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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  March 19, 2024 1:30am-2:00am CET

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team security basically depends to 90 percent on the us out to the document receiving jobs, april full on d, w. the clean energy and cutting with a 2 big challenges facing us today. luckily, we don't need to look for to find some pretty smart solutions. so welcome to equal africa, i and some drug of homes that we know of. you joining do from complex right here in uganda. i think to sandra, yes, sometimes it seems so difficult to fix all the problems facing the environments. what we want to show you how every little bit of progress helps. i am chris gloves
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coming to you from lagos, nigeria, i'm, here's what we've got for u. haul nigeria is push it back against thing to use las, they'd valuable work offices inside. first of the spanish mediterranean coast and how a 19 year old in bed towers bringing lights. there's village in malawi, the fall off for us to report the display of bikes. yeah. elijah area and the vibrant mega city of lake ghost, which has a huge plastic waste problem. it's so bad, the state government has bends, plastic items that they use just once as sort of the way many people of celebrate that the decision was that so we'll see the reaction of the shows. oh, hard. it's gotta be to change. always legally is literally drowning in
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trach discarded plastic packaging is everywhere. the cities, lots of ways in particular, have become a dumping ground for more than a $113000.00 tons of garbage. each year. they just states environments, ministry has not banned single use plastic upholstery. but it's not that easy. it's wrapped up with many people's livelihoods because companies just like us, that's what people have meaning. so what would they be doing about the, the progress from people? what would that be doing? i can't tell you if i'm happy or sad about the the take away cyber some fact is cheaper than reusable plastic frontier you wards so many customers choose to get their food and the styrofoam that because it's cheap. i don't know how the government will go about implementing this man because it's not our fault environmental research out to me. it's
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a passive by moving knows how damage in the past it can be. she says the government has made the right move, even if some will finally talk to it that we're talking about like the informal 6. so recycling companies that'd be painful in collections of pitfall tools and all of that this was fixing. well then, if, if pros and cons, we're looking at the long term environmental supposed to now please you on effect funding the implementing the band once be easy, many businesses are simply not ready. they'll lead time to before that production process. but active, it's the same way joe believes it can be done. we have warranties. it's all plastic. there was was a 9 do. yeah. without plastic. we still lived. it is very much possible. well, i understand the convenience. the calmness of plastic is quite blinded. well, i would like to say this clumsiness, convenience of the cost of our lives,
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of the future is too expensive. they got many street vendors. we also welcome to left garbage on the street, but they don't know what to confuse in place of plastic packages. when we think of, but the way people me to use or think is no good because it's on the roof would cost us both the cost to give us the chance to advise that we value the desk. you can both be given to the public assessing people do food you said landlord called them to can you tell whether biodegradable or reusable packaging. now many options out they have to help with close to the plastic waste in dates. there are, and some of those or policies i've been around for a very long time with business that. so people this all to us, the large area, helping to bring back up with the digital phone talk to that is completely natural,
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but it was in abundance of the civil thoughts to have faced boosting properties. this he's little religious ceremony, but you would call it a form of net to watch it is a publicity event for private protection organized by on a digging into your that wants people to use these large, highly profitable leads instead of lusting and my that is the way it is related to biodiversity prices strategy projects. many of the costs of its kind. elaine cbs, them, i did the launch the plant, no plastic project in the 2015 enough to witnessing how single use plastic folder. i just wanted the southwest and they do. yeah. you know, it's a is to encourage community is to replace plastic wrapping with the robust bloss leaves of the cut them fair or miracles. fruit plant, also known by it's letting them tomato. cool. close the nearly wait. when they from
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us in the villages, we've got them to get up with the planting of come out to because i nearly dimensions and thousands of i will need to practice is to ensure that the list up width and depth as best. okay, so i'm not saying that well, no choice to do my choice on do far beautiful food plants. i'm mainly cultivated by women in ca, call plantations as a form of agile forestry. the plants of thrive into soil beneath the trees and the leaves can be harvested every 3 months. or in the moonlight manually is taking part in the trust initiative together with other women. she's learning how to properly rep food here in the world. in the state of a sudden she started 2 weeks ago today she and her colleagues. so preparing being kicks as it is. yeah. so cool. this is the reason why i'm learning how to rep being like with leave is to understand the technique of how to read and leave a lot of ideas with this,
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i can start filling wrapped food in order to earn an income. what i want, i don't know. so supporting the middle of the lunch leaves from the farm to local markets can be quite a challenge to buy as both private individuals and food vendors. we use them as rugs a bunch of 10 to 12 leaves kind of close upwards of 208 or they prevail into for around 12 to utah sense. but so i still fuzz buyers micro credit financing to encourage pickup image area. straightforward is often cooked and dropped in plastic pots, but customize overwhelmingly agreed that the food tests a bit wrapped in the leaves. and then of course, there are the huge environmental advantages. according to the you and the jury producers around $2500000.00 tons of plastic every year, making it the 9th was plastic polluter in the was presently waste problem for the environment. then leave on this or is about degree
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table. that's a significant easily be decompose. so it's cool. this is seth from the viral meet on like and fully a mice pool. adults like 9 loan by plastic, that stays in the environment for a number of years. since then, a junior and government to pose a bond on single use plastics. in january 2024. the reason not the good reason to use the leads, it is a chance to turn back the clock and return to a lease with a long tradition here. and when you say a prototype you'll, the miracle plant lease is very important here in southwest interior. because of its health benefit, which it well yeah. so you will need to using the lead the route. so watch has been around since time in the morning i've done really on the medical experts have also told us that using testing to that comes with progressive goodness. and the can
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somebody say for my own guess, i'll call yet all back kind of stuff. the reason that these healthy sustainable resource can be useful more than just trusting fluids with needs in that scene that can fabricate, seduce me into sleeps, i mean to call. so that's instead of using the slits, which is a plastic plastic needs, a plastic kind of on plates to eat. you happy without nancy a better option to use or leave? well needs and shape for you to eat. the groups help to raise awareness of the benefits of these natural substitutes and make a key contribution to with using plastic waste. mold in cities done just suffer from waste problems. housing shortages are a big problem to rank to rise in space, a site. fortunately,
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there are many ideas been developed to solve some of these issues. the salt slide crease in some parts of the water. the tiny house is becoming a trend. as the names such as they of small one room dwellings that can be billed quickly and easily. but we wanted to build a they also climate friendly, a big trip for a small house, a tiny house. it's being set up in honda, the gemini, in the backyard of an apartment building owned by the municipal housing association . it was produced in estonia and costs $10000.00 euros to transport. so for 4 of them have been set up here, costing a 2000 euros each blanket daniel vice lives, one of them. when i focused on top of i actually feel more comfortable in smaller space. it was but the problem was i'm more of a city person. and until now there were no projects like this in the city. we're
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getting our stuff got of the washing machine is suitably tiny, with just the 2 square meters of space. every centimeter accounts, it's minimalism down to a fine arts. and yet a 150 people apply to live here, daniel, vice to give a powerpoint presentation before gaining approval. housing is good in many parts of germany, in the post people on a decent income could afford single family homes like bees. but now they're in short supply and prices that sold the comp and to move to the on his partner indiana ranges. this is provided a business opportunity. they build tiny houses when they're finished, they drive them down the old devoted to customers. tiny house estates us bringing up all the gemini foods to build. and deanna ranges also live in one of these communities. but for the most part,
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local authorities only allow tiny homes on comp sites. that's because many town councils are reluctant to recognize this new type of construction. that's a house phone is of tiny homes. it's called to understand many of the fed up from want to be given equal rights mental tied house like this would fit anywhere. what does it matter if it's on wheels or not? do we actually build them with and without we'll just, you know, i mean, why do we insist on these strict rules that stipulate houses in the village have to have red roofs, or green roofs, or whatever. it's nonsense stuff, it's pretty good. tiny house is really the plus is more. many also a theme, tiny homes are more eco friendly, but that's only partially true. it's certainly the case. the tiny homes are often built of wood from managed forest, which is the full sustainable. and they have a smaller carbon footprint. then buildings made of countries producing just one ton
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of cement alone and met some and 600 kilos, a c o 2. but on the other hand, tiny homes are less energy efficient. even though only a small roommate seating that room has a composite knowledge of yours outside was where heat can escape in 2020 teen more than 1000000 refugees came to gemini. that's the increased the pressure on the housing market and divide into is pushing up orders for the tiny homes. here in northern germany. tiny house is already being used for ukrainian refugees. we meet one family, he moved in here last year. jada possession, considered as a self lucky, even though there are 4 of them living in this brand new tiny home. there's one bedroom for a young son and sister wendell. another 5 south unpack husband,
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the when his apology, paid 90000 euros for it. yeah, on a plastic pots and leave a small farm and ukraine. the whole family then moved to germany. the new home is small, but nice and young. a plastic says she can imagine living here with the family for quite a while. as we know, a lot of funded is getting quotes it bought by how much exactly, and how quickly a citizen scientist is wayne is using his function to make a key contribution to existing knowledge, probably about even a whole b. how's the cost to make a difference? let's take a look. it's just after dawn, but jose pasquals is a man on a mission. he's heading out to see the 73 year old collects weather data on
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land and in the water. i was upset about eunice noticed that the moment i use these special through monitors that you can lower into the c k. uh, but kinda in the process, you have to around 5 minutes of one glass. they flip over to spend display the temperature in the deep by now get on the amount of time to elect them. but i do like a, in this temperature for the past fall knows all about the sea and how to measure it for over half a century. the topography for and son of a fisher has pursued his hobby of the coast of less 13 in northeastern spain, weather, permitting. he goes to see twice a week to document water temperatures in the mediterranean. is maybe that. me see, it's my lies, customize the place. it's almost like a drug, a miracle here that ever since i was little, it's thrill i heat. i mean,
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that is kind of mainly because data like this didn't exist when i was 15 or 20 years old and no, no idea that those they start having reached his 1st measuring point posts up, lowers one of his devices. it shows that at a depth of 30 meters, the water temperature is close to 16 degrees celsius. pascal says the sea surface has warmed by full degrees since he began taking measurements is pretty cool, but the for the village privilege must continue mode. it's worrying escape because rising temperatures caused the water to expand and with that, leaving the sea level to rise equal to the lovely pick those key. i almost know that we can see this on the beach. you lie to spend the money layer, the half a meter narrower ingle. i verify that the beach here has shrunk by 15 meters since 1990. 3. did say that those was made out to go along with the temperature. pascal measures the water, salt content,
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which has to them for providing vital info that fishermen like a sophomore you have come to rely on 50 of them. we at that by star work is closely connected to this data. and one thing, if we know a bit more about at all, like he does, we'd be better fishers for sure. who am i as they walk in and city, i want them to quote, as difficult as the highest piteous piano support at this deal. there are species of fish that can cope with the rising temperatures by myself, sort of the others that are used to warmer water. now come up nor that from more southern areas like a style and of course, the morales posts up task well meticulously notes. the coordinates and measurements then at the local tourist info office, he transfers the data to a website used by scientists worldwide. dealers have you don't see it. so my data in an american trade magazine and compare them to their own findings. i thought about this in the hour they said now they know their satellite instruments are
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working correctly. so tell it is with you and then connect them in pasquals collection of years of data has also made an impression in barcelona. at the institute of maureen sciences, researchers pro how climate change effects plants and animals and humans especially the arctic is affected, says oceanographer jordy sound lot. but so is the mediterranean. and other than that, we're observing bigger changes on the waters surface. then another sees around the world and say that there are regions we call hot spots. and the mediterranean is one of them. you know that as it will meet the new pasquals, how the it has grown and important in this era of climate change, which is why it's his mission to keep taking measurements and do his bit to slow down global warming the
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glen, able to get away as well, and it's painful because it's not a natural process or something, you can see how everything's changed or heavy and how we're changing it and everything's interconnect apart. up the i'll even if only a small part becomes the stable on every things thrown out of balance. the full set past qual has no children, but hopes to find someone to carry on his legacy. still, she plans to keep going out to sea and conducting his measurements, for as long as he can from spain we had sold tomorrow co way human induced climate change. he's already a fixing the countries. a good call to inform us that not only need to adopt how they want to and how this puts the of placing wise and costs for the fuel they use to do it. fortunately, the increasing the able to turn to another abundant energy result the sun. so low
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paul is gaining ground in the agriculture will set to as most of the raise that means sets up to cover on site energy needs the vacation ponds on low con from i'm at bill as, as phil's, have been paused by the sun for 5 years now they used to rely on pertain gas. if also feel you guys have to buy in the city is any hardship we're looking at. so we were determined to stop contributing to the damage being inflicted on our environment. when did so, we decided to switch to solar power as a clean or what didn't go friendly alternative or motivated to it's a good investments occasion and then it's more profitable in terms of business and better for our machinery this farm is located in can you try and read, read genuine note, isn't part of morocco for the past 10 years, with an olive trees of main leaving, joining in the sunday saw here, which can only be done using triple vacation. the know what the,
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what we mix in organic substance about the sand. and the kind of how to, how can we put it into these holes, and you don't have that code because how these hoses function is just attribute already headed. and what was the heading of what was the ad head in the because to middle i even and to keep the whole says from getting blocked out of several 1000 euros way invested in an elaborate filter system. the one that is pumped out of the catch basin is filtered before being spent. flow pipes to the fields. we'll see, i'm not a one. do you the more he med zip. the filters need regular checks and maintenance just because they are vital to the process or something in the motor cars and the document. they're especially important for what's known as a localized irrigation, which requires water and it's free of any sort of impurities paint is 70. so upon is required on investment was approximately 80000 euros, but the system meets all the funds, electricity needs, as companies like check my rock. i've had their work cuts out in recent years. i've
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technician, installation technicians make regular maintenance checks and then it doesn't look at them. so they didn't have level after turning on the pump. well, and the water immediately flows into the tank. and one of our searches now for the, the tumor, which is connected to filters, channels the water to be used for irrigate heading the men because she has a husband, can she did extinction. so even though renewables are ready subsidized by the government, more, more from us, switching to solar palm, the last few years alone under that 10000 solar systems have been installed. the model for spawns tech, my rock is benefiting from vase trend. they offer solar panels with different ratings depending on how much electricity is needed. use mostly for vacation on to to purchase on mig bios to lives as well as a says green energy is was the investment when in suddenly found the east instead of investing in gas upgraded machine was which are expensive and do that.
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we can opt for renewable energy that tells you, and it's actually very profitable. yeah, no, it's a cuts going because within, sorry, here's what i can i keep the money to pay the equipment to any of you. and then after that, i'm making a profit was actually was the end of the call. we'll get some credit card. i need a new one. so from us like i'm at the less a can kill 2 birds with one stone. and more, while also taking better care of the environment is such a large scale sooner. paula requires a lot of investment, which is slowing installations in many countries, and some places since they don't still have access to any sort of electricity, as well as one young getting a veto in malawi is proven with efforts and the modulation plus a lot of determination we can make a big difference to our local community, and it can be sustainable to
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only 12 percent of the population in malawi, haven't access to electricity. but that's changing in some places, at least like here in the jump jingle. things to this ingenious, young inventor, ernest, and due to has harnessed the laws of thermodynamics that you 1st observed in the world around him. gun rambles. the gardening, while i'm in the room, i had to do some investigating what am i to understand the whole process? i do come i z z, a liter i collected with stones that i used to make them actually wasn't able to do with the system, right. what do i do? system work it in that wise. the 19 year old is illuminating homes, one by one, and transforming is home village in rural central. i'm allowing the technology is enabling residents to make more of the hours of darkness for work, study, or leisure technology specialists in the area are now calling for special policies
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. to support innovators like him. so these party, so it didn't fide, and vicky play us, appear to find the rules and even defined as the funding mechanisms. ernest and reduce electricity generation project is under evaluation by them allowing energy regulatory authority. the body says the project has to adhere to. ready the guidelines sometimes the answers are on our own doorstep. thanks for coming along today to take out a cool offer go online for most stimulating reports and ideas. i am chris 11th and legal snyde area by piece and see you next time and send cute all of you for joining us. we'll be back next week with more insights on each version. i am sandra co homes that we, nobody will sign and go from complex, right to in uganda by the,
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the, the
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no simple way to substitute direct to oxford. and my travels along with him as a back to a young country that has known almost her family's history as inseparably things to the struggles of freedom and the desire for peace. and 15 minutes on d. w. did use in norway. so way more electric cars per capita is in the us
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that's right. more than 80 percent and will call told him no way in 2023 more. in truth. how does the country become an electric call? and what does this have to do with in 90 minutes on d w. the get ready for an exciting. i've been trying to look surprised. hi, irish. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to you. have you have a window to talk to me before you go to the spot and the unexpected side to side? you know what i mean? obviously i know i know i might just do it and i'm hoping dw newport
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costs. thank strength amounts, but it's actually about move. join us as we travel around your, facing the history of every day of that. and that's something right around the world. no need to talk about justice subscriber id, listen to paul. gosh, then we'll take you along to the right. this, the shadows of these costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating colonial horrors infected by germany across up and he employed to score farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression, today? history. we need to talk about the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the
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you are watching the double your news live from berlin. victoria's apply to me, bruce and a p, as in moscow, as well as late as condemned his re election through 10 grades, crowds in red square a day off to his victory in elections where he faced no meaningful challenge uses. the vice was biased on repression, ending to invitation. and this route see if it has killed a how must command in a right on one of causes largest hospitals. the military stays in operation against the militant group at the all shameful hospital, nissan going home us health with ours.


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