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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 18, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CET

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the, the, the, this is the w news live from the land, the you condemns. russia's presidential election, platinum in person extends his course a century rules following a votes, where he boast, voice faced, no meaningful opposition. the you is among those describing it is neither free, no fat, and held in a climate of intimidation. cushions claimed victory comes on the 10th anniversary of russia's annexation of crime in the occupation followed and invasion and illegal referendum the paved the way to the full scale invasion of ukraine. and also coming
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up on the program. israel launch is a raid on one of gauze is largest hospitals. the military says it's conducting a precise operation against come off at the el, chico hospital, palestinian helpful authorities say several people have been killed. and part of the complex is on file the . i'm on you can just making and welcome to the program russians. i'll set for another 6 years of flooding a person's role officer and election held following a crackdown on political opposition. who's in face no meaningful position in the votes, which both c e u and us said was neither free, no fat in his victory speech boots and said he would now focus on ukraine 2 years off for a full scale invasion of russia's neighbor that was expected to last, only a few days of marching out to meet supporters. vladimir putin
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celebrated an entirely predictable election went off to securing yet another time as russia's president he claimed the victory was due to the trust and hope russians had placed in him in his renewed cbm. yeah, for sure, but he is disabled. i'm looking at the 1st of all, i want to thank the citizens of russia lexia. we are all one team has done that. i see called us citizens that came to polling stations and voted you put a good list of what you showed us once again. but i want to say, and this is very important and then you most it for them when the, the source of authority in the nation, which is the russian people that i knew you, that i see scheme that voters had little choice. all those who could have meaningfully challenged putin or are the jailed, exiled or dead. rushes leading opposition. steger alexa in a valley,
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died suddenly last month in optic prison, breaking his silence of an invalid. these death boots in cold it, an unfortunate incident. the elections have been criticized as being neither free nor fed by the u. s. gemini, and ukraine. sue mcdermott or the russian victor is simulating another election with everyone in the world understands that this figure here as often happens in history or simply become a ticket to power and just doing everything he can to rule forever. there is no evil, he won't commit to prolong his personal power or somebody's blonde. the election when appears to have been bolton clinton's plans for his war and ukraine. in his victory speech, he vowed to strength and rushes military boot and has now been in power since 1999
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. if he completes his next 6, yet he'll be rushed as longest. subbing lead to in more than 200 years and some more. i'm joined now by d. w. use eastern europe editor, roman gunshot, hang tight road room, and welcome to the studio. now let him it boots and has extended his rules as expected. what should we expect from him now that he has secured another time? or basically, we can expect more of the same, so more um, outside of russia, more against ukraine. but maybe he will try to intimidate the west countries. um, former sauvage republics like moved over a neighboring country of ukraine. could be and in his focus because we saw some attempts or at least that looked like that, attempts to destabilize this situation. the representative from montalvo regions traveled to moscow representative from a 10 semester, which is
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a kind of a, a separate district public on northern territory. oscar the russian problem and for support, especially for support. so that could be coming inside the russia. he'll be tightening of the group for the group on the opposition as well. although it's in it's, it's hardly possible to do that. we could also expect him to come and 6 us if we look at little further away and that made the rush, i will try to unclosing even more than before. so cutting ties was the west, probably cutting things like youtube, which is and um, maybe one of the last channels, media channels, a very important shelves connecting bratia to the outside world to the west of the world. and can i ask you what person's new time will mean for you training in particular? well, as i've just said, it would mean certainly more more so no signs of a rush or i getting tired of letting the 14 i'm showing signs of fatigue. oh, maybe i'm going for a compromise. so he's saying basically, um,
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i'm waiting and i, i intends to continue with my goals and his goals, x ray to destroy ukraine as a sovereign state, as it was established in 199 to my on after the collapse of the soviet union. so he will pursue that goal and i think in the, in the see it might be if we look at this year and the next year may be at 2025. a lot will depend of all of this will continuous and what will happen the united states who will be the next president of the united states. ukraine is very much dependent on us help if there is little help. and then of course, voting might be going to and highest speed and which is also important as we should watch, the major ukrainian cities like hockey is closer to the russian border. and the desktop are a major and very important lexi ports of ukraine. actually, the last one, big one that has left we've seen in the past day is just prior to the action. a lot of talk in russia itself and front porch and also from the russian president about
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odessa. so this is the key region for the coming months and yes to watch you can, you mentioned roman that he was going to try and squeeze the opposition even sub, but whatever is left of the opposition. i mean, does he face any real threats at this point? well, at the moment it looks like he's very stable. so in, um, in short term, no, i would say, but in the medium term and in the long term. uh, the st. the thinks would be unstable for him because this war is not to populate in russia. so there's a core of about 20, maybe 30 percent of the most beloved like it and to go fight or support the fighting until that actual wins. but on the other hand, there is a majority that i know it's very much happy because the russians die in this war. it am and the population is, is getting to feel it a more and more. so the more the one of the war continues, the more difficult it could be for pointing, but at the moment he's stable and he has enough money. companies, eastern europe at his room and going try and good thanks so much room in are
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now the votes that extended the russian leaders role is looming launch in the minds of european union officials in brussels. you lead is amazing that to decide on a new 5000000000 euro military aid package for ukraine. the use foreign policy chief cause of burrell also gave this assessment of the election. the not being free and fair elections, no or c or service, you highly restricted in vitamin position in different elastic are they what they can save of more than that. these are the excess as being base and regression and intimidation and being help on the ukrainian bulk of by category violating ukrainian southern w as terry schultz. drones us now from brussels. terry, we just heard the from the foreign policy chief,
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does he speak full european leaders and what he says, which we won't know until further along in this meeting, whether all 27 you foreign ministers agree with those remarks by hyper high representative burrell. but most of them coming into this meeting were just blistering in their criticism of, of what they called so called elections. cham elections. many of them didn't even use that word to describe the voting process in russia. and it's not a very high bar. there were no international observers, people in ukraine and territories occupied by russia were forced to vote, sometimes under physical threats. and of course, any credible opposition to putin has either been jailed, exiled or in the case of alexi and of all me, of course killed. and that's something we do expect to come out of this meeting today. it is anticipated that ministers will agree to let me sanctions against people found to be involved in the death of alexi, nevada, in the, in that arctic prison. of course,
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the other thing they'll be discussing related to russia, wrapping up support for ukraine. many of the ministers, particularly those along the front line, are saying that this should be considered an x, a central threat to europe, just like ukraine. and this time to gather the political will to do what it takes to help you frame when terry thank so much for that. that's terry schultz reporting from brussels as it's now being 10 years since most go illegally annexed crime. mia, the occupation followed an invasion using troops without russian insignia. and it was the beginning of a decade long will with ukraine, which culminated in the full scale invasion 2 years ago. a crime is location on the black sea makes it a strategically important asset dependency less subs is a t base. the naval fleet fund is used to safeguard security interests in the region. crimea is home to both estimate russians and ukrainians, as well as indigenous crime, in tubs and others. for centuries,
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the task of being fighting to preserve their identity as crimea was invaded by various powers. on ex report follows tests i was in exile, who still dream of returning to the home and it's room of dawn and keith. many of those praying here are far from home, such as these my of course the 33 year old has taught an ethnic group, native to premier, yada new york. i was born an independent ukraine. i grew up in crimea in independent and ukraine. i don't see crime yet as different. i do not see it as part of some other state or a little while ago, so that he's my list from you after russia occupied the peninsula and 24 to the senior join to you create an armed forces and now performs in a military ensemble. here singing a song in his native language and owed to premier
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going home even to visit has become impossible. a glitch center of the line. so 2014, the people were free in crimea. that is, if you cream didn't really help us. there at least it didn't interfere, and no one told us what holidays to celebrate. what days of remembrance we should celebrate or not, what language we should speak and who to vote for, who not to vote for someone who to praise or not to praise. nobody told us this will install them. yeah, godaddy o. powers have been living in crimea for hundreds of years under style, endeavor, persecuted, and deported. the collapse of the soviet union allowed them to return that freedom didn't last. since russia's occupation in 20142 thirds are again being persecuted, making up the largest group of political prisoners around 50000 torres are reported
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to have left premier since 2014. while the ukrainian government estimates more than 500000 russians were brought in. when russian president vladimir putin annex crimea, she promised the lives of ordinary people would improve. instead, sections of compact with the economy and democratic rights had been lost by cham, wasn't leashed. we see the destruction of culture and heritage, the impossibility of using one's native language and educational institutions order public space. so therefore, these are very important things when we describe how people live in cry me on that i'd say that is, it's the territory of feel. but that's a better thought as to who example. mueller, to shave a says, when putting invaded crimea, the world looked away. the occupation has seemed to have paved the way for the full scale invasion of 2022. as we have for all today, liberating crime. it seems like a daunting challenge. but for ukraine's government,
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it's not up for an advantage screen is almost fractional or best, no doubt that only liberation of absolutely all types of trees will bring us peace . this probably will ticket this phrase may oh 1st, there will be no peace until they can return home the last time that i believe in ella, and hope that everything is the same. with his permission, try me. i will still return to ukraine and there will be safe access and passage for someone like me. last of via a chromebook. yeah. chrome you until the 1st few, a prolonged occupation could mean the end of their people. let's take a look now. some of the other stories making headlines around the walls and slice slices in china. southwest a struggling to control a forest fire. within 3000 people have been evacuated. the plays and $61.00 province began on friday, and strong winds caused it to spread across several mountains. in australia has
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agreed to pay more than a $163000000.00 euro successful class action lawsuit brought slight taxi or prices and drivers lawyers. so the group say the taxi industry has been decimated since the call for highest service began or pricing that you commission president of left on the line has announced in a package the egypt was over 7000000000 years. egyptian president of dell such a l. c. c. held a visit to cairo is a milestone and relations the funding is intended to cub undocumented migration for 6 of questions the support of egypt. human rights right now is rails on me is one and goes on is to evacuate the l. she for hospital is it carries out in operation the the home us run palestinian helpful. sorry. he says several people have been killed and parts of the complex is on fire. israel released these images of the rate the all me claims. hum us militants fired out them from the hospital
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and that hamas is using l. scheaffer as a come on center. it's the biggest and one of the last remaining health facilities in the strip goals and such so sheltered from the rule at all. she fell off to the hama sled october the 7th terror attacks. let's get more now from d. w 's, tanya came out. who's in jerusalem at tanya? can you give us the latest on this? this operation, military operation of the l chief, elizabeth lind garza as well from what we understand here. we of course not to on the ground is that the military operation is still ongoing. this is, as you said, in a shift, a hospital which is in the center of garza city. it's another raid on this hospital . and we understand that also from eye witnesses accounts that there's also fighting going on in the vicinity to the hospital and the people in the neighborhood. but also those sheltering in the hospital on the hospital grounds
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have been asked to evacuate. and as you said, the is really ami a start of this raid early in the morning saying that they have intelligence that senior and us a terrace of the as they put it, where the inside of the hospitals, there were shots fired at the troops operating there and that basically many arrests have been also made on to no, no, this is the another time that this hospital has been rated. the 1st time was in november, and of course a people have a sore children and hospitals such as the she for hospital as a hospitals are seen as protect a space according to international and the people who are sheltering environment. is there any way for them to get out as well there? a bit of conflicting reports would be a hearing. i mean, on the one hand, there's a statement that came out early in the morning by the armies saying that had
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cautioned the troops operating there and not to home, or to avoid any harm to the medical stuff, to patients that are inside the hospital and be also hearing some eye witnesses there, that leaves us have been dropped in the area in the neighborhood of fremont. and also to those sheltering on the hospital grounds that they should leave and evacuate to soften dogs a to the area of mobile. i see that is on the coast in a new laptop. so of course it's a bit difficult now to understand how this of a creation of people will work is the safe corridor. also, we have to understand these people have been that it's a very difficult area. northern goals we've been talking about it and supplies have not reached the area very frequently. so people would have to see how the rest would get transports. so all of this is so to see how this unfold, but so need devastating for those people who have stayed in the neighborhood now to
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be told to evacuate. once again, tanya tamer, reporting from jerusalem, tanya, thank you so much. i or now it was a moment of the shaped mode in taiwan. 10 years ago, hundreds of students seized control of parliament. well, hundreds of thousands more joined demonstrations of support on the streets that processed helped still a planned trade packed with china that they said could leave taiwan vulnerable to collection by they showing the w's, james chase a spoke with some of those who took part a decade ago, hundreds of students storming taiwan legislature the occupation of the building lost in more than 3 weeks through southern charm to express and the plans of trade pads of china. 1 leaders including dismantling fe fun said it was passed without cross party screws and could leave type have vulnerable to economic pressure from china,
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which claims silver and see over to i want it was name to sometime these minutes of the flower became the symbol of the students calls for greater transparency. the power to targeted was eventually scrap revisiting the legislature building for the 1st time since the occupation leading faith found tells us the movement was the turning points in. ty, one's political history, pringle range and the other one is the relations with china. i agree with you if you decide it's by a small group of political leads, but it sounds almost like trick out the symbolize that that one is visual. have a desire to decide our relationship, which i know of my, our self employment at the time was a can see it's high when he's policy, which then and now favors close economic ties that the trying to see this. it's every presidential election since they've lost of and now in 2019 enjoying the d p . p which has tried to rims high ones economy all stages influence but because of
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the sounds on the plan. so all the integration say agenda has been stopped by the towing these people. so that's quite the pivotal for the insurance itself, our, our, our patients with a room. and then though the world was launch, the looking elsewhere, mostly a deadly protest happening at the same time in ukraine. the protest has faced a similar set of questions leave closer to their authoritarian neva, which on their own democratic future. indeed russians antic station of crime in tribute by the process and ukraine was formalized on march. the 18th 2014, the exec they protested inside pay to the legislature in taiwan. the sunflower movements monthly motions for the new political generation leech. and i was just 9 years old when she, with her parents joined hundreds of thousands on this type, the streets in supports of the students. now what university herself, she says with some families, minutes continues to shape you of time once future. lawrence is
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a about us only though i lots of people will think on a road. what power do we have? even if there's 100 people, what power do we have? if the government wants to do something they can do us? that's why it was such a moving moment. it showed if we work together, we can change our society, say what it showed taiwan belongs to us. a majority of time when he's going to answer this question, which one? despite paging, ramping up, military pressure on site pay in recent years on so many he, the important se attached to taiwan is autonomy. even in the face of such threats, was seated in the sun from movement 10 years ago. when i'm joined now by dw use type pay correspondent james chase a who follow that report for us? james, tell us how did those who were involved in this movement look back at that moment 10 years ago or well, it was really interesting. going back to the legislature building with lynn face on
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one of the students lead is of that process. it was the 1st time as i mentioned, did not report that he'd been back to that building since the occupation. i think they were really excessive conflicting and complicated emotions. and one of the things he did say is that even though he was someone that was eventually prosecute, that actually eventually requested for his role in the occupation, was able to revisit that legislative building. really shows the strength of tie one's democracy. but as with any movement like this does, of course a context or for the legacy, i think there was some within tie one that would make the case that time, once the economy would have been better off with a bit of deeper engagement with badging. but what process prints in the sometimes even when i think for really able to do is shift the dial on the conversation really around the high ones. economic relations with aging and draw attention to the potential dangers to tie one silver and see if they continued down that pulse of continued economic integration with china and james, how,
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what i would needs politics and put in particular perceptions of china and taiwan today. how, how would they shaped by the sunflower protest? it's the only thing to understand the situation so that you really have to understand the context in which the sunflower movement was born. this was a time when you've had almost 8 years and the can see and power. this has a policy to save as close to economic ties with china and onto the administration. you've seen as new. every of you can only plans people to people exchange of exchanges, plans that was designed to bring taiwan close to, to china, so much so the international lives of, even in the weeks leading up to these protests were saying that it might not be too much longer before china started taiwan was eventually subsumed by china. so of course, taiwan remains now with one of his self governing democracy. but that policy that was in power during the sunflower movements, has yet to win the presidential election since that being said, though, this,
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this policy of winning ty, one of china's economic influence under the now william d, p. p. housing house and struggles, china remains type ones, largest economic connor. and in that sense, although the sometime moving parts has, who are able to move the diet on this question is still is still going really complete in result of the question is how to why one should manages relations and badging. i did just want to ask you, you talks in your reports about parallels with ukraine given ever a thing that's happened since don't stop comparison resume even more strongly with, with people in taiwan now for briefly if you could change. still. i think this was one of the really interesting things about reporting of this story is that so many of the kind of international observers are really no doubt aware of what happened during this sunflower movement. and i think that really speaks to the, the importance of new frame protests of the time, which we're facing a very similar sets of questions. the statements before. then ukraine in the time sense of course, gives tie one very much, some pulls for the thoughts,
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but it was so you know, you've had in that last tenure decision, ping, centralizing power, and in china. and the threat of conflict between taiwan and china has no, it's dissolved in any, in any kind of, um, analysis of the situation is go great to and so that's why again this, this sometimes, even though the really important moment in taiwan is fiscal history still remains contested the ws. james chase and type hey, thanks so much james. now people of irish heritage has been celebrating some patrick's day old over the world. a moment to remember the main patron saint of island in dublin. more than 5000 people. took pos in parades, featuring floats, and joint prophets. and there were also combinations abroad in the united states president j bite and held a brunch catholic leaders. the us president has irish ancestry and strong ties with the country. and there were more boisterous celebrations in the us city of boston. well let for cooling, this community groups and marching bands gathered feeling of the streets with the
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