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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 18, 2024 11:00am-11:30am CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to live from berlin by the way, approved and extends his quarter century rate after an election without meaningful opposition. claiming victory preteen valves to step off his war against ukraine and calls the death in prison of opposition leader election to bonnie and unfortunate incidence. meanwhile, developments widow julia and above the joints of protest at the russian embassy here in berlin. as thousands around the world gathered to demonstrate against booting and the work in ukraine pertains claimed victory comes on the 10th anniversary of russia's annexation of crimea. that followed the invasion and
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illegal referendum that paid the way for the full scale invasion of ukraine. also coming up, israel launch is a raid on one of guns as largest hospitals. the military says it's conducting a precise operation against a mazda at the el chico hospital, palestinian health authorities say several civilians have been killed in part of the complex is on fire. the hello m. terry martin. good to help you with this. russians are set for another 6 years of blood. them your proteins rule following an election, widely described as a sham, 15 face, no meaningful opposition in the boat. the 3 handpicked opponents all the ballot did not campaign. in his victory speech, booting said he would now focus on ukraine 2 years after
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a full scale invasion of russia's neighbour that was expected the last. only a few days to marching out to meet supporters. vladimir putin celebrated an entirely predictable election went off to securing yet another time as russia's president he claimed the victory was due to the trust and hope russians had placed in him in his renewed cbm. yeah, for sure, but he is disabled. i'm looking at the 1st of all, i want to thank the citizens of russia lexia. we are all one team has done that. i see called us citizens that came to polling stations and voted you put a good list of what you showed us once again. but i want to say, and this is very important and then you most, it's for them when the, the source of authority in the nation, which is the russian people that i knew you would dates. i see, you know, voters had little choice. all those who could have meaningfully challenged putin
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are either jailed, exiled or dead. rushes, leading or positions. vega, alexei, novelle, ne, died suddenly last month in optic prison, breaking his silence of an invalid. these death boots in cold it, an unfortunate incident. the elections have been criticized as being neither a free nor by the west, germany and ukraine. su mcgill, man, what is the russian victor is stimulating another election? well, everyone in the world understands that this figure, yet as often happens in history, or simply become a ticket to power and just doing everything you can to rule forever. there is no evil, he won't commit to prolong his personal power with somebody's blonde. the election when appears to been bolton pollutants plans for his war and ukraine. in his victory speech,
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he vowed to strength and rushes military. boots in has now been in power since 1999 . if he completes his next 6 year to he'll be rushed as long as subbing lead to in more than 200 years. ever since russian authorities close down dw is bureau in moscow. our bureau chief there you're a re chateau has been reporting from reagan left the. he told us more about the same reactions to russian, the russian leaders reelection as well. a terry, a pod from the congratulations on pollutants victory is at austin, state control media. many people in russia every exits as they have been reacting for almost 25 years now, namely not the tall house with one's way of something or do something that uh, what's to be expected from the beginning. putting himself how the press conference you mentioned it and as expect the piece. busy about that, the consolidation of the russian people. she said that all goals would be achieved
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. she didn't talk about the war, but it was clear to everybody that of what is the most important goal was putting street on successful competitors. also congratulate of him. as for the direction in the western countries, neither of us a nor if he use bulk or of a fair and free election is there argument was event that there is no real a position in russia. jim and president stein maya will not congratulate teaching according to his spokesperson. so in his victory speech here, re, what kind of vision has preteen laid out for russia or? well, i think put this vision offer, i shall for russia, is it coming years is best explained by one example. i put in a p as in his election stuff, oil and things. i think he's election workers the he said he think she's comrades in arms and explained with the meaning of the board comrade in arms or so that you
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can russian. and this is what you said there is in the old fashioned work, the right you can do this is in turn means a fighter, a single man from a village who volunteers to go to what did you find? he's fatherland, which and said that the history is repeating itself and the old rations, i know. so i think it or comrades in arms actually been explicitly talked about 4, but of course he meant what conclusion is put into the russia over the next few years, of course is not only but the bulk of the country. as for putting surprised many, you're a by actually mentioning in his press conference there, the name of alexa in a bonnie, the opposition figure who recently died in prison. what do you make of that theory? well i think it's bizarre that it puts in the never used the volume his name when he and i've only was a life. and now if it and i've only has died, he has mentioned his name several times. um he said 2 important things. firstly is
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that it's of only have died, which was of course sad, but that's life. you said at that was put into indirect response to the accusations that and i've only had been killed. i've secondly putting said that's the voice path to exchange him for a prisoner from another country. and this statement by the criminal lead that caused absolute outrage among and of all these colleagues as they called it, the life. regardless of how you assess boots in sports, it was a signal to the west of it. the russia wasn't ready for a nozzle present exchange. you know, thank you so much. that was dw, is your shadow in real life. it or a poll, the poll extending the russian leaders tenure also looms large in the mines of officials in brussels. european union leaders are meeting there to decide on a new 5000000000 euro military, a package for ukraine that used for him policy chief, joseph burrell. also gave this assessment of the election and booting style to
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focus on the war against ukraine. we see that the russia continues attacking tribute. is eliza attack, you know, there's some way to effect casualties. we have seen the russian elections understanding from this 27 with the issue, the officer of the country. what they want to dissipate, that this has not been free and fair elections, no sea of service, you highly restricted in vitamin position before them. i think that a what they can save more than that. these are the actual as being bays and regression and intimidation and being held onto your opinion by category. violating ukrainian summary was crossover to dw is terry shell. she's standing by force in brussels. terry is clear statement
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there from that used foreign policy chief. can we safely assume that view is shared by all european leaders a well, terry there uh expects to be a statement at the end of this foreign ministers meeting as high representative burrell just mentioned, where you'll have all $27.00 leaders on board. the statement about the russian elections, but the, the high representative put out his own statement heading into this meeting in order to get right out there. get out in front of this uh, this meeting by criticizing the fact that, of course there's, there was no free choice for the russian people in the selection that there were no international observers from the o. s. c, e to uh, to track the practices that were being used by russian election officials. and one of the other points is really offensive to the europeans is of course, that the ukrainians in territory occupied by russia were forced to vote. uh and you know, we saw pictures of this over the weekend sometimes in matters that looked like they
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were very much forced to vote. all of these are things that will be discussed by european union foreign ministers today. and again, burrell said that he is expecting a statement with the backing of all $27.00 countries. at the end of this meeting today, or you remember state spacing pressure, terry increasing pressure, especially from the us to take a more assertive stance in dealing with russia. of the well, the, the other thing that's on the table today with, regarding russia is that they expect to approve sanctions against people who are involved in the killing of alexi and of omi. now of course, this is something that putting himself is mentioning now for the 1st time. and today the european union does expected to approve sanctions based on the death of nevada ne, there's not much else they can do at the moment to accept the put sanctions. those are the tools that the european union feels are most effective against russian actions. the other thing that you hear a many you countries,
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especially front line states saying, is they walk into these meetings and walk into this meeting is that we need to increase support for ukraine. that's the most important thing we can do right now to show our disapproval of russian actions. terry, thank you so much, shar, corresponded terry schultz, the in brussels. well, there was little doubt who would win russia's presidential election, of course, but those opposed to vladimir putin. and he did a call by the russian opposition movement to flood polling stations at noon on sunday and signaled their discontent. thousands also turned out to protest the election that russian embassies around the world. lines stretched into the distance outside. russia's embassies in england, turkey, catholics done. all has come to cost the vote for russia's next president.
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but for many, it's an active protest. a lot, i didn't come to void for anyone. i came to vote against every one. thousands turned down in response to a cold from the russian opposition movement to line up at midday on the last day of russia's tightly controlled presidential election. the noon against boots and rallies would champion to buy you leo, nevada knew the wife of kremlin critic, alexi novelle name, who died under suspicious circumstances. last month that i found the volunteer joined over 2000 russians, lining up outside the country's embassy in berlin. 6 hours later, she costs to vote for president. of course i wrote in the volume, the son named because it just can't be so that a month before the election and during the presidential campaign, persians,
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main opponents already imprisoned was murdered with all and flooded me. hooton's major rivals in prison, exiled or dead. the outcome of this election was never in doubt. but even in russia, thousands still turned out at noon on the final day of voting. showing each other end of the world. there are still many who oppose putin's rule. this of, in 10 years since russia illegally annexed crimea, following an invasion, using troops without russian unit force. it was the beginning of a decade long war with ukraine, culminating in the full scale invasion. 2 years ago, its position on the black sea makes cry me a, a strategically important asset. dependence was, serves as a key base for naval fleet send is used to safe guard security interest. and the region crime is home to both ethnic russians and ukrainians as well as indigenous
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crimean tough, ours and others are russians, ethics, asian tactics. there are being used to claim other territories and ukraine. our report takes a look back at the events that led to the war raging and ukraine. today. the stats of a conflict in europe's east that is still raging a decade on the my done revolution in february 2014. and we this a cold from ukrainians to move closer to the european union and away from russia. as the kremlin aligned, president fled and an interim government to power in keys. most skirt moved to take ukraine's crime me opinion too, of a decision that has helped shape today's conflict between the 2 countries. russian forces in unmarked uniforms appeared at key check points and facilities across crimea. they would lease with green men and they quickly took control
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a referendum on joining russia followed. it was widely seen as a sham. there was no option on the ballot paper to stay and ukraine to the opinion . schiller was positive side of the russia prior to 1954, and the majority of crime mans and make russians, while some had called for a chance to break from ukraine. in 2014, most crime mans had few political, low cultural ties to russia. but most grew claimed, a decisive victory on march, 18, 2014 russian president vladimir persian signed a treaty of a session alongside his appointed leaders of crimea, cause us to wait for me. and so that's the power of attorney, are new to their home shores. god, me, biddy, do the home port to rochelle, need these kids read to you the,
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the time patients popularity was flagging a used bionics ation to boost his approval rating, riding a wave of nationalism and calling for what he described as the restoration of russia after the humiliation of the soviet union's collapse. rhetoric that he repeated during russia's full scale invasion of ukraine in 2022. the crimean peninsula is strategically valuable. russia's black safelite is stationed, and it gives the kremlin a dominant position in the region. since annexation, most car has poured in money for infrastructure projects hoping to create a russian success story. one example is the coach bridge that connects crimea to mainland russia and a ukrainian pushed to retake the financial. a hinges on the bridge that would need to cut the russian supply lines the. the bridge has been targeted before, and you,
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cranes, presidents full of them, is a lensky, has made clear his wish to re night crime a, a with ukraine. resistance in the face of russia's 2022 invasion has boosted zelinski is confidence. that cave could push russian forces back from the east and from crimea. beautiful to him, after 10 years of occupation and war retaking crimea, would symbolize to craniums that the threat from russia could one day be over really or i spoke with alexa yusef off director of the russia program at the fluids . like eva, the foundation thing tank here. in berlin, i asked him what life is like in occupied crimea today? the answer depends very much on who you ask slotskum to be a difference in crimea. i mean, what is true is that there has been a mass of infrastructural efforts by the russian government to transform crimea
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into uh, the viet off hotels and tourism industry, but also to refurbish the indices that have been there. and it has been a promise to the crime means that the standards of living will arise, the pensions will get higher and so on. some of these things happens, but at the same time there's a lot of repression going on the promise of a multi lingual peninsula with ukranian and atari. and both still being taught in schools is not upheld. and there is a lot of redistribution of well, so if you are a businessman on premier, chances are that your property is already or will be taken away because there was a major restructuring of power structures on the peninsula after the annexation. so it depends very much on who you ask. now, the blood improved team has extended his rule yet again, the election gives the impression, at least that the russian people overwhelmingly support his policy is. what should
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we expect from booting now that he has secured another term? and i think the most important piece of learning about the selection is the very 5 turn out. and we know that the presidential administration in moscow was very focused on securing a high turn out because it signals momentum of national unity around the legend. important. and it seems as if this was important to actually start a new chapter of his rule of his government. i mean now to come stay in power for at least 6 more years. and obviously she is set to do something with this time. the campaign itself was very domestic and economic policy oriented, but it's clear and she said of himself, the special knew is reparation. so the war on your brain will remain the priorities, so we'll probably see a continuance and, and escalate his effort to subjugate ukraine on the front. just putting face any real threats to his power at this point or does he has have every reason to feel
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emboldened after the selection slow? yes. and no. the regime is perfectly capable of keeping the thing some control on the what on the one side, on the other side, all the things that have happened in russia domestically worth of prices. if you're thinking about them, you to new york, if you need to go to them, if you're thinking about the very unexpected success of the only anti work candidates buddies and ideas and you're thinking about the lines of people who came to on a and explain the volume, if you're thinking about this action that you would just report to the on mid yesterday at noon. so things are happening outside with a grasp of kremlin. it crammed them gifts and becomes more and more about the project. but the blues is also the capacity to forecast. so on the one hand, in terms of brutal power, the kremlin is on the sides of its development as an improper scene. on the other hand, i don't think they have a lot of capacity to know what's coming to look tomorrow or the day after tomorrow
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. now, the west is deeply concerned about flooding may appear, things is expansionist policies. how effective would you say western efforts are to contain putting some missions? i think so far, we've been in the western governments have acted quite reactively and technically made its time to understand that we need a strategy or maybe is 7 to 10 years. this will be the time frame in which most cove itself will be planning the next steps. so it is about containment, but it's also about ramping up its own credibility. the west own credibility about being serious in terms of support for ukraine in terms of rearmament. but also in terms of follow through an economic sanctions and now the instruments, it's time for us to address, you know, let's say thank you very much for your insights. that was alexa, use a pop from the police like a but foundation. this is look at
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a few other stories making headlines today. firefighters and stuff in china is southwest, are struggling to control a forest fire. more than 3000 people have been evacuated to blaze in such one province began on friday, the strong winds caused it to spread over several mountain heights. equal to most of brazil has been put under high alert due to a heat way. it's nearly the end of summer season, but in rio de janeiro, temperatures are as high as 40 degrees celsius. neurologist say it feels even hotter because of high humidity and hundreds of farmers have driven their tractors into central a drill. they're demanding changes to europe and laws in order to protect farmers from the rising cost of production and help them receive their prices for their goods. similar protests of entailed elsewhere in spain, poland, and other european countries. israel's army is wanting dozens
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to evacuate el cheapo hospital as it carries out enough for ration their palestinian health authorities say several people have been killed and part of the complex is on fire is really released these images of the raid the army claims from us middle to inspire death and from the hospital, and that's how a mazda is using el cheapo as a command center is the biggest and one of the last remaining health facilities in the gaza strip. guys, in some sort shelter from the war at el cheapo after the from us lead october 7th terrorist attacks. i spoke earlier to dw tanya kramer in jerusalem and asked her about the ongoing military operation out all sheep a hospital as well. this operation started in the early morning and it was kind of un usually said we got a lot of statements over the course of this ongoing operation. this where the army said it's a precise operation. and they said they had intelligence that senior home us so
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called a terrace, of where inside the hospital complex also that they returned fire when troops where shots do understand you from some reports that they have taken control of the parts of the complex and that many rest also where being made now a from published in your reports, we understand that there are casualties and injuries around and in the context of a also some video footage coming out of people in the middle of the night being out in the streets, trying to to get away. now what was on using these updates we were getting was that there's an emphasis as well on saying that the to upset ordered ahead of this operation to cautiously and to avoid harm to patients and to medical stuff. and, you know, to people showing their, their, a, several hundreds estimated a people are searching in the complex. and of course, it's always a highly sensitive operation in on hospital crowns as hospitals such
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facilities are protected under the international rule. and it's very closely watched of what is happening there. dw is tanya kramer, they're reporting from jerusalem. now finally, many of us tried to think about death and funerals as little as possible. but in new zealand, some people who are getting on in years are taking a rather different do it yourself. approach their joining the country so called coffin clubs were members come together to build their own custom coffins and bury to boots here at hastings coffin club. the cost gets onto exactly what you'd expect . this one's being fitted out by vintage current, easiest complete with lights, and even a steering wheel. as why is quite a good handle, i'm caught up at mann and most at the most expense on the side. i better stop my training because i will be carrying up on the tapes that like halting approach to
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what is for many the most serious subjects of all that is a whole month of the club and is often elderly members. they've been coming together since 2014 to drink tea. the biscuits and of course, build their own custom coffins, is one of several clubs that have sprung up across new zealand in recent years, offering people the jobs to go out in style, as well as to save money on funeral costs. it's also a place to socialize and discuss death and dying out in the open. so very therapy, lots and charts. and i think it most well not, i think everybody gets here is, except that they're going to die with. they might give me a coffin. so with that, they volunteered, it doesn't matter if the club says it's open to everyone who wants to have a go a decorating what it calls that final bedroom.
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you're watching the w news next eco africa looks at the impact of nigeria is ban on plastic. packaging, and surprisingly surprising, replacement for terry barge. and thanks for watching the
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latest is drowning in the state administrative. the environment is now banned. single use mastic closing huge problems something. what that means is pools on coal. we're looking at the long term environmental on effects, financing, advocacy, dw, the well has dried family, who's staying in iraq, live time to change. what little boys do they have
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a male suppose to to fix up the drugs so that they are not forced to leave that sobel us. in 60 minutes on d, w, the trends, news trends and nature defend itself in case of an emergency. we cannot guarantee that we could protect munich. draper, berlin can't do it. faced with russia's war against duke was grace's military alliance spaces. new threats. would it really close ranks? if it were a top european security basically depends to 90 percent on the us. how
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to how document starts april full on d, w the a clean energy and cutting with a 2 big challenges facing us today. luckily, we don't need to look far to find some pretty smart solutions. so welcome to eco, africa. i and sandra the homes, the tween of you joining do from complex, right? yes. in uganda. thank to sandra. yes. sometimes it since the difficult to fix all the problems facing the environments. what.


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