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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 19, 2024 11:00am-11:31am CET

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the, the, this is dw, use life from the land. another stock warning about the stopping civilians of guys that 100 percent of the population in gaza is at severe levels of acute fluid insecure. as it's raining forces pounds the territory and find a new offensive both washington and that you when say gas. and it's a reading phase so hung a catastrophe facing the shortage of the munition ukraine's forces preparing for due rush and insults to the front lines because of the town of copy on which could be re take it. at home homes, they just like
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a response to faith for the national security though that would eliminate many of the territories remaining freedoms. previous attempts to posit we met with mass protest the i've been visible and woke up. the us is one that all of gaza is facing starvation, secretary of state anthony, blinking made the remarks as he prepared to head back to the middle east. you'll meet top officials in saudi arabia and egypt in hopes of brokering a ceasefire and wrapping up a deliveries because a 100 percent of the population in gaza is that severe levels of acute food and security. that's the 1st time an entire population has been so classified.
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as we also see again, according to, in this case, the united nations, a 100 percent. the totality of the population is in need of humanitarian assistance . lincoln was referring to a new you went back food security assessment, the ones half of guidance, and now experiencing catastrophic hunger. and that famine could hit the little soon if a deliveries and not immediately increased. there's been growing on these among as well as allies about the human cost of its war against thomas, which began after the radical islamist groups terror attack on october 7th. huge crowds of thousands gathered to receive aid at this shelter run by the united nations agency for palestinian refugees amid an increasing hunger crisis and the gaza strip were aid has only been trickling in since the beginning of the war. the people are dying. we are asking the era people to press for a ceasefire in god,
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so we are exhausted in dying. the united nations has published its latest report warning that gaza is on the brink of famine. the you in humanity are you and coordinator and gaza says that he's working with israel to open up more land routes for 8 shipments. but soon as the goods come in, the 200 drops a day, or whatever the case may be, is not enough to satisfy the, the numbers that we have to address. and so as soon as goods come in, they don't get stored anywhere very for very long unless we can put significant supply increases into those areas. those people who can shop catastrophic levels of a ammonia interested in or at food insecurity will at face. we will see these problems the use top diplomat, joseph bro, believes israel is using famine as a weapon of war and gaza. we on no longer on, on the bidding of, i mean we are in this state or funding affecting was enough people as we can not stand by and watchable justine and stuff.
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what that will be going to do because this is this, i mean is not a natural disaster. it's not a flaw. there's not the hes. quake is entirely mine made my home. that's what they have to say it. my home. well in each shipment arrived in garza from cypress and some countries have sponsored air drops. agencies say that this is nowhere near enough and cannot replace the aid delivered via land crossings. for dozens of humanitarian aid trucks, a weight permission to reach people in gaza. how widely is famine affecting people in gaza? i put that question to type yes of age of the world health organization. so
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everyone can guys that he's hungry. we have seen that for months now. so this is a, this is not truly use to chase and when our teams were going to reach hospitals, people were stopped. think i would trucks hoping that there would be some forwarding. but when we get to the hospital is patients 1st task before asking for full medicines. so this is, this has to be ongoing. now what's, what this reports and this analysis has shown is really the 3rd that the, this, this is not really the breaking point. so children are dying from, from starvation. the analysis showed up, well of household basically escaping meals. that to the, to the entire households go, we don't any thoughtful days and nights, especially in the north of the country. and that's the one out of 3 children in north of guys that age on the 2 piece, a goodly mongers. and yesterday we have to use
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a visa thing to hospitals in the north end and health workers were sitting the to the i see saw crosby, mom latricia with, with this 6 a mom and was children being there in a hospital. i guess almost 5 is the note included in that assessment. i it kinda imagine they'd be skipping meals or having to go for days on end without eating. so what we are really seeing is that people are hungry for it and this should not be happening. this is as, as we have just heard, this is completely manmade and it's, it's affordable. we need more for to come simply on one hand because of the facilities. there is no a way of reducing fluid inside gaza. secondly, there is a restricted access simply what is getting game is, is not, you know, a deal of getting things wrong guys that is complicated because of the level of
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destruction, of, of infrastructure rules are no longer there. so just little bit of rain and then any trucking gets stuck in the month time is obviously of the essence here. is that still a chance to get to those people who need that food most say well, we need to deliver for now. now if we want to avoid people dying from hunger so, so recall is road to make sure that all crossings that can be used uh, used you know, you know, obviously the way, so we bring good, we bring a not only the phone but also a few medical supplies and everything, what is needed? eventually what we need is a ceasefire because even if we just things do people, if there is, if there was a bombardment, if bonus continued to ring down people, you guys up, we will see more that people will not be able this age will not be able to be
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disappeared and from the health perspective, health workers are patients who not be able to get health services in the house. that goes simply because, as we have seen yesterday, a guess and she thought that the cost of those become a battle ground and then even with supplies getting a, that's not how people did not receive health services. we've already seen a efforts to get aid in. they'll just uh, buy land but also by see from the air. i mean what is going to change the situation besides a ceasefire? as we point out what we need, we need to seem to access. what is happening now is the 1st, you don't have, you know, sofa across these land crossings because air drops and a c root can not replace uh, trucks getting uh, there are
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a hundreds of trucks outside the roof. i tried to get in but because of the, of the lengthy, a clearance process. these things can not come in. and that was the supplies, again, not only for but everything goes just inside guys that we need to be able to, to go and distribute where it's needed. for example, a half of the times we tried to reach hospitals, we don't get security guarantees. then there are a lengthy check points where there are delays. so really the one thing is is, is to have a ceasefire at the same time to get the fluid restricted access for humanitarian up to bring to, to, to, to bring what is needed. eric, yes, i believe it's from the world health organization. thank you very much for joining us here on the w use. thank you. us presidential byte and has repeated his concerns over as well as plans for ground offensive and profit to prime minister benjamin netanyahu. it was their 1st phone call in a month, around one and
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a half 1000000 people, the sheltering and about that. it's the main entry point for aid that yahoo approved plans for ground operation. they last week in kansas city as well has again attacked the chief of hospital complex saying it killed a top how most command. 2 i asked that jerusalem correspondent tonya claimant, israel will bowed to you waste pressure to that in more right as well that it's still just see um we've heard a prime minister benjamin netanyahu token time and time again. that's a r and military operational. the expansion of the ground operation to rustle is absolutely necessary to achieve the goal, to remove a moss from power to eliminate those of remaining homeless battalions as he put it . and it's seen and, and these relatives and mixed reaction to that. i mean the, those commentators to say that if i shouldn't take it for granted to have all this
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us support also when it comes to military military support, that this close relationship is very important. on the other hand, that also those saying that the us shouldn't, in to fit in domestic politics. so it will all depend how much pressure us is actually exerting on is what have you seen so most to have taken in the last weeks . for example, sanctions on is really settlers and the occupied of westbank. but of course, there's always the concern is right of what it means. so when it comes to military aid from the united states, but of course we haven't seen a such moose they yet from the us ministration. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making news. peruvian authorities have rated houses belonging to former president mountain the scanner as part of a corruption problem. he told the price opposite. the searches that he hadn't committed any crimes, and was cooperating with prosecutors. officials relates, he was part of a bribery network law,
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serving as president from 2018 to 2020. donald trump's lawyers say he can't post a bond covering his $454000000.00 fine for fortunately, inflating his wealth. if the president is trying to challenge his conviction in the new york civil court 1st needs to put up the money or an appeal bond. if he 1000, the court could begin seizing his assets. by next week. it will make isn't gabby. i have voted to send the bill that would scrap a band on female genital mutilation to a committee for further discussion. the practice has been a legal since 2015, but his limit conservatives want to reinstate it. don't just say the procedure has no health benefits is extremely painful and can cause long term damage. ukraine is preparing for renewed russian adults along its front lines. and so according to our report from the u. k. 's defense ministry fortifications likely
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include at the tank, obstacles, trenches and mine fields. the report says ukraine sold counter offensive last year as forced its military into a more defensive mode. coupons, in the hockey of region was occupied in the 1st days of the full scale invasion, but it was recaptured by you credit and forces up to about 6 months, dw visited the town to see how residents of preparing for the thread of a renewed invasion air raid sirens are part of everyday life. for the 3 and a half 1000 people remaining and beyond. before rushes invasion were 10 times as many people here. this hospital is the only intact medical facility in the town. but much of it has been destroyed. on the face of the doctors remain and are forced to work and provide conditions. most personally, we have left for the occupation. we have flipped through the daily patients for
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people with lifting basement inquiry doors on the floor when there were showing with most we didn't leave, we could use sweet lit well. and as long as there were rockets, a mortar. but when the booming started, we weren't a friend to as to the government believes that the ukrainian armed forces will hold could be on which he is ready to leave. finding intensifies, she's afraid to live through another occupation. members of the search and rescue group bruises on the hand to evacuate people from the front. there are more than 60 volunteers and the roses on the hand team. they do not receive a salary for their work and most hold down full time jobs. they say they're motivated by the desire to help despite the risk to their lives. so before we came up with say we had a big inflection, summer, and early autumn, the d my, my niece,
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it's going to come on and up with benjamin. each team would take $150.00 to $200.00 people per month for tell me your piece, but then there was some kind of decline, which he always sort see, oh, now is showing has started again, but her ability and a lot of people know every day someone nice or even several people when you have continued to do more of an attack, has started to spread the april. so that's why people are leaving more often from will be just yourself, which i appreciate that on the outskirts of could be honest. alexander sees off nadia in autumn, she moved to the city from the village of pet or positive con, which was almost completely destroyed. now she's afraid to stay and could be on hold on those who was but this was the reason for my son said ma'am li feet is going to be held here. oh my god, he said, there will be a 2nd enough discuss if you ever took i didn't think so. i was thinking ok, maybe god will take us away. you bring everything for nadia and others like her
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life from the front line has become too dangerous. the travelling further from the russian border in a desperate search for safety as the war drags on. i asked mike martin from king's colleagues, london, what if would mean if could be honest because we take or keep young's is a town or city on quite a wide body of water. the axes as a natural defensive bull to that whole region around hockey that the ukrainians took back in september 22. so if it was a phone and it is quite difficult because it is well defended as his natural water featured to defend it, then that would open up the area behind it. so hockey, which is the 2nd biggest city in you, cried, how has your credit finally been preparing to fend off this russian event? so your listeners will be aware that the ukrainians show told the munition and
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supplies from the west. and so they have been focusing on actually doing what the russians have been doing over the last year, which is digging deeper trenches and fortifications. i'm trying to create obstacles in debt. so you have several layers of trenches going backwards that will slow the russian and bonds. and i would imagine that around could be, and particularly with that water feature is going to be very, very hard for the russians. take it off to his election, victory bushes vladimir putin and talked about creating a buffer zone on ukrainian territory. can you tell us more about that this? absolutely. so, over the last couple of months, as those supplies droid out, ukraine has looked to where it couldn't keep the men some up in the war. one of those areas is attacking oil refineries and population russian troops within russia. and because of that, the teaching is arguing,
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the whole area of russian. you train the entire tree along the russian border needs to be held as a buffers i. but at the moment, if you look at why russian troops saw with a new train, they probably hold about all that territory they need to, you know, the ukrainian or russian border, such as like, almost 2 keys again. and so if the russians want to create that buff is out and they have to retake lots of territory almost all the way to keep. so trying to recreate the area that they had in the initial invasion, that they lost very, very quickly off the initial invasion. so what are your questions chances then, uh, in, in preventing such a buffet and being set up. so you clayton's fortunes over the near to rest on 2 things. one is the number of troops that they can raise from their own population. and there's a bill at the moment being discussed in the credit in parliament about how they
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manage that conscription efforts. and the other, of course, is western supplies, particular things like tennessee shells. and as we know that so being held up at the moment because the americans are tied up in, in american domestic politics. so if you client does have those things raises and troops and it has western supplies, it will have no problem holding off these russian tax. and if it doesn't have those things, i think it's going to be very, very difficult for them eventually to help. but russian forces because they are so much more numerous, they cast so little about that right in casualties and they have much grades of supply loans. so mike, is that any more to ukraine strategy moving forward apart from those 2 points? you mentioned. so you, client is, is playing the waiting game on the waiting effectively. so the outcome of the us presidential election, which is come, gets in then i think the kinds is,
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charles is a great diminished and they fight and gets re elected. then i think we'll see a resumption of western supplies. so in this interim period, this 6 months, 8 months that we have now, ukraine is on the defensive, within its own territory. but it is trying to make gains and demonstrate movements outside of the surgery and is doing that in, in 2 ways. really 3 ways. one is in the black, see in the mouse on areas taking the flight to the russian fleets quite successfully. i think they sunk 2 ships in february, each washing ships so, so attacking russian oil infrastructure because it damages the russian economy and not damages the russian war effort. and is doing these cross border attacks that we've seen in the last few days and belted. right. so really you claims in a holding pass and it's going to try and demonstrate that i mentioned outside the country was this on the defensive, within the country by bought them from king's college london. thank you very much for the insights in hazy, at least a dozen people have died in attacks in the last
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a common targeted homes in several neighborhoods of the capital, including those that had been peaceful until now. the rest is searched as gangs buying full control. the dead bodies lying on the streets, some with gunshot wounds. invitation capital. the situation foot on duty citizens remains dangerous. off to the latest v, a fly lens. this is too much abuse. people to fight to wake up. stop moving your feet of brothers, a folding. i can't talk anymore. um, gangs went on the rampage into a fluent areas of the capital bought opens the tact homes, a bank at a gas station. these victims were people looking to feed their children, especially in the evening full going home. that the ones who come home late among
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the public transport drivers have left more than 5 children behind. and i recognize some of them. the recent escalation in gang biden's as a spot documented duty in crisis with food supplies, good. leaving many on the brink of simon and hundreds of thousands of people not forced to flee from their homes. reason their leaders are putting effort into establishing a new leadership structure in haiti, but faith resistance from within the country. i understand that asian stakeholders are very close to finalizing membership and remain inactive discussions with care come leaders as a make as a, as it relates to the make up of the transitional presidential council. and the t p . c's goal is to work for and improve the lives of all haitians and we're seeing
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gain members do the exact opposite. gang leaders also demanding, let's say in the future of the trouble island nation and threatened politicians who could joined the president to counsel for the transition to elections in haiti. and this ongoing kills for the increases the suffering of patients starting to some of the world news now in viet them a property, develop a has gone on trial, accused of cheating investors out of 350000000 euros. it's the latest and a wave of high profile cases as we have them call me in his government cracks down on corruption. the country's largest fraud trial started this month with an other property tycoon alleged to have embezzled over 11000000000 euros. artificial intelligence giant in the video has unveiled and you, flagship, a i chip that it says could be up to 30 times faster. the semi conduct amaica is
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the 3rd most valuable company in the world, thanks to the boon in artificial intelligence. they just light is in hong kong, up here on the verge of passing a controversial new security law, long criticized for country beating human rights. it's the demand of china central government, the badging, which has asserted it's authority on the territory. massive street protests in earlier use stopped the government from implementing the legislation, but with many opposition activists in jail or in the exile. it's expected to pass through parliament with ease. hong kong was once known for its broad personal freedoms. is look now at how badging has tightened date scrape over the years. the moment that changed everything, july 1st, 1997 when britain handed over hong kong to china, which promised to respect the principle of one country to systems. that meant that
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hong kong ers could enjoy many of the democratic freedoms they'd had under british rule. under hong kong, so many constitution but in 2003 basing tried to introduce security laws under article 23 of that many constitution. hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in protest. and the proposal was withdrawn in 2014 if civil disobedience movement arose, pushing for more democratic government organizers, fear that the police might crack down and everyone has to stay. highly alert. riley has been peaceful but now to your guys and plus the bullets have been transferred to the government headquarters. i soon after the police forcefully cleared protest camps and the government did not relent. setting the stage for future classes with democracy activists. 5 years later, another series of widespread protests sparked by
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a proposal to extradite criminal suspects. the mainland china was met with a harsh police response. no one is upgrade. 6 we have more and more angry. you never know what the government will put on there. and i'm just worried about the cold. rather than answering the protesters, demands the following year, beijing impose the new national security law. the defined many anti government efforts as the session and subversion and assigned live sentences for many of those so called crimes. that was it for many of hong kong is pro democracy activists. dozens of opposition leaders were arrested, along with journalists and ordinary citizens. others went into exile, independent media was silenced, phasing signal that it had fully taken over in 2022 when jeez and ping arrived in hong kong to swear. and john lee, as the territory is chief executive or the ceremony happened on july 1st 25 years
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to the day after the british hand over on service. lee has said that the new security legislation is a priority and with the opposition vanquished, he's likely to get his wish. as of next, the emotional connection we have without sponsor, i've been as a link and you keep us mccain of will have your own use. next down, the
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