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tv   Eco India  Deutsche Welle  March 19, 2024 6:30am-7:01am CET

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storage farms and destroyed sides. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression, today? history. we need to talk about here the stories, shadows of german colonialism, the vm. so my friends is blowing in the wind or maybe to the sunshine. but what is the question? it is keen, energy, hello and welcome. i'm sorry to go through body and you're all watching equal in depth ad. in today's episode, we try to understand what are the opportunities and challenges that come with the new over the energy. the southern states across india are trying to expand the renewable energy capacity to cut down and forces. india is less than state of
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wizard. odd. last deal analysis major plans to boast, it's solar and wind project. it's spinning a lot of hope or the hybrid system that both fuse potentials are report on board to low down of how it works. bob in good job, is it down of 25000 people. it doesn't look unusual, but when the farm was head out to the field in the morning, then now the boss and imposing both done. it's a hybrid solo and been from spending $650.00 heck, there is a plant. the plant produces clean electricity from when the sun at the same time. good job offers ideal conditions for the hybrid system, situated near the tropic of cancer and the already been see, it has plenty of in, on more than 300 days of sunshine or your fall operators have long since discovered the region. why the joint these will distance for vin,
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so let have your projects. so this means um, in terms of the i lose some in terms of the dirtiest one is better. so then you compared to other other district and was it off then be found the better? it'll be some for them to be using do some hybrid systems or for a decisive advantage by d. they utilize the energy of both the sun and the wind. and even when the sun goes down, the still generate follow from the wind. in the has so far, commission hybrid loans with the capacity of $1.00 gigawatts, that's about the equivalent to one and a half model. coal fired power station. and that will, you is expected to increase more than 6 food by the end of next year. exploits, believe the high investment costs linked to these blogs when the job as major operators enter the ok. good idea. where do you this last year is to be able to help you pack the cost of dependency on manufacturing. really reduce and be
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we'll also get here and the job song. so i'm the find off on produce is going to be created. good. so definitely this last clear is out of required in order to make the system model for the but the max is one such plant. the company dies about a quarter of its revenues from hybrid solar wind. once it's clean electricity is sold to industrial customers across which dropped the bottle plans at also an opportunity for the people. bob? yeah, the company says it runs target. it's gun things to recruit walkers from the local area and then invited directly or indirectly, 200 or 200 people are currently involved in the the mex initiative. one can only imagine how many people will be employed once a project begins in full. so we have one more usaa. yeah, around an hour and a half drive from barbara is the city of dodge, quote. b, which will guide you, runs a small company here,
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manufacturing hybrid systems. but these systems are much smaller and designed to work independently of the central follow great details of how it all began. man, let's get out there. and that's why, but i know i lived in my village all the rest. yeah. we used to have problems with the electricity we didn't have so let and would experience frequent follow thirds in 2010 when i was in great. then i made a window buying and installed it in my house. that's how i started this business. not up all the systems go to places that have no other source of electricity. they use a lot of good models. the company has so far set up systems and schools voted tribal zones and coastal areas. in a typical system like these would cost between $5.00 and $6.00 lack for bees or around $6600.00. utilize a vehicle
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a globally. there's only one option for the storage and that is batteries. bottle can only be saved to a battery, but the battery cost is high. and so the hybrid model is expensive right now because of the battery to the fuse is visiting a client and us with the sub was there to think on what's going on. and somebody else runs his own business and has been testing the hybrid system on his roof for 2 months now. he was already using solar power before, but now his energy bills just a quarter of would be what luck. one drobek of solar energy was that it only provided follower during the day. but because i'm not using the solar and wind high bid, martin, i get an uninterrupted stoplight $24.00 a day. dare say use improvement. big name companies still dominique the market following solar hybrid systems. but fusion lagaurdia is betting on
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a future. invision, smaller firms like hits can secure a nice to supply the technology for smaller scale use like households. the, the thing, the government recently announced a policy for the sector. so now those insulin and the d will also stock manufacturing window binds as many people are already preparing for it. the market right now has a lot of solar, but you know, about the year it will be flooded with wind turbines to there be a lot of competition. the reason that india is already the, was for the largest producer of the new but energy following china. the us and visit, but it still generates most of electricity by boarding fossil fuels. the government has an ambitious plot by 2050. it wants huff of the electricity generated in the
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country to come from renewables. exports 6 hybrid, both loans that combined the forces of solar and we could be key achieving that goal in constructing more solar fox and wind farms is one thing. but for logging them into existing energy grids is a whole different thing. and that just because these energy grids were built way before the advent of pm, is your mobile energy. we wanted to understand how can these grids be adapted so we can access, gain energy when be wanted, wherever you wanted. when's the last time you plugged in your phone and it didn't charge? well, depending on where you live, this might have never happens. i mean, i didn't take it for granted that most of the time the electricity is coming out and your device where this is kelly centers. he's an engineer who researches how energy systems of all. so what's going on behind the scenes is actually like from
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the electricity you use is only generated as you use. and to get to you a trip to an intricate network, buyers, cables, and transformers called the grids. the grid is made up of the generators that create the electricity, like gas or nuclear power plants, or wind turbines. the transmission lines that carry it to so called substations, which transform into a lower voltage and the distribution lines that's finally delivered to homes and businesses. so solar panels and waiting turbans, they kind of have a mind um, so we can quite control them as well as we can, the possible generators that we've had in the past dispatch of go means electricity sources we have available pretty much on demands like coal gas power plants kind of turn them up and turn them down according to how you want me to operate solar and wind of the opposite of this non dispatcher,
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but we need the sun to shine and the wind to blow for them to work. and this flakiness has changed the way our grids are managed. i wouldn't say so much, or it's a different color that we have to compare to that was it gets to the study. yes, back. this is tim maya you against the c o o of one of germany's for good operators . in germany, more than 40 percent of the tricity comes from renewable sources. it's supposed to reach 80 percent by 2030. so what challenges does a high shelf wind and solar throw up? well as the one they make, you depend on the width. is more to exactly what we can expect to dictate. we unfortunately gotten a lot better at this, but even the best tool cause come changed with the german words don't. cuz loud to doc doldrums describes times when there is little sun and little wins and great
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oper right has nightmare. and even on the days with plenty of balls, they might not be there exactly when the needed a renewable energy, if you like. how many, for example, i'm always there where you have so low. germany produces most of its wind energy and the north, most of it's solar energy in the south is currently no way to getting large amounts of wind energy down south where there's a lot of demand from industry or much solar energy up north for that matter. it's a similar story in the us. most wind energy is generated in the middle of the country, but more than 2 thirds of the population lives here within 100 miles of the boat. so that's where the demand is. consequently, wind and so not causing grid of rates as a whole lot of headaches. but what if they are the problem about the grids? historically, we've put the power stations close to our cities and broad fuels like cold or gas, so later uranium to them the electricity usually didn't have to travel from solar
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and winds, on the other hand, have to be put to where the fuel so sunshine, wind is most abundant and utility companies on the only ones generating power. people are putting solar panels on the roofs. for example, traditional consumers are turning in to generate took over the tricity. things have changed since the old, but upgrades happened. they don't fit the energy system. we're trying to build so we have to be stressful. the electricity from where it's produced to where it's needed. so we have the power. this means we have to get to come next out. that's why grendel provides a tenant, as buildings, you'd link the 700 kilometer high voltage transmission line, connecting germany's north to itself. when the sun doesn't shine in the south, to click it, wind energy from the north. at least that's the idea. there's transmission lines, the very, very large transmission lines is really good. so you have operating rate issues,
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you have issues over, you know, people that are concerned about in detroit. stacy's and environmental impacts. so building those projects take a really long time and they be really, really expensive to keep top just to build storage and switch to supply energy when it's needed to kind of salt up periods, which bathroom repack. so already popping up more and more, the charge the battery, when the spanish signing of the wind is blowing and then you discharge it. when those solar resources are wind resources, wind down. some grades also store energy was come title to use, so it plus electricity to come water up a hill and let it run down through a turbine. when you need it back off these solutions can only shift a few hours worth of energy, though full of days or weeks. for example, to cover flow to we need other solutions like hydrogen. we can make it from
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renewable electricity and spend burnett and power plants without any c o 2 emissions. that doesn't mean that we show the hydrogen all the time because it's not very efficient, right? but for some situations we will still need it. and then there's another part of the solution which up until recently haven't really been discussed. we could be the opportunity. so you can increase generations to meet demand. you can also lower demand to kind of need to apply somewhere in the middle. the vision is to build a technology driven smart grid that gets oper right, does a lot more information to flexibly balance supply and demand of all this sounds incredibly challenging and expensive? well, that's because it is this industry study. it calculates about to head down that 0 targets grits worldwide to meet $1.00 trillion dollars of investments every year
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until 2015. and that's excluding new solar panels of wind turbines. changing the grid is a monumental task, but it's when we need to tackle if we're serious about quitting fossil fuel. because in the end of the back to the end of the transition. so we're not successful. the energy transition below incense, successful. and for me is that the race we might win so that no, i totally i gotcha got in and y'all has now become very disappears with extreme temperatures. it actually could be in force and the changing climate. despite all of those, the fruits and vegetables them, the form of managed to little 40 percent of them are splay because of $700.00 seasons, including lack of proper storage and the extreme heat at the sun. a cooperative anom. this others have found a way to done the culprit into an acid and come up with a solution that is good for the profit and for the planet. for somebody to devalue
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2 and his wife, every day begins with a po. farming is a business with a lot of ups and downs. so every little bit helps, especially now that he's been making some big changes on his phone. and it was on the i've been farming for 8 years now. and 6 years ago i shifted to organic farming without pesticides like an hour later, then you end up with god, but it's still not easy to convince. come to you most to pay the higher costs of organic produce. anyhow, why do you want them? well, that's also true here in the nearby city of the day about the markets are full of produce grown using conventional methods. immediately off to harvesting families and deals find themselves introduced against time, trying to sell the produce before it. spite
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hygiene, doing storage and transportation often falls by the wayside. and the farmers don't always get a fair price. bracket somebody that the vitals from things i'm older likes to 2nd to day he's meeting with them, but i do not allow them to the 2 of them are leading the way to solve the problems that follows the fees. what does this company i was telling you? the government started a scheme to promote from a cooperative, which a good farmer producing organizations by offering subsidies to make funding most sustainable and profitable. we will start with some more than $200.00 of us, came together and formed an f p o of our own. enter. well, we slowly changing how we farm and sell approaches. so on this, when did you find what i'm gonna go down to get a quote guys going to into an age old method? stells invented, but not enough food is ready to pick. a beef dug on the front. and if the colorful
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flour falls off easily, the fruit is ready after the crops, how, how does do they load it onto this decades old track the but instead of rushing to find to buy a, they bring to have is just a few 100 meters will be to the new so low followed golden rule that follow up to do so. organization allows them to get subsidies to finance upgrades like this golden rule, which can be used by all the members of the law. well, normally we would still all the harvest in warehouses, water, which often going to clean them up anyway, the temperature was not well controlled for musical quality that was in regular air condition, storage would have cost too much to fall under computers, but it saves us a lot of money going to use us a renewable resource, the some money to generate power as well. so it's quite good from the new article, an entity that produce is safely stored here under the watchful eye of somebody
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that handles all of the storage and processing for the farmers. the solo, by what golden rule was developed by an indian start up. their goal was to reduce the amount of produce that spices right? that the farm it says in southern india is hot and humid. climate produce boys quickly unless it's stored in a call room. immediately off, the harvest. go to look for us to get more for us to co operatives. farmers have already started using the cold room regularly with them all the best and they started by storing pulses here. as well as highly perishable tropes like that she lives in october, it comes with it. and what i was like, the farmers who used to call dream of seeing their margins increased by up to 10 or 12 to send some things i've never done. so now with them, but at the net alone, no longer has to rush to higher workers and celebrate you straight away. he can take his time and make sure his families get the best price,
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as opposed to like the is costs about 1200000 rubies or 13000 euros. 3 quarters of the cost was covered by government subsidies available to farmers. well, investing in sustainable technologies by toyota and southern india is going to region. the rainy season can make it hard to rely entirely on solar power. in the monsoon season, this and this guy is overcast for longer than a couple of days at a stretch. the batteries run out of power. well, this is an issue during the long monsoons. we do have the option of clicking the code room to the power grid. stated that expedients with gold storage on the phone has been good. that's why the farmers have also set up a processing center to make packaged products from unsold inventory. if they can handle both storage and processing in house,
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they can cut out brokers and middle men and sell it directly to consumers. the we now buying prod you straight from a farm is and compete them 10 to 15 percent of the market rate. and of course we hope to sell fresh annual process produce at our own supermarket soon. so what am i going to go to the internet vision and then go to the back at home, somebody that the vital is experimenting with new food varieties for them, but then we'll perishable. but better storage processing and distribution will help and the organic produce will give his income a boost to watch a 5 dollar deal with that to your don't have to wait for your utility to provide you with in follow up. you can do and today to, to all says, i knew the warranty would need to be a homeowner or have a roof before the solar panel. and we tried to figure out how this works. even on a cloudy day in building solar power for your own household. that's the promise of
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so called the balcony. so a plants tow mendelian form, a sales manager couldn't, of the land is just about to have one installed into account. wait for me, central time. so excited in. yeah, it's been 2 years since i 1st started thinking about getting a system up and running the football from the balcony. so the plants like just like photovoltaic systems on the roof, but on a much smaller scale, they can be set up on a terrace attached to a balcony railing, or in front of it. like here with simple brackets, engineers over at detroit has installed about a 100 of them as anybody comes with that and the state. typically, a balcony system consists of one or 2 solar modules. so that all of these modules contain crystals that convert sunlight into direct current to or d c. suddenly suppose the of clift, direct insights pulled on monday when difficulties to this inverter then turns the dc into ac,
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which is the type of electrical current used in the household in on next is told me . and also then i simply insert this ground, it plugged into the socket, will stick the end, the power is fed into my household pool, and that's how i can use my solar system to run a mixer or a cable in cohen i need to consume how about can you generated power fast? any access is fed into the public grid? the system is a money saver according to x, but a germany's federal network agency. the model house hired an average household with a comparatively large, well positioned balcony system in a sunny spot facing south. mister touch, talked to can generate 15 percent of its electricity consumption using the back. how can we system all sorts of, you know, back on never come on background. that's why and appealing prospect some full 100000 households operate balcony systems across gemini, but types of us. but if the real number is double that, although there's a fine, many people con people the,
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to register the balcony systems which are gaining popularity across europe. the critics argue the panels are unsightly, unsuitables all buildings with land box status. they can damage a facade, or even pose of safety hazard. windows installed properly 40 kilometers from berlin, locals behind the push for shift to renewable energy saver. these the centralized systems specialist as well. that helps the advantages that you don't need to be a homeowner with your own launch, rooftop full of solar panels. you can use solar energy produced on a small balcony all the time, like as the aspect of freedom, and basically having the opportunity to take care of the power consumption by myself and berlin. oliver long used to research, so sales as a physicist. today he sells balcony systems. most models are produced in china. he says, the cheapest costs around 150 years for consumers, that's investment and payoff quickly. the moment currently,
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if you do the assembly yourself don't choose expensive brackets and out for the cheapest balcony power plant model. so one of the chinese models, which are definitely reliable products that will last several years. and if you're also at home a lot itself so that you can make use of the power immediately, then in 3 to 4 years, the system will have paid for itself and the privacy on multi field. but does the environment profit to after of all, and it takes a lot of energy to produce. those will take panels. but it's worth it because they have as much energy within the space of 2 years as the combined power needed to produce transport and eventually dispose of the systems. and so the panels have generally proved to be durable. on larger systems, which are now 20 or 25 years old and often still produced as much as 80 to 90 percent of their initial output. so of course panel the size do not have a sweeping impact on germany's overall power use stuck somehow. i think even if we
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attached panels to all suitable balconies across the country, we'd still only manage to beat one percent or less of our overall energy needs. first and foremost, balcony helps on stuff that own us. going as happy to be making a small contribution to the shift to renewables. later, she will show off her own new power plants to curious neighbors. now, all she needs is the sun to come out. it has been so existing toilet on so much about renewable energy and sees so many unique waters propping up. have you ever seen any such a innovations in sweet energy at all and you don't have to so you can email us all these out to me directly on my social media honda, i will see you next week until then take care. good bye, lois god. the
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to the superstition reality they are assigned to this day. the dw reporter causing him still follows in the footsteps offer. and sister who is at stake is the solid. g is, which is really a thing of the past 30 minutes, dw flamingoes. apple albania is not.
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is an internationally recognized nature reserve the government test on the boosting. tours in 5 building and as pushing climbing over to get create in 19 minutes on d. w, the one you're interested in, today's my power is going to be bunch of smart pharmacy. what cute. how was this age? i'm on a journey to find out about the russo to 19 or to put you on the site to see. rhonda, my name is some way to ship me there. i'm afraid it makes sleep shaming history out documentary stuffs, april 6th, on data or you conflicts. crises,
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every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality. the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, the,
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this is the w use live from the then you as president joe biden ones, the, as well as the prime minister benjamin netanyahu against expanding his full style palms, pots of kansas city bite. and it tells me that in yahoo and a phone call to these deeply concerned about his weight and plans for the sofa. rafa one and a half 1000000 people a shelf right? victoria slaton, a boat and a p. as in moscow, as well as the latest condemned his re, election greets crowns in red square a day of his victory and elections where he faced no means.


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