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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 18, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news line from the in the you condemns the russians presidential election as vladimir putin, an extensive quarter century, a rule. if i have no meaningful opposition of a you is among those describing the voters neither free nor fair, and held in a climate of intimidation. also on the program, israel says it's a secure bahama, combined in a right on one of the causes largest hospitals. the military, if that's an operation against a medicine group at the out she for hospitalized ongoing mushroom helpful far to say that have been multiple casualties and off the complex is on file the
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. i'm so glad you're welcome to the program. rushes election commission says vladimir putin has been re elected as president way of 87 percent of the votes. the poll held over the weekend followed the crime down on political opposition, leaving mr. posting with no meaningful arrivals for the position. the rest of lita celebrated his whim awesome open that comes to town. red square had appearing on stage with the 3 candidates who run against him. in his victory speech, he hailed what he called the return of ukrainian territories to russia. a you and us officials of describe the election is not a free nor fat professor. so gave a chunk code teaches that be henry kissinger, santa, for global affairs at the johns hopkins school of advanced international studies. i asked him why document purchasing feels the need to go through this shamrock of an election slow. dictators like to do that decatur like to stress that they have to
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mention to the people that their rules, their power does not necessarily come from god. although of course, claims that connection as well. so the russian orthodox church, but from the public mandate, i mean the even style and have elections for this matter in the ussr. so it's not whole, not surprising to that people like who would want to be the electives in quotation marks again on the human rights. i'm just entering by who he needs to impress, give them that he's. he's grateful. empower appears to be absolute. well, you know, who did the style of the warranty press when he had his elections, when you will see or a number of, of sylvie general secretaries. so they, they wide go. the legitimacy that comes from public boat vote of public confidence in them even though the balls may be red. um, it's just not whole. that unusual in run command of stanford in the 1990s they have
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the same thing with the leaders getting 99 percent of the vote. and then he asked me how much i'm paying, what did he promised voters i'm isn't minded to deliver? well, he had a good kind of a campaign i have uh, he had the state of the union address uh, recently in which he set out the various new goals. he highlighted his results to bring the war and ukraine to victorious and highlights a greater investments and old walks of life or so russia will turn into paradise on his watch. that is sort of what he promised in his way to the state of the union address. but no, he did not really contain in the other, in the sense of going from city to city because he felt he did not need to do that . there was a, some rush opposition groups. they organized the space noon protest against the fruits. and i was that the only way to register opposition and did anybody pay any attention as well?
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you know, the russian opposition is always trying to come up with various methods of supposing the regime through different means for example. and one of the previous selections, nevada, a. so organization promotes something called smartvault chain where people would uh, both or candidates, selected by nevada named his team in order to prove that would be supported. united russia was not popular and that did not really succeed all that much. and that will this particular a protest vote to entail people coming out of the room on sunday to register their support for nevada name more for freedom and russia and against me. and it's great, it's greatest impact was perhaps to let people see each other. so those people who came out into this, into the russian point stations are sort of mainly in europe actually, so that they're not alone. and that's important, as it is a kind of a moral support exercise more than anything else that might have practical consequences for russia itself. a lot of my purse and is what a 71 years old is,
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gets a, a new 6 year term. is anyone daring to consider what a post coach in russia might look like? as i'm afraid law, i mean we, we keep talking about what it might look like and who might possibly succeed him. we know it's not going to be done through bullying box is you will have to be carried uh from the criminal and see 1st and then of course the power struggle with them too. but how long this will take is anyone's guess couldn't, can run again and again, 6 years time. and you could uh, go on for another 20 years and he asked me, so i think it's too early to really envision russia after. and it will come one day and we're all hoping for the russia. it's somewhere there in the darkness. the moment. i'm not seeing the light of the end of the tunnel quite yet. you mentioned joseph style in a couple of times there and he makes it to tons and tons you 9 foot and we'll pass mr. stalez who rules that the soviet union for 29. he is. do you think this is an
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important milestone for him? oh, maybe i don't know what to dreams. all we know, for example, that she is an invasion of ukraine, was perhaps lots of aided by an idea that he's trying to build up some kind of historical legacy as a unifier of what he sees as rational lambs. so being, you know, the longest serving russia and in present history, is that something to drive seem, i don't know, but you know, he's certainly not going for the language power that you know for sure. all right, i thank you so much progress. the 2nd i read shane customer, henry kissinger, center for global defense. you rushed to the election, loomed lodge in brussels at the meeting of european union foreign ministers. the blocks foreign policy chief, joseph burrell, gave this assessment. this has not been to see on fans and actions no or see
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of service you highly restricted in vitamin position and different elastic are they what can save more than that? these are the excess as being bays and refreshing, an intimidation and being held onto ukrainian bulk of by category violating ukrainian southern jonesboro, the israel, whose name behind us commander. it says it killed the during the right of gaza cities out chief, a hospital, psych, alma who was the head of the militant islam is groups internal security department is charles intelligent services. he was responsible for coordinating tara attacks and the gaza strip and had been hiding in a, in a building in the hospital complex. israel relates these images of the right, the army claims homeless medicines, 5 of them from the hospital. how strong guys, a health ministry is reporting multiple casualties. the people have been seeking shelter at al schafer since the war began in response to the homeless terror
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attacks on the 7th of october. june this to somebody, so come into some told me more about these. ready to be ready on the i'll shoot for hospital. so yeah. first of all, this is the she saw hospitality that these really military rated already 4 months ago. took over those hosp. but the way she can pay the games to how much the fighters and then we drew from this place. so now it seems that even though is really losing control. so it says overall is the safety of the northern part of the guns of st. how miles has managed to come back to this a complex and then be able to even see 2 30 in the morning. he's really forces entering the house, but the complex i did, it was the exchange of fire. and the is really, is up talking about more than
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a political mazda in a fight or kias a rodney is really soldier to, and i, i can tell you that also a journalist from a judge 0 who was covering these events was arrested and taken by these really forces together with many others who were in this a complex and they've been taken to be question a by these are in the military. right now. we have a president biden holding his 1st phone call for months with his right, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that happened today against a background of a growing rift between them, of israel's conduct of this war. i'm one of the learned about this call. so will we know that the 2 key questions is the issue of the aid? a going in to the goal is a strength and the expected the operation in the for the last, the city a that the days really
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a minute there is and then the uh to take over where we have a $1400000.00 palestinians love slid from various parts of the gaza strip and are taking a shelter in this area are the americans. and they say that if it's read should go in to that area. rough uh it should have a plan and not only a plant. ready exact to a, a, the residence there, but how exactly where would they move? uh, where, where would they have their facilities? and the so far they have not seen such a detail plan and by us in america have made it clear that the without this type of a plan then is a, not a go ahead with this a common pay. i will, you know, so the, the, the issue of the humanitarian a situation in gaza is something that definitely this tracy is
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a very much on please. and they would like to see much more a coming in. okay, so i have access how many timeless time you soco in jerusalem. i will take a look at some most doors making headlines around the world. now we'll start in spain, way hundreds of faithful, have taken pilots in a protest against the killing of civilians in casa, the event in the city of san sebastian culminated in protest as live on the ground to symbolize the dead around obama inspired bypass those famous and capable of painting gun a policing nigeria government has came out at least 87 people from a village in the northwest residence of the village near could you and could do the state side of the bonded survived undetected because they've talked and most of bikes far away hundreds of people have been kidnapped recently by guns, demanding run some payments. and u. s. government study has found no evidence of brain injuries amongst they provide
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some embassy officials of reports and symptoms of circle avant us and syndrome research us that the companies have differences between the suffers of the control group, headaches, and cognitive problems. the 1st reported by embassy was in cuba in 2016 and then australia has agreed to pay more than 163000000 euros to satellite class action lawsuit for biotech sale right as and drivers lawyers for the group site. the tax industry has been decimated since a call for high service began to operate back finally to new zealand, where a group of elderly people has been taking a live hostage approach to watts. for many of the most serious subject of joined a coffin club, a social club of thoughts where members can meet to build their own custom coffins and bury to those here at hastings coffin club, the cost gets onto exactly what you'd expect. this one's being fitted out by
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vintage current, easiest complete with lights, and even a steering wheel, says weiss caught a good handle. i'm caught up with a man and most of the must subscribe some side. a better stop why training side will be carried up on the it's not like halted approach to what is for many the most serious subject to bowl that is a whole month of the club and is often elderly members. they've been coming together since 2014 to drink tea. the biscuits and of course, build their own custom coffins, is one of several clubs that have sprung up across new zealand in recent years, offering people the chance to go out in style, as well as to save money on funeral costs. it's also a place to socialize and discuss death and dying out in the open. so very therapy. so it's enjoyed. um, and i think it most well not,
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i think everybody gets here is, except that they're going to die with that. making the coffins the way that they volunteer and it doesn't matter. the club says it's open to everyone who wants to have a go a decorating what it calls that final bedroom is reminded that top stores there's our see expresses election information says the bottom associated has been re elected in the bottom slides victory taking 87 percent of this protein to attend to the victory valley in red square on monday where he found his simples, israel's army has warned people in jobs or to leave out chief a hospital. isaac, how does that grades that palestinian unhelpful? sorry to say several people have been killed and part of the complex is on file is ready to be buried on the hospital in november prompted international calm destination mx on dw close up fame, no need to ask around the world. they want to pay higher taxes to help close the
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growing gap between rich port back of the time of the day the, the innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to a lot of crime. it's probably up to speed. if the carriers subscribe to those channels to subscribe to plan, it's a fresh wind is blowing as i meet julia and rolled up.


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