peace until he can return home theater last time that i believe in ella, and hope that everything is the same. with his permission, try me. i will still return to ukraine and there will be safe access and passage for someone like me. last a i s a chromebook. yeah. chrome you in tours. few a prolonged occupation could mean the end of their people. let's catch up on a few other stories making headlines around the world today. you commission president, 1st of the underlying, has announced in a package for egypt worth over 7000000000 nero's president of the south l. a. c. c . held her visit to cairo is a milestone in relations. the funding is intended to curb and documented migration . critics of ment have questions of support over egypt,
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human rights record. in turkey, a container ship miscalculated a docking maneuver and crashed into dock side cranes, sending them toppling down onto the ship and stacks of containers. the incident took place and a port around a 100 kilometers east of his stumble, local media report that no one was injured. israel's army is wanting dozens to evacuate l shape a hospital as it carries out and operation. they're palestinian health authorities, a several people have been killed and part of the complex is on fire. israel released these images of the raid. the army claims a mass militants fired at them from the hospital and that her mouse is using el cheapo as a command center is the biggest. and one of the last remaining health facilities in the gaza strip goes into the salt shelter from the war at el cheapo after the from us lead october 7th terrorist attacks. i spoke earlier to the w,
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correspond atanya kramer in jerusalem. i asked her about the ongoing military operation at l shape of hospital as well. this operation started in the early morning and it was kind of un usually said we got a lot of statements over the course of this ongoing operation. these were in the army said it's a precise operation. and they said they had intelligence that senior, how most so called a terrorist a where inside the hospital complex also that they returned fire when troops where shots do understand you from some reports that they have taken control of the parts of the complex and that many rest also where being made now a from published in your reports, we understand that there are casualties and injuries around and in the context of a also some video footage coming out of people in the middle of the night being out
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in the streets, trying to to get away. now what was on using these updates we were getting was that there's an emphasis as well on saying that the to upset ordered ahead of this operation to cautiously and to avoid harm to patients and to medical stuff. and, you know, to people showing there, there are several hundreds estimate that people are searching in the complex. and of course, it's always a highly sensitive operation in on hospital crowns as hospitals such facilities are protected under the international. and it's very closely watched of what is happening there. state of use tonya cramer, their recordings in jerusalem. you are watching dw news, just reminder the top story we're following for you this. our russians are set for another 6 years of vladimir putin rule following an election without any meaningful opposition. in his victory speech, he said he would now focus on ukraine, been called the death in prison of opposition leader, alexia bonnie,
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and unfortunate ins. up next we get a documentary film for you looking at how hundreds of millions of workers across the world are suffering and increasing heat caused by climate change. thanks for the 1000000 people in what it's in just a 100 days. my power is going to be bunch of my family. what cute. how is this age drive to? i'm on a journey to find out about the roots of the 19 there to put you on the site, but they expect to see through. rhonda, my name is some way to shimmer, i'm afraid it makes sweet shaming history out documentary stuffs. april 6th on dw.


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