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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 19, 2024 8:00am-8:31am CET

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the, the, this is the w use mind from the, the, in the united states, ones as well against expanding the war on how much to rough up come i should not be allowed a safe haven in rockville or anywhere else, but a major ground operation there would be a mistake by the strikes target, the area, and the guys as big as possible. the west president says he's deeply concerned about his way. the plans for an assault on the southern city with southern bunch of the population and sheltering ukraine's forces per path. a new russian itself, so the front lines has a face, a shortage of ammunition. we visit the town of coupons in the firing line at home
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called legislative restock the fates on a national security law. that would eliminate many of the territories remaining freedoms, previous attempts, positive or met with mass protects the i've been physical and woke up us president joe biden has repeated his deep concerns over as well as plans for a ground offensive in bravo. he made the comments on the phone to as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu. that 1st such coal in the month, around one of the half 1000000 people at sheltering there. it's the main entry point for aid that yahoo has refused to go back plans for a ground operation. and goes to the city is well, has again attacked the she for hospital complex saying it killed the top commander
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of homeless, which carried down feel type of 7 terror attacks in israel. 5 and his honest a yahoo to send a delegation to washington to discuss the rough or offensive is us national security advisor jake sullivan. our position is that how should not be allowed a safe haven in rockville or anywhere else, but a major ground operation, there would be a mistake. it would lead to more innocent civilian deaths, worse in the already dire humanitarian crisis. deep in the, in our key in gaza and further isolate israel internationally. more importantly, the key goals israel wants to achieve and rasa can be done by other meats. on the call today, president biden asked the prime minister to send the senior interagency team composed of military intelligence and humanitarian officials to washington in the coming days to hear us concerns about israel's current wrap up planning and the layout and alternative approach that would target t from us elements in rafa and secure the egypt because of border without
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a major ground in beach. that's close over to dw corresponding time you came by in jerusalem, who is, is well sending in its delegation to washington. a while we understand that the delegation will leave as well as sometime soon it's in delegation of senior is really or officials we're being told here to discuss and washington uh, alternative approaches that could be seen as the u. s. s. ministration has a very strongly criticized plan, spied these ready guffman to go ahead with an a potential military operation. olsen roof, where over 1000000 a palestinians are showing at the moment. so we heard that there from national security advisor jake sullivan, calling it's a mistake such a ground operation. and i think this is also part of the growing
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a frustration here that we've heard over the past week from the us administration. a over is, was conduct of more that not enough aid is coming in to gauze so that that has to be done more to protect civilians, palestinians there in garza. but also that there's no way of progress in those in direct hostage, a toolbox or a toolbox for a temporary cease fire between from us and as well. and we understand that also us secretary antony blinking is expected in the region this week to push for such an agreement that is, is rarely expected to budge under us pressure. i mean, we've heard of prime minister benjamin netanyahu the time and time again saying that is well needs to go into rough of to achieve the goal of eliminating come us.
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he says there are several battalions of from us left in the sauce. and this needs to be done to remove them from power. you said it on sunday again during a cabinet meeting and was very vocal about is now hearing is well, it's seen. you know, it's a very complex picture because a majority of the people here of the public does support a war and also supports the r d f. if they say it's necessary to go into russell, but not on the expense of further straining, a d u as is really relationships. so that people saying commentators here that are, you know, the us support should not be taken for granted. especially when it comes also to the military support and that's with you as president to fight. and that's one of the friendly as to as presidents, the closest ally that is well has. and the other thing that basically uh, the administration shouldn't into fear in domestic politics. and i think it all comes down to what pressure of the u. s. is going to expire to be seen also in the
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past week. so some steps this they've taken that they didn't seem before as imposing sanctions on a violent is really a settlers and the occupied westbank is also of course, a lot of concern when it comes to the military age. but i mean, we haven't seen anything in that regard happening yet from the united states, the latest day from tanya claimant for us in jerusalem. a house of thousands of experiencing catastrophic hunger, according to where you went back for board. unless it is urgent intervention, it was found that is imminent. israel is facing increasing pressure from its allies around the world. 2 of them will ride into the boat on tower train, huge crowds of guys and gather to receive aid at the shelter run by the united nations agency for palestinian refugees amid in increasing hunger crisis and the gaza strip. where aid has only been trickling in since the beginning of the war
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the people are dying. we are asking the era people to press for a ceasefire in god. so we are exhausted and dying. the united nations as published and slaves report warning that god is on the brink of famine. the un humanitarian coordinator and gaza says that he's working with israel to open up more land routes for 8 shipments. as soon as the goods come in the 200 trucks a day or whatever the case may be, is not enough to satisfy the, the, the numbers that we have to address. and so as soon as goods come in, they don't get stored anywhere very for very long unless we can, to significant supply increases into those areas. those people who can shop catastrophic levels of a amount nutritional food insecurity will at face. we will see these problems. the use top diplomat, joseph bro, believes israel is using famine as a weapon of war and gaza. we on no long gone on to think of, i mean,
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we are in a state or funding affecting was enough people. we can not stand by and watch about his dni and stuff. what that will be going to do because this is this, i mean there's not a natural disaster. it's not the flaw. there's not that hes. quake is entirely mine made my home. that's what they have to say it. my home. well in each shipment arrived in garza from cypress and some countries have sponsored air drops. agencies say that this is nowhere near enough and cannot replace the aid delivered via land crossings. for dozens of humanitarian aid trucks, a weight permission to reach people in garza more news related
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to gaza and other world news headlines though. e u foreign ministers have agreed on sanctioning violent is riley said, lives in the occupied westbank, something l correspondent, just alluded to. the settlements considered illegal under international law. it's been a massive increase in sampling violence against palestinian since how most of october, 7th terrorist attacks. japan central bank has scrapped its negative interest rates, and other longstanding policies intended to stimulate the economy. it's depends 1st, rate hike in 17. his bump will stay around 0 for now. at least a 1000 people have been killed in hazy as violence in gulf, the capital and spreads common targeted homes in several neighborhoods, including those that have been peaceful until now. embrace to searched since the stuff of the month is gangs buying for control. donald trump lloyd say he can't
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post a bunch covering his 454000000 dollar fine. fortunately, inflating his wealth, the former president is trying to challenge his conviction in a new york civil court about 1st needs to put off the money or an appeal bond. if he doesn't, and the court could begin seizing his assets by next week of the ukraine is preparing for renewed russian assaults along its front lines. that's according to a report from the case defense ministry. fortifications likely include at the tank, obstacles, trenches and mine. fields reports as ukraine stoled counter offensive last year has forced its military into a more defensive for it could be on skin the hockey region was occupied in the 1st days of the full scale invasion, but was recaptured by ukrainian forces for almost 6 months. the w visited the town to see how residents are preparing for the thread of
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a renewed invasion. the air read sirens are parts of everyday life. for the 3 and a half 1000 people, remaining inconvenienced before russia's invasion, were 10 times as many people here. this hospital is the only intact medical facility in the town, but much of it has been destroyed on the face of the doctors remain and are forced to work and improvise conditions. and the most personal, we have relief through the occupation. we have flipped through the daily patients for people with lifting basement inquiry doors on the floor when there were sharing with most we didn't leave, we could use sweet lit well. and as long as there were rockets, a mortar, so, but when the bumping started, we weren't a friend to. tatiana believes that the ukrainian armed forces will hold copy on which he's ready to leave. the finding intensifies. she's afraid to lift
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through another occupation. though i think members of the search and rescue group roses on the hand to evacuate people from the front, there are more than 60 volunteers and the roses on the hand team. they do not receive a salary for their work and most hold down full time jobs, as they say they're motivated by the desire to help despite the risk to their lives . so before we came up with the we had a big inflection, summer, and early autumn, the d. my niece, it's going to come on the banks and each team would take $150.00 to $200.00 people per month for tell them your piece. but then there was some kind of decline, which always sort c o now is showing has started again, but her ability and a lot of people know every day, someone nice or even several people. when you have continued to the rumors of an attack, have started to spread the april. so that's why people are leaving more often from will be just yourself,
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which i appreciate that on the outskirts of could be honest. alexander sees off nadia in autumn. she moved to the city from the village of pet deposit, which was almost completely destroyed. now she's afraid to stay and could be understood on those who was but this was the reason for my son said ma'am li feet is going to be held here. oh my god, he said, there will be a 2nd enough discussing the dealership. i didn't think so. i was thinking, okay, maybe god will take us away. you bring everything for nadia and others like her life from the front line has become too dangerous to traveling further from the russian border in a desperate search for safety as the war drags on like bottom is a senior fellow in wolf studies at kings college london. what would it mean if to be honest words if you read take it? as i say, keep young's is a town,
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a city on quite a wide body of water. the axes, as a natural defensive bull was to that whole region around hockey that the ukrainians took back in september 22. so if it was a phone and it is quite difficult because it is well defended as his natural water featured to defend it, then that would open up the area behind it. so hockey, which is the 2nd biggest city in ukraine. how has ukraine's army been preparing to fend off this russian event? so your listeners will be aware that the ukrainians, schultz, all the munition and supplies from the west. and so they have been focusing on actually doing what the russians have been doing over the last year, which is digging deeper trenches and falsifications. i'm trying to create obstacles in that. so you have several layers of trenches going backwards. that will slow the
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rush is gone, and i would imagine that around could be, and particularly with that was the feature is going to be very, very hard for the russians. take it off to his election victory about as vladimir food and talked about creating a buffer zone on ukrainian territory. can you tell us more about that this? absolutely. so, over the last couple of months, as those supplies droid out, ukraine has looked to where it couldn't keep the men some up in the war. one of those areas is attacking the oil refineries and population russian troops within russia. and because of that, the piece in is arguing the whole area of russian ukrainian territory along the russian border needs to be held as a buffers i. but at the moment, if you look at why russian troops all with a new train, they probably hold about all that territory they need to, you know, the ukrainian or russian borders such as like,
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almost 2 keys again. and so if the russians want to create that buff is out and they have to retake lots of territory almost all the way to keep. so trying to recreate the area that they had in the initial invasion, that they lost very, very quickly off the initial invasion. so what are your queens chances then? uh, in preventing such a buff isn't being set up. so you clayton's fortunes over the near rest on 2 things. one is the number of troops that they can raise from the run the population. and there's a bill at the moment being discussed in the cleaning parliaments about how they manage that conscription efforts. and the other, of course, is western supplies, protecting things like tennessee shells. and as we know that so being held up at the moment because the americans are tied up in, in american domestic politics. so if you claim does not those things raise its own troops and it has less than supplies,
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it will have no problem holding off these russian tax. and if it doesn't have those things, i think it's going to be very, very difficult for them eventually to hold by russian forces because they are so much more numerous. they can so little about that right in casualties and they have much grades of supply loans. so mike, is there any more to ukraine strategy moving forward apart from those 2 points? you mentioned. so you client is, is planning waiting day on the waiting effectively. so the outcome of the us presidential election, which is tom, gets in then i think he claims is john's is a great, you diminished and a 5 and gets re elected. then i think we'll see a resumption of westland supplies. so in this interim period, this 6 months, 8 months that we have now, ukraine is on the defensive, within its own territory. but it is trying to make games and demonstrate movements of outside of the surgery. and it's doing that in,
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in 2 ways. really 3 ways. one is in the black sea in the maritime areas, taking the flight to the russian fleets quite successfully. i think they sunk 2 ships in february flushing ships so, so attacking russian oil infrastructure because it damages the russian economy, not damages the russian war. effort and lives during these cross border attacks that we've seen in the last few days in belt at brands. so really you claims in a holding pass and it's going to try and demonstrate that i mentioned outside the country last it's on the defensive, within the country like bottom from king's college london. thank you very much for the insights you just places in hong kong appear on the verge of passing a controversial security. little long, criticized for contra being human rights. it's the demand of china is central government in beijing, which has asserted so far. he on the territory massive street, both tests in over here use stumps, the government from implementing the legislation, but with many opposition activists in jail or in exile. it's expected to pass
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through parliament with these. let's take a look at board article $23.00 entails, as it requires hong kong to suppress the sense and threats to the government. the bill contains broad provisions against fries and interaction espionage, destructive activities, endangering national security and external interference. human rights advocates say it for magically undermines due process and the right to effect trial. the moment that changed everything. july 1st, 1997 when britain handed over hong kong to china, which promised to respect the principle of one country to systems. that meant that hong kong ers could enjoy many of the democratic freedoms they had under british rule, under hong kong. so many constitution but in 2003, beijing tried to introduce security laws under article $23.00 of that many
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constitution. hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets and protest, and the proposal was withdrawn. in 2014, a civil disobedience movement arose, pushing for more democratic government. organizers feared that the police might crack down. and everyone has to stay, highly alert. riley has been peaceful but now to your guys and plus the bullets i've been transferred to the government headquarters. that soon after the police forcefully cleared protest camps and the government did not relent. setting the stage for future classes with democracy. activists of 5 years later, another series of widespread protests sparked by a proposal to extradite criminal suspects. the mainland china was met with a harsh police response. no one is upgrade. we have more and more angry. you never know what the government will put on this i'm,
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i'm just worried about the cold. rather than answering the protesters, demands the following year, beijing impose the new national security law. the defined many anti government efforts as the session and subversion and assigned life sentences for many of those so called crimes. that was it for many of hong kong is pro democracy activists. dozens of opposition leaders were arrested, along with journalists and ordinary citizens. others went into exile. independent media was silenced, phasing signal that it had fully taken over in 2022 when g as in ping arrived in hong kong to swear. and john lee, as the territories chief executive or the ceremony happened on july 1st 25 years to the day after the british hand over to service, lee has said that the new security legislation is a priority and with the opposition vanquished, he's likely to get his wish i'd like to bring it now correspond and phoebe called
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it appears hong kong is fast tracking this new security legislation. why the urgency as well? yes, definitely the speed of se, uh, strengthening. and also the potential passage is even much faster than anyone could expect in hong kong. and that it has to only 12 days um to have to that's just patient table. it's for the final round up screen to me that's just aisha saying it was last. it was fast released in earlier this month, that was the time when the general public 1st have to chose to learn about the actual birth things and the detailed penalties of the over 200 patients of legal crosses. and now the government says it was 2 other that did the legislation because as soon as possible, the earlier the fat to as they say, as a stress over over again. and beijing also explicitly expresses fluid to ask the government to get it done. as soon as possible because uh it is uh. 7 1 of the last,
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uh, pictures of the national security mechanics, some of the home code has to pull up the loop hose left off to the 2019 protest. and that case, long political, the face that the government set, it will allow phone call to move forward to focus on uh, economic development. but on the other hand, put it to the end of the say, it is seem to be like another tech takes for the government to uh to, to use this strategy to catch the critics. especially the overseas pressure groups off the god. because it's simply make it even harder for them to react in this for a short period of time. phoebe, there were plenty of new clauses in the little walk us through the most contentious of the or well they. 2 many definitions of national security concepts in this slow that are new to hong kong is and they were so fast defined in hong kong, a legal mechana some uh, for example,
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are external forces. it's not only including the foreign governments and political organizations, but also on normal international organizations on that. 7 7 anyone who anyone from an external forces who glue with the external forces to uh uh, to. 5 disseminate misleading and force information turn thing to national security . that could be a crime that to put people in show for at that case. uh and also apart from that, that definition upstate. see chris uh, also appear to be uh, pretty broad and tough. uh that being says uh. 5 classified social, economic, and technological information involving the chinese at home from government. so that something really concerning for many of the parties here in hong kong. and considering all of those protests that went on for so long and now this very short
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period of time and trying to get this legislation of through by the government, what's been the reaction, it is indeed a very complex implications. and also sentiments uh to the general public in hong kong because when we look back in the last attempt off, the government trying to push for the same legislation, article 23 of domestic version of the national security law. in fact, in 2003, it ended up in uh with like a complete failure with a massive protest forcing officials through step now and also change the course of home cones, the democratic movements for more than a decade. but now 20 yes. on is a totally different story here with being there, little resistance through this article 23 um throughout the past month or 2. and uh though,
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like we spoke to some of the stakeholders that were concerned about the law, say the channel is a union set also some form businesses in hong kong. they uh, like pretend they're acting pretty cautious um, to the implications of this start out though. they try to avoid some of the defense and oppositional opinions to governments. but it's really hot for them together. boys are like pretty huts by the government because of the current political situation and they said they would just have to wait and see how the logo be implemented in the foreseeable future. the very latest day from now correspondent and home come. phoebe com. thank you. a reminder of our top story this out of us president joe biden has one of these males finding this opinion, been then yahoo against carrying out a ground defensive in the gaza city city of rough. um, hold on one and a half 1000000 people at sheltering that at yahoo approved plans for an assault
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last week for the details. remain unclear. except that documentary on nature under threats. and he'll be in the i've been for the let's see, next down. the
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flamingos. apple albania is not, is an internationally recognized nature reserve the public government test on the boosting. tours in by building and as the 1st in line to get the next on the w legal is drowning in the state,
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ministry of the environment is now banned. single use plastic closing huge problems . meaning if we're looking at the long term environmental on effects of finding out for 60 minutes on dw the, you'll see about the video that goes in the media and legal law. give a lot done. but again, i will stop into that and i'll give you a go on, but you are you able to order that up? joe, media, doctor coverage. the more people than ever on the move world wide in such a base are nice to be able to use man, and they can't mess with the, like godaddy audio p, meg the front page and that, you know, does all of pearson menissi school or the, i'm was moved, 3 gets expose,
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go to lecture and find out about all the story info, migraines, reliable news for migrant wherever they may be. the a sanctuary for books in southern albania, each year unique homes, the books in nor to lagoon. every day we can count here from 2000 up to 4000 for the individuals if we put the airplane to be completed, the disaster nearby the government is building an international airport right in the middle of a nature preserve.


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