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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  March 19, 2024 6:02am-6:31am CET

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suffices no want of costs. victorious content is promising. no surprise is just more well on ukraine and hostile bluster of the west. western reactions on surprising either with dismissals of a sham vote. criticism or food tends madras, cried down on domestic opponents and the promise of more sanctions and feel go invalid. and this is the day the, it's a, it's a procedure that is supposed to resemble elections. nothing really happened. but he definitely cannot be called the election of the elections or elections. so what this is at the end of course, again keeps keeps up. so i will leave the work democratic de via election. and russia was a vote without a choice. 5, there's a lot to learn also on the day it's time. yeah. since vitamin
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pushed and pushed through the annexation of crime in from ukraine, from kind of me as ukrainian exiles that i'm exciting will never be acceptable, yada deal. so i was born an independent ukraine. i grew up in crimea in independent ukraine. i don't see crimea as different. i do not see it as part of some other state or a little while ago, so that welcome to the date night. the free no fair. that's the verdict. western capitalists have delivered on russia's presidential election. moscow says vitamin fruits and was re elected with 87 percent of the votes for the pole boss house following the crack down on political opponents, leaving mister fulton facing no meaningful opposition. as it was a try. i'm send applauding the pollutant who took to the stage a day of to being re elected russian presidents in the land slide when the victory
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coincided with celebration, smoking the 10 year anniversary of the annexation of crimea, never will, you know, flying or by the other election candidates who'd been allowed to stand against him . he sang his supporters for when most had predicted earlier, he claimed his victory was rooted in democratic principles. and you, most, it's for them when the, the source of authority and the nation, which is the russian people that i knew you would dates, i ceased, you know, while most most divides willing to, to express the support for peace. and there was some public discontent. there is my hope that the other candidates would have better results or i don't expect any particular changes in their bulletin about that. there were no candidates my life, and so i voted against them all. i would like you trained to be free, and the troops to be withdrawn from their germany called the vote,
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a pseudo election with voting, taking place in occupied. you cried. violating international law. the violent the election in russia was an election without the choices. the election process not only shows hooton's nefarious behavior towards his own people, but also violates the charter of the united nations. i try to find not sealing. washington also pointed out the lack of democratic choice state to it would not congratulate food to this was an incredibly on democratic process, and certainly him being president of russia. it does not excuse him, of is of his talk or see the press allies, including china, north korea, and venice. a beta did congratulate the russian president with the victory, grunting putin and not the 6 year tub. his net quarter century in depth towards the top proceed, seems unstoppable. professor said, okay,
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if i changed code teaches the henry i chose and just sent for global affairs of the johns hopkins school of advanced international studies is written extensively on russia past and present to welcome to the dublin professor. why just bought him in person feel he needs to go through what we all assume to be a sure rod of election. well, dictators like to do that decatur like to stress that they have uh, connection to the people, but their rules, their power does not necessarily come from god. although of course, claims that connection as well. so the russian orthodox church, but from the public mandate, i mean the even style and have elections for this matter in the ussr. so it's not whole, not surprising to that. people like who would want to be the electives in quotation marks again on the human rights. i'm just entering by who he needs to impress. give them that he's. he's grateful. empower, appears to be absolute as well. you know who the style of the warranty impressed
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when he had to the elections when he was seen or any number of stuff. so the general secretaries, so they, they like go the legitimacy that comes from public boat vote of public confidence in them even though the polls may be red. um, it's just not all that unusual in, right. come in a stanford in the 1990s they have the same thing with the leaders getting 99 percent of the vote. and then he asked me how much i'm paying, what did he promised about as i'm easy minded to deliver? well, he had a good kind of a campaign i have uh, he had the state of the union address recently in which he set out the various new goals. he highlighted his results to bring the war and ukraine to victorious and highlights of the greater investments and old walks of life or so russia will turn into paradise on his watch. that is sort of what he promised in his way to the
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state of the union. address, but no he did not really contain in the other, in the sense of going from city to city because he felt he did not need to do that . there was a, some rush opposition groups. they organized a space noon protest against the fruits. and i was that the only way to register opposition and did anybody pay any attention as well? you know, the rational position is always trying to come up with various methods of supposing the regime through different meetings, for example, and one of the previous selections, nevada, a. so organization promotes something called smartvault chain where people would uh, both or candidates, selected by nevada named his team in order to prove that would be supported. united russia was not popular and that did not really succeed all that much. and that will this particular a protest vote to entail people coming out at noon on sunday to register their support for nevada. ne, more for freedom in russia and against me. and it's great,
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it's greatest impact was perhaps to what people see each other. so those people who came out into this, into the russian point stations are sort of mainly in europe actually, so that they're not alone. and that's important, as it is a kind of a moral support exercise more than anything else that might have practical consequences for russia itself. a lot of my purse and is what a 71 years old is, gets a, a new 6 year term. is anyone daring to consider what a post coach in russia might look like? as i'm afraid lot, i mean we, we keep talking about what it might look like and who might possibly succeed him. we know it's not going to be done through boeing books. you will have to be carried uh from the criminal in c 1st and then of course the power struggle with them too. but how long this will take is anyone's guess couldn't, can run again in 6 years time. and you could uh, go on for another 20 years and he asked me,
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so i think it's too early to really envision russia after. and it will come one day and we're all hoping for the russia. it's somewhere there in the darkness. the moment i'm not seeing the light of the end of the tunnel quite yet. you mentioned joseph style in a couple of times there, and he makes it to tons and tons you 9 foot and we'll pass mr. stalez who rules that the soviet union for 29. he is. i'm do you think this is an important milestone for him? oh, maybe i don't know what to dreams. all we know, for example, that she is an invasion of ukraine, was perhaps lots of aided by an idea that he's trying to build up some kind of historical legacy as a unifier of what he sees as rational lambs. so being, you know, the longest serving russia and in present history, is that something to drive seem, i don't know, but you know, he's certainly not going to the english power that you know, for sure. all right,
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i thank you so much progress. the 2nd i read shane customer, henry kissinger sent for global defense. you it's not been time. yeah. since months ago, illegally onyx to cry. mia, the occupation follow to an invasion? we're using troops and didn't. when russian insignia, it was the beginning of a decade long boat with ukraine, which culminated in a full scale invasion 2 years ago. probably as location on the black sea makes it a strategically important asset. the financial themselves is a key bass for naples fleets as used to safe god, rush, just a killer to interesting region. try me is also home to ethnic russians and to ukrainians as well as indigenous crime being talented. and others, essentially as the talk to as a for, to present their identity as crime. it was invited by various powers. i'm actually pulled follows tots as an exile who dream of one day returning to the home. it's
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ramadan and keys. many of those praying here are far from home, such as these my of course, the 33 year old, this type of an ethnic group, native to premier data in your so i was born an independent ukraine. i grew up in crimea in independent ukraine. i don't see crimea as different. i do not see it as part of some other state for a little while ago, so that he's my list from you. after rush occupied the peninsula and $24.00 to the senior join to you, create an armed forces and now performs in a military ensemble. here singing a song in his native language and owed to premier going home even to visit has become impossible. a glitch that has to go the lot. so
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2014 the people were free and crime me of that is if you crime didn't really help us there at least it didn't interfere. and no one told us what holidays to celebrate. what days of remembrance we should celebrate or not, what language we should speak and who to vote for, who not to vote for our who to praise or not to praise our. nobody told us this will install them. yeah, godaddy o. powers have been living in crimea for hundreds of years. understanding they were persecuted and deported. the collapse of the soviet union allowed them to return. that freedom didn't last. since russia's occupation in 20142 thirds are again being persecuted, making up the largest group of political prisoners. a round, 50000 towers are reported to have left crimea since 2014. while the ukrainian government estimates more than 500000 russians were brought in. when russian president vladimir putin annex crimea,
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she promised the lives of ordinary people would improve. instead, sections of compact with the economy and democratic rights had been lost by cham, wasn't we, should we see the destruction of culture and heritage, the impossibility of choosing one's native language and educational institutions, origin, public space. so therefore, these are very important things when we describe how people live and cry me on that i'd say that is, it's the territory of feel. but that's a better thought as to who example formula to shape a says when putting invaded crimea, the world looked away. the occupation has seemed to have paved the way for the full scale invasion of 2022. as we have for all today, liberating crimea seems like a daunting challenge. but for ukraine's government it's not up for debate. that's great news from best buy channel or best, no doubt that only liberation of absolutely all types of trees will bring us peace . this probably will ticket this phrase mail to us. there will be no peace until he
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can return home. yeah, fit a last time that i believe in ella, and hope that everything is the same. with his permission, try me. i will still return to ukraine. and there will be safe access and passage for someone like me. last a. i s a chromebook. yeah. chrome you in type hours few a prolonged occupation. could mean the end of their people. like say, going to ranko as an opposition member of the ukrainian parliaments and joins us from cape. welcome to the w, a v issue of crime me a i think has become subsumed in the why the will certainly for the outside world. i one review think the training and government is doing all 8 can to liberate crime you. so yeah, definitely a great in government is doing everything we can to ukraine is doing. and we can to restore completely ukraine entered through integrity and the means to the bread
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crate me on is a deliberate note of crime in a realistic goal. i know. inevitably, you will say yes, but with, as we, as these will process at the 2 e and bach, increasingly what we're hearing people saying, well, russia has that. now, let's deal with this full scale invasion and essentially let them have that. you know, it's impossible to lead them today is because of the actual meaning that there is no international and there is no international law. so it's not just for your cravings, for everybody. it's important. and yes, it is realistic, but the question is about, i'm not telling you that these will happen tomorrow about i'm sure these will happen one day. and, you know, it can be quite unpredictable and quickly. i think many people just 34 years in the fall, maryland wall, all to do would not believe that it would happen. so uh,
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sooner or later, crimea will be under control. i said, but now a lot of may have to say and has been re elected for another, a 6 year term and can go on on, on, on sales. you're trying to main to wrapped you because i think to use the word drill edited non tried to tell, okay, the normal actions in russian federation, he was not elected that towards this combination of fresh inside. you can call it in any way which is dictated to shoot the normal actions in russia. sions, political enemies are the cubes oh, in prison. so we kind of call until election until okay, either way is that for another 6 years, at least i'm can go on for 20. if he chooses and doesn't die a so is full. is there any way that brush or we'll relinquish a crime a do you think of i think the said a,
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you definitely who puts in price to show great me as a, he's ultimate to price. but again, uh that doesn't mean much for me on which means definitely pushes fresh or loan that you upgrade me. i'm going to really yes, i understand this, but i am showing that. so normally the russian federation will fall from like it happened with the russian empire then with some of your junior and these new generation of freshman bar will also fall apart. and i don't have any johnson this would happen during put in. so all we do are happened at the. ready interview, i didn't know how we to what happened. i didn't know for sure that it will happen. and one more thing about the so called elections, i just want to raise your rotation. the routine is no more mentioned to me like president because defeat term with such kind of friend talk to you to on pump
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sewage. we showed with these elections include, you know, through project breakdown territories. and also last year there was a resolution on the bond address. i'm not comfortable, you're saying if you would go for another to him, he would be legitimate and he is no age limit, right? i'm again, forgive me for, for speaking about crime. it's because i've, i've read, i'm looking at it from outside and perhaps it's different looking at to the situation from inside and from within the wall, but that we don't hear so much a boxes anymore. and 11 does after 10 years of occupation. are there any resistance forces less than crime a yes, we see that and we have information from great media and went home and ration, which i held in grania with those. also with the hope of resistance,
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we shoes branding that it's really hard to, to, inc, written in because there is no and russia use uh, yeah, torturing people. ready keep changing, been to jail with no reason. so with no justification. so it's very difficult. but still there are people in crime. yeah. for a region for ukraine to be back. right. so president, as a landscape replaced is the supreme military come on the recently, is the president himself doing enough to secure this a victory? and this will i think the president is doing his best to come under and choose to. now i have a lot of questions, how prison savanski prepared the country for the war. he ran to, to tell me the information the treasury is going to attack and so on. i have a lot of questions about his 1st 3 years in the office on i have to start up in the asian can use doing oregon's best to i really believe me please. to speaking about
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the is the change of support emitted to me colanda. i'm going to do with this move now because i adopt a new supreme military general mr. serious key he's abilities because mr is illusion. they was very respect that a new brand new society that was to offer, you know, kind of a lot of peelers on reach you and some society where's lean on, you know, and the believe of probably knowledge victory too. so that's it. that was important to, at least from chicago on point to view rock president made his decision on we have you separate. come on the final word on backup that you're getting from the west. billions is at the moment stoled in the united states congress because of a domestic policy. is that the you has today announced this
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a new 5000000000 euro trunk of funding for ukraine. your, your thoughts on those 2 issues, please? a man barely married about what's going on in the united states, and it's very bad to that ukraine became part of the internal political struggle. and these something unto is still in the congress. i hope that us congressmen will finally make a decision which is in the best interest of the united states because ukraine is fight and not just for our sales. and also on behalf of the home free mold and for international order. and in the best interest of the united states to and speaking them to you, i want to thank you. we're being leaders. joe, money from the countries were helping ukraine in this situation. and you know, is trying to step in when the united states are wavering and at least doing time.
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and finally, to finish these discussions in the united states. so i want to include finalize, who made united states will fix their debates as soon as possible. that depends on these. thank you for talking to us. we wish you well, your trade in a position legislation. alexa, contract a lo, so 10 years ago as you kind conflict with the rush, it was deepening people power shaking up the political establishment and tie one another country was a huge all of our italian neighbor. hundreds of students seize control of parliament, 12 hundreds of thousands joined demonstrations of support on the straits. the protest help stop a plan to trade. the agreement with china that by said would leave taiwan vulnerable to coercion by beijing. dw is james chase a has been speaking with some of the people who took part a decade ago. hundreds of students storming taiwan legislature. the occupation of
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the building lost in more than 3 weeks through southern charm to express anger at the plans of trade patches of china leaders including dismantling fe fun said it was passed without cross party screws and could leave type a vulnerable to economic pressure from china which claim solvency over time want it was name to sometime these minutes of to deflower became the symbol of the students . quotes for grades of transparency to targeted was eventually scrub. revisiting the legislature building for the 1st time since the occupation leading face on tells us the movement was the turning points, entire ones political history pringle originated other how one is the relations with china. i see what you need to decide it's fine. small group of political leads, but it sounds almost like a trick out. symbolize that, that one is useful, have a desire to, to side. our relationship with china, off by ourselves. empower at the time was a can see it's high when he's policy,
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which then and now favors close to economic ties that they're trying to see every presidential election since they've lost to the now in swinton 19 didn't join the d . p. p which has tried to rims high ones economy all stages influence. but because of the problem with that, so all the integration say it and has been stopped by the towing these people. so does quite the pivotal, far as for instance, itself, our power or relations with a world then though the world was launch, the looking elsewhere, mostly a deadly protest happening at the same time in ukraine. the protest has faced a similar set of questions leave closer to their authoritarian neva, which on the own democratic future. indeed, russians antics station of crimea, triggered by the process and ukraine was formalized on march. the 18th 2014, the exact day protested inside pay to the legislature in taiwan,
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the sunflower movements monthly motions of the new political generation legion. i was just 9 years old. when she, with her parents joined hundreds of thousands on this type, the streets in support of the students. now what university herself, she says with some families, minutes continues to shape you of tie once future. lawrence is a, a, by this, although i lots of people will think on a road. what power do we have? even if there's 100 people, what power do we have if the government wants to do something they can do us? that's why it was such a moving moment. it showed if we worked together, we can change our society, say what it showed taiwan belongs to us a majority of time when he's going to answer the question, which one? despite paging brampton, not military pressure until i pay in recent years on so many he the important se attached to ty one's autonomy. even in the face of such threats, was seated in the sun from movements 10 years ago. to leave you with some weird
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behavior happening, grace sweat, hundreds of people have been pelting each other as part of an old carnival tradition, loveless, gone through tons of flower continues to come. event takes place every year. and the town of deluxe cd, about 200 kilometers west of athens, amongst the end of the carnival season uninstall. so before the day and then period until the east, the, it's kind of looks like fun. does it, and that is the day you can follow a team on social media at the w news basis headlines are always on dw combo on the d. w. have a good the
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because the combining wind episode of how a come for a new opportunity. no, certainly it's a form of the natural to the, to someone up to every one can only imagine how many people will be employed in full. so we have really a king change of eco india next on d w. which superstition reality,
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they are assigned to this day. the dw reporter causing him still follows in the footsteps of her and sister whose state is the solid. g is, which is really a theme in 60 minutes, d, w the, the someone else to see the highlights of selected for you, you every week in you a box subscribe. now, this shadows object, these pop costs and video shed light on the dog is devastating colonial her is infected by germany across and he employed the schools,
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tactic farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread race as depression today? history? we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism, the vm. so my friends is blowing in the wind or maybe doesn't the sunshine. but what is the question? it is keen energy. hello and welcome. i'm sorry to go through body and you're all watching equal in depth ad. in today's episode, we try to understand what are the opportunities and challenges that come with the new over the energy cetera. states across india are trying to expand the renewable energy capacity to go down and force.


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