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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 18, 2024 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the news live from the, the you condemns russians. presidential election flooding that's who sent extends his course a century road following a verse in which he faced no meaningful physician. the you is among those describing it is neither free, no fat, and held in a climate of intimidation. solutions claims victory comes on the 10th anniversary of rushes on, accessions of crime in the occupation followed an invasion and illegal referendum the pays the way to the school. full scale invasion of ukraine will say,
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coming up on the program. israel launch is a raid on one of the causes largest hospitals. the military says it's conducting a precise operation against hamas at the outset hospital listed in helpful sororities. say that has been multiple casualties and positive complex is on find the money keeps making and good to be with us. russians all set for another 6. he is a lot of them. it pretends rule often election held following a crack sound on political opposition, pollution phase, no meaningful opposition. in the vote, we suppose the you, on the us said was my, the free no fat. and his victory speech person said he would now focus on ukraine 2 years off to a full scale invasion of russia's neighbour that was expected to last only a few days to marching out to meet supporters. platinum at 210
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celebrated an entirely predictable election went off to securing yet another time as russia's president he claimed the victory was due to the trust and hope russians had placed in him in his renewed cbm. yeah, for sure. but he is just to look at the 1st of all, i want to thank the citizens of russia lexia. we are all one team has done that, i see, call the citizens that came to polling stations and voted you put a good list of what you showed us once again. but i want to say, and this is very important and then you most, it's for them when the, the source of authority and the nation, which is the russian people that i knew you dates. i see scheme that all voters had little choice. all those who could have meaningfully challenged putin or the jailed
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exiled or dead. rushes leading opposition, stig, alexei, novelle, ne, died suddenly last month in optic prison, breaking his silence of an invalid. these death boots in cold it, an unfortunate incident. the elections have been criticized as being neither free nor fed by the west, germany and ukraine. sue mcdermott, what is the russian victor is simulating another election. well, everyone in the world understands that this figure, yet as often happens in history, or simply become a ticket to power and just doing everything he can to rule forever. there is no evil, he won't commit to prolong his personal power with somebody's people on the election when appears to been bolton pollutants plans for his war and ukraine. in his victory speech, he vowed to strength and rushes military. boots in has now been in power since 1999
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. if he completes his next 6 year to he'll be rushed as long as subbing lead to in more than 200 years. and some more, i'm joined now by d. w. use eastern europe editor, roman gunshot, hang tight road room, and welcome to the studio. now let him it boots and has extended his rules as expected. what should we expect from him now that he has secured another time? or basically, we can expect more of the same, so more, more um, outside of russia, more against ukraine. but maybe he will try to intimidate the west countries. um, former soviet republics like moved over a neighboring country of ukraine, could be and in his focus because we saw some attempts, or at least that looked like that dems to destabilize. and so the situation that representative from montalvo regions traveled to moscow representative from a 10 semester, which is a kind of a,
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a separate district public on northern territory. oscar the russian parliament for support, especially for support. so that could be coming inside to russia. he'll be tightening of the group for the group on the opposition as well, although it's in it's, it's hardly possible to do that. we could also expect him to come in 6 us if we look at little further away. and that made the rush, i will try to unclosing even more than before. so cutting ties was the west. probably cutting things like youtube, which is and um, maybe one of the last channels, media channels, a very important shelves connecting bratia to the outside world to the western world. and can i ask you what person's new time will mean for you, right. and in particular, well, as i've just said, it would mean certainly more more so no signs of a rush are getting tired of letting the 14 i'm showing signs of fatigue. oh, maybe i'm going for a compromise. so he's saying basically, um,
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i'm waiting and i, i intends to continue with my goals and his goals, x ray to destroy ukraine as a silver and state as it was established in 1991 on after the collapse of the soviet union. so she will pursue that goal and i think in the, in the see it might be if we look at this year and the next year may be a 2025. a lot will depend of how this will continues and what will happen the united states who will be the next president of the united states. ukraine is very much dependent on us help if there is little help. and then of course voting might be going to and higher speed um and which is also important as we should watch the major ukrainian cities like hockey, if close the trip to the russian border and the desktop are a major and very important lexi ports of ukraine actually the last one, big one that has left we've seen in the past day is just prior to the action. a lot of talk in russia itself and from pollution also from the russian president about
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odessa. so this is vicky region for the coming months and yes to watch. ok. you mentioned roman that he was going to try and squeeze the opposition, even sub whatever is left of the opposition. i mean, does he face any real threats at this point? well, at the moment it looks like he's very stable. so in, in short term, no, i would say, but in the medium term, and in the long term, the same things couldn't be unstable for him because this war is notable to learn russian. so there's a core of about 20, maybe 70 percent of the most, who love it, like it, and to go fight or support the fighting until that actual wins. but on the other hand, there is a majority that i know it's very much happy because the russians die in this war. it am and the population is, is getting to feel it's a more and more. so the more the one of the war continues, the more difficult it could be for pointing, but at the moment the stable and he has enough money, utilities,
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eastern europe at his room and going try and good thanks so much room and it's it's now being 10 years since russia and legally annex crime is following an invasion, using troops without russian uniforms, it was the beginning of a decade long with ukraine, which culminated in the full scale invasion 2 years ago. now its position on the black sea makes crimea a strategically important asset dependency loss subs is a key base. the naval fleets and safeguards, security interests in the region. crimea is home to both ethnic russians and ukrainians, as well as indigenous crime in tulsa and others. now, russia's annexation tactics that are being used to claim all the territories in ukraine. our port takes a look back at the events that led to the war raging and ukraine. today. the stats of a conflict in europe's east that is still raging a decade on the might on revolution in february 2014. and we did
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a call from ukrainians to move closer to the european union and away from russia. as the kremlin aligned, president fled, and an interim government to power in keys must go moved to take ukraine's crime me a financial of a decision that has helped shape today's conflict between the 2 countries, russian forces in unmarked uniforms appeared at key check points and facilities across crimea, they were dumped lease with green men, and they quickly took control a referendum on joining russia followed. it was widely seen as a sham. there was no option on the ballot paper to stay in ukraine. of the opinion schiller was positive, sort of the russia prior to 1954 and the majority of crime mans and make russians, while some had called for a chance to break from ukraine. in 2014,
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most crime mans had few political, low cultural ties to russia. but most grew claimed, a decisive victory on march, 18, 2014 russian president vladimir persian signed a treaty of a session alongside his appointed leaders of crimea, cause us to wait for me. and so that's the power of attorney, are new to their home shores hadley, biddy to their home port, to rush on the be skids. when i see you the, the time patients popularity was flag. he used bionics ation to boost his approval rating. riding a wave of nationalism and calling for what he described as the restoration of russia. after the humiliation of the soviet union's collapse. rhetoric that he
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repeated during russia's full scale invasion of ukraine in 2022. the crimean peninsula is strategically valuable. russia's black safelight is stationed there, and it gives the kremlin a dominant position in the region. since annexation most car has poured in money for infrastructure projects, hoping to create a russian success story. one example is the coach bridge that connects crimea to mainland russia and a ukrainian push to retake the financial a hinges on the bridge that would need to cut russian supply lines that the bridge has been targeted before. and you, cranes, presidents will let them is. the lensky has made clear his wish to re night. crimea, with ukraine, resistance in the face of rushes. 2022 invasion has boosted zelinski is confidence . that cave could push russian forces back from the east and from crimea. beautiful to him, after 10 years of occupation and war retaking crimea,
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would symbolize to craniums that the threat from russia could one day be over. let's take a look now, some of the other stories making headlines around the world and tell yvon officials in afghanistan claim pac hasanti strikes of killed 8 civilians in the border, regions of cost and practica. the tele buying launch for talia tree attacks on military posts. pakistan is claiming terrorist, so taking shelter enough gun is done and carrying out the tax on the territory. and australia has agreed to pay more than a $163000000.00 euro successful a class action lawsuit. bruce, by taxi operations and drive is lawyers. so the group say the taxi industry has been decimated since the costs. the highest service again of pricing that the sizes in china is south west of struggling to control the forest by
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a little them. 3000 people have been evacuated, blaze and c. schwann province began on friday, and strong winds have caused it to spread across several mountains. as rails on the is wanting dozens to evacuate the l. she fell hospital as it carries out an operation. the, the homeless run goal is a health ministry says this be multiple casualties. and parts of the complex is now on fire. israel released these images of the raid, the army claims from us militant side of them from the hospital and the homeless is using all she for as a come on center. it is the biggest and one of the last remaining health facilities in the strip gardens have sort to shelter from the war and el cheapo, else to the homeless sled october the 7th terror attacks or deleted jerusalem correspondent tania. excitement is monitoring the events in gaza rail as to whether there's a way for the civilians course in the people hospital to get out while they're
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a bit of conflicting reports. would be a hearing. i mean, on the one hand, there's a statement that came out early in the morning by the army saying that had cautioned the troops operating there and not to harm or to avoid any harm to the medical stuff to patients that are inside the hospital. and be also hearing some eye witnesses there. that leaves us have been dropped in the area in the neighborhood of fremont. and also to those sheltering on the hospital grounds that they should leave and evacuate to soften garza to the area of mobile. i see that is on the coast in uh, near uh laptop. so of course it's a bit difficult now to understand how this of a creation of people will work is the safe corridor. also, we have to understand these people have been that it's a very difficult area. northern goals we've been talking about it and supplies have not reached the area very frequently. so people would have to see how the rest would get transports. so all of this is still to see how this will unfold,
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but suddenly devastating for those people who have stayed in the neighborhood. now to be told to evacuate once again, a musty w, as tanya claim, a reporting from duras lemon. with that you are up to date i my new group is mckennon. thanks so much for watching the news. the my name is the coles beck said loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud, that's what it being nosy bay, like good. everyone to king check out the award winning called called don't call back.


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