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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 19, 2024 2:00am-2:16am CET

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the the, you're watching the double you news live from berlin. victoria is applauding me bruce and a p. as in moscow, as well as the latest condemned his re election through 10 grades, crowds in red square a day off to his victory in elections where he faced no meaningful challenge to a uses. the vice was biased on repression and intimidation and the throughout, since it has killed a how must command in a right or one of causes largest hospitals. the military stays an operation against the militant group at the all shameful hospital lease on going home. us health authorities site,
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they have been multiple casualties. the jared raid, welcome to the program. neither of free no fee and that's the verdict waste and capitals have to leave it on russia's presidential election. the countries election commission says vladimir putin was re elected with 87 percent of the device. the poll was held following a crackdown on political opponents. opponents meaning applied any person face, no meaningful opposition. the russian leader has appeared before cheering crowds. in most car it was a try. i'm send applauding the poor 10 who took to the stage a day of to being re elected russian presidents in the land slide. when of the victory coincided with celebration, smoking the 10 year anniversary of the annexation of crimea. natural, you know,
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flying goes by the other election candidates who'd been allowed to stand against him. he sang his supporters for when most had predicted earlier, he claimed his victory was rooted in democratic principles and you most, it's for them when the, the source of authority in the nation, which is the russian people that i knew you would a, it's a, i see scheme that will well, most most divides willing to, to express the support for peace and there was some public discontent. i miss you is my hope that the other candidates would have better results or i don't expect any particular changes near bulletin about there are, there are no candidates my life more. so i voted against them all. i would like you trained to be free and the troops to be withdrawn from their germany called the vote. a pseudo election with voting, taking place and occupied ukraine, violating international law. the vinyl in the election in russia was an election
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with our choice. the election process not only shows hooton's nefarious behavior towards his own people, but also violates the charter of the united nations. i try to find nazi when washington also pointed out the lack of democratic choice state to it would not congratulate food to this was an incredibly un democratic process. and certainly him being president of russia. it does not excuse him, of is of his talk or see the outlines including china, north korea and venice. a beta did congratulate the russian president with the victory crossing putin and not the 6th year to his net quarter century in deva, towards the top proceed. seems and stuff will you know, the news. israel has named the how most command it says it killed during
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a ride at gaza cds all c for hospital science out of my pool was head of the militant islam is groups. internal security department is rouse, intelligent services. he was responsible for coordinating terror attacks and had been hiding in a building in the hospital. complex is around released these images of the ride, the army claims how must militants find that them from the hospital causes how must run hills industry is reporting multiple casualties. many people have been seeking sell to add al, seeing so since the start of the war began in response to the how most of the terror attacks last opportunity about a journalist, somebody still called in jerusalem told us earlier more about the is riley hospital . right? yeah, 1st of all, this is the, she saw hospitality that these really military rated already 4 months ago, took over those hosp, but the way she can pay the games to how mazda the fighters,
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and then we drew from this place. so now it seems that even though is really losing control, so it says of the safety of the northern part of the street. how much has managed to come back to this a complex and indeed well can even see 2 30 in the morning. he's really forces entering the house, but the complex i, the there was the exchange of fire, and the is really, is up talking about more than a plugged a mazda in a fight or killed one is really soldier to, and i, i can tell you that also a journalist from a judge 0 who was covering these events was arrested and taken by these really forces together with many others who are in this a complex. and they've been taken to the question a by these are in the military, a semi circle there where you as president, joy biden has off is rile,
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to send a delegation to washington. to discuss is rouse plans for a ground defensive on rough in southern gaza. bought in his war and prime minister benjamin netanyahu. you got an assault on rough on would be a mistake. roughly one and a half 1000000 people at sheltering day is us national security advisor jake sullivan. our position is that how i should not be allowed to safe haven in rafa or anywhere else. but a major ground operation, there would be a mistake. it would lead to more innocent civilian deaths, worse in the already dire humanitarian crisis. deep in the, in our key and gaza and further isolate israel internationally. more importantly, the key goals israel wants to achieve in rasa can be done by other meats. on the call today present and 5 and asked the prime minister to send the senior interagency team composed of military intelligence and to mandatory and officials to washington in the coming days to hear us concerns about israel's current wrap up planning and the layout and alternative approach that would target tea home us
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elements in rafa, and secure the egypt cause of border without a major ground impatient jack solomon did so enjoy binding ease, requesting daddy's riley officials travel to washington. as benjamin netanyahu doubles down on his plans for a ground defensive and rough. uh. hi, aust, former us ambassador gerald fire. stine, how much pressure the us would be putting on these riley later? i think that clearly the administration is extremely concerned about the potential. uh, you might have to her and catastrophe if the as rallies follow through on those rights to go in. it's a rough of, they've been sick knowing consistently for weeks now that they don't believe that the as roy's have put in place the means to protect the civilian population there. uh and to uh, to target. hum us operative so that are still in the rough area until
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they do that until there is some clear understanding between washington and jerusalem about how to go forward. i think that we're going to see the administration continuing to emphasize the risks. and there is an increasing view of, particularly among the democratic members of congress that you review, i semester ations needs to be more explicit and telling israel to stand back. let's talk about that as the us is pushing for what's being described as an alternative approach. and you're saying it will probably be more explicit. what do you think this alternative approach could mean? well, i think that as, as we heard from from j sullivan, the alternative approach would be not a major ground, defensive and rasa. but something more targeted, more,
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more precise and try to identify where her modest leadership may be hiding. add to add to use other kinds of military means to achieve those targets without the threatening as security of the civilian population. and both of their as someone with many years of diplomatic experience, particularly in the middle east, i'd like to ask you, what do you make of where things stand right now in this conflict as well. i think that increasingly there is a great deal of frustration over the failure of diplomacy to achieve even eliminated ceasefire. we have seen that there's going to be another is really delegation going to continue the negotiations. uh, but uh, but the administration i think is very frustrated that they haven't been able to
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impress on either the as rallies or home us or the need to take steps. now that would address the amount of terry crisis and bring this funding to a hall. and i think that again, as the, uh, the days of the weeks go by, the pressure on the, by the administration to do something more. uh, to bring this conflict to an end is only going to increase. that was phone that us ambassador gerald firestone and busta. thank you very much for your time and your insights today. it's a pleasure is look now at some of the other stories making headlines today. in spain, hundreds of people have taken part in a protest against the killing of civilians and gaza. the event in the city of son, son, sebastian, culminated in protest is lying on the ground to symbolize the dead around a band are inspired by a famous painting by picasso. policing nigeria says say
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gunman, have kid not at least i see 7 people from the village in the northwest residence on the village in a country road and can do an estate. said the bandits arrived on detected because they had parked the motor bikes far away. hundreds of people have been kidnapped recently by gangs of demanding ran some payments as the un human rights council engineer's i is wrapping up. it's discussion of the results of its fact finding mission into your ron's violent repression of protest. the mission says it uncovered. notice torture and force disappearances, that amount to crimes against humanity. investigate is focused on the wrongs responded to mass protests. he lived for the day off in gene mazda. how many in 2022 precisely died from physical violence while in custody since then women, he knew ron have continued to speak up, including this woman saying in the hospital clinic who demanded that a cleric delete photo or is he taken off
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a day down her head covering and now the woman who spoke out against around, you know, authority is flayed the country and he's now here in the lean seeking treatment for an eye injury. she says she soften at the hands of the is riley, a rainy and security forces. journalist bob dot bomb, that is my e mail. you went to meet her i'm sorry, we seem to have problems getting that report and we'll go to our next item now. we spoke with you. so in the, in international criminal and human rights lawyer and also the board chair of the well, it's critically important. it is the only international independent investigation that is currently happening about the primes of the islamic republic of the ron and the report, the 20 page mandated report that came out. and that was presented today at the un human rights council. strongly suggested just just through 3rd state and opening
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structural investigation. so because the possibility of bringing cases any, ron is so limited and so restricted the mission is now recommending that that happen elsewhere where there are, are laws to support that. and they made a finding of crimes against humanity, which is critically important to engage with work crimes units across the world that could look. as the new zealander group of elderly people has been taking a light hearted approach to what is the many, the most serious subjects they've joined, the social club when members can build may be made and build their own coffins. here at hastings coffin club, the cost gets on the exactly what you'd expect. this one's manufactured out by vintage car and t z s complete with lights and even a steering wheel. and why is quite a good handle on caught up at mann and most at the most expense on site. i better
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stop by training because i will be carrying up on the tapes that like halted approach to what is for many the most serious subjects of all that is a whole month of the club and is often elderly members. they've been coming together since 2014 to drink tea. the biscuits and of course, build their own custom coffins, is one of several clubs that have sprung up across new zealand in recent years, offering people the jobs to go out in style, as well as to save money on funeral costs. it's also a place to socialize and discuss death and dying out in the open. so very heavy, lots in charts. and i think it most well not, i think everybody gets here is, except that they're going to die with. they might see me coughing. so with that they volunteer and it doesn't matter if the club says it's open to everyone who
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wants to have a go a decorating what it calls that final bedroom. you're up to date here on dw this more on d, w dot com, social media to i t w is thanks for watching the 1000000 people in what it's in just a 100 days my parents because of my family. what cute. how was this age? i'm on a journey to find out about the resort. the 19 are to put you on the side produce for to see through under my name is some way to shimmer. i'm a feeling makes sleep shaming history out documentary stuff. april 6th on dw.


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